517 research outputs found

    Near-Field Directionality Beyond the Dipole Approximation: Electric Quadrupole and Higher-Order Multipole Angular Spectra

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    Within the context of spin-related optical phenomena, the near-field directionality is generally understood from the quantum spin Hall effect of light, according to which the transverse spin of surface or guided modes is locked to the propagation direction. So far, most previous works have been focused on the spin properties of circularly polarized dipolar sources. However, in near-field optics, higher-order multipole sources (e.g., quadrupole, octupole, and so on) might become relevant, so a more in-depth formulation would be highly valuable. Building on the angular spectrum representation, we provide a general, analytical, and ready-to-use treatment in order to address the near-field directionality of any multipole field, particularizing to the electric quadrupole case. Besides underpinning and upgrading the current framework on spin-dependent directionality, our results may open up new perspectives for engineering light-matter coupling at the nanoscale.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Supplemental Material (19 pages). Supplemental tools (calculator of angular spectra and animation) available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.267790

    Ontologies in medicinal chemistry: current status and future challenges

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    [Abstract] Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the amount and availability of data in the diverse areas of medicinal chemistry, making it possible to achieve significant advances in fields such as the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of compounds. However, with this data explosion, the storage, management and analysis of available data to extract relevant information has become even a more complex task that offers challenging research issues to Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientists. Ontologies have emerged in AI as a key tool to formally represent and semantically organize aspects of the real world. Beyond glossaries or thesauri, ontologies facilitate communication between experts and allow the application of computational techniques to extract useful information from available data. In medicinal chemistry, multiple ontologies have been developed during the last years which contain knowledge about chemical compounds and processes of synthesis of pharmaceutical products. This article reviews the principal standards and ontologies in medicinal chemistry, analyzes their main applications and suggests future directions.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; FIS-PI10/02180Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/217Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2011/034Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/21

    Symmetrical and unsymmetrical voltage sag effects on the three-phase synchronous machine stability

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    This paper focuses on the effects of voltage sags, both symmetrical and unsymmetrical, on the three-phase Synchronous Machine (SM). Voltage sags on SM cause speed variations, current and torque peaks and hence may cause tripping and equipment damage. The consequences of voltage sags on the machine behaviour depend on different factors such as sag’s magnitude (or depth), duration, initial point-on-wave and the parameters of the electrical machine. In this study, three SMs of different rated power have been considered in order to simulate the voltage sag effects for specific conditions and analyze the machine stability.Postprint (published version

    Reproductive Biology of Olive Trees (Arbequina cultivar) at the Northern Limit of Their Distribution Areas

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    In recent years, North-western Spain has experienced an increase in the cultivated area of olive trees. The main propitious areas for olive groves are the Miño and Sil basins, as a consequence of their Oceanic climate with Mediterranean influence. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of reproductive biology, phenological and aerobiological behaviour of olive trees in the most northerly new plantation areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The study was carried out in an olive grove growing Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Arbequina’ located in Quiroga (Lugo) from 2016 to 2018. The phenological observations were based upon the main growth stages following the Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt and Chemical industry (BBCH) scale. To predict the onset of flowering, a thermal time model was used in order to quantify the chill requirements, and growing degree-days were applied to determine the heat requirement. The production, viability and germination rates of Olea pollen were evaluated from samples selected in nine individual trees for the phenological survey. The aerobiological study was conducted by means of a Hirst-type pollen trap located in the centre of the olive grove. The vegetative period of the olive tree in the study area lasted an average of 259 days. The important phenological stage 6 (flowering) was the shortest stage. An average of 704 Chilling Hours (CH) with a threshold of 2.5 °C was required to overcome the chilling period, 1139 Growing Degree Days (GDD) for the beginning of flowering, and 4463 GDD for harvest. The pollen production per anther was 82589 grains (± 14084 pollen grains), with a rate of 81% viability and 12% pollen tube germination. The main pollen season started on average on May 20th and ended on June 16th with an average duration of 27 days and an annual pollen integral of 833 pollen grains. The low pollen concentrations could be a consequence of the Northern location of the forest, in a bioclimatic transition zone between the Eurosiberian and the Mediterranean areas, at the limit of olive tree distributionThis research was funded by the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional) through the recognition as Grupo de Referencia Competitivo de Investigación (GRC GI-1809 BIOAPLIC “Biodiversidad y Botánica Aplicada”, ED431C 2019/07), the Agrupación Estratégica de Investigación BioReDes (ED431E 2018/09) and the BV1 Reference Competitive Research Groups ED431C 2017/62 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain). This work was partially funded by Xunta de Galicia CITACA “Cluster de Investigación y Transferencia Agroalimentaria de Campus del Agua” Strategic Partnership (Reference: ED431E 2018/07) and the AGL2014-60412-R Economy and Competence Ministry of Spain Government projectS

    Deuda pública subnacional y crecimiento económico: caso Colima

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    La crisis financiera del 2008 impactó en las finanzas públicas de los gobiernos y en las economías de sus países, lo que los obligó a hacer cambios en sus políticas fiscales con la finalidad de impulsar su estabilidad financiera y económica. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en analizar las cuentas públicas del Estado de Colima y su crecimiento económico, para valorar la sustentabilidad de sus finanzas e identificar áreas de mejora. En este estudio, se utilizó el método cualitativo con alcance descriptivo, mediante el uso de información publicada por diversas dependencias gubernamentales y revistas especializadas. Dicha entidad federativa durante el periodo 2010-2016, tuvo una dependencia de un 90.9% de las transferencias federales y deuda pública, con tan solo una autonomía en sus ingresos del 9.1%. Al respecto, es necesaria la implementación de una política fiscal, basada en mayor eficiencia y calidad, partiendo de un gasto flexible acorde a su capacidad tributaria propia, que permitan un menor endeudamiento

    Customer Identification for Electricity Retailers Based on Monthly Demand Profiles by Activity Sectors and Locations

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    The increasing competition in the electric sector is challenging retail companies as they must assign its commercial efforts to attract the most profitable customers. Those are whose energy demand best fit certain target profiles, which usually depend on generation or cost policies. But, even when the demand profile is available, it is in an anonymous way, preventing its association to a particular client. In this paper, we explore a large dataset containing several millions of monthly demand profiles in Spain and use the available information about the associated economic sector and location for an indirect identification of the customers. The distance of the demand profile from the target is used to define a key performance indicator (KPI) which is used as the main driver of the proposed marketing strategy. The combined use of activity and location has been revealed as a powerful tool for indirect identification of customers, as 100,000 customers are uniquely identified, while about 300,000 clients are identifiable in small sets containing 10 or less consumers. To assess the proposed marketing strategy, it has been compared to the random attraction of new clients, showing a reduction of distance from the target of 40% for 10,000 new customers

    Control strategy for hybrid power filter to compensate unbalanced and non-linear, three-phase loads

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    A control algorithm is proposed for a three-phase hybrid power filter constituted by a series active filter and a shunt passive filter. The control strategy is based on the dual formulation of the vectorial theory of electrical power, so that the voltage waveform injected by the active filter is able to compensate the reactive power, to eliminate harmonics of the load current and to balance asymmetrical loads. An experimental prototype was developed and experimental results presented

    Distortion Sources Identification in Electric Power Systems

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    .Distorted voltage and current waveforms is one of the problems associated to electric power quality. Continuous use of non-linear loads provokes the existence of voltage waveforms with a high distortion. Thus, it is necessary to know the responsible of this problem by means of the commonly named distortion sources identification. In this paper, the problem is analyzed through the harmonic power sign, with the objective of knowing the sense of harmonic power flow between source and one load in distorted systems. Nowadays, it has already been established in the Literature that an analysis of this kind does not solve the problem. Recently, new indices have been introduced to evaluate a specific consumer distortion level. In this paper, a comparative analysis of these indices is carried out, having as reference a practical case. The results obtained show that, in fact, these indices can help to valuate the harmonic distortion, although none of them solve the question definitively

    Immunoglobulin Amyloidosis: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Physicochemistry

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    Las amiloidosis de inmunoglobulinas son enfermedades ocasionadas por los fragmentos insolubles de las inmunoglobulinas que se depositan en diversos tejidos formando fibras amiloides; esta acumulación anormal de proteínas produce disfunción orgánica y eventualmente la muerte. Esta patología se divide en 2 tipos: la amiloidosis AL y la amiloidosis AH, la primera es la forma sistémica más frecuente, donde los amiloides derivan de fragmentos de las cadenas ligeras de las inmunoglobulinas; la segunda es menos frecuente y resulta de la deposición de fragmentos de las cadenas pesadas. Determinar si son fragmentos de la cadena ligera o pesada es importante para el pronóstico y el tratamiento. En esta revisión se abordan los procesos termodinámicos y cinéticos que conducen a la agregación de estas proteínas así como las patologías, sus diagnósticos y tratamientos.Immunoglobulin amyloidoses are diseases caused by insoluble fragments of immunoglobulins that are deposited in various tissues forming amyloid fibers; This abnormal accumulation of proteins produces organ dysfunction and eventually death. This pathology is divided into 2 types: AL amyloidosis and AH amyloidosis, the first is the most common systemic form, where the amyloids are derived from fragments of the light chains of immunoglobulins; The second is less frequent and results from the deposition of heavy chain fragments. Determining whether they are light or heavy chain fragments is important for prognosis and treatment. This review addresses the thermodynamic and kinetic processes that lead to the aggregation of these proteins, as well as the pathologies, their diagnoses and treatments