16 research outputs found

    Study of Sound Perception Evaluation in Refrigeration Gases

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    In the past, sound design was focused on the minimization of the emitted sound, understanding that the lower the sound, the better. Nowadays, this concept is outdated; in addition to the sound pressure level, many more aspects of the sound are considered to fulfil the subjective satisfaction of clients. Thus, a new concept called sound quality has emerged to reach more facets of the sound. In refrigeration systems, the recommendations of European Union are aimed at reducing greenhouse emissions by means of the replacement of the hydrochlorofluorocarbons gases with other less pollutant gases. The refrigeration systems are designed to be used with a specific refrigeration gas, and the noise emitted by these systems is certificated using this refrigeration gas. However, the regularizations have changed, and new refrigerant gases should be used. Considering that these new refrigeration gases work at different pressures, it is possible that the noise could be different with these gases. Moreover, the study of sound quality is very important for the manufacture as the perception and therefore the annoyance could change with the use of new gases. (2) Methods: Two different gases, R-449A and R-134A, have been studied. An acoustic camera has been used to measure and identify the sound quality in the refrigeration systems. (3) Results: The results have shown R-134A has better sound quality than R-449A. (4) Conclusions: This study shows that R-449A and R-134A could be a substitute for R-404A in terms of noise level

    The effect of orlistat on postprandial hypertriglyceridemia by oral fat loading test. A systematic review

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    Orlistat induces weight loss by blocking hydrolysis of triglyceride in the intestine, and has thereby been associated with favorable changes in postprandial triglycerides (ppTGL). Some epidemiological studies have identified ppTGL concentrations as a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Oral fat loading test (OFLT) has been used for screening of elevated levels of ppTGL. The objective of the present systematic review is to present available data on the effects of orlistat on OFLT. We found 11 studies, seven of which studied the effect of a single dose of orlistat on OFLT in three healthy volunteers, one with obesity, two with type-2 diabetes and one with hyperlipidemic patients. The other four studied the effect of orlistat on OFLT, but after a previous period of time with daily treatment with orlistat: 1 healthy volunteer, 2 obese volunteers, and one patient with hyperlipidemia. Our systematic review suggests that orlistat can help to reduce postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in obese, dyslipemic and type-2 diabetic patients. Regarding free fatty acids, they could be reduced but not all the authors have found the same results. In relation to type-2 diabetic patients, we have found three studies with conflicting results on the immediate effect of orlistat on the postprandial GLP-1 response. In conclusion, orlistat can help to reduce postprandial plasmatic TGL, especially in patients with postprandial hypertriglyceridemia related to obesity, dyslipidemia or type-2 diabetes

    Modeling the Growth of Six Listeria monocytogenes Strains in Smoked Salmon Pâté

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    In this study, the growth of six L. monocytogenes strains isolated from different fish products was quantified and modeled in smoked salmon pâté at a temperature ranging from 2 to 20 °C. The experimental data obtained for each strain was fitted to the primary growth model of Baranyi and Roberts to estimate the following kinetic parameters: lag phase (λ), maximum specific growth rate (μmax), and maximum cell density (Nmax). Then, the effect of storage temperature on the obtained μmax values was modeled by the Ratkowsky secondary model. In general, the six L. monocytogenes strains showed rapid growth in salmon pâté at all storage temperatures, with a relatively short lag phase λ, even at 2 °C. The growth behavior among the tested strains was similar at the same storage temperature, although significant differences were found for the parameters λ and μmax. Besides, the growth variations among the strains did not follow a regular pattern. The estimated secondary model parameter Tmin ranged from −4.25 to −3.19 °C. This study provides accurate predictive models for the growth of L. monocytogenes in fish pâtés that can be used in shelf life and microbial risk assessment studies. In addition, the models generated in this work can be implemented in predictive modeling tools and repositories that can be reliably and easily used by the fish industry and end-users to establish measures aimed at controlling the growth of L. monocytogenes in fish-based pâtés

    Diet and SIRT1 Genotype Interact to Modulate Aging-Related Processes in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: From the CORDIOPREV Study

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    We investigated whether long-term consumption of two healthy diets (low-fat (LF) or Mediterranean (Med)) interacts with SIRT1 genotypes to modulate aging-related processes such as leucocyte telomere length (LTL), oxidative stress (OxS) and inflammation in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). LTL, inflammation, OxS markers (at baseline and after 4 years of follow-up) and SIRT1-Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs7069102 and rs1885472) were determined in patients from the CORDIOPREV study. We analyzed the genotype-marker interactions and the effect of diet on these interactions. Regardless of the diet, we observed LTL maintenance in GG-carriers for the rs7069102, in contrast to carriers of the minor C allele, where it decreased after follow-up (p = 0.001). The GG-carriers showed an increase in reduced/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) ratio (p = 0.003), lower lipid peroxidation products (LPO) levels (p < 0.001) and a greater decrease in tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels (p < 0.001) after follow-up. After the LF diet intervention, the GG-carriers showed stabilization in LTL which was significant compared to the C allele subjects (p = 0.037), although the protective effects found for inflammation and OxS markers remained significant after follow-up with the two diets. Patients who are homozygous for the SIRT1-SNP rs7069102 (the most common genotype) may benefit from healthy diets, as suggested by improvements in OxS and inflammation in patients with CHD, which may indicate the slowing-down of the aging process and its related diseases

    A plasma fatty acid profile associated to type 2 diabetes development: from the CORDIOPREV study

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    Purpose: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing worldwide. For this reason, it is essential to identify biomarkers for the early detection of T2DM risk and/or for a better prognosis of T2DM. We aimed to identify a plasma fatty acid (FA) profile associated with T2DM development. Methods: We included 462 coronary heart disease patients from the CORDIOPREV study without T2DM at baseline. Of these, 107 patients developed T2DM according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) diagnosis criteria after a median follow-up of 60 months. We performed a random classification of patients in a training set, used to build a FA Score, and a Validation set, in which we tested the FA Score. Results: FA selection with the highest prediction power was performed by random survival forest in the Training set, which yielded 4 out of the 24 FA: myristic, petroselinic, α-linolenic and arachidonic acids. We built a FA Score with the selected FA and observed that patients with a higher score presented a greater risk of T2DM development, with an HR of 3.15 (95% CI 2.04–3.37) in the Training set, and an HR of 2.14 (95% CI 1.50–2.84) in the Validation set, per standard deviation (SD) increase. Moreover, patients with a higher FA Score presented lower insulin sensitivity and higher hepatic insulin resistance (p < 0.05). Conclusión: Our results suggest that a detrimental FA plasma profile precedes the development of T2DM in patients with coronary heart disease, and that this FA profile can, therefore, be used as a predictive biomarker

    Factors associated with prehospital delay in men and women with acute coronary syndrome

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    Fundamento. Identificar factores asociados a la demora prehospitalaria en personas que han tenido un síndrome coronario agudo Método. Se estudiaron mediante encuesta pacientes ingresados por síndrome coronario agudo en los 33 hospitales públicos andaluces, obteniéndose información sobre diferentes tipos de variables: socio-demográficas, contextuales, clínicas, percepción, actuaciones, y transporte. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística multivariante para calcular las odds ratio para la demora. Resultados. De los 1.416 pacientes en total, más de la mitad tuvieron una demora superior a la hora. Se asocia a la distancia al hospital y al medio de transporte: cuando el evento ocurre en la misma ciudad del hospital, utilizar medios propios aumenta la demora, odds ratio= 1,51 (1,02-2,23); si la distancia es entre 1-25 kilómetros, no hay una diferencia entre medios propios y ambulancia, odds ratio = 1,41 y odds ratio = 1,43 respectivamente; y cuando supera los25 kilómetros la ambulancia implica mayor demora, odds ratio = 3,13 y odds ratio = 2,20 respectivamente. Además, la sintomatología típica reduce la demora entre los hombres, pero la aumenta entre las mujeres. Asimismo, no darle importancia, esperar a la resolución de los síntomas, buscar atención sanitaria diferente a urgencias hospitalarias o al 061, tener antecedentes, encontrarse fuera de la vivienda habitual, y tener ingresos menores de 1.500 euros aumentan la demora. Tener síntomas respiratorios la reduce. Conclusiones. La demora prehospitalaria no se ajusta a las recomendaciones sanitarias, asociándose al entorno físico y social, a factores clínicos, y de percepción y actitudinales de los sujetos.Objective. To identify factors associated with prehospital delay in people who have had an acute coronary syndrome. Methods. Using a survey we studied patients admitted due to acute coronary syndrome in the 33 Andalusian public hospitals, obtaining information about different types of variables: socio-demographic, contextual, clinical, perception, action, and transportation. Multivariate logistic regression models were applied to calculate the odds ratios for the delay. Results. Of the 1,416 patients studied, more than half had a delay of more than an hour. This is associated to distance to the hospital and means of transport: when the event occurs in the same city, using the patient’s own means of transport increases the delay, odds ratio = 1.51 (1.02 to 2.23); if the distance is 1 to25 kilometers from the hospital, there is no difference between the patient’s own means of transport and an ambulance, odds ratio = 1.41 and odds ratio =1.43 respectively; and when the distance exceeds25 kilometers transport by ambulance means more delay, odds ratio = 3.13 and odds ratio = 2.20 respectively. Also, typical symptoms reduce delay amongst men but increase amongst women. Also, not caring and waiting for the resolution of symptoms, seeking health care other than a hospital or emergency services, previous clinical history, being away from home, and having an income under 1,500 euros, all increase delay. Conclusions. Prehospital delay times do not meet health recommendations. The physical and social environment, in addition to clinical, perceptual and attitudinal factors, are associated with this delay.Consejería de Salud (Expte.0079/2006); Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias-ISCIII (Expte. PI06/90450); CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública; Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de Andalucía, Fondos G+ 2010

    Influence of Obesity and Metabolic Disease on Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CordioPrev Study)

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    Background Recent data suggest that the presence of associated metabolic abnormalities may be important modifiers of the association of obesity with a poorer prognosis in coronary heart disease. We determined the influence of isolated overweight and obesity on carotid intima media thickness (IMT-CC), and also assessed whether this influence was determined by the presence of metabolic abnormalities. Methods 1002 participants from the CordioPrev study were studied at entry. We determined their metabolic phenotypes and performed carotid ultrasound assessment. We evaluated the influence of obesity, overweight and metabolic phenotypes on the IMT-CC. Results Metabolically sick participants (defined by the presence of two or more metabolic abnormalities) showed a greater IMT-CC than metabolically healthy individuals (p = 4 * 10−6). Overweight and normal weight patients who were metabolically healthy showed a lower IMT-CC than the metabolically abnormal groups (all p<0.05). When we evaluated only body weight (without considering metabolic phenotypes), overweight or obese patients did not differsignificantly from normal-weight patients in their IMT-CC (p = 0.077). However, obesity was a determinant of IMT-CC when compared to the composite group of normal weight and overweight patients (all not obese). Conclusions In coronary patients, a metabolically abnormal phenotype is associated with a greater IMTCC, and may be linked to a higher risk of suffering new cardiovascular events. The protection conferred in the IMT-CC by the absence of metabolic abnormality may be blunted by the presence of obesit

    Influence of Acid Adaptation on the Probability of Germination of Clostridium sporogenes Spores Against pH, NaCl and Time

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    18 Páginas.-- 7 Tablas.-- 3 FigurasThe Clostridium sp. is a large group of spore-forming, facultative or strictly anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria that can produce food poisoning. The table olive industry is demanding alternative formulations to respond to market demand for the reduction of acidity and salt contents in final products. while maintaining the appearance of freshness of fruits. In this work, logistic regression models for non-adapted and acid-adapted Clostridium sp. strains were developed in laboratory medium to study the influence of pH, NaCl (%) and time on the probability of germination of their spores. A Clostridium sporogenes cocktail was not able to germinate at pH 81.7% correct prediction cases). The information will be useful for the industry and administration to assess the safety risk in the formulation of new processing conditions in table olives and other fermented vegetables.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Junta de Andalucía Government through the PrediAlo project (AGR-7755: www.predialo.science.com.es); the TOBE project (RTI2018-100883-B-I00) and FEDER European funds. This work has also been performed by the Research Group AGR-170 (HIBRO) of the Research Andalusian Plan.Peer reviewe