352 research outputs found

    Adolescents’ risky decision-making activates neural networks related to social cognition and cognitive control processes

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    This study examines by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging the neural mechanisms underlying adolescents’ risk decision-making in social contexts. We hypothesize that the social context could engage brain regions associated with social cognition processes and developmental changes are also expected. Sixty participants (adolescents: 17–18, and young adults: 21–22 years old) read narratives describing typical situations of decision-making in the presence of peers. They were asked to make choices in risky situations (e.g., taking or refusing a drug) or ambiguous situations (e.g., eating a hamburger or a hotdog). Risky as compared to ambiguous scenarios activated bilateral temporoparietal junction (TPJ), bilateral middle temporal gyrus (MTG), right medial prefrontal cortex, and the precuneus bilaterally; i.e., brain regions related to social cognition processes, such as self-reflection and theory of mind (ToM). In addition, brain structures related to cognitive control were active [right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), bilateral orbitofrontal cortex], whereas no significant clusters were obtained in the reward system (ventral striatum). Choosing the dangerous option involved a further activation of control areas (ACC) and emotional and social cognition areas (temporal pole). Adolescents employed more neural resources than young adults in the right DLPFC and the right TPJ in risk situations. When choosing the dangerous option, young adults showed a further engagement in ToM related regions (bilateral MTG) and in motor control regions related to the planning of actions (pre-supplementary motor area). Finally, the right insula and the right superior temporal gyrus were more activated in women than in men, suggesting more emotional involvement and more intensive modeling of the others’ perspective in the risky conditions. These findings call for more comprehensive developmental accounts of decision-making in social contexts that incorporate the role of emotional and social cognition processes

    Sediment Transport Modeling in Maunalua Bay

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    Increased sedimentation is one of the largest environmental issues stressing the health of Maunalua Bay today. When sedimentation occurs, it can decrease biodiversity, coral cover, and water quality within the Bay. In order to improve sedimentation within the Bay, our project will simulate a digital representation that predicts how different rain events can affect the movement of sediment within Maunalua Watershed. With the results of our project, stakeholders can take appropriate steps forward to help mitigate these areas identified as priority sedimentation sites

    The development of a didactic model to facilitate the understanding of the components and anatomical relations of the middle ear

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    The middle ear is important from an anatomical and clinical point of view, seeing that it contains and allows the passages of structures, in addition to establishing relations with other regions of the head. However, the middle ear is small and difficult to dissect, making difficult the study in cadavers and understanding. In this context, professors and students from Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná developed an anatomical model of themiddle ear, showing its main bones, membranes, muscles and nerves. The model was developed with acrylic plates joined to form a cube, each side representing one of the middle ear’s walls. The tympanic membrane and the secondary tympanic membrane were represented by an elastic fabric, which covered openings on the membranous wall and the labyrinthic wall, respectively. The auditory ossicles, the muscles and the nerves were made from polymer clay and positioned inside the cube, according to their characteristics and anatomicalposition in the middle ear. Furthermore, the auditory tube was represented by a plastic cone projecting from the carotid wall. The use of these low-cost anatomical models is an alternative to enable and improve learning. These initiatives favor the teaching of Human Anatomy, increasing understanding, the establishment of clinical correlations, and improving the academic education of health professionals.A orelha média é importante do ponto de vista anatômico e clínico, pois contém e permite a passagem de estruturas, além de estabelecer relações com outras regiões da cabeça. Porém, a orelha média é pequena e dissecação, o que dificulta seu estudo em cadáveres e a compreensão por parte dos alunos. Nesse contexto, docentes e discentes da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná desenvolveram um modelo anatômico da cavidade timpânica, apresentando seus principais componentes membranáceos, ósseos, musculares e nervosos. Para a confecção da maquete, placas de acrílico transparente foram unidas formando um cubo, com cada placa representando uma das paredes da cavidade timpânica (exceto a parede tegmental). Tecidos elásticos foram colocados em orifícios feitos nas paredes membranácea e labiríntica para representação da membrana timpânica e da membrana timpânica secundária, respectivamente. Os ossículos da audição, músculos e nervos foram confeccionados em biscuit e posicionados no espaço interno do cubo, observando-se as características e a posição anatômica dessas estruturas na orelha média. A tuba auditiva foi representada pela colocação de um cone plástico projetando-se a partir da parede carótica. A confecção de modelos didáticos é uma alternativa de baixo custo para facilitar o ensino e a compreensão da Anatomia Humana. O aprendizado de conceitos básicos favorece o entendimento das correlações anatomoclínicas, melhorando a formação acadêmica dos profissionais de saúde

    Análise sobre formação académica e exercício profissional do psicólogo clínico do Equador

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    Objective. To analyze the academic and occupational training of clinical psychologists in a sample of professionals from Planning Zone III in Ecuador (PZ3). Method. The study sample consisted of 101 clinical psychologists with an average age of 30.6 (SD = 7.1) and an average professional practice of 6.5 years (SD = 5.75) who carry out their work activities in PZ3 in Ecuador. Results. The participants were mostly graduates of the Technical University of Ambato (public) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - Ambato (co-financed). More than 64% of these professionals work in the public sector. 40% accessed their current positions through merit based competitions. 56.6% work in the health and social intervention sector. The general salary averages 1380.00 USD. Conclusion. The training of the clinical psychologist is significantly limited to the primary academic degree, leaving aside post-graduate education as a complementary element for a variety of reasons.Objetivo. Analizar la formación académica y el campo laboral del psicólogo clínico en una muestra de profesionales de la zona de planificación III del Ecuador (ZP3). Método. La muestra del estudio estuvo conformada por 101 psicólogos clínicos, con una edad media de 30.6 (DE = 7.1) y una media de ejercicio profesional de 6.5 años (DE = 5.75), que ejercen su labor profesional en la ZP3 del Ecuador. Resultados. Los participantes, en su mayoría, se titularon en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato (pública) y en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato (cofinanciada). Más del 64% de los profesionales laboran en el sector público. El 40% de los participantes accedieron a sus puestos actuales por concurso de méritos. El 56.6% trabajan en el sector salud e intervención social. El salario general en promedio es de USD 1380. Conclusión. La formación del psicólogo clínico se restringe de manera significativa a la titulación de grado, dejando de lado, por diversas razones, la formación de posgrado como elemento complementario. Escopo. Analisar a formação académica e o campo laboral do psicólogo clínico em uma amostra de profissionais da zona de planificação III do Equador (ZP3). Metodologia. A amostra do estudo esteve conformada por 101 psicólogos clínicos, com uma idade media de 30.6 (DE=7.1) e uma media de exercício profissional de 6.5 anos (DE=5.75) que realizam suas atividades laborais na ZP3 do Equador. Resultados. Os participantes, na sua maioria, são titulados da Universidade Técnica de Ambato (pública) e na Pontificia Universidade Católica do Equador Sede Ambato (cofinanciada). Mais do 64% dos profissionais laboram no sector público. Um 40% dos participantes acederam a seus trabalhos atuais por concursos de méritos. Um 56.6% trabalham no setor saúde e intervenção social. O salário geral em média é de 1380 USD. Conclusão. A formação de psicólogo clínico está restringida de maneira significativa à titulação de grado, deixando de lado, por diversos motivos, a formação de pós-graduação como elemento complementário

    Multiscale porous high-temperature heat exchanger using ceramic co-extrusion

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    Análisis del impacto de la morosidad de la cartera de crédito con el cambio a par 30 aplicable desde el año 2023 de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito UNIOTAVALO Ltda.

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    Analizar el impacto de la morosidad de la cartera de crédito con el cambio a par 30 aplicable desde el año 2023 de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito UNIOTAVALO Ltda.Las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito brindan servicios de intermediación financiera, es decir, la colocación y captación de los recursos financieros, esta actividad ayuda al desarrollo socio económico de las familias y empresas que requieren de recursos para financiar sus actividades. La normativa vigente que se aplica a las cooperativas financieras, prevé cambios en la metodología para determinar las provisiones que se deben constituir para respaldar la cartera, por esta razón se analiza el impacto del cambio de la metodología a PAR 30 en la constitución de provisiones, para lo cual se realizó una investigación tipo descriptiva, con enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, donde se aplicó el método inductivo, analítico-sintético, mediante una análisis a la muestra poblacional con instrumentos de investigación como la entrevista y revisión de los documentos financieros y normativos existentes, se concluye que el cambio de metodología PAR 60 a PAR 30 incrementa los valores de las provisiones constituidas por la cartera y ayuda a que las entidades financieras tomen adecuadamente sus decisiones en la colocación de la cartera así como de afinar de mejor manera los procesos y procedimientos de recuperación con el fin de evitar el incremento de la morosidad y el volumen en la constitución de provisiones.LICENCIATUR

    Oncostatin M promotes excitotoxicity by inhibiting glutamate uptake in astrocytes: implications in HIV-associated neurotoxicity

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    Background: Elevated levels of oncostatin M (OSM), an interleukin-6 cytokine family member, have been observed in HIV-1-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) and Alzheimer's disease. However, the function of OSM in these disease conditions is unclear. Since deficient glutamate uptake by astrocytes is instrumental in HAND-associated neurotoxicity, we hypothesized that OSM impairs glutamate uptake in astrocytes and thereby promotes neuronal excitotoxicity. Methods: Primary cultures of mouse cortical astrocytes, neurons, microglia, and BV2 cell line were used. The expression of glutamate transporters (GLAST/EAAT1 and GLT-1/EAAT2) was investigated using real-time PCR and Western blot, and their activity was assessed by measuring H-3-D-aspartate uptake. Neuronal toxicity was measured using the colorimetric MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl-) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay and immunocytochemistry. A chimeric HIV-1 that infects murine cells (EcoHIV/NL4-3-GFP virus (EcoHIV)) was used to investigate whether the virus induces OSM, OSM receptor (OSMR)-beta, glycoprotein 130 (gp130), GLT-1, GLAST (mRNA and protein), and OSM release (ELISA) in cultured BV2 cells, primary microglia, or astrocytes. Statistical analyses of the data were performed using one-way ANOVA (to allow multiple comparisons) and two-tailed Student's t test. Results: OSM treatment (10 ng/mL) time-dependently reduced GLAST and GLT-1 expression and inhibited 3H-D-aspartate uptake in cultured astrocytes in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect prevented by the Janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) 3 inhibitor AG490. Down-regulation of astrocytic glutamate transport by OSM resulted in NMDA receptor-dependent excitotoxicity in cortical neurons. Infection with EcoHIV induced OSM gene expression and protein release in BV2 cells and microglia, but not in astrocytes. Conversely, EcoHIV caused a fivefold increase in OSMR-beta mRNA (but not gp130) and protein in astrocytes, but not in microglia, which did not express OSMR-beta protein. Finally, astrocytic expression of GLAST gene was unaffected by EcoHIV, whereas GLT-1 mRNA was increased by twofold. Conclusions: We provide first evidence that activation of JAK/STAT3 signaling by OSM inhibits glutamate uptake in astrocytes, which results in neuronal excitotoxicity. Our findings with EcoHIV suggest that targeting OSMR-beta signaling in astrocytes might alleviate HIV-1-associated excitotoxicity

    BrumiR: A toolkit for de novo discovery of microRNAs from sRNA-seq data

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    International audienceAbstract MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that are key players in the regulation of gene expression. In the past decade, with the increasing accessibility of high-throughput sequencing technologies, different methods have been developed to identify miRNAs, most of which rely on preexisting reference genomes. However, when a reference genome is absent or is not of high quality, such identification becomes more difficult. In this context, we developed BrumiR, an algorithm that is able to discover miRNAs directly and exclusively from small RNA (sRNA) sequencing (sRNA-seq) data. We benchmarked BrumiR with datasets encompassing animal and plant species using real and simulated sRNA-seq experiments. The results demonstrate that BrumiR reaches the highest recall for miRNA discovery, while at the same time being much faster and more efficient than the state-of-the-art tools evaluated. The latter allows BrumiR to analyze a large number of sRNA-seq experiments, from plants or animal species. Moreover, BrumiR detects additional information regarding other expressed sequences (sRNAs, isomiRs, etc.), thus maximizing the biological insight gained from sRNA-seq experiments. Additionally, when a reference genome is available, BrumiR provides a new mapping tool (BrumiR2reference) that performs an a posteriori exhaustive search to identify the precursor sequences. Finally, we also provide a machine learning classifier based on a random forest model that evaluates the sequence-derived features to further refine the prediction obtained from the BrumiR-core. The code of BrumiR and all the algorithms that compose the BrumiR toolkit are freely available at https://github.com/camoragaq/BrumiR