2,383 research outputs found

    Labor demand and information technologies: evidence for Spain, 1980-2005

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    Utilizando la base de datos EU KLEMS, se contrasta la hipótesis de complementariedad entre habilidad y capital en los distintos sectores productivos en España en el periodo 1980-2005. Se analizan tres tipos de trabajadores clasificados según su nivel de habilidad sea alto, medio o bajo. Los activos de capital se van a clasificar entre activos TIC (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) y activos no-TIC. La adquisición y el uso de activos TIC son costosos pero ha ido disminuyendo en el periodo en consideración en términos relativos a otros activos y al factor trabajo. El principal resultado que se obtiene es que existe un grado de sustituibilidad entre los trabajadores y los activos TIC a medida que la habilidad del trabajador va aumentando. De hecho, los activos TIC son muy complementarios con los trabajadores de alta habilidad. A lo largo del periodo analizado, la fracción de trabajadores con habilidad media y alta ha crecido un 21% y un 12%, respectivamente, en detrimento de los trabajadores de baja habilidad. Después de descomponer estos cambios, se descubre que existe un ajuste dentro de los sectores más que un ajuste del trabajo entre sectores.capital-skill complementarity, ICT, translog cost function, elasticity of substitution.

    Labor Demand and Information Technologies: Evidence for Spain, 1980-2005

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    Using the EU KLEMS dataset we test the capital-skill complementarity hypothesis in a cross-section of sectors in Spain between 1980 and 2005. We analyze three groups of workers, who are classed according to skill level: high, medium and low. Capital assets have been broken down into ICT (information and communication technologies) assets and non-ICT assets. Acquisition and usage costs of ICT assets declined throughout the period studied, both in absolute terms and relative to the other capital assets and workers. Our principal finding is that the substitutibility between workers and ICT assets falls as worker skill level rises. In fact, the ICT assets were strongly complement with highly skilled workers and were not substitutive with them. Throughout the period analyzed, the fraction of employed medium- and high-skill workers rose by 21% and 12%, respectively, to the disadvantage of low-skill workers. After decomposing these changes, we found that the latter were dominated by an ajustment within sectors more than by a composition effect or adjustment between sectors. These adjustments may be explained by reference to the estimated elasticities of substitution.capital-skill complementarity, ICT, translog cost function, elasticity of substitution.

    Topographic paracentral corneal thickness with pentacam and orbscan: effect of acoustic factor

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    Purpose: To evaluate the effect of an acoustic factor (AF) on the comparison of central corneal thickness (CCT) and peripheral corneal thickness (PCT) measurements with Orbscan II and Pentacam. Methods: The CCT and PCT at 1, 2, and 3 radial distances from the corneal apex were measured using Orbscan II and Pentacam in 22 right eyes of 22 healthy adults (7 men, 15 women). Three measures were obtained from each 1 of the 25 points measured and then compared to gauge the agreement between both devices at the corneal center and anular areas located at 1-, 2-, and 3-mm distances from the central measurement. Orbscan II readings were considered with and without an AF correction. Results: Pentacam provides statistically significant higher values than Orbscan II does at all the 25 locations analyzed (P,0.001). With a few exceptions, the average difference was fairly constant between 20 and 40 mm for all the corneal locations. A high correlation existed between central readings (r2=0.927; P,0.001) and average thickness at each one of the annular areas being analyzed (r2=0.897 at 1 mm, r2=0.876 at 2 mm, and r2=0.870 at 3 mm); Pentacam minus Orbscan II value averaged for all the points changed from 228610 to 22269 mm after the removal of the AF in Orbscan II. Conclusions: Central and peripheral measurements of the corneal thickness obtained with Orbscan II and Pentacam are significantly different. The removal of the AF in Orbscan II renders lower mean differences but decreases the agreement between both systems and potentially induces an overestimation of CCT and PCT by Orbsan II compared with Pentacam.Supported by national grant PI081380 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain granted to Ocular Surface and Contact Lens Research Group GI-1750

    Effects of different protocols of post-activation potentiation on performance in the vertical jump, in relation to the F-V profile in female elite handball players

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    Objetivo: Conocer los efectos de dos protocolos de potenciación post activación (PAP) sobre el rendimiento en un salto con contramovimiento (CMJ) y su relación con el Perfil Fuerza-Velocidad (Perfil F-V). Metodología: Se evaluó la repetición máxima (RM), en el ejercicio de sentadilla, y el Perfil F-V de 9 jugadoras de balonmano de División de Honor Plata (edad, 21,3 ± 3,4 años; altura, 167,9 ± 5,82 cm; y peso, 66,51 ± 9,6 kg). Posteriormente, se realizaron dos protocolos PAP, con diferentes intensidades (3x3 65%RM y 3x3 80%RM), para comprobar efectos sobre el CMJ en diferentes tiempos de recuperación (15s/4/8/16/24 min). Resultados: el protocolo de 3x3 al 65%RM sufrió un descenso a los 15s del 15,03% respecto al PREtest, consiguiendo la mejor marca a los 8min, pero siendo esta un 4,5% inferior al PREtest. Tras el 3x3 al 80%RM, el salto volvió a sufrir un descenso a los 15s, esta vez del 11,61%, consiguiendo la mejor marca a los 4 y 16min, siendo esta un 6,5% inferior al PREtest. La relación entre el salto a los 15s y el desequilibrio en el Perfil F-V (FVimb) con el protocolo de 3x3 al 80%RM, pone en juego un 22% de elementos comunes (rs = 0,467; r2 = 0,22), mientras que con el protocolo de 3x3 al 65%RM solo pone en juego un 8% (rs = 0,283; r2 = 0,08). Conclusión: Los protocolos utilizados como PAP suponen un estímulo excesivo, y pueden estar en relación con el FVimb que presentan.Aim: To know the effects of two protocols of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) on the performance in a Countermovement Jump (CMJ) and its relationship with the Force-Velocity Profile (Profile F-V). Methodology: Repetition Maximum (RM) was evaluated in the squat exercise, and the FV Profile of 9 handball players of Silver Honor Division (age, 21.3 ± 3.4 years, height, 167.9 ± 5, 82 cm, and weight, 66.51 ± 9.6 kg). Subsequently, two PAP protocols were performed, with different intensities (3x3 65% RM and 3x3 80%RM), to check effects on the CMJ at different recovery times (15s / 4/8/16/24 min). Results: The protocol of 3x3 to 65% RM suffered a decrease at 15s of 15.03% with respect to the PREtest, achieving the best mark at 8min, but being 4.5% lower than the PREtest. After the 3x3 to 80% RM, the jump again suffered a decline at 15s, this time of 11.61%, getting the best mark at 4 and 16min, this being 6.5% lower than the PREtest. The relationship between the jump to the 15s and the imbalance of the FV Profile (FVimb) with the protocol of 3x3 to 80% RM, puts into play 22% of common elements (rs = 0.467, r2 = 0.22), while that with the protocol of 3x3 to 65% RM only puts at stake 8% (rs = 0.283, r2 = 0.08). Conclusions: The protocols used suppose an excessive stimulus for this type of subjects on the CMJ, which seems to be related to the FVimb that they present.peerReviewe

    EFECTOS DE DOS PROTOCOLOS DE POTENCIACIÓN POST-ACTIVACIÓN SOBRE EL RENDIMIENTO EN EL SALTO VERTICAL, EN RELACIÓN AL PERFIL F-V EN JUGADORAS DE BALONMANO DE ÉLITE [Effects of different protocols of Post-Activation Potentiation on Performance in the Vertical Jump, in relation to the F-V Profile in Female Elite Handball Players]

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    Objetivo: Conocer los efectos de dos protocolos de potenciación post activación (PAP) sobre el rendimiento en un salto con contramovimiento (CMJ) y su relación con el Perfil Fuerza-Velocidad (Perfil F-V). Metodología: Se evaluó la repetición máxima (RM), en el ejercicio de sentadilla, y el Perfil F-V de 9 jugadoras de balonmano de División de Honor Plata (edad, 21,3 ± 3,4 años; altura, 167,9 ± 5,82 cm; y peso, 66,51 ± 9,6 kg). Posteriormente, se realizaron dos protocolos PAP, con diferentes intensidades (3x3 65%RM y 3x3 80%RM), para comprobar efectos sobre el CMJ en diferentes tiempos de recuperación (15s/4/8/16/24 min). Resultados: el protocolo de 3x3 al 65%RM sufrió un descenso a los 15s del 15,03% respecto al PREtest, consiguiendo la mejor marca a los 8min, pero siendo esta un 4,5% inferior al PREtest. Tras el 3x3 al 80%RM, el salto volvió a sufrir un descenso a los 15s, esta vez del 11,61%, consiguiendo la mejor marca a los 4 y 16min, siendo esta un 6,5% inferior al PREtest. La relación entre el salto a los 15s y el desequilibrio en el Perfil F-V (FVimb) con el protocolo de 3x3 al 80%RM, pone en juego un 22% de elementos comunes (rs = 0,467; r2 = 0,22), mientras que con el protocolo de 3x3 al 65%RM solo pone en juego un 8% (rs = 0,283; r2 = 0,08). Conclusión: Los protocolos utilizados como PAP suponen un estímulo excesivo, y pueden estar en relación con el FVimb que presentan. Abstract Aim: To know the effects of two protocols of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) on the performance in a Countermovement Jump (CMJ) and its relationship with the Force-Velocity Profile (Profile F-V). Methodology: Repetition Maximum (RM) was evaluated in the squat exercise, and the FV Profile of 9 handball players of Silver Honor Division (age, 21.3 ± 3.4 years, height, 167.9 ± 5, 82 cm, and weight, 66.51 ± 9.6 kg). Subsequently, two PAP protocols were performed, with different intensities (3x3 65% RM and 3x3 80% RM), to check effects on the CMJ at different recovery times (15s / 4/8/16/24 min). Results: The protocol of 3x3 to 65% RM suffered a decrease at 15s of 15.03% with respect to the PREtest, achieving the best mark at 8min, but being 4.5% lower than the PREtest. After the 3x3 to 80% RM, the jump again suffered a decline at 15s, this time of 11.61%, getting the best mark at 4 and 16min, this being 6.5% lower than the PREtest. The relationship between the jump to the 15s and the imbalance of the FV Profile (FVimb) with the protocol of 3x3 to 80% RM, puts into play 22% of common elements (rs = 0.467, r2 = 0.22), while that with the protocol of 3x3 to 65% RM only puts at stake 8% (rs = 0.283, r2 = 0.08). Conclusions: The protocols used suppose an excessive stimulus for this type of subjects on the CMJ, which seems to be related to the FVimb that they present

    Brønsted acid−catalyzed synthesis of tetrasubstituted allenes and polysubstituted 2H-chromenes from tertiary propargylic alcohols

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    A practical and environmentally benign Brønsted acid−catalyzed protocol for the preparation of all-carbon tetrasubstituted allenes, consisting in the direct SNˈ addition of tri- or dimethoxy arenes or allyltrimethylsilane to tertiary propargylic alcohols, has been developed. In addition, a straightforward synthesis of densely substituted 2H-chromenes by metal-free tandem allenylation/heterocyclization reaction of methoxyphenols and tertiary alkynols is presented.Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER (BU291P18) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER (CTQ2016-75023-C2-1-P

    Nuevo método para acelerar la curación de la enfermedad de Perthes

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    Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 13 años de edad, con el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Perthes avanzada, atendido en el servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital Universitario Celia Sánchez Manduley, en el que se empleó por primera vez el tratamiento quirúrgico convencional asociado al empleo de la oxigenación hiperbárica. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria, la nueva combinación de tratamientos, logró reducir el período de evolución de la enfermedad en seis meses.A case of 13 years old patient with advanced Perthes disease is presented. The child was admitted to the orthopedics and traumathology service of the University Hospital Celia Sánchez Manduley. Surgical treatment was associated to hiperbaric oxynation therapy. The patient's outcome was satisfactory. The new treatment combination was able to reduce the evolution's period of disease in six months

    Efecto de un programa de intervención sobre el estrés percibido, autoestima y rendimiento en jóvenes pilotos de motociclismo de elite

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    In the motorcycling sport specialty, scientific literature has focused on technology, safety or even on injury variables; however there is little information regarding psychological variables. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of a technical and physical intervention on psychological variables such as self-esteem, self-assessment, appraisal of others and, finally, performance. The sample was made up of twenty-seven young elite road-race motorcyclists who competed in the Red Bull Moto GP Rookies Cup. 16 of whom completed an intervention program (Experimental Group, EG), while the other 14 belonged to the Control Group (CG). We collected the measurements in the first and last race of the season. Our results indicate the EG had controlled the stress level, had a better technique, physical, and psychological conditions, besides better competition performance, in comparison with the CG. We conclude that our intervention program has been effective at maintaining stress levels, bettering technical, tactical and psychological skills, and also improving performance throughout the competition period