134 research outputs found

    El derecho a la vivienda y fallidas estrategias posdesastre en México

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    La carencia de estrategias gubernamentales de prevención de desastres en México y la omisión de responsabilidades en una sociedad dominada por los mercados financieros y el libre comercio, da lugar a justificar los desastres como inevitables. El enfoque del derecho a la vivienda adecuada contribuye a comprender que la vulnerabilidad aumenta por los programas de recuperación posdesastre y por la falta de voluntad política para trabajar con la población afectada. Se propone un enfoque preventivo y participativo, desde una nueva concepción de seguridad, centrada en la persona humana.L’absence de stratégies gouvernementales de prévention des désastres au Mexique et le refus d’assumer toute responsabilité dans une société dominée par les marchés financiers et les rapports marchands, rendent les désastres inévitables. Vue sous l’angle du droit à un logement adéquat, il est clair que les programmes de reconstruction après-désastre y le manque de volonté politique pour travailler de concert avec les populations sinistrées accroissent la vulnérabilité de ces populations. Nous préconisons une action préventive et participative, reposant sur une nouvelle conception de la sécurité, centrée sur la personne.The absence of governmental strategies of disaster prevention in Mexico and the omission of responsibility in a society dominated by financial markets and free trade, lead to a justification of disasters as inevitable. The perspective of the right to appropriate housing contributes to an understanding that vulnerability is being increased by the post-disaster recovery programs and by the absence of a political decision to work with the affected population. In this article the author proposes a preventive and participative focus, based on a new conception of security that is centered in the human individual

    Efficacy of quadriceps vastus medialis dry needling in a rehabilitation protocol after surgical reconstruction of complete anterior cruciate ligament rupture

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    10 p.Background: Several new rehabilitation modalities have been proposed after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Among these, trigger point dry needling (TrP-DN) might be useful in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome associated with ACL reconstruction to reduce pain intensity, increase knee flexion range and modify the mechanical properties of the quadriceps muscle during late-stage rehabilitation. To date, this is the first randomized clinical trial to support the use of TrP-DN in the early rehabilitation process after ACL reconstruction. The aim of this study was to determine the pain intensity, range of motion (ROM), stability, and functionality improvements by adding quadriceps vastus medialis TrP-DN to the rehabilitation protocol (Rh) provided to subacute ACL reconstructed patients. Methods:This randomized, single-blinded, clinical trial (NCT02699411) included 44 subacute patients with surgical reconstruction of complete ACL rupture. The patients were randomized into 2 intervention groups: Rh (n=22) or Rh+TrP-DN (n=22). Pain intensity, ROM, stability, and functionality were measured at baseline (A0) and immediately (A1), 24hours (A2), 1 week (A3), and 5 weeks (A4) after the first treatment. Results: Comparing statistically significant differences (P .001; Eta2=0.198–0.360) between both groups, pain intensity (at A1), ROM (at A1, A2, and A3), and functionality (at A2, A3, and A4) were increased. Nevertheless, the rest of measurements did not show significant differences (P>.05). Conclusion: Quadriceps vastus medialis TrP-DN in conjunction with a rehabilitation protocol in subacute patients with surgical reconstruction of complete ACL rupture increases ROM (short-term) and functionality (short- to mid-term). Although there was an increase in pain intensity with the addition of TrP-DN, this was not detected beyond immediately after the first treatment. Furthermore, stability does not seem to be modified after TrP-DN.S

    A needle in a haystack: A new metabarcoding approach to survey diversity at the species level of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa: Tubulinea)

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    Environmental DNA-based diversity studies have increased in popularity with the development of high throughput sequencing technologies. This permits the potential simultaneous retrieval of vast amounts of molecular data from many different organisms and species, thus contributing to a wide range of biological disciplines. Environmental DNA protocols designed for protists often focused on the highly conserved small subunit of the ribosome gene, that does not permit species-level assignments. On the other hand, eDNA protocols aiming at species-level assignments allow a fine level ecological resolution and reproducible results. These protocols are currently applied to organisms living in marine and shallow lotic freshwater ecosystems, often in a bioindication purpose. Therefore, in this study, we present a species-level eDNA protocol designed to explore diversity of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa: Tubulinea) testate amoebae taxa that is based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). These organisms are widespread in lentic water bodies and soil ecosystems. We applied this protocol to 42 samples from peatlands, estuaries and soil environments, recovering all the infraorders in Glutinoconcha (with COI data), except for Hyalospheniformes. Our results revealed an unsuspected diversity in morphologically homogeneous groups such as Cylindrothecina, Excentrostoma or Sphaerothecina. With this protocol we expect to revolutionize the design of modern distributional Arcellinida surveys. Our approach involves a rapid and cost-effective analysis of testate amoeba diversity living in contrasted ecosystems. Therefore, the order Arcellinida has the potential to be established as a model group for a wide range of theoretical and applied studie


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    O objetivo deste artigo é estabelecer um modelo de equações estruturais que resuma o grau de incidência das variáveis relacionadas à gestão da inovação das organizações. Primeiramente identificaram-se as variáveis a analisar, segundo a literatura e aquelas que foram comprovadas segundo a consulta a expertos. Logo foram construídos instrumentos para a medição destas variáveis.   Estas variáveis foram avaliadas em 111 empresas de diferentes sectores produtivos. Com isto, foi feito uma análise fatorial confirmatório a fim de verificar a incidência das variáveis na gestão da inovação. Foi construído um modelo que mostra a relação entre as diferentes variáveis que contribuem ao processo da gestão da inovação, confirmando, com isto, a natureza multifatorial da inovação. Os dados que facilitaram a geração do modelo permitiram estabelecer a lógica da gestão da inovação desde a gestão integrada das dimensões que os condicionam, assegurando uma correta gestão dos recursos humanos, de processos e comercial

    Efecto de diferentes dosis de estiércol bovino en el cultivo orgánico de Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni bajo sistema de riego por goteo

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    La producción de la Stevia "ka'a he'ẽ" es económicamente importante para la diversificación de la finca familiar. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los efectos de dosis de estiércol bovino (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 y 100 t ha-1) en el cultivo de Stevia bajo irrigación. El diseño experimental adoptado fue el de bloques al azar con tres repeticiones, totalizando 18 unidades experimentales. Fueron determinados Masa Seca de Hojas (MSH) y Masa Seca de Tallos (MSt), Masa Seca Total (MST) por planta, distribución de asimilados en MSH, MST y rendimiento de MST por hectárea. Los resultados indican que con 60 t ha-1 de estiércol bovino se obtuvo la mayor producción de MSH de Stevia por planta en el primer, segundo corte y total con 24,90; 29,39 y 54,30 g pl-1 respectivamente. En tallos se registraron 8,96; 12,01 y 20,97 g pl-1de MSt. También se verifico que el rendimiento es influenciado por las dosis de estiércol bovino con: 2760,83; 2521,66 y 5282,50 kg ha-1 de MSH, MSt y MST para el primer y segundo corte, y en forma total siendo la dosis de 60 t ha-1 el que arrojó mejores resultados. No se detectó la influencia de las dosis de estiércol en la distribución de asimilados en el primer corte con 73,88% a las hojas y 26,10% a los tallos. Ya en el segundo corte se verificó efecto significativo con la dosis de 100,0 t ha-1 de estiércol con una media de 78,32%, distribuyendo la mayor cantidad de MS a las hojas. Estas informaciones son útiles para recomendar dosis de estiércol bovino en Stevia

    Sex Differences in the Footprint Analysis During the Entire Gait Cycle in a Functional Equinus Condition: Novel Cross Sectional Research

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    Some studies suggest that gender is related to gait. Females show significantly higher ankle motion and vertical ground reaction forces. Males have significantly larger plantar contact surface areas in all regions of the foot than females in most, but not all, prior studies. However, there is no research on sex differences in a functional equinus condition. In this study, 119 individuals, including 59 females (29.7 ± 5.15 years, 58.74 ± 6.66 kg, 163.65 ± 5.58 cm) and 60 males (31.22 ± 6.06 years, 75.67 ± 9.81 kg, 177.10 ± 6.16 cm), with a functional equinus condition walked onto a pressure platform. In two separate testing sessions, five trials of each foot were conducted for the first, second, and third steps. We measured the contact surface areas for each of the three phases of the stance phase. We computed the intraclass correlation coefficient and standard error of the mean to assess the reliability. We found significantly greater contact surface areas in males than females in the first, second, and third steps in all phases of the stance phase: heel strike, mid-stance, and take-off. This is important information for the design of footwear and orthotics and gender knowledge. In a functional equinus condition, males have registered greater contact surface areas than females in all phases of the dynamic footprint of the stance phase