2,734 research outputs found

    The new visual plastic artsaround the genre, work and identity: Valle Galera

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    En este texto queremos proponer una reflexión en cuanto al propio concepto de género y cómo abordar la creación en relación a la identidad y los roles tradicionales, así como abordar aspectos relativos a las ausencias dentro del mundo del arte, ya sea en el ámbito académico, como museístico o dentro de la propia investigación y canales de difusión. Para ello, trataremos sobre la obra de la artista Valle Galera de Ulierte, una artista que trabaja en esta línea a través de la fotografía y la instalación fundamentalmente, además de mediante la investigación académica.In this text we want to propose a reflection for the proper concept of gender and how to approach the creation in relation to the identity and the traditional roles. In addition we want to approach aspects relative to the absences inside the world of the art, whether it is in the academic area, as museums or inside research and channels of diffusion. For this reason, we will treat on the work of the artist Valle Galera de Ulierte, who is working along these, lines across the photography and the installation fundamentally, besides by means of the academic research

    Entrevista a Stephen Krashen

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    Dr. Stephen Krashen, profesor emérito de la Universidad del Sur de California en Los Ángeles y destacado teórico en el campo de la lectura, educación bilingüe y adquisición de segundas lenguas. Dr. Krashen ha escrito más de 20 libros y 460 artículos en estos temas. Hemos hablado con él sobre el papel de la lectura en la adquisición de la primera y segunda lengua y sobre qué podemos hacer para promover el gusto por la lectura

    Changes in reading habits by low literate adults through extensive reading

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    This study analyzes the effect of two reading interventions on reading habits by 181 low literate adults who read at the 3-5.9 grade levels. One intervention implemented extensive reading (ER group) and the other one had direct instruction (no-ER group). A Reading Pattern survey was administered at the beginning, at the end, and 6 months after the intervention. Statistical results suggest that the ER group, which had access to books, free choice of reading material, and time to read during instruction hours, was more motivated to read, developed a reading habit, and experienced a positive change in reading behavior. These changes stayed over time, 6 months after treatment. This study strongly suggests that adult learners can benefit from extensive and pleasure reading and that a well-equipped library, easy access to books, and encouragement and time to read are all key factors in the development of reading habits

    El monstruo de la ensalada

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Un viaje alrededor del mundo

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Un día loco

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Quiero un perrito

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Las maletas perdidas

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1011/thumbnail.jp

    El pueblo que me crio

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    Victoria Rodrigo, PhD- Serie Leamos’ EditorProfessor of Spanish World Languages and Cultures DepartmentGeorgia State Universityhttps://scholarworks.gsu.edu/wcl_leamos/1025/thumbnail.jp