582 research outputs found

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Desarrollo de una plataforma de diseño e ingeniería naval

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    Due to the increase of the complexity in the production operations, and to the low times of delivery that demands the present market of the naval sector, it is necessary to use of CAD/CAE programs that acquire the paper of integrators of the phases of design, planning and the processes of manufacture. In a new ship, a high amount of information is handled, and totally managed in two dimensions until the finish stage of the project, previous to the manufacture. Then, begins the development of the steel in three dimensions. Therefore, during the project evolution there is not a complete 3D representation of the ship, which forces in numerous occasions to make modifications when the ship is already constructed. This increases the manufacture’s cost and delays the delivery time. These modifications could be avoided with a 3D model that allows the synchronized visualization of all its components, as happen when they are constructed.MSC: 68Nxx, 68U07Debido al incremento de complejidad en las operaciones de producción, y a los bajos tiempos de entrega que exige el mercado actual del sector naval, es necesario el manejo de aplicaciones CAD/CAE que adquieran el papel de integradoras entre las fases de diseño, la planificación y los procesos de fabricación. En un buque de nueva construcción la cantidad de información que se maneja es muy elevada, gestionándose íntegramente en dos dimensiones hasta alcanzar la última fase de proyecto, previa a la fabricación, donde ya empieza a ser común realizar el desarrollo del acero en tres dimensiones. Por lo tanto, durante la evolución del proyecto no se dispone en ningún momento de una representación 3D del buque completo, lo que obliga en numerosas ocasiones a realizar modificaciones una vez que el buque está ya construido, elevando de esta manera el coste de su fabricación y retrasando los tiempos de entrega. Dichas modificaciones se podrían evitar con un modelo 3D que permita la visualización simultánea de todos sus componentes, tal y como sucede cuando ya está construidoMSC: 68Nxx, 68U0

    Desarrollo de una plataforma de diseño e ingeniería naval

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    Due to the increase in complexity in production operations, and the low delivery times required by the current market in the naval sector, it is necessary to handle CAD / CAE applications that acquire the role of integrators between the design, planning and manufacturing processes In a newly built vessel the amount of information that is handled is very high, being managed entirely in two dimensions until reaching the last phase of the project, prior to manufacturing, where the development of steel in three dimensions is already beginning to be common. Therefore, during the evolution of the project, a 3D representation of the complete ship is not available at any time, forcing numerous modifications to be made once the ship is already built, thus raising the cost of its manufacture and delaying delivery times. Such modifications could be avoided with a 3D model that allows simultaneous visualization of all its components, just as it is when it is already built.Debido al incremento de complejidad en las operaciones de producción, y a los bajos tiempos de entrega que exige el mercado actual del sector naval, es necesario el manejo de aplicaciones CAD/CAE que adquieran el papel de integradoras entre las fases de diseño, la planificación y los procesos de fabricación. En un buque de nueva construcción la cantidad de información que se maneja es muy elevada, gestionándose íntegramente en dos dimensiones hasta alcanzar la última fase de proyecto, previa a la fabricación, donde ya empieza a ser común realizar el desarrollo del acero en tres dimensiones. Por lo tanto, durante la evolución del proyecto no se dispone en ningún momento de una representación 3D del buque completo, lo que obliga en numerosas ocasiones a realizar modificaciones una vez que el buque está ya construido, elevando de esta manera el coste de su fabricación y retrasando los tiempos de entrega. Dichas modificaciones se podrían evitar con un modelo 3D que permita la visualización simultánea de todos sus componentes, tal y como sucede cuando ya está construid

    Why long term trawled red algae beds off Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) still persist?

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    The bottom morphology, the surface sediments and the epibenthic community of two adjacent areas within the fishing ground traditionally known as Pesquera Rica (Balearic Islands) were characterized using multibeam echosounder, van Veen dredge and beam trawl. Red algae beds predominate in both areas, but one has been exploited by trawling since at least 90 years ago, whereas the presence of natural barriers prevents this fishing activity in the other one. Comparisons between the two areas showed a biomass reduction of 46.8 and 39.3% of dominant red algae taxonomic groups Peyssonneliaceae and Corallinophycidae, respectively, in the trawled area (TA). Similarly, both mean abundance and biomass of most groups of fauna were higher in the not trawled area (NTA). N90 biodiversity index showed higher mean values of algae species in NTA than in TA (7.0 and 4.9, respectively), whereas no differences were detected neither for sessile nor for mobile fauna. SIMPER analysis showed that large species of both sessile and mobile epibenthic fauna (e.g. the ascidia Polycarpa mamillaris and the echinoderm Spatangus purpureus, respectively) presented higher abundance and contribution to within area similarity in NTA than in TA. In coincidence, these are the most abundant epibenthic species in the commercial hauls from the Pesquera Rica. The relatively low fishing effort and the gears used, addressed to avoid large catches of algae allowing longer hauls, may explain the subsistence of red algae beds in the Balearic Islands trawl fishing grounds. However, the detrimental effects shown here claim for urgent management measures aiming to preserve these bedsVersión del edito

    Morphological evolution of pulsed laser deposited ZrO2 thin films

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    Morphological evolution of ZrO2 thin films deposited during pulsed laser deposition of Zr in O2 atmosphere has been experimentally studied at two different film deposition temperatures, 300 and 873 K. The roughness exponent, , the growth exponent, , the coarsening exponent, 1/z, and the exponent defining the evolution of the characteristic wavelength of the surface, p, for depositions at 300 K amounted to = 1.00.1, = 0.40.1, 1/z= 0.340.03, and p= 0.490.03, whereas for depositions carried out at 873 K amounted to = 0.30.3, = 0.40.2, and 1/z= 0.00.2. Experimental error becomes important due to the flat morphology of the films inherent to the deposition technique. The change in the surface topography with the film temperature has been studied with the help of a simple Monte Carlo model which indicates the existence of two different growth regimes: a shadowing dominated growth, occurring at low temperatures, characterized by calculated values = 1.000.04, = 0.500.04, p= 0.460.01, and 1/z= 0.350.02 and a diffusion dominated growth that takes place at high temperatures as well as at low deposition rates, characterized by calculated values = 0.150.08, = 0.330.04, and 1/z= 0.330.07. The good agreement obtained between the experimental and simulated parameters is discussed within the frame of the general characteristics of the deposition method.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-PAPIIT-IN107808Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México-CONACyT-50203-FMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España-MAT 2007-65764, PIE 200960I132 y CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010-CSD2008-00023Junta de Andalucía-TEP2275 y P07-FQM-0329

    Damage Assessment and Recovery Mapping for the "Las Peñuelas" Wildfire, Moguer (Huelva). Satellite Imagery. Year 2017

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    [EN] Deep knowledge of the regeneration processes after a forest fire is key to addressing their adverse environmental impacts, these are especially evident in the vegetation. In the post-fire environment context, the fire severity constitutes a critical variable that affects the ecosystem response in terms of vegetation recovery and hydrogeomorphological dynamics after the fire. Therefore, the severity accurate assessment is essential for the burned areas management because of it allows the identification of priority areas and, therefore, it helps to carry out recovery strategies and measures. The area of interest is located in the natural place of Las Peñuelas (Huelva), where a large fire took place on June 24, 2017 that affected almost 10 000 ha. The methodology was based on the calculation of the RBR (Relativized Burn Ratio) spectral index to estimate the severity of the fire, and the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) index to evaluate the recovery of vegetal vigor. For the work, images from the Sentinel-2 and Pleiades satellites, images acquired by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and field samplings were used. The result was a cartography showing the levels of recovery or degradation of the affected vegetation.[ES] Conocer en profundidad los procesos de regeneración después de un incendio forestal es fundamental para afrontar las consecuencias adversas de éstos sobre el medio natural. En este contexto, la severidad del fuego constituye una variable crítica porque condiciona la respuesta del ecosistema en términos de regeneración vegetal y dinámica hidrogeomorfológica tras el incendio. Por tanto, su correcta evaluación es fundamental para la gestión de las zonas quemadas ya que permite priorizar las áreas de actuación y, por tanto, ayuda en la adopción de estrategias y medidas de recuperación. El área de trabajo está localizada en el paraje de Las Peñuelas (Huelva), donde tuvo lugar un gran incendio el 24 de junio de 2017 que afectó a unas 10 000 ha. La metodología se basó en el cálculo del índice espectral RBR (Relativized Burn Ratio) para la estimación de la severidad, y el índice NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) para la evaluación de la recuperación del vigor vegetal. Para el trabajo se utilizaron imágenes procedentes de los satélite Sentinel-2 y Pléiades, fotografías adquiridas mediante UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), y muestreos de campo. El resultado fue una cartografía donde se muestran los niveles de recuperación o retroceso de la vegetación afectada.En el marco de los trabajos del Grupo de Trabajo Científico-Técnico encargado de la restauración del incendio de “Las Peñuelas” 2017, este artículo ha sido posible gracias a la colaboración del Espacio Natural de Doñana, por su contribución en la recogida de datos en las distintas campañas de campo y sus aportaciones técnicas en relación con el conocimiento exhaustivo del ámbito afectado. Por otro lado, agradecemos a AMAYA y La Caixa la aportación de información procedente de la campaña de campo con dron. También queremos agradecer a AIRBUS Defence and Space su colaboración en la optimización de procesos operativos y administrativos para la adquisición de imágenes Pléiades por parte de Rediam.Vales, J.; Pino, I.; Granado, L.; Prieto, R.; Méndez, E.; Rodríguez, M.; Giménez De Azcárate, F.... (2020). Cartografía de la afección y recuperación vegetal del incendio de Las Peñuelas en Moguer (Huelva) con imágenes satelitales. Año 2017. Revista de Teledetección. 0(57):79-94. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13082OJS799405

    The Hydropathy Index of the HCDR3 Region of the B-Cell Receptor Identifies Two Subgroups of IGHV-Mutated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients With Distinct Outcome

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    © 2021 Rodríguez-Caballero, Fuentes Herrero, Oliva Ariza, Criado, Alcoceba, Prieto, Pérez Caro, García-Montero, González Díaz, Forconi, Sarmento-Ribeiro, Almeida and Orfao.The HCDR3 sequences of the B-cell receptor (BCR) undergo constraints in length, amino acid use, and charge during maturation of B-cell precursors and after antigen encounter, leading to BCR and antibodies with high affinity to specific antigens. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia consists of an expansion of B-cells with a mixed immature and “antigen-experienced” phenotype, with either a mutated (M-CLL) or unmutated (U-CLL) tumor BCR, associated with distinct patient outcomes. Here, we investigated the hydropathy index of the BCR of 138 CLL patients and its association with the IGHV mutational status and patient outcome. Overall, two clearly distinct subgroups of M-CLL patients emerged, based on a neutral (mean hydropathy index of -0.1) vs. negatively charged BCR (mean hydropathy index of -1.1) with molecular features closer to those of B-cell precursors and peripheral/mature B-cells, respectively. Despite that M-CLL with neutral HCDR3 did not show traits associated with a mature B-cell repertoire, important differences in IGHV gene usage of tumor cells and patient outcome were observed in this subgroup of patients once compared to both U-CLL and M-CLL with negatively charged HCDR3 sequences. Compared to M-CLL with negatively charged HCDR3 sequences, M-CLL with neutral HCDR3 sequences showed predominance of men, more advanced stages of the disease, and a greater frequency of genetic alterations—e.g., del(17p)—together with a higher rate of disease progression and shorter time to therapy (TTT), independently of other prognostic factors. Our data suggest that the hydropathy index of the HCDR3 sequences of CLL cells allows the identification of a subgroup of M-CLL with intermediate prognostic features between U-CLL and the more favorable subgroup of M-CLL with a negatively charged BCR.This work was supported by the following grants: FS/37-2017, from the Fundación Memoria D. Samuel Solórzano, Universidad de Salamanca; FIS PI17/00399-FEDER, from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; 0639_IDIAL_NET_3_E, from cooperative network EPINTERREG V A España Portugal (POCTEP); and ECRIN-M3, Accelerator Award Full, Cancer Research UK, Fundación Cientıfíca de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), Fondazione AIRC per la Ricerca sul Cancro.