5,743 research outputs found

    ¿Cada voto cuenta igual?: Una medición de irregularidades en los telegramas de la elección presidencial de 2011 en Argentina

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados que surgen al analizar una muestra aleatoria de más de seis mil telegramas de votación de mesas ubicadas en el conurbano bonaerense durante la elección presidencial de 2011. En más de un tercio de las mesas se observan irregularidades, que si bien no implican necesariamente la existencia de errores en el cómputo oficial de votos, son indicio indirecto del problema. Adicionalmente, se observa que las irregularidades son particularmente frecuentes en los municipios más pobres, lo cual sugiere que la voluntad política de un ciudadano de bajo ingreso es menos factible de ser respetada que la de un ciudadano rico.This paper analyses a random sample of more than 6,000 ballot boxes located in the Buenos Aires conurbation during the 2011 presidential election. We find irregularities in more than a third of the ballot boxes. These irregularities do not necessarily imply misrecording of votes, but can be considered a proxy. Irregularities are more likely to occur in poorer municipalities, suggesting than the political will of a citizen of low income is less likely to be respected than a wealthy citizen.Fil: Zarazaga, Rodrigo Esteban. Centro de Investigación y Acción Social; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ronconi, Lucas. Centro de Investigación y Acción Social; Argentin

    Counterexample Guided Inductive Optimization Applied to Mobile Robots Path Planning (Extended Version)

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    We describe and evaluate a novel optimization-based off-line path planning algorithm for mobile robots based on the Counterexample-Guided Inductive Optimization (CEGIO) technique. CEGIO iteratively employs counterexamples generated from Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) and Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers, in order to guide the optimization process and to ensure global optimization. This paper marks the first application of CEGIO for planning mobile robot path. In particular, CEGIO has been successfully applied to obtain optimal two-dimensional paths for autonomous mobile robots using off-the-shelf SAT and SMT solvers.Comment: 7 pages, 14rd Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS'2017

    Addition to the knowledge of Cyphomyiactia costai Artigas, Papavero & Serra, 1991 (Asilidae, Laphriinae, Atomosiini): description of the male, and illustration of the holotype and structures of male and female terminalia

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    The male of Cyphomyiactia costai Artigas, Papavero & Serra, 1991 is described and illustrated for the first time. New records are provided from the states of Bahia, Maranhão and Mato Grosso, Brazil. The holotype is illustrated, as well as structures of male and female terminalia

    Flexible Management on BSP Process Rescheduling: Offering Migration at Middleware and Application Levels

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    This article describes the rationales for developing jMigBSP - a Java programming library that offers object rescheduling. It was designed to work on grid computing environments and offers an interface that follows the BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel) style. jMigBSP’s main contribution focuses on the rescheduling facility in two different ways: (i) by using migration directives on the application coded irectly and (ii) through automatic load balancing at middleware level. Especially, this second idea is feasible thanks to the Java’s inheritance feature, in which transforms a simple jMigBSP application in amigratable one only by changing a single line of code. In addition, the presented library makes the object interaction easier by providing one-sided message passing directives and hides network latency through asynchronous communications. Finally, we developed three BSP applications: (i) Prefix Sum; (ii) Fractal Image Compression (FIC) and; (iii) Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).They show our library as viable solution to offer load balancing on BSP applications. Specially, the FIC results present gains up to 37% when applying migration directives inside the code. Finally, the FFT tests emphasize strength of jMigBSP. In this situation, it outperforms a native library denoted BSPlib when migration facilities take place.Keywords: Bulk Synchronous Parallel, rescheduling, Java, adaptation, object migration, grid computing

    The pp-parabolicity under a decay assumption on the Ricci curvature

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    We prove that, given α>0\alpha>0, if MM is a complete Riemannian manifold which Ricci curvature satisfies.Ricx(v)αsech2(r(x)))\operatorname*{Ric}\nolimits_{x}(v)\geq\alpha\operatorname{sech}^{2}% (r(x))) or Ricx(v)hα(r(x))r(x)2, \operatorname*{Ric}\nolimits_{x}(v)\geq-\frac{{h_{\alpha}}% (r(x))}{r(x)^{2}}, where hα(r)=α(α+1)r(x)αr(x)α1, {h_{\alpha}}(r)=\frac{\alpha(\alpha+1)r(x)^{\alpha }}{r(x)^{\alpha }-1}, for all xM\BR(o)x\in M\backslash B_{R}(o) and for all vTxM,v\in T_{x}M, v=1,\left\Vert v\right\Vert =1, where \ oo is a fixed point of MM, r(x)=d(o,x)r(x)=d(o,x), dd the Riemannian distance in MM and BR(o)B_{R}(o) the geodesic ball of MM centered at oo with radius R>0R>0, then MM is pp-parabolic for any p>1p>1, if satisfies the first inequality, and MM is pp-parabolic, for any p(α+1)(n1)+1p\geq(\alpha+1)(n-1)+1, if satisfies the second inequality

    Understanding the motivations, challenges, and practices of software rejuvenation

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    The continuous evolution of programming languages has brought benefits and new challenges for software developers. In recent years, we have witnessed a rapid release of new versions of mainstream programming languages like Java. While these advancements promise better security, enhanced performance, and increased developers’ productivity, the constant release of new language versions has posed a particular challenge for practitioners: how to keep their systems up-to-date with new language releases. This thesis aims to understand the pains, motivations, and practices developers follow during rejuvenating efforts—a particular kind of software maintenance whose goal is to avoid obsolesce due to the evolution of programming languages. To this end, we are building and validating a theory using a mixed methods study. In the first study, we interviewed 23 software developers and used the Constructivist Grounded Theory Method to identify recurrent challenges and practices used in rejuvenation efforts. In the second study, we mined the software repositories of open-source projects written in C++ and JavaScript to identify the adoption of new language features and whether or not software developers conduct large rejuvenation efforts. The first study highlights the benefits of new feature adoption and rejuvenation, revealing developer methods and challenges. The second study emphasizes open-source adoption trends and patterns for modern features. In the third and final study, our goal is to share our theory on software rejuvenation with practitioners through the Focus Group method with industrial patterns.(undefined