5,810 research outputs found

    Back from Exile: Nueva Canción and Canción Protesta as Cultural Heritage in Early 1980s Argentina

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    This article examines the social construction of singer Mercedes Sosa’s artistic persona following her return to Argentina from exile. Through a close analysis of her February 1982 concerts in Buenos Aires, I parse the ways in which the music cultures with which Sosa was associated signified aesthetically and politically in the wake of Argentina’s last military dictatorship (1976-1983). I argue that, in this context, Sosa’s persona was socially efficacious because it embodied an ambiguously valenced form of cultural heritage, one that lent itself to the ahistorical exaltation of shared traditions, as well as to a historically grounded, politicized practice of recollection.Cet article examine la construction sociale de la persona de la chanteuse Mercedes Sosa lors de son retour en Argentine après des années d’exil. Par le biais d’une analyse approfondie de ses concerts de février 1982 à Buenos Aires, je décrypte les significations esthétiques et politiques des cultures musicales auxquelles Sosa était associée à la suite de la dernière dictature militaire en Argentine (1976-1983). J’avance que, dans ce contexte, la persona de Sosa était efficace sur le plan social parce qu’elle incarnait une forme de patrimoine culturel à signification ambigüe, se prêtant à la fois à l’exaltation anhistorique des traditions partagées et à une pratique mémorielle politisée et ancrée dans l’histoire

    Trajectory predictability analysis under convective weather conditions

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    Weather prediction uncertainties are a limitation and a challenge for Trajectory-Based Operations. Understanding the effect of these uncertainties is essential in order to improve the reliability and predictability of the Air Traffic Management system. In this project convective regions are considered as the unique source of uncertainty. The scope of the project is to relate the effect of these regions to variations in flight trajectories with respect to the planned ones. The project can be divided into three parts: the first one requires gathering flight information and structuring it in an organized way. The second one consists on obtaining meteorological information and associating a factor of risk to each flight. This factor is a measurement of the exposure to potential convective storms. Finally, this factor of risk is related to relevant aspects of the flight, such as delays or changes in the route. The results obtained in this project could contribute to an enhancement of Trajectory-Based Operations, allowing a better understanding of the effect of these uncertainties in aircraft trajectories, improving therefore, the predictability of the Air Traffic Management system.Ingeniería Aeroespacial (Plan 2010

    Delay of germination-1 (DOG1): a key to understanding seed dormancy

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    [Abstract] DELAY OF GERMINATION-1 (DOG1), is a master regulator of primary dormancy (PD) that acts in concert with ABA to delay germination. The ABA and DOG1 signaling pathways converge since DOG1 requires protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) to control PD. DOG1 enhances ABA signaling through its binding to PP2C ABA HYPERSENSITIVE GERMINATION (AHG1/AHG3). DOG1 suppresses the AHG1 action to enhance ABA sensitivity and impose PD. To carry out this suppression, the formation of DOG1-heme complex is essential. The binding of DOG1-AHG1 to DOG1-Heme is an independent processes but essential for DOG1 function. The quantity of active DOG1 in mature and viable seeds is correlated with the extent of PD. Thus, dog1 mutant seeds, which have scarce endogenous ABA and high gibberellin (GAs) content, exhibit a non-dormancy phenotype. Despite being studied extensively in recent years, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying the transcriptional regulation of DOG1. However, it is well-known that the physiological function of DOG1 is tightly regulated by a complex array of transformations that include alternative splicing, alternative polyadenylation, histone modifications, and a cis-acting antisense non-coding transcript (asDOG1). The DOG1 becomes modified (i.e., inactivated) during seed after-ripening (AR), and its levels in viable seeds do not correlate with germination potential. Interestingly, it was recently found that the transcription factor (TF) bZIP67 binds to the DOG1 promoter. This is required to activate DOG1 expression leading to enhanced seed dormancy. On the other hand, seed development under low-temperature conditions triggers DOG1 expression by increasing the expression and abundance of bZIP67. Together, current data indicate that DOG1 function is not strictly limited to PD process, but that it is also required for other facets of seed maturation, in part by also interfering with the ethylene signaling components. Otherwise, since DOG1 also affects other processes such us flowering and drought tolerance, the approaches to understanding its mechanism of action and control are, at this time, still inconclusive

    Modelo de comunicación estratégica para agencias que crean planes turísticos con enfoque al cambio social, dirigido a jóvenes universitarios en Colombia

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    133 páginasLa presente investigación propone un modelo de comunicación estratégica para el cambio social, que de elementos novedosos a las agencias de viajes estudiadas, Nueva Lengua Tours y Siempre Colombia, que permita tener una comunicación más efectiva y de mayor impacto hacia jóvenes universitarios en Colombia, enmarcada en la propuesta que hace Gumucio (2011) sobre el cambio social, que es entendida como un proceso de diálogo permanente con las comunidades, “basado en la tolerancia, el respeto, la equidad, la justicia social y la participación activa de todos” (Gumucio, 2008; p. 54) y la propuesta integradora de Massoni (2007) que facilita la transformación a partir de la participación que se produce en el momento de establecer contacto con los grupos de interés. Dentro del proceso de investigación se reconoce una problemática existente con las agencias de viajes estudiadas el desconocimiento de una estrategia de comunicación que incluya el reconocimiento de los factores asociados al cambio social, para ello se plantea la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo elaborar un modelo de comunicación estratégica para apoyar la creación de planes turísticos que buscan el cambio social, en las agencias estudiadas para ser ofertados a jóvenes universitarios en Colombia

    The effect of concentration and components of MS medium on in vitro germination of Ugni molinae

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la concentración y los componentes del medio Murashige y Skoog (MS) sobre la germinación in vitro de Ugni molinae. Para ello se realizaron dos ensayos, en el primero, se utilizaron distintas concentraciones del medio MS (MS completo, 1/2 MS, 1/4 MS, 1/8 MS y sin MS) y, en el segundo, se excluyó uno de sus componentes (macrosales, microsales o vitaminas). La viabilidad se determinó mediante la prueba de tetrazolio. Después de las dos primeras semanas de siembra, todos los tratamientos iniciaron la germinación, la que fue en aumento hasta aproximadamente los 20 días, luego se observó una desaceleración hasta mantenerse estable entre los 40 a 60 días. Todos los medios de cultivo que contenían alguna concentración de MS obtuvieron una germinación más baja que el medio sin MS, como también los medios que contenían algunos de sus componentes, especialmente macrosales. La prueba de tetrazolio determinó un 87 % de viabilidad en las semillas en tanto que la germinación máxima alcanzada fue de 42 % lo que evidenció una fuerte latencia. La germinación de U. molinae es muy sensible a la presencia de sales del medio MS razón por la cual se aconseja solo el uso de agua y agar como medio de germinación in vitro.The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of concentration and components of the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium on in vitro germination of Ugni molinae. Two tests were performed; in the first one, different concentrations of the MS medium were used (full-strength MS, 1/2 MS, 1/4 MS, 1/8 MS and MS free). In the second experiment, one of the component was excluded (macro salts, micro salts or vitamins). A tetrazolium test was performed to assess viability. After the first two weeks of sowing, all treatments started germination, which was ascending until approximately 20 days, and then a slowdown was observed, which remained stable between days 40 and 60. All treatments containing any concentration of MS presented lower germination than that presented by the MS free medium, as the media containing some of its components, especially macro salts. The tetrazolium test showed 87 % of viability of the seeds: the maximum germination was 42%, which showed a strong latency. Germination of U. molinae is affected by the presence of the MS medium salts. Based on these results the use of only water and agar are recommended as the in vitro germination medium

    El ecosistema programático. La nueva publicidad digital que conecta datos con personas

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    The programatic ecosystem. The new digital advertising that connects data with people. Programmatic advertising as a process capable of offering advantages for companies, combining audience data management with automation/technology and the human factor is analyzed. The starting premise is that in order to solve the problem of advertising saturation, contents has to be connected with the individuals, one by one and in real time. This work brings together the academic and professional knowledge to analyze the keys to this new form of digital advertising and its main challenges. There is also a focus on synergies between the information sciences and the future of programmatic advertising

    Corporate governance facing corporate social responsability: solving challenges in the 21st century

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    17 páginasWithin the context of modern Corporate Governance and particularly in the aftermath of the financial scandals of the XXIst Century, companies, regulators, markets and the public in general claim for more transparency, accountability, shareholders and investor protection. There is also a trend towards reinforcing the Responsibility of Companies towards the Communities in which they develop their businesses. However, generally speaking shareholders do not have a direct control nor saying in management; and stakeholders possibility of influencing corporations’ decisions seems very rare. This article reviews some of the existing corporate cultural and legal systems and provides ideas for future development of corporate Governance in de field of Share- and Interest- -Holders’ protectionS

    Self-organization and pattern formation in coupled Lorenz oscillators under a discrete symmetric transformation

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    ABSTRACT: We present a spatial array of Lorenz oscillators, with each cell lattice in the chaotic regime. This system shows spatial ordering due to self-organization of chaos synchronization after a bifurcation. It is shown that an array of such oscillators transformed under a discrete symmetry group, does not maintain the global dynamics, although each transformed unit cell is locally identical to its precursor. Alternatively, it is shown that in a 1-dimensional lattice, the coupling destroy the chaotic behavior but there are similar global behaviors between both coupled arrays, suggesting that is the local equivariance which controls the dynamics