204 research outputs found

    Exequibilidade do DDRT-PCR para análise da expressão gênica diferencial em células de medula óssea murina

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    Model of study: Experimental study. Introduction: Recently, stem cell research has generated greatinterest due to its applicability in regenerative medicine. Bone marrow is considered the most importantsource of adult stem cells and the establishment of new methods towards gene expression analysisregarding stem cells has become necessary. Thus Differential Display Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (DDRT-PCR) may be an accessible tool to investigate small differences in the geneexpression of different stem cells in distinct situations.Aim: In the present study, we investigated the exequibility of DDRT-PCR to identify differences in globalgene expression of mice bone marrow cells under two conditions.Methods: First, bone marrow cells were isolated fresh and a part was cultivated during one week withoutmedium replacement. Afterwards, both bone marrow cells (fresh and cultivated) were submitted to geneexpression analyses by DDRT-PCR.Results: Initially, it was possible to observe in one week-cultured bone marrow cells, changes in morphology (oval cells to fibroblastic-like cells) and protein profile, which was seen through differences inband distribution in SDS-Page gels. Finally through gene expression analysis, we detected three bands(1300, 1000 and 225 bp) exclusively expressed in the fresh bone marrow group and two bands (400 and300 bp) expressed specifically in the cultivated bone marrow cell group.Conclusions: In summary, the DDRT-PCR method was proved efficient towards the identification ofsmall differences in gene expression of bone marrow cells in two defined conditions. Thus, we expectthat DDRT-PCR can be fast and efficiently designed to analyze differential gene expression in severalstem cell types under distinct conditions.Modelo do estudo: Estudo Experimental. Introdução: Atualmente a pesquisa com células-tronco temgerado grande interesse devido a sua aplicabilidade no campo na medicina regenerativa. A medulaóssea é considerada a maior fonte de células-tronco adultas e o estabelecimento de novos métodospara a análise da expressão gênica torna-se estritamente necessário. Desse modo, o "DifferentialDisplay Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (DDRT-PCR)", pode ser uma ferramentaacessível para a investigação de pequenas diferenças no nível de expressão gênica em diferentes tiposcelulares, sob distintas condições.Objetivo: Neste presente trabalho nós investigamos a exequibilidade do DDRT-PCR na identificação dediferenças no nível de expressão gênica global em células da medula óssea de camundongos sobduas condições. Métodos: Primeiramente, a medula óssea foi isolada frescamente e uma secundaparte foi cultivada por uma semana sem troca de meio. Posteriormente, as células da medula (fresca ecultivada) foram submetidas a análise da expressão gênica, seguindo a metodologia de DDRT-PCR.Resultados: Inicialmente, foi possível identificar em células da medula óssea com uma semana decultivo, pequenas alterações morfológicas (células ovais para fibroblastóides) e no perfil de proteínas,por meio da visualização de bandas em SDS-Page gel. Finalmente, a análise da expressão gênica porDDRT-PCR, mostrou uma expressão diferencial com a presença de três bandas (1300, 1000 and 225pb) exclusivamente expressas na medula óssea fresca e mais duas bandas (400 and 300 pb) presentes somente nas células de medula cultivadas.Conclusões: Em suma, a metodologia de DDRT-PCR mostrou-se eficiente para a identificação depequenas diferenças no nível de expressão gênica em células da medula óssea sob duas definidascondições. Portanto, nós acreditamos que o DDRT-PCR possa ser designado de forma rápida e eficiente para a análise diferencial de expressão gênica em diferentes tipos de células-tronco, sob diferentescondições

    Yeast-derived biosynthesis of silver/silver chloride nanoparticles and their antiproliferative activity against bacteria

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    Here, we provide the first evidence of yeast strains assisted Ag/AgCl-NPs production in vitro. The formed nanoparticles were characterized by spectroscopic and electron microscopy approaches. UV-vis supported the biosynthesis. TEM analysis evidenced that the nanoparticles mainly presented a circular shape and their diameters varied mostly being in the range 2 to 10 nm. XRD analysis showed a crystalline structure, with diffraction peaks corresponding to metallic silver and silver chloride nanoparticles, and when analyzed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), instead of being round, (111) (octahedral) and (200) (cubic) symmetry facets appeared systematically in one side of the nanoparticles. Analysis of ultra-thin sections by TEM indicated that the domain of the synthesis of Ag/AgCl-NPs was mainly between the cell wall and the plasma membrane. By using 3D reconstruction obtained from focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) the spatial distribution of the domains of nanoparticle synthesis was mapped and nanoaggregates of Ag/AgCl-NPs up 35 nm in diameter were observed. Extracellular synthesis also occurred; in accordance with the fact that conditioned media from yeast isolates were as efficient at producing Ag/AgCl-NPs as live-cell cultures. Exposure of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Klebsiella pneumoniae cultures to Ag/AgCl-NPs led to a strong growth inhibition as shown by optical density measurements. The Ag/AgCl-NPs described here have characteristics compatible with a strong potential for use in the biotechnology industry, particularly for biomedical applications


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    The studies over the local knowledge patterns between man and woman aim to understand specific characteristics of communities in order to develop better strategies for natural resources conservation. The objective of this study was to recognize the useful species and their forms of use in order to evaluate traditional Makuxi knowledge of genders and age in the Darora community, in São Marcos indigenous land, Roraima State, Northern Brazil. The botanical knowledge was analyzed, considering species richness, number of citations and plant uses between gender and age groups. The research was carried out using semi-structured interviews with 60 participants (36 men and 24 women), ranging from 18 to 84 years of age.  The interview data were compared between genders and three age groups ( 60 years of age). A total of 69 species and 2.100 citations were recorded (men, 69 species in 1.446 citations; women, 52 species in 654 citations). For the age groups, 53 species were mentioned by the category 60 years. This difference was also observed in the species uses and in its parts, being timber uses the most significant purposes among men, and medicinal and food among women. The study provided an analysis of the profile of the Darora community, i.e., they are explorers of the natural resources, mainly oriented towards construction, due to the relatively recent occupation of the area (ca. 75 years ago), which evidences that they are at the establishment stage, as well as the need for medicine, probably related to the lack of health care, to the cost of industrial drugs, and also due to the belief on traditional medicine effectiveness. Results show that respondents over 40 years of age have more botanical knowledge than the younger ones. Elder men were considered the most knowledgeable regarding to the number of species and citations.

    Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, squamous cell carcinoma and axillary metastasis

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    Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is an aggressive form of oral leukoplakia with multifocal presentation, high rates of recurrence and malignant transformation. Although development of regional lymph node metastasis is relatively frequent in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, axillary metastasis is quite uncommon. This paper presents a case of a 64-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with PVL and developed five oral squamous cell carcinomas and later an axillary lymph node metastasis

    Diferenças em colonização do hospedeiro por isolados de Xylella fastidiosa de citros e cafeeiro em inoculações recíprocas

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    Clorose variegada dos citros (CVC) e atrofia dos ramos do cafeeiro (ARC) são doenças importantes no Brasil, associadas a estirpes de Xylella fastidiosa que são geneticamente próximas. Entretanto, pouco se sabe a respeito de plantas hospedeiras em comum e da importância de citros e cafeeiro como fontes de inóculo dessas estirpes. Neste estudo, realizaram-se experimentos de inoculação recíproca para determinar se isolados de X. fastidiosa de CVC e de ARC são biologicamente semelhantes em plantas de citros e café. Estes dois hospedeiros foram mecanicamente inoculados com um isolado de CVC e um isolado de ARC, em quatro concentrações que variaram de 10³ a 10(9) unidades formadoras de colônias UFC mL-1. Aos dois, quatro e oito meses após a inoculação, a eficiência de infecção e a população bacteriana dos isolados em cada hospedeiro foram determinadas por cultura. O isolado de CVC infectou tanto plantas de citros quanto de café, mas desenvolveu populações mais baixas em cafeeiro. O isolado de ARC não colonizou citros. A inoculação de plantas de café com o isolado de CVC resultou em baixas taxas de infecção e exigiu uma concentração de inóculo dez vezes mais alta que a necessária para obter uma taxa de infecção semelhante (25%) em citros. A reduzida taxa de infecção e a baixa população bacteriana do isolado de CVC em cafeeiro em relação a citros sugerem que cafeeiro não é um hospedeiro adequado para atuar como fonte de inóculo da estirpe de CVC para disseminação deste patógeno para pomares de laranja ou dentro de cafezais.Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) and coffee stem atrophy (CSA) are important diseases in Brazil associated with closely-related strains of Xylella fastidiosa, but little is know about host aoverlappingnd importance of citrus and coffee as inoculum sources of these strains. In this study, reciprocal-inoculation experiments were performed to determine if CVC and CSA isolates are biologically similar within citrus and coffee plants. These two hosts were mechanically inoculated with a CVC and a CSA isolate of X. fastidiosa at four concentrations ranging between10³ and 10(9) colony forming units CFU mL-1. At two, four and eight months after inoculation, the infection efficiency and bacterial populations of the isolates in each host were determined by culturing. The CVC isolate infected both citrus and coffee plants, but developed lower populations in coffee. The CSA isolate did not colonize citrus. Inoculation of coffee plants with the CVC isolate resulted in low rates of infection and required an inoculum concentration ten-fold higher than that necessary to obtain a similar (25%) rate of infection in citrus. The relatively low infection rates and bacterial numbers of the CVC isolate in coffee plants compared with those observed in citrus suggest that coffee is not a suitable host to serve as a source of inoculum of the CVC strain for primary spread to citrus or within coffee plantations

    Zika Virus Outbreak - Should assisted reproduction patients avoid pregnancy?

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    Objective: To discuss the requirement from the National Health Surveillance Agency(ANVISA), for assisted reproduction treatment patients to undergo laboratory tests for ZIKV detection, and if the public health authorities and government leaders' recommendations to women simply avoid pregnancy is prudent. Methods: This study was performed in a universityaffiliated in vitro fertilization center in Brazil. We present a critical discussion on the risk of microcephaly due to ZIKV infection and the prevalence of other harmful pathogens to vulnerable pregnant women and infants. We assessed, 954 patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles(ICSI), between April and November of 2016, concerning the results of ZIKV test, according to different regions in Brazil. Results: Patients undergoing ICSI cycles were split into groups, according to their region of origin: 28(3.0%) were from the North, 27(2.8%) were from the Northeast, 40(4.2%) were from the Midwest, 830(87.2%) were from the Southeast, and 29(3.0%) were from the South. Concerning the diagnosis, 112 samples had a positive or inconclusive result for ZIKV, by chromatography immunoassay. These samples were re-analyzed by ELISA and no result was positive. All positive results were from the Southeast region and none from the Northeast or Midwest regions, which are considered endemic regions. Conclusion: ZIKV test before the onset of assisted reproduction treatments does not rule out the risk of the infection during pregnancy. In addition, although ZIKV infection risk is extremely high, the microcephaly risk due to ZIKV is not higher than the risk of miscarriage and birth defects due to other recognized pathogens.Fertil Med Grp, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilCtr Estudos & Pesquisa Reprod Humana Assistida, Inst Sapientiae, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Cirurgia, Area Reprod Humana, Disciplina Urol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Cirurgia, Area Reprod Humana, Disciplina Urol, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Development and optimization of a new MALDI-TOF protocol for identification of the Sporothrix species complex

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    Accurate species identification of the Sporothrix schenckii complex is essential, since identification based only on phenotypic characteristics is often inconclusive due to phenotypic variability within the species. We used matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for species identification of 70 environmental and clinical isolates of the Sporothrix complex. A reference database was established for MALDI-TOF MS-based species identification according to minor adjustments in the manufacturer's guidelines. The MALDI-TOF MS clearly distinguished strains of Sporothrix brasiliensis, Sporothrix globosa, Sporothrix mexicana, S. schenckii, Sporothrix luriei and Sporothrix pallida, enabling identification of all isolates at the species level, as confirmed by partial calmodulin gene sequence analyses. The present methodology is simple, reliable, rapid and highly suitable for routine identification in clinical mycology laboratories and culture collections, particularly for updating and reclassifying of deposited Sporothrix isolates.The authors wish to thank the following international researchers for generously contributing strains to this study: Conchita Torrielo (EH194, EH252, EH253); Myrtha Arango (04015, 11029, 010221, 10036, 03017, 03022, 12013, 03003, 14879); and Masako Kawasaki (KMU975). Financial support was provided by FAPERJ/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (grant proc. E-26/110.619/2012) and PAPES VI-Fiocruz/CNPq (Proc. 407693/2012-2) R. M. Z-O. is supported in part by CNPq 304976/2013-0 and FAPERJ E-26/103.157/2011. M. M. E. O. was supported by a grant from CAPES 2445/11-5 and PNPD/CAPES-Fiocruz/Pesquisa Clinica em Doencas Infecciosas. M. M. E. O., C. S. and N. L. thank the FCT Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 and BioHealth-Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality, Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000027" co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 - O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. Automated sequencing was done using the genomic platform/DNA sequencing platform at the Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz-PDTIS/FIOCRUZ (RPT01A), Brazil

    Identificação de uma planta não-hospedeira de Xylella fastidiosa para criação de insetos vetores sadios

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    A obtenção de cigarrinhas (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) livres de Xylella fastidiosa é importante para estudos de interação entre essa bactéria e seus vetores, sendo desejável a seleção de uma planta que permita a criação desses insetos, mas não a multiplicação da bactéria. Neste estudo, duas plantas hospedeiras de cigarrinhas, Vernonia condensata (boldo) e Aloysia virgata (lixeira), foram inoculadas por agulha com as estirpes de citros e de cafeeiro de X. fastidiosa, para avaliar a possibilidade deste patógeno colonizá-las. Não foram observados sintomas, nem se detectou a bactéria por isolamento em meio de cultura e/ou PCR em períodos curtos (7 e 14 dias) ou longos (1, 4, 6 e 12 meses) após a inoculação. Para obtenção de adultos sadios das cigarrinhas vetoras, Acrogonia citrina, Bucephalogonia xanthophis, Dilobopterus costalimai, Homalodisca ignorata e Oncometopia facialis, ninfas de primeiros ínstares foram criadas em plantas de boldo. Não foi detectada X. fastidiosa em nenhum de 175 adultos obtidos da criação. V. condensata e A. virgata não permitem a colonização de X. fastidiosa, possibilitando assim a obtenção de cigarrinhas sadias para estudos com vetores.Rearing leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) vectors free of Xylella fastidiosa is a requirement for studies of various aspects of vector-pathogen interactions. The selection of a plant that allows vector development but not bacterial multiplication is desirable to produce healthy vectors. In this study, two leafhopper hosts, Vernonia condensata ('boldo') and Aloysia virgata ('lixeira') were needle inoculated with citrus and coffee strains of X. fastidiosa to evaluate if these plants support pathogen colonization. The inoculated plants did not present symptoms and the pathogen was not detected by culture and PCR tests, neither soon after inoculation (7-14 days) nor later, at 1, 4, 6 and 12 months after inoculation. To obtain healthy adults of the leafhopper vectors Acrogonia citrina, Bucephalogonia xanthophis, Dilobopterus costalimai, Homalodisca ignorata and Oncometopia facialis, early-instar nymphs were reared on V. condensata. X. fastidiosa was not detected in any of 175 adults obtained. V. condensata and A. virgata are nonpropagative hosts of X. fastidiosa and enable the production of healthy leafhoppers for vector studies

    Comparative histological and immunohistochemical study of ameloblastomas and ameloblastic carcinomas

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    This study aimed to compare the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of ameloblastomas (AM) and ameloblastic carcinomas (AC). Fifteen cases of AM and 9 AC were submitted to hematoxilin and eosin and immunohistochemical analysis with the following antibodies: cytokeratins 5,7,8,14 and 19, Ki-67, p53, p63 and the cellular adhesion molecules CD138 (Syndecan-1), E-cadherin and ?-catenin. The mean score of the expression of Ki-67 and p53 labelling index (LIs) were compared between the groups using the t test. A value of p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. All cases were positive for CKs 5, 14 and 19, but negative for CKs 7 and 8. CKs 5 and 19 were positive mainly in the central regions of the ameloblastic islands, while the expression in AC was variable in intensity and localization. CK14 was also variably expressed in both AM and AC. Ki-67 (P=.001) and p53 (P=.004) immunoexpression was higher in AC. All cases were positive for p63, but values were higher in AC. CD138 was mainly expressed in peripheral cells of AM, with a weak positivity in the central areas, while it was positive in most areas of ACs, except in less differentiated regions, where expression was decreased or lost. E-cadherin and ?-catenin were weakly positive in both AM and AC. These results shows that Ki-67, p53 and p63 expression was higher in AC as compared to AM, suggesting that these markers can be useful when considering diagnosis of malignancy, and perhaps could play a role in malignant transformation of AM. Pattern of expression of CKs 5 and 19 in AC were different to those found in AM, suggesting genetic alterations of these proteins in malignant cells. It was confirmed that CK19 is a good marker for benign odontogenic tumors, such as AM, but it is variably expressed in malignant cases