228 research outputs found

    Análisis del uso de las TIC en el aula de infantil. Una educación personalizada a través de la digitalización escolar.

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    La inclusión digital educativa es una realidad cada vez más presente y fundamental para el logro de una educación de calidad. En el presente trabajo se muestra una investigación acerca de los conocimientos y habilidades que tienen los docentes sobre la competencia digital y las posibilidades y dificultades que surgen en los centros para su implementación. Además, se exploran los beneficios del uso de recursos digitales desde Educación Infantil para lograr una educación personalizada y las limitaciones que existen en esta etapa respecto a otros cursos. Esta investigación es realizada por una muestra de 101 docentes de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria que imparten clases en centros públicos de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias. El instrumento empleado para la recopilación de datos, es una adaptación del cuestionario de referencia elaborado por el grupo de investigación EDULLAB, perteneciente al Laboratorio de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la Universidad de La Laguna. Los resultados del estudio muestran que, a pesar de conocer los beneficios del uso de la tecnología educativa, en muchos centros existen limitaciones que impiden una buena inclusión, destacando la falta de formación docente y de recursos digitales en las aulas. Además, se halló que existen claras diferencias en la aplicación y funcionamiento de las TIC entre la Etapa de Educación Primaria y de Educación Infantil, siendo más limitada en esta última. Estos resultados reflejan la importancia de la cualificación tecnológica en los centros y la necesidad de disponer de planes y recursos digitales desde las primeras etapas.Educational digital inclusion is an increasingly present and fundamental reality for the achievement of quality education. This study shows an investigation about the knowledge and skills that teachers have on digital competence and the possibilities and difficulties that arise in the centers for its implementation. In addition, it is investigated on the benefits of using digital resources in Early Childhood Education to achieve a personalized education and the limitations that exist at this stage compared to other courses are explored. This research is carried out by a sample of 101 Early Childhood Education and Primary Education teachers who teach in public centers in the Autonomous Region of Canary Islands. The instrument used for data collection is an adaptation of the reference questionnaire prepared by the EDULLAB research group, belonging to the Laboratory of Education and New Technologies of the University of La Laguna. The results of the study show that, despite knowing the benefits of the use of educational technology, in many centers there are limitations that prevent good inclusion, highlighting the lack of teacher training and digital resources in the classrooms. In addition, it was found that there are clear differences in the application and operation of ICT between the Stage of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education, with the latter option being more limited. These results reflect the importance of technological qualification in the centers and the need to have plans and digital resources from the first stage

    Knight by force and wounded, protecting without a shield: a meta-ethnography of men's experiences after an involuntary pregnancy loss

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    Review[Abstract] Objective: To synthesize the available body of qualitative research regarding the experiences of men after an involuntary pregnancy loss. Design: Noblit and Hare's interpretive meta-ethnography of 13 original qualitative articles was carried out. Results: After reciprocal and refutational translations, the lines of argument synthesis were developed, together with the metaphor "Knight by force and wounded, protecting without a shield." This metaphor symbolizes the experience of men after an involuntary pregnancy loss. CERQual assessment showed that the results are a (highly) reasonable representation of the phenomenon of interest. Conclusions: The men attempted to cope with the loss of fatherhood and suffering, while managing the lack of social recognition and social expectations of masculinity in terms of their behaviour and expression of suffering. They tended to be strong, although they did not always have the necessary support or knowledge. Implications for practice: Comprehensive and individualized care that includes the man is required. This requires the theoretical-practical training of nurses and midwives, and the provision of tools that help the emotional management of emotionally demanding care.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2018/3

    Executive function assessment: Adaptation of the Amsterdam executive function inventory using Spanish first-year university students from two knowledge areas

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    Objective Many university students have difficulties in adapting to autonomous learning due to executive functioning deficits. In the Spanish university context, there is a lack of reliable validated instruments for the evaluation of executive functioning. In this sense, the aim of this research is to present the process of adaptation and validation of the Amsterdam Executive Function Inventory (AEFI) for the evaluation of executive functioning in the Spanish context. Methods This study integrates two sequential processes: questionnaire translation and back-translation, and evaluation of the psychometric properties (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted), reliability, validity and multigroup analysis to identify factorial invariance. An online questionnaire was used for data collection and R package lavaan software was administered to a sample of 519 first-year university students (270 females and 249 males). Results The exploratory factor analysis evidenced an interna structure of three factors with adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha higher than 0.70), endorsed in the confirmatory factor analysis that indicated an adequate goodness-of-fit-indexes for the model. The composite reliability showed values between 0.74 and 0.82, and the convergent (average variance extracted values ranged from 0.50 to 0.61) and discriminant validity were adequate. A multigroup-analysis showed the invariance factorial through the difference in the RMSEA, CFI and TLI index, performed both in the model comparison according to gender and academic disciplines. Conclusion The AEFI adapted for Spanish has practical implications for the management of university students, as it can facilitate the improvement of university policies designed to foster the development of executive functions, specifically in first-year students

    La sombra del patriarcado en las redes sociales del aula

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    La sociedad actual se encuentra inmersa en profundos cambios relacionales ligados a la identidad de género, manifestándose de diferentes formas, entre las que se encuentra la violencia de género. En este sentido, y en el marco del proyecto de excelencia Teón XXI, en el que se está realizando el diagnóstico de género en el sistema escolar andaluz como primera medida para la prevención de conductas violentas, cobra importancia analizar las relaciones que los y las estudiantes establecen. Así, el análisis de las redes sociales del aula constituye el objetivo principal de este estudio. En este trabajo se desarrollan técnicas sociométricas para analizar las redes sociales del aula con perspectiva de género, los posicionamientos y el estatus del alumnado. La metodología experimental utilizada, complementada con encuesta y observación, permite valorar la incidencia de los mandatos del patriarcado en la sociología escolar en aulas de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de Sevilla. Los resultados muestran cómo los mandatos de género influyen en la elección y rechazo de estudiantes, asimismo se contrastan diferencias en las relaciones que establece el alumnado según el supuesto presentado, identificándose formas de liderazgo diferentes en función del género

    The Use of ICTs in Teaching at the Normal Superior School “Profr. Moisés Sáenz Garza”: An Exploratory Study

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    The use of ICTs in the classroom is studied in a descriptive exploratory way to favor the professional training process in the Normal Superior School “Profr. Moisés Sáenz Garza” based on the 2018 study plan. A survey was applied to teachers of eight specialties from different semesters. The questionnaire evaluated the frequency dimensions of the use of ICTs, the use of technological resources in teaching, the teacher’s communication process with students, and the usefulness of ICTs in class for teachers. The main results express that the use of ICTs is systematic and conceived as permanent support for the training path. The main means of teacher-student communication are email and the Moodle educational platform, while the most common activities carried out on the platform are exams, guidelines and forums. The established teachers agree in accepting and recognizing the need for ICTs to make the teaching-learning process more efficient. In general, the use of ICTs in the school studied is satisfactory, which is explained by the fact that the institution has the necessary technological infrastructure for academic activity

    Renin angiotensin system and gender differences in dopaminergic degeneration

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    Background: There are sex differences in dopaminergic degeneration. Men are approximately two times as likely as premenopausal women of the same age to develop Parkinson’s disease (PD). It has been shown that the local renin angiotensin system (RAS) plays a prominent role in sex differences in the development of chronic renal and cardiovascular diseases, and there is a local RAS in the substantia nigra and dopaminergic cell loss is enhanced by angiotensin via type 1 (AT1) receptors. Results: In the present study, we observed that intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine induced a marked loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of male rats, which was significantly higher than the loss induced in ovariectomized female rats given estrogen implants (i.e. rats with estrogen). However, the loss of dopaminergic neurons was significantly lower in male rats treated with the AT1 antagonist candesartan, and similar to that observed in female rats with estrogen. The involvement of the RAS in gender differences in dopaminergic degeneration was confirmed with AT1a-null mice lesioned with the dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP. Significantly higher expression of AT1 receptors, angiotensin converting enzyme activity, and NADPH-oxidase complex activity, and much lower levels of AT2 receptors were observed in male rats than in female rats with estrogen. Conclusions: The results suggest that brain RAS plays a major role in the increased risk of developing PD in men, and that manipulation of brain RAS may be an efficient approach for neuroprotective treatment of PD in men, without the feminizing effects of estrogen.Funding: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Ministry of Health (RD06/0010/0013 and CIBERNED), Galician Government (XUGA) and FEDERS

    Predicción del rendimiento de un cultivo de plátano mediante redes neuronales artificiales de regresión generalizada

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    Banana is an important crop in Latin America, for both large scale and small farmers. In Venezuela, the main production centers are in the area of Sur del Lago de Maracaibo. Knowing the crop yield is vital due to the need to maximize the investment-pro_t, and availability of such information in advance helps in the decision-making process of the production unit. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the ability of artificial neural networks to predict the yield of a banana crop, employing the best predictors dataset, given the physical characteristics of the soil and the chemical profile of leaf tissue. Generalized regression networks trained with the leave-one-out strategy, and two types of data transformations were used in this study. It was found that neural networks were excellent tools for predicting the yield of banana crop. The physicochemical profiles of soil and leaf tissue were suitable descriptors of the response variable. Among the data evaluated in this study, it was found that the physical data of 20-40 cm of soil was, after standardization of the training data, the best predictor group.El plátano es un cultivo importante en Latinoamérica, tanto a gran escala como para pequeños hacendados. En Venezuela, los principales centros productivos están en la zona del Sur del Lago de Maracaibo. Conocer el rendimiento de un cultivo obedece a la necesidad de maximizar la relación inversión-ganancia y la disponibilidad de esa información, con anticipación, permite tomar decisiones sobre el manejo de una plantación. La finalidad de esta investigación es evaluar la capacidad de las redes neuronales artificiales para predecir el rendimiento de un cultivo de plátano, empleando para ello el mejor grupo de datos predictores, determinado entre las características físicas del suelo y el perfil químico del tejido foliar. Se emplean redes de regresión generalizada y la estrategia leave-one-out, así como dos tipos de transformaciones de los datos. Se encuentra que las redes neuronales artificiales constituyen una excelente herramienta de predicción del rendimiento del cultivo de plátano y que los perfiles físico -químicos de suelo y del tejido foliar son adecuados descriptores para la variable respuesta. Entre los datos evaluados, en este estudio, se encontró que los datos físicos de suelo de 20-40 cm son el mejor grupo predictor, previo la estandarización de los datos de entrenamiento

    Impact of Green Manuring and Nitrogen Fertilization on Rice Cultivation: A Peruvian Amazon Forest Study in San Martín Province

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    Green manuring is an environmentally friendly technology aimed at providing nutrients to plants, enhancing soil fertility, mitigating soil degradation, controlling weeds and pests, and decreasing reliance on inorganic fertilizers. However, it requires dissemination and support to be adopted, especially in the poorest agricultural communities in Latin America. The study was conducted at the El Porvenir INIA in San Martín, Perú; it assessed two treatment sets: (1) green manure Crotalaria juncea (CroJ), Canavalia ensiforme (CanE), no green manure; and (2) nitrogen fertilizer dose (FN75, FN100). It was arranged in a split-plot design with four replications. During the experiment we detected an important fluctuation in soil parameters, however, it is the diminished levels of soil carbon and nitrogen, which were presumably the outcomes of microorganism processes. Otherwise, we observed that CanE significantly reduced the diseased tillers by "White Leaf Virus" (RHBV) by 2.82% compared to the control. The superior outcomes were achieved through CanE, and the highest yield was 8.36 t.ha-1 with the CanE - FN100 treatment. Additionally, the nutritional quality of rice was not altered by green manures or chemical nitrogen fertilization doses tested

    Aguas superficiales para consumo humano tratadas con luz ultravioleta

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo la habilitación de agua potable para una comunidad en el estado de México. La materia prima del proyecto corresponde a las aguas superficiales del río el “Puendo”, éstas se han caracterizado desde el punto de vista fisicoquímico y microbiológico, conforme a los resultados se ha determinado la factibilidad de obtener agua potable mediante la aplicación de luz ultravioleta a dichas aguas. La metodología se desarrolló utilizando un equipo de haz colimado a una longitud de onda de 254 nm, se determinaron los tiempos de exposición a irradiación en el agua para obtener la curva de luz UV aplicada y respuesta de los microorganismos. Al tratarse de un agua con un bajo contenido de coliformes fecales, se trabajó en un intervalo de dosis de luz UV de 0-1 mJ/cm, obteniéndose el resultado de no detectable para coliformes fecales en volúmenes menores del conjunto de pruebas, con lo cual se cumple con la normatividad vigente en materia de agua potable.The objective of this research is to provide drinking water to a community in the state of Mexico. The raw material of the project corresponds to the surface waters of the “PUENDO” river, These have been characterized from the physicochemical and microbiological point of view. According to the results, the feasibility of obtaining drinking water has been determined by applying ultraviolet light to said waters. The methodology was developed using a collimater beam equipment at a wavelength of 254 nm. The exposure and irradiation times in the water were determined to obtain the applied UV light curve and the response of the microorganisms. This water have a low content of fecal coliforms, we worked in a UV light dose range of 0-1 mJ / cm, obtaining the result of not detectable for fecal coliforms in smaller volumes of the test set, which complies with current regulations of drinking water

    AT1 receptor autoantibodies mediate effects of metabolic syndrome on dopaminergic vulnerability

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    The metabolic syndrome has been associated to chronic peripheral inflammation and related with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, including Parkinson’s disease. However, the responsible mechanisms are unclear. Previous studies have involved the brain renin-angiotensin system in progression of Parkinson’s disease and the angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1) has been recently revealed as a major marker of dopaminergic vulnerability in humans. Dysregulation of tissue renin-angiotensin system is a key common mechanism for all major components of metabolic syndrome. Circulating AT1 agonistic autoantibodies have been observed in several inflammation-related peripheral processes, and activation of AT1 receptors of endothelial cells, dopaminergic neurons and glial cells have been observed to disrupt endothelial blood -brain barrier and induce neurodegeneration, respectively. Using a rat model, we observed that metabolic syndrome induces overactivity of nigral pro-inflammatory renin-angiotensin system axis, leading to increase in oxidative stress and neuroinflammation and enhancing dopaminergic neurodegeneration, which was inhibited by treatment with AT1 receptor blockers (ARBs)S