2,832 research outputs found
L'adaptation émotionnelle des infirmiers lors de la prise en soins de patients âgés en fin de vie: le rôle de l'expérience professionnelle : travail de Bachelor
Les projections démographiques de vieillissement de la population (Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS, 2010)) indiquent une future augmentation du nombre de personnes très âgées, vulnérables et en besoin de soins dans les 50 prochaines années. Compte tenu de la pénurie infirmière constatée (Heinz, 2004 ; Jaccard Ruedin et al., 2009 ; Janiszewski Goodin, 2003 ; Simoens et al., 2005) un nombre accru de prises en charge de personnes très âgées et proches de la mort est à considérer. Les soins de fin de vie pouvant être une source de stress et de souffrance (Dunn et al., 2005 ; Kuhn et al., 2011), les infirmiers engagent des stratégies de coping qui leur permettant d’y faire face et de maintenir une certaine stabilité émotionnelle (Cosnier et al., 1993). Le but de cette revue de littérature vise l’identification de ces stratégies et du rôle de l’expérience professionnelle dans l’élaboration de ces dernières. La « bonne mort », les soins palliatifs, les compétences en communication, la maîtrise de la relation d’aide, la juste distance et la notion de contrôle nous ont permis de mettre en évidence le rôle de l’expérience professionnelle sur l’adaptation émotionnelle des infirmiers lors de la prise en soins de patients âgés en fin de vie. La confrontation de ces concepts au modèle de l’adaptation de Roy (1986) nous a ensuite permis d’apprécier la pertinence de ces concepts au regard de la science infirmière. Les résultats obtenus clarifient les besoins des personnes âgées en fin de vie et les compétences infirmières devant être développées pour ajuster la démarche infirmière et ainsi satisfaire leurs besoins
Social security benefits for people with disabilities
[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado comienza analizando la evolucion del concepto de persona con discapacidad, tanto a nivel nacional como a nivel de la Union Europea, y como han ido desarrollandose las leyes hasta lo que hoy se entiende por persona con discapacidad. Actualmente, existe una norma especifica, Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley General de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad y su inclusion social. Hay que tener en cuenta que no solamente ha evolucionado el propio concepto de persona con discapacidad, sino tambien su propia terminologia, empleando para ello conceptos mas adecuados a la hora de definir a este colectivo. A continuacion, se estudian las diferentes prestaciones del Sistema de Seguridad Social espanol, en su nivel contributivo y asistencial, para conocer cual es la proteccion de este colectivo en la regulacion social espanola, y como se pretende hacer frente a las desigualdades sociales que pueden sufrir en su proteccion social o situacion de desempleo o de vulnerabilidad economica. De este modo, se analizan el concepto y regulacion, beneficiarios y cuantia de cada una de las prestaciones destinadas a las personas con discapacidad, atendiendo a la naturaleza contributiva o no contributiva de las mismas.[EN] The present Final Degree Project starts analyzing the evolution of the person with disability concept, both in a national and European Union level, and how the laws have developed to what is now understood by person with disabilities. Nowadays, there is an specific law, Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley General de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad y su inclusion social. It is necessary to keep in mind that not only has evolved the person with disabilities concept, but also its terminology, using then more accurate concept when defining this group. Next, the different benefits of the Spanish Social Security System, both contributory and assistance level, in order to know the incidence of this group in the Spanish social regulation, and how it´s pretended to deal with social inequalities they suffer or may suffer in their employment, unemployment or economic vulnerability situation. In this way, the concept, beneficiaries, and quantity of every benefit are being analyzed, paying attention to their contributive and non-contributive nature
Water supply to the communities of Azaculapa, Carao Abajo and Santa Catarina, in the municipality of El Triunfo, Honduras.
Enxeñería Sen Fronteiras (ESF) es una Organización No Gubernamental para el Desarrollo (ONGD) cuya filosofía se basa en poner la tecnología al servicio del desarrollo humano. ESF empieza a trabajar en el sector del agua y saneamiento en Honduras a finales de 2007 desarrollando el Plan de Gestión Integral del Recurso Hídrico en diversas comunidades. Desde el año 2013 se continúa con el trabajo del PGIRH pero teniendo como socio local a la Mancomunidad de Municipios del Sur NASMAR, a la que el municipio de El Triunfo pertenece. En este contexto se enmarca el presente anteproyecto, cuyo objetivo es dotar de un sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable a tres comunidades del municipio: Azacualpa, Carao Abajo y Santa Catarina. Debido a la falta de datos cartográficos, los abastecimientos a Azacualpa y Carao Abajo no se desarrollarán tras el estudio de alternativas, centrando el estudio a la comunidad de Santa Catarina. De este modo, en este anteproyecto se definen las obras del sistema de la comunidad de Santa Catarina en la que se incluyen la construcción de una captación, un sistema de bombeo, una línea de impulsión y un depósito y una red de distribución. -Captación: será un pozo a perforar de 6” de diámetro y de 150 pies de perforación. -Sistema de bombeo: bomba sumergible de 3 CV que trabajará 8 horas diarias para cubrir el consumo medio diario. -Línea de impulsión: de hierro galvanizado y de 330 metros de longitud que salva 75 metros de desnivel. -Depósito de distribución: será un depóstito elevado de 5 metros de ferrocemento de 50 m3 de volumen y con un soporte de estructura metálica. -Red de distribución: red arbolada con un tramo principal (tronco) de 1220 metros de longitud y 10 ramales. Por último destacar que en proyectos de cooperación es de vital importancia la autosostenibilidad del proyecto, la integridad y el uso de las tecnologías apropiadas para garantizar su éxito, características que se han tenido en cuenta en todos los aspectos de este anteproyecto.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Tecnoloxía da Enxeñaría Civil. Curso 2014/201
Introducing flat rates and increasing personal allowances in the Spanish personal income tax: An analysis in terms of social welfare for the Spanish regions
The traditional concept of a strict minimum of nontaxable income equal for all taxpayers embedded in most current income-tax systems is the result of a paradox of fiscal egalitarianism. The paper shows that substituting the traditional notion of a strict minimum of nontaxable income for a scheme of increasing personal allowances to meet the amounts of necessary consumption required by the different living standards of the taxpayers generates an income-tax scheme more progressive than the traditional one. In the paper we also show that this alternative proposal for nontaxable incomes generates an after-tax income distribution less unequal (Lorenz dominance) and superior in terms of social welfare (Atkinson, 1970). The paper defines and evaluates this new tax method, which we refer to as Discretionary Income Tax Method (DITM), based on a) a scheme of deductions from the tax base (discretionary income) based on increasing personal allowances (IPAs) which are modeled resorting on the concept of necessary consumption and identified as increasing personal allowances in the tax b) a flat rate scheme equal for all taxpayers. Then, we focus our empirical analysis in the Spanish case, comparing our alternative proposal against the 2006 Spanish Personal Income Tax (SPIT). From this empirical analysis, using the micro-data from the 2006 Spanish Household Budget Survey and the Sample of Taxpayers from the Spanish Institute for Fiscal Studies, we demonstrate that our results are in line with the theoretical predictions arising from the comparison of the two tax methods. Moreover, since Spanish tax is a tax partially assigned to each Spanish region (Autonomous Communities), we repeat the comparison between our proposal and the 2006 Spanish Personal Income Tax from a regional perspective, replacing the different income levels of individuals by GDP per capita of the different Spanish regions. Again, with our proposal, these regions improve their social welfare using DITM as a fiscal tool in the Spanish income tax. Finally, from a fiscal policy point of view, our tax method proposal is simpler and implies much less administrative and managerial cost and therefore governments and fiscal policy authorities should bear in mind these positive elements in designing personal income tax systems. A very promising research avenue along the lines proposed in this paper would be to compare our tax method proposal with the current personal income tax systems in other countries
Encefalitis anti-receptor NMDA: un diagnóstico a considerar
Encephalitis are inflammatory brain disorders that are secondary to different pathological processes that include infectious and autoimmune causes. In recent years, the autoimmune processes involved have been studied with an increment in the identification of cases that present a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric symptoms, which often make their timely diagnosis difficult. This is a narrative review that describes the main aspects of encephalitis caused by antibodies against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), its pathogenesis (mechanism shared with psychotic disorders), diagnosis, and clinical presentation; these are aspects that highlight the importance of a thorough evaluation of psychiatric manifestations in the clinical setting.Las encefalitis son trastornos inflamatorios cerebrales, secundarias a diferentes procesos patológicos que incluyen causas infecciosas y autoinmunes. En los últimos años se han estudiado los procesos autoinmunes involucrados, con una creciente identificación de casos donde presenta una amplia variedad de síntomas neurológicos y psiquiátricos que suelen dificultar el diagnóstico oportuno. Por tanto, esta es una revisión narrativa que describe los principales aspectos de la encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDAR), su patogénesis (mecanismo que comparte con los trastornos psicóticos), diagnóstico y presentación clínica; aspectos que destacan la importancia de una evaluación exhaustiva de las manifestaciones psiquiátricas en el ámbito clínico
Encefalitis anti-receptor NMDA: un diagnóstico a considerar
Encephalitis are inflammatory brain disorders that are secondary to different pathological processes that include infectious and autoimmune causes. In recent years, the autoimmune processes involved have been studied with an increment in the identification of cases that present a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric symptoms, which often make their timely diagnosis difficult. This is a narrative review that describes the main aspects of encephalitis caused by antibodies against the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), its pathogenesis (mechanism shared with psychotic disorders), diagnosis, and clinical presentation; these are aspects that highlight the importance of a thorough evaluation of psychiatric manifestations in the clinical setting.Las encefalitis son trastornos inflamatorios cerebrales, secundarias a diferentes procesos patológicos que incluyen causas infecciosas y autoinmunes. En los últimos años se han estudiado los procesos autoinmunes involucrados, con una creciente identificación de casos donde presenta una amplia variedad de síntomas neurológicos y psiquiátricos que suelen dificultar el diagnóstico oportuno. Por tanto, esta es una revisión narrativa que describe los principales aspectos de la encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDAR), su patogénesis (mecanismo que comparte con los trastornos psicóticos), diagnóstico y presentación clínica; aspectos que destacan la importancia de una evaluación exhaustiva de las manifestaciones psiquiátricas en el ámbito clínico
Reinterpreting the Frisch parameter in the field of personal taxation: a link between taxable capacity and social marginal utility in Optimal Taxation
We give an objective meaning to the concept of taxable capacity and also establish a theoretical link between OTT and the proposals of Carter and Meade Reports, solving at the same time Kay’s (2008) criticism to both approaches
How nonmagnetic particles intensify rotational diffusion in magnetorheological fluids
In this work we propose a mechanism to explain the enhancement of the magnetic field-induced yield stress when non-magnetic particles are added to magnetic particulate suspensions –i.e., bi-component suspensions. Our main hypothesis is that the non-magnetic particles collide with the field-induced magnetic aggregates under shear flow. Consequently, supplementary fluctuations of the orientations of the magnetic aggregates occur, resulting in an effective rotary diffusion process, which increases the dynamic yield stress of the suspension. Furthermore, the collision rate and the rotary diffusivity of the aggregates should increase with the concentration of non-magnetic particles. Rheological measurements in plate-plate and cylindrical Couette geometries confirm the increase of the yield stress with the volume fraction of non-magnetic particles. In addition, such an effect appears to be more important in Couette geometry, for which orientation fluctuations of the magnetic aggregates play a more significant role. Finally, a theoretical model based on this rotary diffusion mechanism is developed, providing with a quantitative explanation to the experimentally-observed trends.This work was supported by Project No. FIS2013-41821-R (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain) and the project “Factories of the Future” (Grant No. 260073,
DynExpert FP7). In addition, L.R.-A. acknowledges financial support from Secretaría de Estado de Educacion, Formación´
Profesional y Universidades (MECD, Spain) through its FPU and Estancias Breves programs
Cost model for bitstream access services with QoS parameters
The European Regulator Group (ERG) defines Bitstream Access Service as a wholesale service offered by a broadband network operator with significant market power to an Internet Service Provider, and identifies it as a market subject to regulation. This paper develops a cost model for the Bitstream Access Service under xDSL technology, following the recommendations of the ERG, considering different user classes with differentiated QoS requirements. For this purpose, three traffic engineering methods are analysed: separate virtual tunnels, over-engineering and priority queuing technique
Tax reforms in Spain: efficiency levels and distributional patterns.
[Abstract]: This paper approximates the efficiency levels of the most relevant tax categories and their
distributional patterns for a European country considering Spain as an illustrative example.
This is done computing the ‘marginal’ excess burden of these taxes, taking into account the
structure of the Spanish tax system before and after the major tax reforms undertaken since
2010. In doing so we use a static applied general equilibrium model, which features
heterogeneous households classified according to their taxable income. In addition, and in
identical terms, another alternative tax reform is evaluated: a flat value-added tax system and
a reduction in employers’ social security contributions. Our results indicate that the
alternative tax reform would have slightly improved the degree of efficiency of these taxes
while implying a lower negative impact on aggregate income. Regarding distributive effects,
we do not find significant differences between the actual and the alternative tax policies.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness [GrantNumber ECO2017-83534P]; Spanish Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness [GrantNumber ECO2015-68597-P
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