3,066 research outputs found

    Prevalencia en nuestro medio de las deformidades dinámicas posicionales del hallux como secuela de las fracturas de tercio medio y distal de tibia

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    Dynamic positional deformity of the hallux is a relatively new disease, precisely because of its innovative nature and dynamics may go unnoticed to clinicians. It is because of this, that the limited literature available stresses the importance of making an active search for this pathology in our daily practice. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of these deformities at the University Hospital Dr. Peset of Valencia as well as make an analysis of their management. An analytical, descriptive and retrospective study was designed in which patients admitted in our center during 2014 and 2015 with medium and distal third tibia fracture were analyzed searching for dynamics positional deformities of the hallux. We found a total of 5 compatible cases from 42 analyzed tibia fractures. This may indicate that as expected dynamic positional deformity of the hallux could be an underrated disease in our medium

    Púrpura fulminans

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    We repon a case of a 65 year-old woman with Purpura fulminans secondary to Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation associated to urinary sepsis. We review the associated literature.Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 65 años con Púrpura fulminante secundaria a Coagulación Intravascular Diseminada asociada a sepsis urinaria. Revisamos la literatura asociada

    Screen-printed Organic Electrochemical Transistors for the detection of ascorbic acid in food

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    [EN] Methods traditionally used for ascorbic acid (AA) detection in food are often expensive and complex, making them unsuitable for day-to-day determinations. In this work, we report on the use of all- PEDOT:PSS Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) for fast, simple and low-cost determination of AA in food. The performance of these OECTs was tested first with in lab-prepared solutions of AA with different concentrations. The effect of the geometry on the transistors performance for AA sensing was also investigated by comparing the response of two OECTs with different channel and gate areas ratio (g), in terms of current modulation, sensitivity, background signal and limit of detection (LOD). OECTs with smaller gate electrode than the channel (large g) show the best performance for AA sensing: these devices display smaller background signal, higher sensitivity, larger modulation and better LOD value (80.10^-6 M). Since the AA content in food rich in Vitamin C is in the mM range, these transistors can be considered sensitive enough for quantitatively monitoring AA in food. In order to demonstrate the reliability of the proposed sensors in real food samples, the response of these transistors was additionally measured in a commercial orange juice. The amount of AA obtained with the OECTs is in good agreement with that determined by HPLC and with values reported in the literature for orange juices. Furthermore, these OECTs can be considered promising candidates for the selective detection of AA in the presence of other interfering antioxidants.This work was supported by Spanish Government/FEDER funds (grant number MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R (MINECO/FEDER)) and Generalitat Valenciana funds (grant number AICO/2015/103).Contat-Rodrigo, L.; Pérez Fuster, C.; Lidon-Roger, JV.; Bonfiglio, A.; Garcia-Breijo, E. (2017). Screen-printed Organic Electrochemical Transistors for the detection of ascorbic acid in food. Organic Electronics. 45:89-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2017.02.03789964

    Estudio epidemiológico y factores pronóstico de la infección en artroplastias, durante un periodo de 6 años.

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    Mediante un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica de infecciones se estudia la incidencia de infec - ción en prótesis de rodilla y cadera entre los años 2007 y 2012 en nuestro hospital. Los resultados se comparan con otros sistemas de vigilancia en España y Europa (Programa Inclimecc ® , Helics ® y según el Center for Disea - ses Control ). En nuestro hospital se han colocado un total de 3155 prótesis de cadera y rodilla (prótesis de cadera y rodilla por artrosis y prótesis cadera por fractura subcapital) con un total de infecciones registradas de 66 y una tasa media de infección de 2.09. Los factores predisponentes estudiados han sido: diabetes mellitus, obesidad, neoplasia, insuficiencia renal, artritis reumatoide y toma de corticoides, siendo los dos primeros los factores más presentes en los casos de infección (32% y 26 % respectivamente). También se ha visto que las cirugías más lar - gas (más de 110 minutos) presentan más incidencia de infección. En cuanto a la microbiología, Staph. coagulasa negativos, Acinetobacter baumanii , Staph. epidermidis , Enteroc. faecalis , Eschericlia coli, Pseudomona aerugi - nosa han sido los microorganismos predominantes. Las tasas de infección de nuestro hospital se encuentran por debajo de los niveles recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y también son inferiores al estándar del programa HELICS ® en España.Through a system of epidemiological surveillance of infections is studied in our hospital the in - fection incidence in hip and knee replacement between 2007 and 2012. The results are compared with other Spanish and European surveillance systems (HELICS ® and Inclimecc ® Program). In our hospital have taken place a total of 3155 hip and knee replacements (hip and knee replacements because of osteoarthritis and, in case of hip replacements, also for subcapital fractures) reporting a total of 66 infections, with infection rate of 2.09. The predisposing factors studied were: diabetes mellitus, obesity, neoplasia, renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis and taking steroids, so the first two factors were present in most cases of infection (32 % and 26 % respectively). It has also been seen that longer surgeries (over 110 minutes) show a higher incidence of infection. In terms of microbiology, Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus , Acinetobacter baumannii and Staph. Epidermidis were the most common until 2009 (4/36 CNS, 4/36 Ac. Baumanii, 3/36 Staph.Epidermidis) and in 2010 had more presence Enteroc. Faecalis (3/12) and Eschericlia coli (3/12), although Acinet. Baumanii (4/12) was still the most common. In 2012 should also be pointed Pseudomonas aeuginosa (2/8) . Infection rates in our hospital are below levels recommended by the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine and Public Health levels and also lower than the standard infection rate of HELICS ® program in Spain

    Emergence of supercontraction in regenerated silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk fibers

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    The conditions required for the emergence of supercontraction in regenerated silkworm (Bombyx mori) silk fibers are assessed through an experimental approach that combines the spinning of regenerated fibers with controlled properties and their characterization by 13 C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Both supercontracting and non-supercontracting regenerated fibers are produced using the straining flow spinning (SFS) technique from 13 C labeled cocoons. The short-range microstructure of the fibers is assessed through 13 C CP/MAS in air and 13 C DD/MAS in water, and the main microstructural features are identified and quantified. The mechanical properties of the regenerated fibers and their microstructures are compared with those of natural silkworm silk. The combined analysis highlights two possible key elements as responsible for the emergence of supercontraction: (1) the existence of an upper and a lower limit of the amorphous phase compatible with supercontraction, and (2) the existence of two ordered phases, ß-sheet A and B, which correspond to different packing arrangements of the protein chains

    Straining Flow Spinning of Artificial Silk Fibers: A Review

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    This work summarizes the main principles and some of the most significant results of straining flow spinning (SFS), a technology developed originally by the authors of this work. The principles on which the technology is based, inspired by the natural spinning system of silkworms and spiders, are presented, as well as some of the main achievements of the technique. Among these achievements, spinning under environmentally friendly conditions, obtaining high-performance fibers, and imparting the fibers with emerging properties such as supercontraction are discussed. Consequently, SFS appears as an efficient process that may represent one of the first realizations of a biomimetic technology with a significant impact at the production level.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2016-75544-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2016-79832-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CPI2016-78887-C3-1-RComunidad de Madrid NEUROCENTRO-B2017Comunidad de Madrid BMD-376

    Persistence and variation in microstructural design during the evolution of spider silk

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    The extraordinary mechanical performance of spider dragline silk is explained by its highly ordered microstructure and results from the sequences of its constituent proteins. This optimized microstructural organization simultaneously achieves high tensile strength and strain at breaking by taking advantage of weak molecular interactions. However, elucidating how the original design evolved over the 400 million year history of spider silk, and identifying the basic relationships between microstructural details and performance have proven difficult tasks. Here we show that the analysis of maximum supercontracted single spider silk fibers using X ray diffraction shows a complex picture of silk evolution where some key microstructural features are conserved phylogenetically while others show substantial variation even among closely related species. This new understanding helps elucidate which microstructural features need to be copied in order to produce the next generation of biomimetic silk fibers

    Inexpensive Measuring System for the Characterization of Organic Transistors

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    [EN] A measuring module has been specifically designed for the electrical characterization of organic semiconductor devices such as organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) according to the IEEE 1620-2008 standard. This device has been tested with OFETs based on 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethinyl) pentacene (TIPS-pentacene). The measuring system has been constructed using a NI-PXIe-1073 chassis with integrated controller and two NI-PXI-4132 programmable high-precision source measure units (SMUs) that offer a four-quadrant +/- 100V output, with resolution down to 10 pA. LabVIEW (TM) has been used to develop the appropriate program. Most of the main OFET parameters included in the IEEE 1620 standard can be measured by means of this device. Although nowadays expensive devices for the characterization of Si-based transistors are available, devices for the characterization of organic transistors are not yet widespread in the market. Fabrication of a specific and flexible module that can be used to characterize this type of transistors would provide a powerful tool to researchers.All financial support from the Spanish Government and FEDER funds (MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R (MINECO/FEDER)) and the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA funds) (AICO/2015/103) is gratefully acknowledged.Pérez Fuster, C.; Lidon-Roger, JV.; Contat-Rodrigo, L.; Garcia-Breijo, E. (2018). Inexpensive Measuring System for the Characterization of Organic Transistors. Journal of Sensors. 2018:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4286894S19201

    Identification and dynamics of polyglycine II nanocrystals in Argiope trifasciata flagelliform silk

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    Spider silks combine a significant number of desirable characteristics in one material, including large tensile strength and strain at breaking, biocompatibility, and the possibility of tailoring their properties. Major ampullate gland silk (MAS) is the most studied silk and their properties are explained by a double lattice of hydrogen bonds and elastomeric protein chains linked to polyalanine β-nanocrystals. However, many basic details regarding the relationship between composition, microstructure and properties in silks are still lacking. Here we show that this relationship can be traced in flagelliform silk (Flag) spun by Argiope trifasciata spiders after identifying a phase consisting of polyglycine II nanocrystals. The presence of this phase is consistent with the dominant presence of the –GGX– and –GPG– motifs in its sequence. In contrast to the passive role assigned to polyalanine nanocrystals in MAS, polyglycine II nanocrystals can undergo growing/collapse processes that contribute to increase toughness and justify the ability of Flag to supercontract

    Transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganado bovino de doble propósito.

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    En las fincas «El Tequendama» y «La Belleza», pertenecientes al Municipio de San Carlos y «El Diluvio», ubicada en el Municipio de Montería, departamento de Córdoba, se realizó el presente trabajo con el fin de validar y divulgar la técnica de transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganaderías de Doble Propósito. Las receptoras se sincronizaron con progestágenos en grupos de 25 hembras mestizas, conformados por novillas y vacas. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo y condición corporal superior a 3, en una escala de 1 (muy flaca) a 5 (cebada). La tasa de presentación de celo a las 48 horas de retirados los implantes, en la finca «El Tequendama» fue de 100% (25/25), en «La Belleza» de 100% (25/25) y en «El Diluvio» de 92% (23/25). La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo una tasa de gestación de 25%, 16% y 0% en las fincas «El Tequendama», «La Belleza» y «El Diluvio» respectivamente. En las dos primeras fincas los embriones fueron transferidos en fresco y en la tercera fueron congelados y descongelados al momento de transferirlos