569 research outputs found

    The resource theory of steering

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    We present an operational framework for Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering as a physical resource. To begin with, we characterize the set of steering non-increasing operations (SNIOs) --i.e., those that do not create steering-- on arbitrary-dimensional bipartite systems composed of a quantum subsystem and a black-box device. Next, we introduce the notion of convex steering monotones as the fundamental axiomatic quantifiers of steering. As a convenient example thereof, we present the relative entropy of steering. In addition, we prove that two previously proposed quantifiers, the steerable weight and the robustness of steering, are also convex steering monotones. To end up with, for minimal-dimensional systems, we establish, on the one hand, necessary and sufficient conditions for pure-state steering conversions under stochastic SNIOs and prove, on the other hand, the non-existence of steering bits, i.e., measure-independent maximally steerable states from which all states can be obtained by means of the free operations. Our findings reveal unexpected aspects of steering and lay foundations for further resource-theory approaches, with potential implications in Bell non-locality.Comment: Presentation and structure improve

    Robust amplification of Santha-Vazirani sources with three devices

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    We demonstrate that amplification of arbitrarily weak randomness is possible using quantum resources. We present a randomness amplification protocol that involves Bell experiments. We find a Bell inequality which can amplify arbitrarily weak randomness and give a detailed analysis of the protocol involving it. Our analysis includes finding a sufficient violation of Bell inequality as a function of the initial quality of randomness. It has a very important property that for any quality the required violation is strictly lower than possible to obtain using quantum resources. Among other things, it means that the protocol takes a finite amount of time to amplify arbitrarily weak randomness.Comment: published versio

    Statistical ensembles without typicality

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    Maximum-entropy ensembles are key primitives in statistical mechanics from which thermodynamic properties can be derived. Over the decades, several approaches have been put forward in order to justify from minimal assumptions the use of these ensembles in statistical descriptions. However, there is still no full consensus on the precise reasoning justifying the use of such ensembles. In this work, we provide a new approach to derive maximum-entropy ensembles taking a strictly operational perspective. We investigate the set of possible transitions that a system can undergo together with an environment, when one only has partial information about both the system and its environment. The set of all these allowed transitions encodes thermodynamic laws and limitations on thermodynamic tasks as particular cases. Our main result is that the set of allowed transitions coincides with the one possible if both system and environment were assigned the maximum entropy state compatible with the partial information. This justifies the overwhelming success of such ensembles and provides a derivation without relying on considerations of typicality or information-theoretic measures.Comment: 9+9 pages, 3 figure

    Bounding Hilbert Space dimension from Temporal Correlations

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb l'IFCOIn this work, we tackle the problem of assessing the Hilbert space dimension from the set of correlations obtained when measuring in a nonlocal black box scheme. The concept of a dimension witness and its recent applications are explored. We also extend these new ideas to the case of a single local box with measurements at different times, and provide some examples of dimension criteria for this case

    An operational framework for nonlocality

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    Due to the importance of entanglement for quantum information purposes, a framework has been developed for its characterization and quantification as a resource based on the following operational principle: entanglement among NN parties cannot be created by local operations and classical communication, even when N1N-1 parties collaborate. More recently, nonlocality has been identified as another resource, alternative to entanglement and necessary for device-independent quantum information protocols. We introduce an operational framework for nonlocality based on a similar principle: nonlocality among NN parties cannot be created by local operations and allowed classical communication even when N1N-1 parties collaborate. We then show that the standard definition of multipartite nonlocality, due to Svetlichny, is inconsistent with this operational approach: according to it, genuine tripartite nonlocality could be created by two collaborating parties. We finally discuss alternative definitions for which consistency is recovered

    Detection loophole attacks on semi-device-independent quantum and classical protocols

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    Semi-device-independent quantum protocols realize information tasks - e.g. secure key distribution, random access coding, and randomness generation - in a scenario where no assumption on the internal working of the devices used in the protocol is made, except their dimension. These protocols offer two main advantages: first, their implementation is often less demanding than fully-device-independent protocols. Second, they are more secure than their device-dependent counterparts. Their classical analogous is represented by random access codes, which provide a general framework for describing one-sided classical communication tasks. We discuss conditions under which detection inefficiencies can be exploited by a malicious provider to fake the performance of semi-device-independent quantum and classical protocols - and how to prevent it.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Nonlocality free wirings and the distinguishability between Bell boxes

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    Bell nonlocality can be formulated in terms of a resource theory with local-hidden variable models as resourceless objects. Two such theories are known, one built upon local operations assisted by shared randomness (LOSRs) and the other one allowing, in addition, for prior-to-input classical communication. We show that prior communication, although unable to create nonlocality, leads to wirings not only beyond LOSRs but also not contained in a much broader class of (nonlocality-generating) global wirings. Technically, this is shown by proving that it can improve the statistical distinguishability between Bell correlations optimized over all fixed measurement choices. This has implications in nonlocality quantification, and leads us to a natural universal definition of Bell nonlocality measures. To end up with, we also consider the statistical strength of nonlocality proofs. We point out some issues of its standard definition in the resource-theoretic operational framework, and suggest simple fixes for them. Our findings reveal nontrivial features of the geometry of the set of wirings and may have implications in the operational distinguishability of nonlocal behaviors

    Device-independent tests of classical and quantum dimensions

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    We address the problem of testing the dimensionality of classical and quantum systems in a `black-box' scenario. We develop a general formalism for tackling this problem. This allows us to derive lower bounds on the classical dimension necessary to reproduce given measurement data. Furthermore, we generalise the concept of quantum dimension witnesses to arbitrary quantum systems, allowing one to place a lower bound on the Hilbert space dimension necessary to reproduce certain data. Illustrating these ideas, we provide simple examples of classical and quantum dimension witnesses.Comment: To appear in PR

    Nonlocality in sequential correlation scenarios

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    As first shown by Popescu [S. Popescu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 2619 (1995)], some quantum states only reveal their nonlocality when subjected to a sequence of measurements while giving rise to local correlations in standard Bell tests. Motivated by this manifestation of "hidden nonlocality" we set out to develop a general framework for the study of nonlocality when sequences of measurements are performed. Similar to [R. Gallego et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 070401 (2013)] our approach is operational, i.e. the task is to identify the set of allowed operations in sequential correlation scenarios and define nonlocality as the resource that cannot be created by these operations. This leads to a characterisation of sequential nonlocality that contains as particular cases standard nonlocality and hidden nonlocality.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Robustness of Device Independent Dimension Witnesses

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    Device independent dimension witnesses provide a lower bound on the dimensionality of classical and quantum systems in a "black box" scenario where only correlations between preparations, measurements and outcomes are considered. We address the problem of the robustness of dimension witnesses, namely that to witness the dimension of a system or to discriminate between its quantum or classical nature, even in the presence of loss. We consider the case when shared randomness is allowed between preparations and measurements and we provide a threshold in the detection efficiency such that dimension witnessing can still be performed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, published versio