8,174 research outputs found

    Cordelia.’s Portrait in the Context of King Lear’s Individuation

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    This analysis attempts to show the relations between the individual psyche and the contents of the collective unconscious. Following Von Franz.’s analytical technique, the tragic action in King Lear will be read as an individuation process that will rescue archetypal contents and solve existential paradoxes that cause an imbalance between the ego and the self, leading to self-destruction. Once communication is eased and balance is restored, the transformation-seeking process that engaged the design of the play itself becomes resolved, and events can be led to a conventional tragic resolution. Jungian analysis will therefore provide a critical framework to unveil the subconscious contents that tear the character of the king between annihilation and survival, the anima complex that affects the king, responding thus for the action of the play and its centuries-old success. Este análisis pretende sacar a la luz las relaciones entre la psyche individual y los contenidos del inconsciente colectivo. Siguiendo la técnica analítica de Von Franz, la acción trágica de King Lear será entendida a través del proceso de individuación que revierte sobre los contenidos arquetípicos y resuelve las paradojas existenciales que causan el desequilibrio entre ego y self. Una vez que la comunicación es facilitada y el equilibrio psíquico recuperado, el proceso transformativo que afecta la génesis de la trama se resuelve y el argumento alcanza una resolución convencional. El análisis junguiano ofrece el soporte crítico necesario para desvelar los contenidos del inconsciente que escinde el personaje central del monarca entre la supervivencia y la aniquilación. El complejo de ánima que afecta al rey responde de esta manera por la complejidad de la acción dramática y el éxito que ha hecho que esta obra perdure a través de los siglos

    Performance Variables and Technical Penalties of the Split Leap

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    Los autores desean mostrar su agradecimiento a las gimnastas participantes en este estudio por su esfuerzo entusiasta e implicación durante la ejecución de la habilidad de salto analizadaSe analizó la relación entre las penalizaciones técnicas obtenidas en la ejecución de un elemento gimnástico aislado con el nivel competitivo de las gimnastas, sus características antropométricas y las variables temporales y angulares más importantes analizadas en dicha habilidad. Fueron seleccionadas 29 gimnastas (17,1 ± 3,1 años) procedentes de distintos niveles competitivos. Tres entrenadores evaluaron la ejecución mediante una adaptación del Código de Puntuación. Se observaron asociaciones significativas directas e indirectas (p < 0,05): bajo índice de adiposidad (rho = 0,643), tiempo total de batida (rho = 0,619), tiempo total de vuelo (rho = - 0,596), máxima amplitud articular de caderas (rho = - 0,902) y máxima extensión de los tobillos (rho = - 0,738). La valoración de las penalizaciones así como el uso del nivel competitivo y del Salto Zancada como test específico han resultado ser herramientas útiles para la valoración del rendimientoThe aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the following aspects: the technical penalties obtained in the execution of an isolated gymnastics element, the competitive level of the gymnasts, their anthropometric characteristics, and the most important temporal and angular variables analyzed in this skill. Twenty nine gymnasts (aged 17.1 ± 3.1 years) from different competition levels were selected. Three coaches evaluated the execution through an adaptation of the Code of Points. Significant direct and indirect associations were observed (p < 0.05): low adiposity index (rho = 0.643), take-off total time (rho = 0.619), flight total time (rho = - 0.596), maximum range of motion of the hips (rho = - 0.902), and maximum extension of ankles (rho = - 0.738). The assessment of penalties as well as the use of competitive level and Split Leap as specific tests, have demonstrated to be useful tools for evaluating performanc

    Explosive Disintegration of a Massive Young Stellar System in Orion

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    Young massive stars in the center of crowded star clusters are expected to undergo close dynamical encounters that could lead to energetic, explosive events. However, there has so far never been clear observational evidence of such a remarkable phenomenon. We here report new interferometric observations made with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) that indicate the well known enigmatic wide-angle outflow located in the Orion BN/KL star-forming region to have been produced by such a violent explosion during the disruption of a massive young stellar system, and that this was caused by a close dynamical interaction about 500 years ago. This outflow thus belongs to a totally different family of molecular flows which is not related to the classical bipolar flows that are generated by stars during their formation process. Our molecular data allow us to create a 3D view of the debris flow and to link this directly to the well known Orion H2_2 "fingers" farther outComment: Accepted by ApJ Letters The 3D movie can be found in: ftp://ftp.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/outgoing/lzapata/movie.gi

    The missing atom as a source of carbon magnetism

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    Atomic vacancies have a strong impact in the mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties of graphene-like materials. By artificially generating isolated vacancies on a graphite surface and measuring their local density of states on the atomic scale, we have shown how single vacancies modify the electronic properties of this graphene-like system. Our scanning tunneling microscopy experiments, complemented by tight binding calculations, reveal the presence of a sharp electronic resonance at the Fermi energy around each single graphite vacancy, which can be associated with the formation of local magnetic moments and implies a dramatic reduction of the charge carriers' mobility. While vacancies in single layer graphene naturally lead to magnetic couplings of arbitrary sign, our results show the possibility of inducing a macroscopic ferrimagnetic state in multilayered graphene samples just by randomly removing single C atoms.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    An Expanding HI Photodissociated Region Associated with the Compact HII Region G213.880-11.837 in the GGD 14 Complex

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    We present high angular and spectral resolution HI 21~cm line observations toward the cometary-shaped compact HII region G213.880-11.837 in the GGD~14 complex.The kinematics and morphology of the photodissociated region, traced by the HI line emission, reveal that the neutral gas is part of an expanding flow. The kinematics of the HI gas along the major axis of G213.880-11.837 shows that the emission is very extended toward the SE direction, reaching LSR radial velocities in the tail of about 14 km/s. The ambient LSR radial velocity of the molecular gas is 11.5 km/s, which suggests a champagne flow of the HI gas. This is the second (after G111.61+0.37) cometary HII/HI region known.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table
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