44 research outputs found

    Emociones, afectos y experiencias en la caracterización urbano-arquitectónica. El apego al lugar en los viajes de la memoria

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    Memory, experiences, emotions and affections have always played a key role in the processes of human settlement and in the understanding of the reality of our cities. The discoveries of Neuroscience also guarantee that knowledge is only possible with the integration of the emotional with the most assumed rational component. Although in a first stage marked by diverse contexts such as the phenomenological one and the subsequent Cultural Turn, Architecture and Urbanism had a leading role in this field of knowledge, in the recent Affective Turn it has lost relevance compared to other disciplines. This research is included in this last period through one of the concepts that have had the longest journey: place attachment. Quantitative methodologies, those integrated with qualitative ones and those that also incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) convert this emotional and affective component into new metadata called to complete the comprehensive model of the urban and architectural understanding. The review of the methodological cases selected for this study reveals the essential role of experiences, emotions and affections for the understanding of urban complexity, with special interest in the specific case of migration in relation to the city.Memoria, experiencias, emociones y afectos siempre han jugado un papel clave en los procesos de asentamiento humano y en el entendimiento de la realidad de nuestras ciudades. Los descubrimientos de la Neurociencia avalan además que el conocimiento solo es posible con la integración de lo emocional con el componente más asumido racional. Aunque en una primera etapa  marcada por contextos diversos como el fenomenológico y el del posterior Giro Cultural, la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo tuvieron un papel protagonista en este campo de conocimiento, en el reciente Giro Afectivo ha perdido relevancia respecto a otras disciplinas. Esta investigación se incardina en este último periodo a través de uno de los conceptos que mayor recorrido ha tenido: el apego al lugar. Las metodologías cuantitativas, aquellas integradas con las cualitativas y las que además incorporan los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) convierten esta componente emocional y afectiva en un novedoso metadato llamado a completar el modelo integral de entendimiento de lo urbano-arquitectónico. La revisión de los casos metodológicos seleccionados para este estudio desvela el papel indispensable de las experiencias, emociones y afectos para la comprensión de la complejidad urbana, con especial interés en el caso concreto de las migraciones en relación a la ciudad

    El sistema de torres de origen medieval islámico en Segura de la Sierra (Jaén). Primeros resultados del proyecto “Segura”

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    Due to the strategic position of Segura de la Sierra valley (Jaén, Spain) during the 12th and 13th centuries, there were built several defensive fortresses by Muslims, then reused by the Military Order of Santiago after the Christian conquest of this territory in the first half of the 13th century. As a result, there are still remains of a well-preserved medieval tower system using rammed-earth technology, with more than sixteen towers, often with a fortified enclosure, that represents a magnificent heritage. An exhaustive analysis is being carrying on in the framework of research and development projects and previous works and surveys were taken in four of these towers, in order to do a scientific restoration of some of them. The research methodology has considered different phases in the stages that should be followed in the guardianship of a historical cultural asset: documentation/investigation, conservation/restoration and dissemination, with the development of a patent. The historical significance and cultural references of these towers with their territory, and the interest of the discoveries obtained due to the research made and the restoration project of some of them, are the principal contributions of this paper.Debido a la posición estratégica del valle de los ríos Trujala, Hornos y Guadalimar en la Sierra de Segura (Jaén, España) existen una serie de restos de un sistema de torres musulmanas construidas en tapia durante el siglo XII. Este conjunto de más de dieciséis torres, algunas con un recinto fortificado anexo, representa un magnífico patrimonio conservado. En la actualidad se está llevando a cabo un análisis exhaustivo del mismo dentro del Proyectos I+D+i #ProyectoSegura. La metodología de investigación empleada ha considerado las distintas etapas que debe tener la tutela de un bien cultural: documentación / investigación, conservación / restauración y difusión, terminando con la trasferencia de conocimiento que significa la inscripción de una patente. El significado histórico de estas torres, las relaciones que establecen con su territorio así como el interés de los hallazgos obtenidos hasta el momento en la investigación, así como los proyectos de restauración científicos realizados en algunas de estas torres son las principales contribuciones de este documento.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2014-53866-

    Torre y recinto musulmán en Benatae (Sierra de Segura, Jaén) s. XII. Documentación, levantamiento, análisis gráfico y territorial

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    An exhaustive analysis on Segura de la Sierra Valley medieval towers is being carrying on in the framework of research and development projects and previous works and surveys, in order to do a scientific restoration of some of them. One of the best-preserved examples is the castle of Cardete, because it is possible to recognize the morphology of both the tower and the walled enclosure that this site consist of. Hillside down southwards there is a great concentration of pottery remains that might come from a settlement linked with this enclosure, possibly dependent of Segura de la Sierra and abandoned with the occupation of this territory by the Order of Santiago in the first half of the thirteenth century. In spite of been protected by the Spanish Heritage Laws, it is submitted to an increasing pressure by intensive agricultural practices in the last years. We present with this poster the most complete mapping ever done of this tower and its walled enclosure in Benatae municipal district (Segura de la Sierra, Jaén).En el marco del Proyectos de Investigación #ProyectoSegura se está realizando el análisis y estudio exhaustivo de un sistema de torres medievales musulmanas existentes en la Sierra de Segura de Jaén. Uno de los ejemplos mejor conservados de estas torres es el denominado como castillo El Cardete. Unos restos en los que es posible reconocer todavía la torre y el recinto amurallado asociado a la misma. Son unos restos que aportan una información muy valiosa sobre este tipo de implantaciones rurales medievales que, a pesar de estar amparados por la actual normativa autonómica y estatal de protección del patrimonio, está sufriendo una rápida degradación y deterioro originada por la fuerte presión de las prácticas agrícolas intensivas desarrolladas en los últimos años. En esta comunicación se presenta, por vez primera, un análisis y levantamiento fotogramétrico completo de este recinto medieval construido en tapial ubicado en el término municipal de Benatae (Jaén).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad HAR2014-53866-

    Perspectivas de la agricultura y del desarrollo rural en las Américas Una mirada hacia América Latina y el Caribe

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    La novena edición del informe Perspectivas de la agricultura y del desarrollo rural en las Américas: Una mirada hacia América Latina y el Caribe destaca el papel del sector agrario en la transformación del sector y la recuperación posterior al Covid -19. En cuanto al Contexto mundial y regional, destaca prioridades de los sistemas alimentarios para enfrentar desafíos relacionados con el cambio climático, la seguridad social, la capacidad productiva, la digitalización y el sobreendeudamiento. Con respecto a la transformación rural y agrícola de expone la transición pospandemia como una oportunidad hacia el cambio sostenible y la cooperación intersectorial. En un capítulo especial, aborda el tema de la Digitalización en la agricultura y su aporte al cumplimiento de metas del sector agroalimentari

    Selective Extraction of Bioactive Phenylethanoids from Digitalis obscura

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    Cardenolide-free extracts from Digitalis obscura showed significant antifeedant effects against the aphid Myzus persicae and this activity correlated with their phenylethanoid content. The content in phenylethanoids of Digitalis obscura has been studied. Maceration of the aerial parts of D. obscura was used for the selective extraction of the natural compound rengyolone (1) and the aglycone of cornoside (compound 3). Pure rengyolone (1) can be obtained from D. obscura in approximately 90% purity from fresh plant from the CHCl3 soluble fraction of the ethanolic extract (0.8% yield). The ethanol extraction of freshly collected D. obscura showed the presence of compound 3 as the only phenylethanoid. Compound 3 was proven to easily evolve to rengyolone. Due to this instability, and although its presence in plants has been previously reported, the spectroscopical data of 3 are reported herein for the first time. Selective mono-acetylation of compound of 3 led to the active natural compound hallerone (5). The aphid antifeedant (against Myzus persicae) and nematicidal (against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica) activities of these compounds have been evaluated. Here we report for the first time on the aphid antifeedant effects of 1, 3, and 5. Additionally, the nematicidal activity of hallerone (5) is described here for the first time.MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA Y COMPETITIVIDADPID2019-106222RB-C32/SRA (State Research Agency, 10.13039/501100011033)PID2019- 106222RB-C31/SRA (State Research Agency, 10.13039/501100011033)ERASMUS + N◦2018-1-FR01- KA202-047892 Biocontrol E Training (BET)Unidad Asociada UGR-CSIC Bioplaguicidas: Biotecnología, síntesis y diversidad químic

    Wood density and tree size used as cues to locate and excavate cavities in two <i>Colaptes</i> woodpeckers inhabiting a threatened southern temperate forest of Argentina

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    Nest-site selection is crucial for birds’ breeding success and, therefore, studies on this topic are critical in order to understand what features species need. This is particularly important in areas with conservation issues, where habitats and/or trees with the required features may be scarce. However, little information is available on the nest-site selection patterns of woodpeckers breeding in southern temperate forests, where tree logging considerably reduced forest cover and, hence, availability of trees suitable for cavity excavation. In addition, previous studies did not include assessments at different spatial scales nor including quantitative wood density data. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to assess nest-site selection patterns (at the habitat and cavity-tree scales) of the Campo Flicker Colaptes campestris and the Green-barred Woodpecker C. melanochloros breeding in a threatened southern temperate forest of central-east Argentina. Moreover, we report the first wood density data of the trees used by these two woodpeckers when excavating cavities and assess niche partitioning by comparing their cavities and cavity-trees to one another. To assess selection at a habitat scale (recording forest cover and edge of stands and trees), we compared selected breeding habitats to randomly found habitats. At a tree-scale (recording tree height, diameter, wood density and wood decay status), we compared cavity-trees to randomly found trees. Most cavities were excavated in medium (DBH = 20–35 cm) or large (&gt;35 cm) size trees with wood density &lt; 0.5 g/cm3. Generalized linear models indicated that woodpeckers’ propensity to excavate a new cavity was negatively correlated with tree wood density (which was negatively correlated to wood decay status) and positively to tree size. Both woodpecker species focused more importantly on tree features compared to habitat features when excavating cavities. Because forest patches containing mid- and large-sized trees with main stems and/or branches with wood softened by decay processes have become less abundant in these forests due to uncontrolled logging actions, we emphasize the need to conserve trees with these characteristics to ensure the availability of the preferred features of these woodpeckers.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Aprender y Educar en la Era Digital: Marcos de referencia

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    En estas páginas se presenta un intento de aproximación a la complejidad del aprendizaje y la educación en la era digital. Con la creación del Marco Global de la Competencia para Aprender en la Era Digital y el Marco Global de la Competencia Educadora en la Era Digital se pretende establecer un acercamiento holístico a dos de los procesos más relevantes para los individuos y las sociedades del siglo XXI con la intención de ofrecer una herramienta que permita analizar tanto el aprendizaje como la educación para la mejora individual y colectiva de ambos procesos.Conecta13Grupo de Investigación HUM-840 “Conocimiento Abierto para la Acción Social”

    Aprender e educar na era digital: marcos de referência

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    Nestas páginas fazemos uma tentativa de aproximação à complexidade do aprendizado e da educação na era digital. Com a criação do Marco Global da Competência para Aprender na Era Digital e o Marco Global da Competência Educacional na Era Digital, queremos fazer uma aproximação holística aos dois processos mais importantes para as pessoas e as sociedades do século XXI, com a intenção de oferecer uma ferramenta de análise tanto do aprendizado como da educação, para o aprimoramento individual e coletivo de ambos os processos.Conecta13Grupo de Investigación HUM-840 “Conocimiento Abierto para la Acción Social” (Grupo de Pesquisa HUM-840 “Conhecimento Aberto para a Ação Social

    Panorama de la Educación en España tras la Pandemia de COVID-19: La opinión de la comunidad educativa

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    Este informe recoge el análisis de la visión de la comunidad educativa (profesorado, estudiantado y familias) sobre la educación en España tras la pandemia por COVID-19. Las opiniones de la comunidad educativa se recogen mediante un diseño mixto de investigación mediante cuestionario y grupos de discusión

    The upshot of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on nursing assistants: evaluating mental health indicators in Huelva

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    Healthcare professionals who work in front-line situations are among those under the highest risk of presenting negative mental health indicators. We sought to assess the prevalence of low personal realization, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization as well as probable non-psychotic psychiatric pathologies during the pandemic in nursing assistants in the city of Huelva (Spain), and to study the association between these mental health indicators and sociodemographic and professional variables. A cross-sectional descriptive investigation with a quantitative approach was used. A representative sample of these professionals, consisting of 29 men and 284 women, completed the GHQ-12 questionnaire, including sociodemographic data and the MBI-HSS questionnaire, collecting information on situations of contact with SARS-CoV-2. Data analysis was conducted, and correlations were established. We found that emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and probable non-psychotic, psychiatric pathologies were related to contact with SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, personal realization, depersonalization and emotional exhaustion were related to just gender. We conclude that nursing assistants from public hospitals in the city of Huelva who had contact with patients with SARS-CoV-2 in the workplace, showed poor mental health indicators than those who did not come into contact with infected individuals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio