205 research outputs found

    Registros electrónicos de planteamiento urbanístico en España: análisis de su transparencia, colaboración y participación

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    Esta comunicación tiene como objetivo analizar la «publicidad activa» de los registros electrónicos de planteamiento urbanístico de las diecisiete comunidades autónomas españolas y del Estado (Sistema de Información Urbana - SIU). Se plantea un análisis exploratorio, con un enfoque cuantitativo, para la elaboración de un diagnóstico del grado de desarrollo de los tres principios del Gobierno abierto (transparencia, participación y colaboración) en estos sitios web. Los resultados muestran un grado de desarrollo desigual entre la información disponible en los diferentes registros. En general, las comunidades autónomas disponen de portales específicos dedicados sólo a información a posteriori (de los documentos vigentes una vez que han sido aprobados y publicados en los boletines oficiales), aunque con bases de datos muy completas de documentos digitalizados y con consultas a demanda elaboradas. No obstante, los niveles de transparencia estipulados para la documentación en elaboración o tramitación, desde su fase inicial, así como las herramientas de colaboración y participación son excepcionales

    Sesión de Proteómica cuantitativa

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    Comunicaciones a congreso

    Use of vivo-morpholinos for gene knockdown in the postnatal shark retina

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    Work in the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula has shown that the evolutionary origin of postnatal neurogenesis in vertebrates is earlier than previously thought. Thus, the catshark can serve as a model of interest to understand postnatal neurogenic processes and their evolution in vertebrates. One of the best characterized neurogenic niches of the catshark CNS is found in the peripheral region of the retina. Unfortunately, the lack of genetic tools in sharks limits the possibilities to deepen in the study of genes involved in the neurogenic process. Here, we report a method for gene knockdown in the juvenile catshark retina based on the use of Vivo-Morpholinos. To establish the method, we designed Vivo-Morpholinos against the proliferation marker PCNA. We first evaluated the possible toxicity of 3 different intraocular administration regimes. After this optimization step, we show that a single intraocular injection of the PCNA Vivo-Morpholino decreases the expression of PCNA in the peripheral retina, which leads to reduced mitotic activity in this region. This method will help in deciphering the role of other genes potentially involved in postnatal neurogenesis in this animal modelGrant PID 2020-115121 GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 to A. Barreiro-Iglesias. Grant ED 431C 2021/18 funded by Xunta de Galicia to E. CandalS

    Expression of radial glial markers (GFAP, BLBP and GS) during telencephalic development in the catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula)

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    Radial glial cells (RGCs) are the first cell populations of glial nature to appear during brain ontogeny. They act as primary progenitor (stem) cells as well as a scaffold for neuronal migration. The proliferative capacity of these cells, both in development and in adulthood, has been subject of interest during past decades. In contrast with mammals where RGCs are restricted to specific ventricular areas in the adult brain, RGCs are the predominant glial element in fishes. However, developmental studies on the RGCs of cartilaginous fishes are scant. We have studied the expression patterns of RGCs markers including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), brain lipid binding protein (BLBP), and glutamine synthase (GS) in the telencephalic hemispheres of catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) from early embryos to post-hatch juveniles. GFAP, BLBP and GS are first detected, respectively, in early, intermediate and late embryos. Expression of these glial markers was observed in cells with radial glia morphology lining the telencephalic ventricles, as well as in their radial processes and endfeet at the pial surface and their expression continue in ependymal cells (or tanycytes) in early juveniles. In addition, BLBP- and GS-immunoreactive cells morphologically resembling oligodendrocytes were observed. In late embryos, most of the GFAP- and BLBP-positive RGCs also coexpress GS and show proliferative activity. Our results indicate the existence of different proliferating subpopulations of RGCs in the embryonic ventricular zone of catshark. Further investigations are needed to determine whether these proliferative RGCs could act as neurogenic and/or gliogenic precursors.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-FEDER (BFU2014-5863-1P); Xunta de Galicia-FEDER, Grant number: Rede Galega INBIOEST ED341D R2016/032S

    Facilitating self-efficacy in university students: an interactive approach with Flipped Classroom

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the perceived self-efficacy of university students after experiencing several Flipped Classroom sessions at different time points: prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic (onsite instruction) and after confinement at home (online instruction). The study's methodology followed a quantitative approach in which a total of 376 university students who had experienced the Flipped Learning sessions completed a general self-efficacy questionnaire. The results showed that the perceived self-efficacy is influenced by the academic year in which the students are enrolled, the modality in which the Flipped Classroom experience has been implemented (online or onsite) and the predisposition to innovation. In terms of practical implications, the Flipped Classroom applied in online formats could be a highly useful resource for designing active learning environments in which university students could improve their sense of self-efficacy. Consequently, their expectations and academic performance could also be improved

    Mitral cell development in the olfactory bulb of sharks: evidences of a conserved pattern of glutamatergic neurogenesis

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    In mammals, the development of the olfactory bulb (OB) relies in part on the expression of transcription factors involved in the specifications/differentiation of glutamatergic cells. In a previous study from our group, a high molecular similarity was reported between mammals and cartilaginous fishes regarding the neurogenic mechanisms underlying the development of glutamatergic cells in the telencephalon. However, information about the transcriptional program operating in the development of the glutamatergic system (mainly represented by mitral cells) in the OB is lacking in the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula, a cartilaginous fish. Using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization techniques, we have found that, previously to the appearance of the olfactory primordium (OP), proliferating cells expressing Pax6 with molecular hallmarks of progenitor radial glia were located in the ventrolateral pallial ventricular zone. Later in development, when the OP is recognizable, a stream of Pax6-positive cells were observed between the ventricular zone and the OP, where transcription factors involved in mitral cell development in mammals (ScTbr2, ScNeuroD, Tbr1) are expressed. Later in development, these transcription factors became expressed in a layered-like structure where ScVglut1, a marker of mitral cells, is also present. Our data suggest that the transcriptional program related with the specification/differentiation of glutamatergic cells in the telencephalon has been conserved throughout the evolution of vertebrates. These results, in combination with previous studies concerning GABAergic neurogenesis in sharks, have evidenced that the OB of mammals and sharks shares similarities in the timing and molecular programs of development.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-FEDER (BFU2014-5863-1P and BFU2017-8986-1P) and CNRS Université Pierre et Marie Curie Grant No. ANR-16-CE13-0013-02S

    Response of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum to exudates of the eelgrass Zostera marina

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    Biotic interactions are a key factor in the development of harmful algal blooms. Recently, a lower abundance of planktonic dinoflagellates has been reported in areas dominated by seagrass beds, suggesting a negative interaction between both groups of organisms. The interaction between planktonic dinoflagellates and marine phanerogams, as well as the way in which bacteria can affect this interaction, was studied in two experiments using a non-axenic culture of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum exposed to increasing additions of eelgrass (Zostera marina) exudates from old and young leaves and to the presence or absence of antibiotics. In these experiments, A. minutum abundance, growth rate and photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), as well as bacterial abundance, were measured every 48 h. Toxin concentration per cell was determined at the end of both experiments. Our results demonstrated that Z. marina exudates reduced A. minutum growth rate and, in one of the experiments, also the photosynthetic efficiency. These results are not an indirect effect mediated by the bacteria in the culture, although their growth modify the magnitude of the negative impact on the dinoflagellate growth rate. No clear pattern was observed in the variation of toxin production with the treatmentAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-125643OB-C21Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTM2017-83362-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. FPU20/0011

    Antena PIFA de banda ancha para aplicaciones en la banda alta de LTE

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    [EN] This paper introduces a broadband planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) with U-Shaped capacitive feed technique for higher LTE band applications. The proposed antenna is based on a simple PIFA, where the capacitive feed plate, radiating plate and ground plate is modified into a U-Shaped such that the antenna can have wideband characteristics. With the use of the proposed feeding configuration, the antenna shows a very wide pattern and impedance bandwidth of about 81.6% for VSWR ≤ 2.0 from 1.66 GHz to 3.95 GHz which can cover the higher band of LTE (1.71GHz-3.8GHz), DCS 1800, DCS 1900, UCDMA, UMTS, IMT 2000, DMB, Wi-Fi, 2.4GHz, WiMAX (2.3-2.5 GHz), WiMAX (3.4-3.5 GHz) and Bluetooth applications.[ES] Este artículo presenta una antena plana F invertida (PIFA) de banda ancha con la técnica de excitación capacitiva en U para aplicaciones en la banda alta de LTE. La antena propuesta se basa en una simple PIFA, donde las placas de excitación capacitiva, de radiación y de tierra se modifican a una geometría en U de tal manera que la antena puede poseer características de ancho de banda amplio. Mediante el uso de la configuración de excitación propuesta, la antena muestra un ancho de banda amplio de diagrama e impedancia del 81.6% para un VSWR ≤ 2.0 desde 1.66GHz a 3.95GHz la cual puede cubrir aplicaciones en la banda alta de LTE (1.71GHz-3.8GHz), DCS 1800, DCS 1900, UCDMA, UMTS, IMT 2000, DMB, Wi-Fi, 2.4GHz, WiMAX (2.3–2.5 GHz), WiMAX (3.4–3.5 GHz) y Bluetooth.Suárez Fajardo, CA.; Rodríguez León, RA.; Antonino Daviu, E. (2015). Wideband PIFA antenna for higher LTE band applications. DYNA. 82(189):84-89. doi:10.15446/dyna.v82n189.42103S84898218

    Developmental genoarchitectonics as a key tool to interpret the mature anatomy of the chondrichthyan hypothalamus according to the prosomeric model

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    The hypothalamus is a key vertebrate brain region involved in survival and physiological functions. Understanding hypothalamic organization and evolution is important to deciphering many aspects of vertebrate biology. Recent comparative studies based on gene expression patterns have proposed the existence of hypothalamic histogenetic domains (paraventricular, TPa/PPa; subparaventricular, TSPa/PSPa; tuberal, Tu/RTu; perimamillary, PM/PRM; and mamillary, MM/RM), revealing conserved evolutionary trends. To shed light on the functional relevance of these histogenetic domains, this work aims to interpret the location of developed cell groups according to the prosomeric model in the hypothalamus of the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula, a representative of Chondrichthyans (the sister group of Osteichthyes, at the base of the gnathostome lineage). To this end, we review in detail the expression patterns of ScOtp, ScDlx2, and ScPitx2, as well as Pax6-immunoreactivity in embryos at stage 32, when the morphology of the adult catshark hypothalamus is already organized. We also propose homologies with mammals when possible. This study provides a comprehensive tool to better understand previous and novel data on hypothalamic development and evolutionThis work was supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad – Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grant No. BFU2017-89861-P) partially financed by the European Social Fund, and by Xunta de Galicia (grant No. ED431C 2021/18)S