230 research outputs found

    Ciudadanos del mundo. ¿Compartimos los mismos valores comunes?

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    En esta comunicación expondremos las experiencias adquiridas en las diferentes actividades formativas realizadas en varios centros cívicos de la ciudad de Huelva. La principal finalidad era la sensibilización y la formación de mujeres y hombres onubenses, en torno a la interculturalidad utilizando una colección de cómics de valores comunes. Con el objetivo de tomar conciencia de la importancia en la convivencia entre las personas de diferentes culturas, etnias, religiones... Se llevó a cabo con una metodología activa y participativa en la que todos eran protagonistas del desarrollo de dichos talleres.In this communication we will set out the experiences gained in the different training activities carried out in several community centers in the city of Huelva. The main purpose was to raise awareness and training of women and men from Huelva, around an intercultural environment using a collection of comics that share similar values. The aim is to become aware of the importance of living in harmony with other people from different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, and so on. It was carried out with an active and participatory methodology in which all the participants led the development of the different workshops

    Los valores percibidos por los adolescentes en las diferentes categorías de la publicidad de productos de alimentación

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    En esta presentación se analizan y se comparan los valores percibidos por los adolescentes en los spots de cada una de las siguientes categorías de productos de alimentación: estética corporal, sentirse bien y anuncios neutros. También se muestran y se comparan los valores percibidos en función de la edad y del género de los adolescentes

    Transcranial direct current stimulation for post-stroke dysphagia: a meta-analysis

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    [EN] Background: Strokes may cause some swallowing difficulty or associated dysphagia in 25–80% of patients. This phenomenon has been linked to increased morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with dysphagia in post-stroke patients. Methods: A systematic search in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and MEDLINE was conducted. The articles must have to evaluate an intervention that included transcranial direct current stimulation; the sample had to consist exclusively of patients with post-stroke dysphagia; and the experimental design consisted of randomized controlled trial. Difference in mean differences and their 95% confidence interval were calculated as the between-group difference in means divided by the pooled standard deviation. The I2 statistic was used to determine the degree of heterogeneity. Results: Of the 9 investigations analyzed, all applied transcranial direct current stimulation in combination with conventional dysphagia therapy to the experimental group. All the studies analyzed identified improvements in swallowing function and meta-analysis confirmed their strong effect on reducing the risk of penetration and aspiration (Hedges’s g = 0.55). The results showed that participants who received transcranial direct current stimulation significantly improved swallowing function. Conclusions: Transcranial direct current stimulation has positive effects in the treatment of poststroke dysphagia by improving swallowing function, oral and pharyngeal phase times and the risk of penetration and aspiration. Furthermore, its combination with conventional dysphagia therapy, balloon dilatation with catheter or training of the swallowing muscles ensures improvement of swallowing function. PROSPERO registration ID CRD42022314949.S

    Blood donation attitudes and knowledge in Spanish undergraduates with roles in health-education

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    Recent investigations highlight how important it is to identify the key factors involved in the design of strategies to promote blood donation among undergraduates as a public health concern. The study aims to investigate attitudes and knowledge towards blood donation in university students with health education roles and examine the way sociodemographic and educational characteristics play a part in it. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and multi-center design was used. A structured questionnaire was answered by 1128 Spanish university students (Schools of Health Sciences and Education Sciences). Results: The knowledge test indicated a low score (M = 4.2 out of 10), being Me = 3.00 in the case of Education Sciences and Me = 5.00 in Health Sciences students. The greatest degree of importance is found in the “external incentives” dimension (M = 3.7 out of 5). Health science students and participants with relatives who needed a donation showed fewer “fears” (p ≤ 0.001) and “pretexts” (p ≤ 0.01). Conclusions: The low knowledge score stresses the need to develop valuable health education-related strategies in the curriculum of studies related with health education; showing room for improvement particularly in Education Science students. Health education interventions aimed at increasing donors in the university environment should be designed while considering differences among undergraduates. Based on their better attitudes, health science students might play a relevant role in promoting blood donationS

    Effect of Size, Shape, and Composition on the Interaction of Different Nanomaterials with HeLa Cells

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    The application of nanomaterials in the fields of medicine and biotechnology is of enormous interest, particularly in the areas where traditional solutions have failed. Unfortunately, there is very little information on how to optimize the preparation of nanomaterials for their use in cell culture and on the effects that these can trigger on standard cellular systems. These data are pivotal in nanobiotechnology for the development of different applications and to evaluate/compare the cytotoxicity among the different nanomaterials or studies. The lack of information drives many laboratories to waste resources performing redundant comparative tests that often lead to partial answers due to differences in (i) the nature of the start-up material, (ii) the preparation, (iii) functionalization, (iv) resuspension, (v) the stability/dose of the nanomaterial, etc. These variations in addition to the different analytical systems contribute to the artefactual interpretation of the effects of nanomaterials and to inconsistent conclusions between different laboratories. Here, we present a brief review of a wide range of nanomaterials (nanotubes, various nanoparticles, graphene oxide, and liposomes) with HeLa cells as a reference cellular system. These human cells, widely used as cellular models for many studies, represent a reference system for comparative studies between different nanomaterials or conditions and, in the last term, between different laboratories.This work has been supported by the Spanish MINECO and European FEDER under Project ref. PI16/000496, the NanoBioApp Network Ref. MINECO-17-MAT2016-81955-REDT. We thank IDIVAL for INNVAL15/16, INNVAL 17/11, PREVAL 16/03, 16/02, 17/04, and the Raman4clinics BMBS COST Actions BM1401 and TD1402. We also thank Débora Muñoz for her technical assistance. We are grateful to the Nikon A1R Laser Microscopy Unit and the TEM Unit of the IDIVAL Institute

    Conocimientos de estudiantes portugueses de Enfermería sobre donación de sangre

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    Objective: To assess the level of knowledge of nursing students regarding blood donation, to identify the importance consider challenges for blood donation, and to determine the most used digital communication channels. Methods: This research was performed at University of Central Portugal in 2018/2019. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. A total of 165 nursing students completed online two ad hoc questionnaires. Results: The level of knowledge can be classifi ed as very low (interval between donations, waiting time after getting a tattoo or piercing, waiting time after taking iron supplements), low (amount of blood, eating before donation), medium (age and minimum weight, universal donor) and high (cases in which the blood was analyzed). The reasons for not donating blood that gained considerable and great importance were: “Because I have a physical or medical condition that makes me ineligible to donate” and “Because I had a risky sexual behavior”. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about the eligibility requirements can make someone wrongly consider that he or she cannot donate blood. Considering the results obtained and the access to digital communication channels, the implementation of eHealth programs is recommended to promote more knowledge, and to reduce the barriers for blood donationObjetivo: Avaliar o nível de conhecimento de estudantes de Enfermagem face à doação de sangue; identifi car a importância atribuída às barreiras para a doação de sangue; e, identifi car os meios de comunicação digital mais utilizados. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada numa Instituição de Ensino Superior da Região Centro de Portugal no ano letivo de 2018/2019. O estudo é descritivo, de natureza transversal, através de dois questionários ad hoc, preenchido on-line por 165 estudantes de Enfermagem. Resultados: Os conhecimentos podem ser considerados de muito baixos (intervalo entre as doações; tempo de espera depois de fazer uma tatuagem ou um piercing; tempo de espera entre a ingestão de ferro; baixos (quantidade de sangue e alimentação prévia), médios (idade e peso mínimo, dador universal) e altos (casos em que o sangue é analisado). Os motivos para não doar sangue que assumiram bastante e muita importância foram “Porque tenho alguma condição física ou médica que me impede doar” e “Porque mantive práticas sexuais de risco”. Conclusão: A falta de conhecimentos sobre as condições de elegibilidade pode fazer com que uma pessoa considere, de forma errada, que não pode doar sangue. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos e o acesso aos meios de comunicação digital, sugere-se que sejam implementados programas de e-saúde que promovam o aumento de conhecimentos e a redução de barreiras à doação de sangueObjetivo: Evaluar el nivel de conocimiento de estudiantes de Enfermería sobre la donación de sangre, identificar la importancia atribuida a las barreras para la donación de sangre e identificar los medios de comunicación digital más utilizados. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio realizado en una Institución de Enseñanza Superior de la región centro de Portugal en el año lectivo 2018/2019. El estudio es descriptivo, de naturaleza transversal, a través de dos cuestionarios ad hoc que fueron completados en línea por 165 estudiantes de Enfermería. Resultados: Los conocimientos pueden considerarse muy bajos (intervalo entre las donaciones, tiempo de espera después de hacerse un tatuaje o piercing, tiempo de espera después de la ingesta de hierro); bajos (cantidad de sangre y alimentación previa); medios (edad y peso mínimo, donante universal) y altos (casos en que se analiza la sangre). Los motivos para no donar sangre que tuvieron bastante y mucha importancia fueron “Porque tengo alguna condición física o médica que me impide donar” y “Porque mantuve prácticas sexuales de riesgo”. Conclusión: La falta de conocimientos sobre las condiciones de elegibilidad puede provocar que una persona considere, de forma equivocada, que no puede donar sangre. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos y el acceso a los medios de comunicación, se sugiere implementar programas de eSalud que promuevan el aumento de conocimientos y la reducción de barreras para la donación de sangreS

    La publicitat i la imatge corporal a l'inici de l'adolescència

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    Elements d'educació mediàtica, adreçats als i les estudiants de l'inici de l'adolescència, relacionats amb els estereotips de imatge corporal transmesos per la publicitat

    La publicidad y la imagen corporal

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    Elementos de educación mediática dirigidos a los y las adolescentes, relacionados con los estereotipos de belleza corporal transmitidos por la publicidad

    Educación en la publicidad relacionada con la imagen corporal

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    Guía de elementos de educación mediática dirigidos a padres y madres de adolescentes, relacionados con los estereotipos de belleza corporal transmitidos por la publicidad

    Carbon nanotubes gathered onto silica particles lose their biomimetic properties with the cytoskeleton becoming biocompatible

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are likely to transform the therapeutic and diagnostic fields in biomedicine during the coming years. However, the fragmented vision of their side effects and toxicity in humans has proscribed their use as nanomedicines. Most studies agree that biocompatibility depends on the state of aggregation/dispersion of CNTs under physiological conditions, but conclusions are confusing so far. This study designs an experimental setup to investigate the cytotoxic effect of individualized multiwalled CNTs compared to that of identical nanotubes assembled on submicrometric structures. Our results demonstrate how CNT cytotoxicity is directly dependent on the nanotube dispersion at a given dosage. When CNTs are gathered onto silica templates, they do not interfere with cell proliferation or survival becoming highly compatible. These results support the hypothesis that CNT cytotoxicity is due to the biomimetics of these nanomaterials with the intracellular nanofilaments. These findings provide major clues for the development of innocuous CNT-containing nanodevices and nanomedicines.Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO Project (references PI13/01074, PI16/00496 and CTM2014–58481-R, IDIVAL INNVAL15/15), Xunta de Galicia (Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia-Accreditation 2016–2019 and EM2014/035), European Regional Development Fund – ERDF and Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán El Bueno