279 research outputs found

    An Actionable Framework for Understanding and Improving Talent Retention as a Competitive Advantage in IT Organizations

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    In the rapidly evolving global business landscape, the demand for software has intensified competition among organizations, leading to challenges in retaining highly qualified IT members in software organizations. One of the problems faced by IT organizations is the retention of these strategic professionals, also known as talent. This work presents an actionable framework for Talent Retention (TR) used in IT organizations. It is based on our findings from interviews performed with 21 IT managers. The TR Framework is our main research outcome. Our framework encompasses a set of factors, contextual characteristics, barriers, strategies, and coping mechanisms. Our findings indicated that software engineers can be differentiated from other professional groups, and beyond competitive salaries, other elements for retaining talent in IT organizations should be considered, such as psychological safety, work-life balance, a positive work environment, innovative and challenging projects, and flexible work. A better understanding of factors could guide IT managers in improving talent management processes by addressing Software Engineering challenges, identifying important elements, and exploring strategies at the individual, team, and organizational levels.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.06352 by other author

    Benefícios da inserção do fisioterapeuta sobre o perfil de prematuros de baixo risco internados em unidade de terapia intensiva

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    O presente estudo visa descrever os benefícios da inserção do fisioterapeuta sobre o perfil de prematuros de baixo risco internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Estudo caso-controle, retrospectivo, com consulta aos prontuários de prematuros internados em 2006/2007 sem fisioterapia (PREF) e em 2009/2010 com fisioterapia por até 8h/dia (POSF). Incluíramse 61 prematuros no período PREF e 93 no POSF, nascidos com ≥1000g, SNAP-PE II <40, com tempo de suporte ventilatório ≥24h. Verificou-se os perfis materno e dos neonatos, tempos de internação, de ventilação mecânica invasiva e não invasiva e de oxigenoterapia. Realizou-se análise descritiva, teste Mann Whitney, teste t, qui-quadrado e Fisher, considerando-se p≤0,05. Houve diferença significativa entre as idades gestacionais [PREF: 230,5 (±16,5)/ POSF: 226 (±15); p=0,05], frequência de sepse [PREF: 6 (10%)/ POSF: 30 (32%); p<0,01], de síndrome do desconforto respiratório [PREF: 11(18%)/ POSF: 43 (46%); p<0,01], necessidade de reanimação na sala de parto [PREF: 10 (16%)/ POSF: 32 (34%); p=0,02], necessidade de intubação orotraqueal [PREF: 8 (13%)/ POSF: 26 (28%); p=0,05], tempo de ventilação não invasiva (PREF: 0,1±0,4 dias/ POSF: 0,8±2,3 dias; p<0,01), de ventilação invasiva (PREF: 0,4±1,3 dias/ POSF: 1,3±3,3 dias; p=0,04), de pressão positiva contínua em vias aéreas (PREF: 1,5±1,0 dias/ POSF: 2,7±3,8 dias; p=0,04). A presença do fisioterapeuta gerou benefícios, contribuindo para a manutenção dos tempos de internação e de oxigenoterapia mesmo diante de um perfil de recém-nascidos mais imaturos e com mais intercorrências no período após a inserção da fisioterapia.El presente estudio describe los beneficios de la inserción del fisioterapeuta sobre el perfil de prematuros de bajo riesgo internados en unidad de terapia intensiva. Estudio caso-control, retrospectivo, con prontuarios de prematuros internados en 2006/2007 (sin fisioterapia - PREF) y en 2009/2010 (con fisioterapia por hasta 8h / día - POSF). Se incluyeron 61 prematuros (PREF) y 93 (POSF), ≥ 1000g, SNAP-PE II <40, con tiempo de soporte ventilatorio ≥ 24h. Se verificaron los perfiles maternos y de los neonatos, tiempos de internación, de ventilación mecánica invasiva y no invasiva y de oxigenoterapia. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, Mann Whitney, t, qui-cuadrado y Fisher, considerando p ≤ 0,05. Se observó diferencia entre las edades gestacionales [PREF: 230,5 (± 16,5) / POSF: 226 (±15); p=0,05], frecuencia de sepsis [PREF: 6 (10%) / POSTP: 30 (32%); p < 0,01], síndrome de distrés respiratorio [PREF: 11 (18%) / POSF: 43 (46%); p <0,01], necesidad de reanimación en la sala de parto [PREF: 10 (16%) / POSTP: 32 (34%); p=0,02], necesidad de intubación [PREF: 8 (13%) / POSF: 26 (28%); (p=0,05), tiempo de ventilación no invasiva (PREF: 0,1±0,4 días / POSF: 0,8±2,3 días, p<0,01), ventilación invasiva (PREF: 0, 4±1,3 días / POSF: 1,3±3,3 días, p=0,04). La presencia del fisioterapeuta generó beneficios, contribuyendo para el mantenimiento de los tiempos de internación y de oxigenoterapia, aunque el perfil de recién nacidos tuvo más intercurrencias después de la inserción de la fisioterapia.This study aims to describe the benefits of inserting the physical therapist on the profile of lowrisk premature infants in neonatal intensive care units. This is a retrospective control study, with consultation to the medical records of premature infants admitted in 2006/2007 without physical therapy (PREP) and in 2009/2010 with physical therapy for up to 8h/day (POSTP). 61 preterm infants in the PREP period and 93 in the POSTP were included, born with ≥1000g, SNAP-PE II <40, with a duration of ventilatory support ≥24h. Maternal and neonatal profiles, duration of hospitalization, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy were verified. Descriptive analysis, the Mann Whitney test, t-test, Chi-squared and Fisher’s test were performed, considering p≤0.05. There was a significant difference between gestational ages [PREP: 230.5 (±16.5)/ POSTP: 226 (±15); p = 0.05], frequency of sepsis [PREP: 6 (10%) / POSTP: 30 (32%); p < 0.01], respiratory distress syndrome [PREP: 11 (18%)/POSTP: 43 (46%); p < 0.01], need for resuscitation in the delivery room [PREP: 10 (16%) / POSTP: 32 (34%); p = 0.02], need for orotracheal intubation [PREP: 8 (13%)/POSTP: 26 (28%); invasive ventilation (PREP: 0.4±1.3 days/POSTP: 1.3±3.3 days, p = 0.04), continuous positive airway pressure (PREP: 1.5±1.0 days/POSTP: 2.7±3.8 days, p = 0.04). The presence of the physical therapist generated benefits, contributing to the maintenance of the length of hospitalization and oxygen therapy in face of a profile of more immature newborns and with more complications in the period after physical therapy was inserted

    Environmental Alternative for the Stabilization of Amazonic Soils

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    The typical superficial soils of Amazonas present, in general, low technical quality for use in paving, being necessary to adapt them to the geotechnical requirements. As one of the alternatives, there is chemical stabilization, which minimizes the participation, as a rule, of natural materials. In this way, the compositions of two soils (red and white) characteristic of the Petroleum Base Pedro Geólogo de Moura (Coari-AM) were analyzed, in the presence of chemical additives, Portland cement and Roadcem. Soils were characterized in terms of chemical and mineralogical aspects, additives and compositions according to X-ray diffraction mineralogy (XRD). The mechanical behavior of the formulations was also determined. The results of the chemical analysis showed very acid soils with a low organic matter content, and according to mineralogy, kaolinite and ilite clay minerals were identified. As for the additive, Portland cement, the presence of the main constituents of the product (CP II E-32), dicalcium silicate (C2S), tricalcium silicate (C3S), tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and ferro-aluminate (C4AF), in addition to gypsum and calcite, was evident. Regarding Roadcem®, the presence of the minerals halite (NaCl) and silvite (KCl) was observed. The results of the Portland-Roadcem® cement and Portland-Roadcem® cement-soil compositions showed the presence of halite and silvite. It should also be noted that the chemical additive Roadcem® developed a crystalline structure, when added to the natural soil, in the studied formulations. In mechanical performance, according to indirect tensile strength test and four-point bending test, an increase in soil resistance was observed when additives participated

    Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Revascularized Individuals Submitted to an Anaerobic Potency Test

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of autonomic modulation before, during and after the Modified Wingate Test (WanMT), through the analysis of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Six volunteers between the ages of 40 and 70, post-revascularization procedures (angioplasty and/or surgery, mean duration 10 months), were submitted to supervised training for at least 10 to 14 months. The following protocol, divided into 5 phases, was used: 1) Rest Phase (RP): 180 seconds; 2) Submaximum Phase (SP): 30 seconds; 3) Maximum Phase (MP): 30 seconds; 4) Active Recuperation Phase (ARP); 120 seconds and; 5) Passive Recuperation Phase (PRP): 180 seconds. For the WanMT Test, we selected the load of 3.75% of corporal weight for all volunteers. To analyze the HRV, we used the following parameters: the interval RRr, MNN, SDNN, RMSSD and PNN50. We only observed results for the group according to RMSSD parameters during the rest phase of the test protocol in which the group remained in vagal presence and during all other phases in vagal depression. However, when we analyzed the PNN50, we observed that the group was in medium vagal presence during all of the phases of the test though there was no statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between the phases. Therefore, we can say that all of the individuals had a similar profile in the autonomic response to the WanMT, confirmed by the parameters studied in the analysis of the HRV in the time domain


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    Objetivo: validar o conteúdo da tecnologia educacional “Saúde do Homem: dicas para uma vida saudável”. Método: trata-se de estudo metodológico de validação de conteúdo com juízes especialistas. Aplicou-se um questionário validado que utiliza a escala do tipo Likert. O instrumento avalia três blocos de aspectos: objetivos, estrutura e apresentação, relevância. Utilizou-se a estatística descritiva para a obtenção do índice de validade de conteúdo. Participaram nove juízes-especialistas. Resultados: o índice de validade de conteúdo por blocos foi de 0,84, 0,73, 0,84. O índice geral foi de 0,78. As sugestões dos juízes contribuíram para a revisão da tecnologia educacional e foram consideradas e incluídas na versão final. Conclusão: validou-se o manual como tecnologia educacional para disseminar informações relevantes para a população masculina e também ser um dispositivo mediador de práticas educativas da equipe multidisciplinar, principalmente para o enfermeiro, podendo contribuir positivamente na qualidade de vida da população do sexo masculino.Descritores: Saúde do Homem. Educação em Saúde. Tecnologia Biomédica. Tecnologia Educacional. Tecnologia em Saúde

    Influence of aspheric intraocular lens on frequency doubling technology and contrast sensitivity: a fellow eye study

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    Purpose: To evaluate whether implantation of an aspheric intraocular lens (IOL) results in reduced ocular aberrations and improved contrast sensitivity after cataract surgery and, therefore, changes on frequency-doubling technology (FDT) testing. Methods: The present prospective clinical study enrolled 25 patients with bilateral cataract (50 eyes), who randomly received either an aspheric (Akreos AO) or a spherical (Akreos Fit) IOL in one eye and the other IOL in the second eye. Assessment 12 months postoperatively included photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity testing. Higher-order aberrations (HOAs) were computed. FDT testing was divided into four areas to evaluate the variation of the values at different points. The median values of the local pattern thresholds (median area contrast sensitivity [MACS]) obtained with that division were calculated. Results: The Akreos AO group obtained statistically significantly lower values of HOAs and spherical aberration compared with the Akreos Fit group. There was a statistically significant between-group difference in contrast sensitivity under mesopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. No statistically significant differences were observed in mean deviation and pattern standard deviation. The aspheric IOL exhibited higher MACS in all areas, although a statistically significant difference was reached only in the 20-degree field area (P=0.043). Conclusion: Aspheric IOLs significantly reduced spherical aberration and HOAs, improving mesopic contrast sensitivity. Although there was a trend toward slightly improved FDT in the aspheric IOL group, it was not statistically significant

    O uso de projeto de extensão como ferramenta de promoção cultural de internacionalização em uma instituição de ensino superior do sul de Minas Gerais: Relato de experiência / The use of extension project as a tool for cultural promotion of internationalization in a higher education institution in the south of Minas Gerais: Experience report

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    Introdução: A mobilidade acadêmica internacional influencia positivamente a formação pessoal e profissional do acadêmico. Apesar disso, nota-se um desconhecimento acerca dessas oportunidades. O presente estudo relata o uso de um projeto de extensão na promoção de uma cultura de internacionalização dentro de uma IES. Referencial teórico: A educação médica junto ao Programa Nacional de Educação estabeleceu novos cenários através de projetos de extensão. Uma das metas, o aumento da cooperação internacional, foi possível com a internacionalização integral das instituições. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, tipo relato de experiência, o qual apresenta a experiência de acadêmicos da FMIt na divulgação de relatos sobre intercâmbio, através de uma plataforma online e redes sociais. Resultados e discussão: A adesão ao projeto demonstrou-se satisfatória no âmbito quali-quantitativo, já que os acadêmicos ressaltaram a importância da divulgação dessas experiências internacionais, além de cumprir os três objetivos de um projeto de extensão.Considerações finais: O projeto possibilitou aos alunos a difusão do conceito e cultura de internacionalização e  a repensar sobre a qualidade de sua formação.