276 research outputs found

    Evaluacion de la metodologia de estudio de eventos en el mercado de capitales chilenos.

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    251 p.Considerando que el poder de la metodología de Estudio de Eventos ha sido escasamente validado para el caso de mercado de capitales emergentes, en el presente trabajo utilizamos el enfoque de simulación sugerido por Brown y Wagner (1980, 1985) con el fan de evaluar el poder de dicha metodología en el mercado de capitales chileno. Analizando 18 muestras obtenidas de la Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, los resultados sugieren que a pesar de la escasa profundidad que exhibe el mercado de capitales domestico, los modelos de Media Constante y de Ajuste al Mercado muestran un desempeño razonable en la detección de retornos anormales. Para un nivel de significancia del 5% ambos modelos detectan retornos anormales de un 1% y un 5% diario en el 65% y en el 100% de los casos, respectivamente

    Voleibol de praia: a importância de um instrumento de observação e registo

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    A análise dos Jogos Desportivos Coletivos tem sido alvo de um crescente interesse por parte de investigadores e treinadores, havendo inúmeros trabalhos de investigação realizados neste âmbito, não sendo o Voleibol de Praia (BVB) exceção. Com a urgência de saber mais sobre o BVB, para poder intervir sobre o mesmo, surgiu a necessidade de avaliar e conhecer melhor o jogo e saber se a introdução de novas regras trazem as desejadas mudanças nas durações e ações utilizadas, sendo assim necessário criar um sistema de observação e registo adequado. Este estudo visa construir e validar um sistema de observação dos grandes domínios do jogo, criando um instrumento que permita conhecer, compreender, observar, codificar e analisar o jogo (Sousa, 2013), testando a sua fiabilidade e, que permita, comparar comportamentos face a diferentes tipos de regras. Para a realização deste estudo recorremos à Metodologia Observacional e para validar o instrumento “ad hoc” de observação recorreu-se à validação do constructo, por peritagem por um conjunto de 9 experts da modalidade, através da aplicação de um inquérito realizado para o efeito, tendo sido utilizado um valor de corte de 65%. Após construção e validação do instrumento efetuou-se um estudo experimental com uma amostra de 4 jogos Masculinos do campeonato do Mundo de BVB 2015 na Holanda. Os resultados dos testes de fiabilidade intra e interobservadores do coeficiente Kappa foram superiores a 0,87, e o teste de generalização obteve 99.84% da variância explicada associada à faceta categorias e o índice G (relativo e absoluto) obtido (0,999) demostrando um elevado nível de fiabilidade e de precisão. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos afirmar que o instrumento construído para verificar se a introdução das novas regras no BVB trazem ou não as mudanças desejadas pela modalidade, quer nas durações, quer nas ações utilizadas, se mostra adequado para o efeito.The analysis of the Collective Sports Games has been the object of a growing interest on the part of researchers and coaches, and there has been a great deal of research carried out in this field, and Beach Volleyball (BVB) is not an exception. With the urgency of knowing more about the BVB, in order to intervene on it, the need arose to evaluate and get to know the game better and to know if the introduction of new rules brings the desired changes in the durations and actions used, therefore it was necessary to create a suitable observation and registration system. This study aims to build and validate a system of observation of the great domains of the game, creating an instrument that allows to know, understand, observe, code and analyze the game (Sousa, 2013), testing its reliability and, that allows to compare different types of behaviors against different types of rules. In order to carry out this study, we used the Observational Methodology and to validate the "ad hoc" instrument of observation we used the validation of the construct, by an expert group of 9 modality experts, through the application of a survey carried out for this purpose, having used a cut-off value of 65%. After construction and validation of the instrument, an experimental study was carried out with a sample of 4 men's games of the BVB 2015 World Championship in the Netherlands. The results of the intra and interobservers reliability tests of the Kappa coefficient were higher than 0.87, and the generalization test obtained 99.84% of the explained variance associated to the facet categories and the G index (relative and absolute) obtained (0.999) showing a high level of reliability and accuracy. The results allow us to affirm that the constructed instrument to verify if the introduction of the new rules in the BVB brings or not the desired changes by the modality, either in the durations or in the actions used, is adequate for this purpose

    Eficiencia energética en la industria minera del cobre, normativa y aplicaciones

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    Actualmente la minería es de vital importancia para el desarrollo económico de países como Chile, siendo una actividad de intenso consumo de electricidad. Ante la problemática energética actual, es necesario tomar medidas que vayan en la dirección de mejorar la eficiencia energética, por lo que el uso de la normativa existente es fundamental. En el trabajo se entrega la información de consumos de un yacimiento minero de cobre chileno, donde se identifica que el proceso de electro-obtención concentra los mayores gastos energéticos, por lo que se plantean estrategias orientadas a mejorar la eficiencia y disminuir los costes de dicho proceso

    Diseño de biodigestores discontinuos para la producción de biofertilizantes a partir de residuos sólidos orgánicos del mercado del distrito de Casa Grande, región La Libertad, 2021

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    El acelerado crecimiento poblacional y la industrialización han generado gran cantidad de residuos sólidos orgánicos, fuente de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) causantes del calentamiento global. Similar realidad atraviesa el distrito de Casa Grande, puesto que los residuos sólidos del mercado son dispuestos en el botadero de Roma. La investigación tuvo por objetivo diseñar biodigestores discontinuos para producir biofertilizantes, a partir de residuos sólidos orgánicos del mercado de Casa Grande. La recolección de datos fue mediante técnicas de encuesta y observación, dirigidas a 80 titulares de puestos comerciales del rubro orgánicos. Se utilizó el software CAD SolidWorks 2018 para el diseño de los biodigestores. Los resultados de los cuestionarios dan cuenta de una generación diaria de 0.395 Tn de residuos orgánicos, para lo cual se necesitarán 8 biodigestores de régimen discontinuo (BATCH), cuyas características son volumen de 200 litros, 0.92 m de altura y 0.6 m de diámetro. La producción de biofertilizantes se estandarizó con un flujograma. Al cabo de 60 días se producirán 1480 litros de biol y 0.0152 toneladas de biosol que servirán para la rehabilitación de las áreas verdes del distrito de Casa Grande

    New record of the Jaguar, Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Felidae), from a mosaic of Atlantic Forest in the Paraná state, Brazil

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    The largest felid in the Americas, the Jaguar (Panthera onca) has had its geographical distribution reduced to approximately half the original range throughout the years, and most of its remaining distribution is in Brazilian territory. Deforestation is considered the main threat to the species, especially in the Atlantic Rainforest, which is currently highly fragmented and modified. This article provides a new record of Jaguar in Paraná state, in an area occupied by a mosaic formed by native vegetation and silviculture, and represents a new recent locality of the species for the biome in which it is classified as Critically Endangered of extinction

    Animal-Assisted Intervention Improves Pain Perception in Polymedicated Geriatric Patients with Chronic Joint Pain: A Clinical Trial

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    Chronic joint pain is associated to an increase in the consumption of medication and decrease in life quality in elderly people, which requires developing non-pharmacological treatments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectivity of a group intervention, based on animal-assisted therapy and applied to elderly people with chronic joint pain and polymedication, regarding the decrease of chronic pain, use of analgesics and improvement of life quality. A randomized controlled trial, two arms and open-label was conducted in a Primary Health Center. Twelve weekly sessions of kinesitherapy; in the EG, these exercises were performed with the additional assistance of the therapy dog. A total of 52 participants (22 Control Group (CG), 30 EG), average age 77.50 (±7.3), women 90.4%. A significant reduction on post-intervention values of pain β = −0.67(−1.27, −0.08), p = 0.03 and pain induced insomnia β = −0.53(−1.01, −0.05), p = 0.03 was found in EG for increasing baseline values. Animal-assisted therapy leads to an additional reduction in the perception of pain and pain induced insomnia in individuals with higher baseline severity. The presence of the dog improves the attachment to intervention and the satisfaction of the participants

    Numerical modelling and vibration serviceability assessment of a steel footbridge with a significant 3D dynamic behaviour

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    This paper focuses on the vibration serviceability assessment and numerical modelling of an existing steel truss footbridge located in the outskirts of Castellón, Spain. The footbridge is rather slender and composed by a main span and two access ramps supported on three 4-arm piers of different heights. Due to the connection between the main span and the ramps at the top of the tall piers, longitudinal and lateral bending/torsion natural coupled modes of vibration coexist at low frequencies, with a relevant contribution of the piers and access ramps deformation. This leads to a significant three-dimensional and rather complex dynamic response under service conditions. With the aim of characterising the structural dynamic properties and assessing the level of vibrations induced by crossing pedestrians, two in-situ experimental test programmes are conducted. On the one hand, the structural response is measured during several hammer tests and the modal properties are identified and used to update a detailed 3D numerical model by means of a Genetic Algorithm. Due to the lack of information regarding the detailing of the piers foundations, two alternative models are analysed. The relevance of the pier-foundation system rotational stiffness is highlighted for the particular configuration. On the other hand, the footbridge main span response is recorded under different pedestrian activities: walking, running and vandal simulated actions. Finally, the vibration serviceability of the structure is assessed based on current codes and regulations

    Long-time behavior of an angiogenesis model with flux at the tumor boundary

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    This paper deals with a nonlinear system of partial differential equations modeling a simplified tumor-induced angiogenesis taking into account only the interplay between tumor angiogenic factors and endothelial cells. Considered model assumes a nonlinear flux at the tumor boundary and a nonlinear chemotactic response. It is proved that the choice of some key parameters influences the long-time behaviour of the system. More precisely, we show the convergence of solutions to different semi-trivial stationary states for different range of parameters.Comment: 17 page

    Reconocimiento y garantia de los derechos laborales en los acuerdos de libre comercio suscritos por Chile y vigentes

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    La memoria que a continuación se presenta se realiza para optar al grado de Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Talca. Se titula “Reconocimiento y Garantía de los Derechos Laborales en los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio suscritos por Chile”. Los objetivos perseguidos por la investigación consistieron en determinar el tratamiento que han efectuado los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio suscritos por Chile de los Derechos laborales, el grado de recepción de las directrices de la OIT sobre trabajo decente y, analizar los medios de solución de controversias laborales contemplados en los Acuerdos. La metodología empleada obedece a una investigación jurídicadogmática. Resulta indudable que los derechos laborales establecidos en los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio suscritos por nuestro país, si bien son reconocidos, no son protegidos ni garantizados eficazmente. Sólo son normas creadas para dar viabilidad al comercio, en el sistema propio de la globalización


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