168 research outputs found

    Diseño para la adaptación del entorno doméstico tras la experiencia del confinamiento

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    [ES] Este Trabajo de Fin de Máster (TFM) plantea analizar el nuevo panorama de necesidades derivadas de la experiencia del confinamiento, experimentando experimentado/ocurrido en el contexto de la pandemia del COVID 19. En particular, se estudiará el entorno doméstico como contexto de múltiples y variadas actividades que han provocado un cambio de percepción, valores y prioridades por parte del usuario, a la par que su intervención en la adaptación de su propio entorno, a las nuevas necesidades. Se propone como área de innovación y prospectiva el diseño de productos para las experiencias educativas, profesionales y/o la práctica deportiva dentro de casa. Sobre estas bases, se planteará una aplicación al diseño conceptual y el desarrollo de una línea de productos multifuncionales para el hogar, que resulten flexibles y adaptables a distintos usos y usuarios.[EN] This Master's Thesis presents an analysis of the new panorama of needs derived from the home lockdown, experienced in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic. In particular, the domestic environment will be studied as a context of multiple and varied activities that have caused a change in perception, values and priorities by the user, as well as their intervention in adapting their own environment to new needs. The design of products for educational and professional experiences and/or sports practice at home is proposed as an area of innovation and prospective. On these bases, an application to conceptual design and the development of a line of multifunctional products for the home is proposed, which are flexible and adaptable to different uses and users.[CA] Este Treball de Fi de Màster (TFM) planteja analitzar el nou panorama de necessitats derivades de l'experiència del confinament, experimentado/ocurrido en el context de la pandèmia del COVID 19. En particular, s'estudiarà l'entorn domèstic com a context de múltiples i variades activitats que han provocat un canvi de percepció, valors i prioritats per part de l'usuari, al mateix temps que la seua intervenció en l'adaptació del seu propi entorn, a les noves necessitats. Es proposa com a àrea d'innovació i prospectiva el disseny de productes per a les experiències educatives, professionals y/o la pràctica esportiva dins de casa. Sobre estes bases, es plantejarà una aplicació al disseny conceptual i el desenrotllament d'una línia de productes multifuncionals per a la llar, que resulten flexibles i adaptables a distints usos i usuaris.Rodríguez-Manzaneque Alberca, IP. (2021). Diseño para la adaptación del entorno doméstico tras la experiencia del confinamiento. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/173458TFG

    Diseño de un asiento ergonómico para la mejora del confort del pasajero

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    [ES] Con el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se presenta el diseño de un asiento de tren, concretamente de larga distancia, con el objetivo de mejorar el nivel de confort del pasajero durante su uso. Este tema ha sido escogido para mejorar las características de uso de uno de los elementos más importantes de este medio de transporte como es el asiento. El diseño que se ha llevado a cabo es innovador siguiendo unas líneas limpias que proporcionan sensación de amplitud y comodidad. El diseño cumple con las normativas establecidas aprobadas por la UNE y se han adaptado las dimensiones del producto al usuario adoptando recomendaciones de ergonomía estandarizadas. En cuanto a los materiales, se ha investigado cuales son los más adecuados para cada uno de los componentes que lo conforman, tratando siempre que en su gran mayoría sean reciclables y ligeros, pues se trata de un producto de grandes dimensiones que debe, por tanto, facilitar su transporte y montaje. En resumen, este producto soluciona distintas cuestiones y necesidades que pueden surgir durante un trayecto como puede ser organizar bultos de mano o el pequeño equipaje que se lleva encima. Además, respeta los espacios necesarios para una experiencia satisfactoria del usuario durante su viaje, pudiendo crear una cierta privacidad gracias a las posibles posiciones que ofrece el diseño.[EN] This Final Degree Project presents a train seat design, specifically a long distance train, with the aim of improve the passenger’s cosiness level during its use. This topic has been chosen in order to improve the characteristics of one of the most important elements of this mean of transport which is the seat. The design that has been developed is innovative, following cleanlines that provide wideness and comfort feelings. The design fits with the regulations approved by UNE and the dimensions of the product have been adapted to the user considering ergonomic standard recommendations. The materials that have been used are the most suitable for each one of the components that make it up, always trying to ensure that most of them are recyclable and light, because it’s a heavy product and it should be easy to transport and to assembly at all. Finally, this product solves various issues and needs that could appear during a trip, such as organizing hand luggage or small bags that you carried with your oun. In addition, it respects the necessary spaces for a satisfactory experience of the user during his trip, being able to create a certain privacy thanks to the posible positions that this design offers.[CA] Amb el present Treball Fi de Grau (TFG) es presenta el disseny d'un assentisc de tren, concretament de llarga distància, amb l'objectiu de millorar el nivell de confort del passatger durant el seu ús. Este tema ha sigut triat per a millorar les característiques d'ús d'un dels elements més importants d'este mitjà de transport com és l'assentisc. El disseny que s'ha dut a terme és innovador seguint unes línies netes que proporcionen sensació d'amplitud i comoditat. El disseny complix amb les normatives establides aprovades per la UNIX i s'han adaptat les dimensions del producte a l'usuari adoptant recomanacions d'ergonomia estandarditzades. Quant als materials, s'ha investigat quals són els més adequats per a cada un dels components que ho conformen, tractant sempre que en la seua gran majoria siguen reciclables i lleugers, perquè es tracta d'un producte de grans dimensions que deu, per tant, facilitar el seu transport i muntatge. En resum, este producte soluciona distintes qüestions i necessitats que poden sorgir durant un trajecte com pot ser organitzar embalums de mà o el xicotet equipatge que es porta damunt. A més, respecta els espais necessaris per a una experiència satisfactòria de l'usuari durant el seu viatge, podent crear una certa privacitat gràcies a les possibles posicions que oferix el disseny.Rodríguez-Manzaneque Alberca, IP. (2019). Diseño de un asiento ergonómico para la mejora del confort del pasajero. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/125543TFG

    Carboxyl-modified single-wall carbon nanotubes improve bone tissue formation in vitro and repair in an in vivo rat model.

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    The clinical management of bone defects caused by trauma or nonunion fractures remains a challenge in orthopedic practice due to the poor integration and biocompatibility properties of the scaffold or implant material. In the current work, the osteogenic properties of carboxyl-modified single-walled carbon nanotubes (COOH-SWCNTs) were investigated in vivo and in vitro. When human preosteoblasts and murine embryonic stem cells were cultured on coverslips sprayed with COOH-SWCNTs, accelerated osteogenic differentiation was manifested by increased expression of classical bone marker genes and an increase in the secretion of osteocalcin, in addition to prior mineralization of the extracellular matrix. These results predicated COOH-SWCNTs' use to further promote osteogenic differentiation in vivo. In contrast, both cell lines had difficulties adhering to multi-walled carbon nanotube-based scaffolds, as shown by scanning electron microscopy. While a suspension of SWCNTs caused cytotoxicity in both cell lines at levels >20 μg/mL, these levels were never achieved by release from sprayed SWCNTs, warranting the approach taken. In vivo, human allografts formed by the combination of demineralized bone matrix or cartilage particles with SWCNTs were implanted into nude rats, and ectopic bone formation was analyzed. Histological analysis of both types of implants showed high permeability and pore connectivity of the carbon nanotube-soaked implants. Numerous vascularization channels appeared in the formed tissue, additional progenitor cells were recruited, and areas of de novo ossification were found 4 weeks post-implantation. Induction of the expression of bone-related genes and the presence of secreted osteopontin protein were also confirmed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis and immunofluorescence, respectively. In summary, these results are in line with prior contributions that highlight the suitability of SWCNTs as scaffolds with high bone-inducing capabilities both in vitro and in vivo, confirming them as alternatives to current bone-repair therapies

    Assessment of hormonal parameters in long-term karate Practitioners

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    Introduction: Karate is a Japanese martial art which is widely practiced in the Western world as a form of self-defense, as well as a discipline to achieve physical and mental balance.However, little is known with respect to its specific psychobiological effects, particularly in relation to the influence that karate may exert on the endocrine system. Thus, in the present study we analyzed the effects of regular karate practice on several hormonal parameters. Methods: 27 healthy volunteer subjects participated in the study, of whom 15 were allocated to the experimental group, and 12 were assigned to the control group. Experimental subjects were karate players with a minimum of 3 years of practice in this discipline. Blood samples for the quantification of hormonal parameters (TSH, T3, T4, PTH, ACTH, cortisol, and DHEA) were taken in both groups. To compare the means of the control and experimental group, a t-test for independent groups was performed in each dependent variable. Results: Significant differences between the experimental and control group were found in T3, T4, and cortisol, with karate players showing lower blood levels of these hormones than control. Conclusions: These findings reveal that long-term karate practice is associated to a significant endocrine modulation, which suggests interesting psychobiological implications, and lends itself to potential clinical considerations. Further research is needed to properly assess the scope of the peculiar hormonal profile displayed by advanced karate practitioners.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Immune modulation after long-term karate practice

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    Introduction: Karate is a Japanese martial arts system which traces its roots back to China, and is nowadays widely popular both as a method of self-defense, as well as a discipline with potential physical and psychological benefits. However, karate has been scarcely investigated from a psychobiological perspective, and its effects on the immune system remain virtually unknown. Therefore, we designed the present study with the aim of analyzing the effects of several years of regular karate practice on different immune parameters. Methods: 27 healthy volunteer subjects participated in the study, 15 being allocated to the experimental group, and 12 to the control group. Experimental subjects were all karate players who had practiced this martial art for a minimum of three years. Blood samples for the quantification of immune parameters (leukocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE) were taken in both groups. As statistical analysis, a t-test for independent groups was performed in each dependent variable. Results: Compared to the control group, karate practitioners exhibited a significantly higher number of leukocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes, as well as greater serum concentrations of IgG and IgM. Conclusions: Our findings show that long-term karate practice is related to a broad modulation of immune parameters, including leukocytes counts as well as immunoglobulin concentrations. This peculiar immunomodulatory profile, apart from its psychobiological relevance, may have noteworthy clinical implications. Further investigation would be necessary to fully elucidate the influence that long-term karate training can exert on the immune system.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The Multi-Kinase Inhibitor EC-70124 Is a Promising Candidate for the Treatment of FLT3-ITD-Positive Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Simple Summary: Patients with AML harboring constitutively active mutations in the FLT3 receptor generally have a poor prognosis (FLT3-ITDMUT). Despite the fact that several FLT3 inhibitors have been developed, clinical responses are commonly partial or not durable, highlighting the need for new molecules targeting FLT3-ITDMUT. Here, we tested EC-70124, a hybrid indolocarbazole analog from the same chemical space as midostaurin (a well-known FLT3 inhibitor). Our in vitro and in vivo experiments showed that EC-70124 exerts a robust and specific antileukemia activity against FLT3- ITDMUT AML cells while sparing healthy hematopoietic cells. Collectively, EC-70124 is a promising and safe agent for the treatment of this aggressive type of AML.Funding: We thank CERCA/Generalitat de Catalunya and Fundació Josep Carreras-Obra Social la Caixa for institutional support. This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RTC-2016-4603-1 in collaboration with Entrechem, PID2019-108160RBI00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the Interreg V-A program (POCTEFA) 2014–2020 (grant PROTEOblood EFA360/19), Health Canada (H4080-144541) and Deutsche Josep Carreras Leukämie Stiftung in collaboration with I.J. to P.M. (15R/2021). P.M. and M.R.-O. also acknowledge the support from ISCIII-RICORS within the Next Generation EU program (plan de recuperación, transformación y resiliencia). Additional funding was provided by Consejería de Salud y Familia (PI-0119-2019) to RDG, the Health Institute Carlos III (FIS PI20/00822), Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (PRYGN211192BUEN) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (PLE2021-007518 and PI20/00822) to C.B. M.V. was supported by Juan de la Cierva fellowship (IJCI-2017-33172). B.L.-M. was supported by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (INVES20011LÓPE) and Consejería de Salud y Familia (PEER-0028-2020).Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10 .3390/cancers14061593/s1, Figure S1: Uncropped blots.Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common acute leukemia in adults. Patients with AML harboring a constitutively active internal tandem duplication mutation (ITDMUT) in the FMS-like kinase tyrosine kinase (FLT3) receptor generally have a poor prognosis. Several tyrosine kinase/FLT3 inhibitors have been developed and tested clinically, but very few (midostaurin and gilteritinib) have thus far been FDA/EMA-approved for patients with newly diagnosed or relapse/refractory FLT3-ITDMUT AML. Disappointingly, clinical responses are commonly partial or not durable, highlighting the need for new molecules targeting FLT3-ITDMUT AML. Here, we tested EC-70124, a hybrid indolocarbazole analog from the same chemical space as midostaurin with a potent and selective inhibitory effect on FLT3. In vitro, EC-70124 exerted a robust and specific antileukemia activity against FLT3-ITDMUT AML primary cells and cell lines with respect to cytotoxicity, CFU capacity, apoptosis and cell cycle while sparing healthy hematopoietic (stem/progenitor) cells. We also analyzed its efficacy in vivo as monotherapy using two different xenograft models: an aggressive and systemic model based on MOLM-13 cells and a patient-derived xenograft model. Orally disposable EC-70124 exerted a potent inhibitory effect on the growth of FLT3-ITDMUT AML cells, delaying disease progression and debulking the leukemia. Collectively, our findings show that EC-70124 is a promising and safe agent for the treatment of AML with FLT3-ITDMUT.Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer INVES20011LÓPE, PEER-0028-2020Consejería de Salud y Familia PI-0119-2019Generalitat de Catalunya and Fundació Josep CarrerasISCIII-RICORSJuan de la Cierva fellowship IJCI-2017-33172Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion PI20/00822, PLE2021-007518Interreg EFA360/19Centres de Recerca de CatalunyaHealth Canada H4080-144541Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PID2019-108160RBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, RTC-2016-4603-1Instituto de Salud Carlos III FIS PI20/00822José Carreras Leukämie-Stiftung 15R/202

    Immunomodulatory Effects in Healthy Individuals Following a 4-Week Taoist Qigong Intervention: A Comparative Study.

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    Qigong, an ancient health preservation technique forming part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, combines slow body movements, breathing, and meditation. While this meditative movement system has been reported to offer various physical and psychological benefits, studies on the Taoist school of qigong are sparse. This study, therefore, aimed to investigate the effects of Taoist qigong on white blood cells and other immune parameters in healthy individuals. MATERIAL AND METHODS Thirty-eight participants were recruited for the study, with 21 assigned to the experimental group and 17 to the control group. Participants in the experimental group engaged in a four-week Taoist qigong program. Blood samples for immune parameter quantification, including leukocyte count, neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, lymphocyte, and large unstained cell (LUC) counts, as well as concentrations of IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, and C4, were collected one day before the experiment started and one day after it ended. RESULTS Post-program, the experimental group exhibited significantly lower total leukocyte counts, and reduced numbers of lymphocytes and LUCs. Additionally, a higher percentage of monocytes was noted in this group. CONCLUSIONS Taoist qigong practice induced a distinct immunomodulatory profile, characterized by decreased counts of several white blood cell parameters and increased percentages of certain agranulocytes. This outcome presents intriguing implications from a psychobiological perspective and highlights the need for further research into the immune effects of Taoist mind-body practice

    Functional analysis of yeast gene families involved in metabolism of vitamins B1 and B6

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    In order to clarify their physiological functions, we have undertaken a characterization of the three-membered gene families SNZ13 and SNO13. In media lacking vitamin B6, SNZ1 and SNO1 were both required for growth in certain conditions, but neither SNZ2, SNZ3, SNO2 nor SNO3 were required. Copies 2 and 3 of the gene products have, in spite of their extremely close sequence similarity, slightly different functions in the cell. We have also found that copies 2 and 3 are activated by the lack of thiamine and that the Snz proteins physically interact with the thiamine biosynthesis Thi5 protein family. Whereas copy 1 is required for conditions in which B6 is essential for growth, copies 2 and 3 seem more related with B1 biosynthesis during the exponential phase