283 research outputs found

    Reversible electrokinetic adsorption barriers for the removal of organochlorine herbicide from spiked soils

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    This work aims to describe the removal of clopyralid from clay soils using electrokinetically assisted soil flushing (EKSF) coupled with a permeable reactive barrier (PRB), consisting of beds of Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC). To do this, two strategies have been evaluated on bench-scale electroremediation facilities (175 dm3): electrokinetic adsorption barrier (EKAB) and reversible electrokinetic adsorption barrier (REKAB). Likewise, to clarify the contribution of the different mechanisms to remediation process results are compared to those obtained in a reference test (without applying an electric field) and to results obtained in the EKSF of soils polluted with compounds with different polarity and vapour pressure. Results show that during EKAB and REKAB tests, clopyralid is removed from the soil by adsorption in PRB, electrokinetic transport and, very less decisively, by evaporation. The application of polarity reversion attains a higher retention of clopyralid in the activated carbon-PRB and a better regulation of pH because of the neutralization of H+ and OH− generated in the electrolyte wells. After 30 days of operation, the removal of clopyralid by EKAB is 45% while it reaches 57% in the case of REKAB

    Estudio preliminar de la expresión proteómica cerebral de la región hipocampal de ratas expuestas a diferentes niveles de estrés inducido por el nado forzado

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    Introducción: en general, los estímulos estresores pueden inducir respuestas adaptativas o mal adaptativasdependiendo, entre otras cosas, de su intensidad y la duración. Sin embargo, no se han llevado a caboestudios que relacionen cuantitativa y cualitativamente la intensidad de estrés al que es expuesto unanimal y la expresión de proteínas del hipocampo. Objetivo: evaluar la expresión diferencial de proteínashipocampales en ratas Wistar-UIS, expuestas a diferentes niveles de estrés inducido por el nado forzado.Materiales y métodos: se utilizaron 30 ratas Wistar-UIS machos distribuidas aleatoriamente en 3 grupossegún el tiempo de exposición al nado forzado como estímulo estresor (0, 5 y 15 minutos). Después de24 horas se extrajeron los hipocampos dorsales y se realizó electroforesis bidimensional de las proteínasextraídas. A continuación, se llevó a cabo el procesamiento de las imágenes de los geles obtenidosutilizando el software PDQUEST 2D. Aquellas proteínas en las se detectaron intensidades asociadasa los tiempos de exposición al estímulo, se identificaron de manera presuntiva utilizando la base dedatos bioinformática Export Protein Analysis System (EXPASY). Resultados: de acuerdo con el análisisproteómico y bioinformático se identificaron 60 proteínas, de las cuales, 38 eran comunes al hipocampoderecho e izquierdo; 13 del hipocampo derecho y 9 del izquierdo. Conclusión: se encontraron diferenciasen la expresión de proteínas entre el hipocampo derecho e izquierdo del tipo dosis dependientesdecrecientes después de haber sometido a los animales a diferentes niveles de estrés inducido por laprueba de nado forzado. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 17-27Palabras clave: Estrés, hipocampo, proteómica, nado forzado Introduction: in general stressful stimuli can induce adaptive maladaptive responses, depending among otherthings, of their intensity and duration. However, no studies were found in the literature that link quantitatively andqualitatively the intensity of stress to which an animal is exposed, and hippocampal protein expression. Objective:to evaluate the differential hippocampal protein expression in Wistar-UIS rats, exposed to dissimilar levels ofstress induced by forced swimming. Materials and methods: we used 30 rats randomly assigned to 3 groupsaccording to duration of exposure to forced swimming as stressor stimulus (0, 5 and 15 minutes). 24 hours afterthe dorsal hippocampi were removed and two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed to the extracted proteins.Then, image processing of the gels obtained was performed using the PDQuest 2D software. Those proteins inwhich intensities were detected associated with the stimulus-exposure times were presumptively identified usingExport Protein Analysis System (EXPASY) a bioinformatics database. Results: according to the bioinformaticand proteomic analyses we identified 60 proteins, 38 of which were common to both left and right hippocampi, 13were found only in the right hippocampi and 9 in the left. Conclusion: dose-dependent decreasing rate differencesin protein expression between the left and right hippocampus were found after animals were subjected to differentlevels of stress induced by forced swimming test. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 17-27Keywords: Stress, hippocampus, proteomic, forced swimmin

    Comparison of two 8-week training interventions on the athletic performance of padel players

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    Padel is an intermittent racket sport played in pairs (2 vs. 2) on a small-sized grass court (20 x 10 m), involving high physical fitness demands for the players. Therefore, this study aims to compare the effect of two 8-week in-season training programs on the athletic performance of male padel players. Participants (age, 22.1±0.8 yr; body height, 182.0±1.0 cm ; body mass, 74.7±0.7 kg) were randomly assigned to the integrated training group (IG, n=12) and non-integrated training group (NIG, n=12). The IG trained inside the padel court, integrating neuromuscular exercises with sport-specific (i.e., use of the racket) technical actions. The NIG trained outside the padel court, performing the same neuromuscular exercises and sport-specific technical actions as the IG, although not simultaneously. Before and after the intervention, athletes were assessed for their hand-grip strength, two legged and one-legged Abalakov jump, bench press performance, padel stroke velocity, cardiorespiratory endurance (30-15IFT), 5-m and 10-m linear sprint time and change of direction ability at 90º and 180º using left and right leg. Both groups improved their scores on Abalakov jump tests, bench press performance, stroke velocity, cardiorespiratory endurance (30-15IFT), and change of direction ability at 90º and 180º (all changes p<.05; effect size = 0.22-2.58). The IG improved stroke velocity compared to NIG (p<.05), and only the IG showed pre-post improvements (p<.05; effect size = 0.30-0.76) in change of direction ability at 90º and 180º involving the non-dominant leg (i.e., turn to the right). An 8-week in-season integrated training approach and a non-integrated training approach may induce similar improvements in athletic performance among highly trained male padel players. However, the neuromuscular training program involving an integration of padel-specific and non-specific training exercises may induce greater improvements in padel-specific performance (i.e., stroke velocity) and change of direction speed ability, particularly in movements involving the non-dominant leg

    Estudio preliminar de la expresión proteómica cerebral de la región hipocampal de ratas expuestas a diferentes niveles de estrés inducido por el nado forzado

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    Introducción: en general, los estímulos estresores pueden inducir respuestas adaptativas o mal adaptativasdependiendo, entre otras cosas, de su intensidad y la duración. Sin embargo, no se han llevado a caboestudios que relacionen cuantitativa y cualitativamente la intensidad de estrés al que es expuesto unanimal y la expresión de proteínas del hipocampo. Objetivo: evaluar la expresión diferencial de proteínashipocampales en ratas Wistar-UIS, expuestas a diferentes niveles de estrés inducido por el nado forzado.Materiales y métodos: se utilizaron 30 ratas Wistar-UIS machos distribuidas aleatoriamente en 3 grupossegún el tiempo de exposición al nado forzado como estímulo estresor (0, 5 y 15 minutos). Después de24 horas se extrajeron los hipocampos dorsales y se realizó electroforesis bidimensional de las proteínasextraídas. A continuación, se llevó a cabo el procesamiento de las imágenes de los geles obtenidosutilizando el software PDQUEST 2D. Aquellas proteínas en las se detectaron intensidades asociadasa los tiempos de exposición al estímulo, se identificaron de manera presuntiva utilizando la base dedatos bioinformática Export Protein Analysis System (EXPASY). Resultados: de acuerdo con el análisisproteómico y bioinformático se identificaron 60 proteínas, de las cuales, 38 eran comunes al hipocampoderecho e izquierdo; 13 del hipocampo derecho y 9 del izquierdo. Conclusión: se encontraron diferenciasen la expresión de proteínas entre el hipocampo derecho e izquierdo del tipo dosis dependientesdecrecientes después de haber sometido a los animales a diferentes niveles de estrés inducido por laprueba de nado forzado. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 17-27Palabras clave: Estrés, hipocampo, proteómica, nado forzado Introduction: in general stressful stimuli can induce adaptive maladaptive responses, depending among otherthings, of their intensity and duration. However, no studies were found in the literature that link quantitatively andqualitatively the intensity of stress to which an animal is exposed, and hippocampal protein expression. Objective:to evaluate the differential hippocampal protein expression in Wistar-UIS rats, exposed to dissimilar levels ofstress induced by forced swimming. Materials and methods: we used 30 rats randomly assigned to 3 groupsaccording to duration of exposure to forced swimming as stressor stimulus (0, 5 and 15 minutes). 24 hours afterthe dorsal hippocampi were removed and two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed to the extracted proteins.Then, image processing of the gels obtained was performed using the PDQuest 2D software. Those proteins inwhich intensities were detected associated with the stimulus-exposure times were presumptively identified usingExport Protein Analysis System (EXPASY) a bioinformatics database. Results: according to the bioinformaticand proteomic analyses we identified 60 proteins, 38 of which were common to both left and right hippocampi, 13were found only in the right hippocampi and 9 in the left. Conclusion: dose-dependent decreasing rate differencesin protein expression between the left and right hippocampus were found after animals were subjected to differentlevels of stress induced by forced swimming test. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 17-27Keywords: Stress, hippocampus, proteomic, forced swimmin

    Are electrochemical fences effective in the retention of pollution?

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    In this work, a three-month test is used to evaluate the role of electrokinetic fences in the prevention of the diffusion of herbicide in case of accidental spills of large amounts of highly concentrated products in clay soil. To do this, a mock-up (0.95 × 2.00 × 0.50 m3) is used and an electrokinetic fence is placed far away from the hydraulic plume in order to mitigate the effect of the diffuse pollution caused by the spill of an important amount of 2,4-dichlorofenoxiacetic acid (2,4-D) and oxyfluorfen. The results confirm that diffusion of pollutants is important and that the presence of an electrokinetic fence can contain micellar pollutants and help to minimize the trespassing of soluble pollutants, although they cannot fully prevent this trespass. The results obtained in this work are compared to those obtained in previous works, in which fence technology with surrounding electrode placement was evaluated and important differences were pointed out; this has generated valuable data for the design of this technology

    Caracterizacion de la autoatribucion de comportamientos socialmente responsables de los estudiantes cohorte 2009 de la Universidad de Talca

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    93 p.El propósito de la presente investigación es caracterizar la autoatribución de comportamientos socialmente responsables e intenciones a la base, y su relación con variables sociodemográficas y cognitivas en estudiantes cohorte 2009 de la Universidad de Talca. El diseño del estudio es de tipo descriptivo correlacional y la metodología empleada cuantitativa. Se aplicó un cuestionario de Autoatribución de Comportamientos Socialmente Responsables e Intenciones a la Base a una muestra de 1106 estudiantes cohorte 2009 pertenecientes a todas las carreras de pregrado de la Universidad de Talca. Los resultados obtenidos fueron relacionados con variables sociodemográficas y cognitivas de los sujetos. Luego de analizar los datos utilizando el software SPSS versión 15.0 fue necesario reducir ítemes del cuestionario utilizado para aumentar la consistencia interna de las subescalas del mismo. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes se autoatribuyen comportamientos socialmente responsables y que sus intenciones a la base, son basadas principalmente en el beneficio propio. Así también, existen diferencias significativas según el sexo, el establecimiento educacional de procedencia, el nivel educacional alcanzado por los padres, el área académica y el rendimiento académico

    Screening for celiac disease in the general population and in high-risk groups

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    BACKGROUND: Celiac disease (CD) occurs in approximately 1% of the Western population. It is a lifelong disorder that is associated with impaired quality of life (QOL) and an excessive risk of comorbidity and death. OBJECTIVES: To review the literature on screening for CD in relation to the current World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for mass screening. METHODS: We performed a PubMed search to identify indexed papers on CD screening with a publication date from 1900 until 1 June 2014. When we deemed an abstract relevant, we read the corresponding paper in detail. RESULTS: CD fulfills several WHO criteria for mass screening (high prevalence, available treatment and difficult clinical detection), but it has not yet been established that treatment of asymptomatic CD may reduce the excessive risk of severe complications, leading to higher QOL nor that it is cost-effective. CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence is not sufficient to support mass screening for CD, but active case-finding may be appropriate, as we recognize that most patients with CD will still be missed by this strategy. Although proof of benefit is still lacking, screening for CD may be appropriate in high-risk groups

    Evaluación de la expresión y correlación de HLA-G y sHLA-G como factores pronósticos en el carcinoma renal

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    El antígeno leucocitario humano G (HLA-G) presenta un amplio espectro de funciones inmunosupresoras, jugando un papel importante en la tolerancia materno-fetal y en la aceptación de los aloinjertos en los pacientes transplantados como consecuencia de sus propiedades tolerogénicas. Asimismo, se ha encontrado expresión de HLA-G tanto en tumores sólidos como en desórdenes linfoproliferativos, asociándose esta expresión a una disminución o pérdida de las respuestas inmunes mediadas por células NK y T, y a menudo a un aumento de la tumorogenicidad. En cuanto a sHLA-G, ha sido también detectado en el plasma de pacientes con diferentes tipos de enfermedades malignas. En cáncer renal, la expresión de HLA-G se ha detectado tanto en lesiones tumorales como en líneas celulares de cáncer renal, y se ha visto como los niveles plasmáticos de sHLA-G son mayores en los pacientes con CCR respecto a los controles sano

    Enhanced electrolytic treatment for the removal of clopyralid and lindane

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    In this work, it is evaluated the more critical point of a new electrochemical technology for the removal of organic pollutants based on the regeneration of granular active carbon (GAC) (that can be used efficiently to concentrate aqueous wastes) with methanol and in the electrochemical treatment of methanol with conductive diamond electrochemical oxidation (CDEO). The system proposed was studied with lindane and clopyralid. Results show that it is possible the complete removal of the raw pesticides and intermediates formed by electrolyzing these species in methanol media and that both sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide can be used as supporting electrolyte to increase the conductivity of methanol. The cell voltages obtained are quite similar to those obtained during the electrolysis of aqueous wastes. The electrolysis of these dilute solutions does not generate significant concentrations of intermediates and the depletion of the raw pollutant fits well to a pseudo-first order kinetic model. Oxidants capable to oxidize iodide to iodine are produced during the electrolysis in methanol media and they have an important influence on the degradation of the pollutants. The new technology, based on the concentration of the pollutant before electrolysis, allows to remove completely pollutants from soil and soil washing fluids in a more efficient way, although the concentration of pollutant attained and, hence, the efficiency of the overall removal process depends on the adsorption equilibria of the pollutant in aqueous and methanol media