537 research outputs found

    A training for life. A didactic approach

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    Hemos elegido la limpieza y cuidado corporal haciendo hincapié dientes y pies por creerlo necesario y básico para la higiene y crecimiento personal, ya que las enfermedades bucales pueden afectar a todo el organismo, del mismo modo que las enfermedades generales pueden crear lesiones en la boca. Por otro lado al no tener conocimiento del cómo, o qué tratamiento hay que tener de nuestros pies, podrían ocasionar un malestar del cuerpo, al ser éstos la base donde recae todo el peso corporal.We have chosen the personal hygiene and care of the body insisting more on teeth and feet, because we think that is necessary and basic for personal hygiene and growth. Mouth illnesses can affect all the body organs in the same way that general illnesses can create lesions in the mouth. On the other hand, as we do not have any knowledge about how or what medical treatment we must have on our feet, this could produce an indisposition in our bodies, as the feet are the base where the body weight falls.peerReviewe

    Alcohol consumption trends among Spanish school-aged adolescents in the first decade of the 21st century

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    Objetivo: Conocer la tendencia en el consumo de cerveza, vino y licores destilados de los adolescentes españoles en 2002, 2006 y 2010, así como la tendencia de haber experimentado episodios de embriaguez durante este mismo periodo de tiempo. Método: La muestra está conformada por 23.169 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años de edad: 7103 en 2002, 10.443 en 2006 y 5623 en 2010. En las tres ediciones del estudio, los datos son representativos de los escolares de esas edades en España. Se utilizó el cuestionario de consumo de alcohol consensuado por el equipo internacional del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Se estimaron las odds ratio y los intervalos de confianza del 95% mediante regresiones logísticas. Resultados: Los resultados principales muestran un descenso del consumo frecuente de vino y licores destilados de 2002 a 2010, que se mantiene cuando se controla la variabilidad debida al sexo y a la edad de los participantes. Sin embargo, se encontró una tendencia al alza de los episodios de embriaguez en las diferentes cohortes de adolescentes estudiadas. Conclusiones: Se obtienen resultados de especial importancia para el análisis de las consecuencias de las políticas de salud pública implementadas durante los años que abarca el estudio. Se encuentran cambios en los patrones de consumo de las diferentes bebidas alcohólicas, lo que puede constituir una información clave para el diseño de nuevas políticas de salud pública.Objective: To determine trends in beer, wine, and liquor consumption among Spanish adolescents in 2002, 2006, and 2010, as well as drunkenness trends during the same period. Method: The study sample was composed of 23,169 adolescents aged 15 to 18 years old: 7,103 in 2002, 10,443 in 2006 and 5,623 in 2010. In the three time points of the study, the data were representative of Spanish adolescent students. We used the alcohol consumption questionnaire designed by the international team of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. We estimated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals through logistic regressions. Results: The main results showed a decrease in frequent consumption of wine and liquor from 2002 to 2010. This decrease was maintained after controlling for the variability due to the participants’ gender and age. However, an increasing trend was found in drunkenness episodes in the different cohorts of the adolescents under study. Conclusions: The results ofthis study are of particular importance in the analysis ofthe effects ofthe public health policies implemented during this time period. We also found changes in consumption patterns of the various alcoholic drinks, which may constitute key information in the design of new public health policies.Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e IgualdadMinisterio de Sanidad y Política Social (Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad/Sanidad y Política Social/Sanidad y Consumo

    Direct evidence for a coordination-insertion mechanism of ethylene oligomerization catalysed by neutral 2,6-bisiminopyridine iron monoalkyl complexes

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    1H NMR studies on ethylene oligomerization catalysed by the neutral monoalkyl complex [Fe(Me)(iPrBIP)] allow direct observation of alkyl iron intermediates as well as reversible ethylene coordination to the metal center, providing for the first time experimental evidence for a coordination-insertion mechanism of iron-catalysed ethylene upgrade reactions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2012-30962Junta de Andalucía FQM507

    Stages of curriculum reform in management science programs for sustainability training

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    Sistematizar las etapas de la reforma curricular en los programas de ciencias administrativas para la formación en sostenibilidad fundamentan el objetivo del artículo. El método establece cinco etapas, estructuradas desde una investigación analítica-documental, propositiva. Los resultados consideran los actores que demandan la renovación del currículo: universidad-empresa-Estado-sociedad. Se concluye sobre la importancia de viabilizar el diseño presentado desde un enfoque integral, como estrategia de fortalecimiento de la formación de profesionales en ciencias administrativas con competencias para impulsar el desarrollo sostenibleSystematizing the stages of the curricular reform in management sciences programs for sustainability training underping the objective of the article. The method establishes five stages, structured from an analytical-documentary, propositional research. The results consider the actors that demand the renewal of the curriculum: university-business-states-society. It is concluded, on the importance of making the design presented viable from an integral approach, as a strategy to strengthen the formation of professionals in administrative sciences with competencies to promote sustainable developmen

    A Qualitative Study of Secondary School Teachers’ Perception of Social Network Analysis Metrics in the Context of Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents

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    10 p.Adolescence is a transitional period during which a number of changes occur. Social relationships established during this period influence adolescent behaviour and affect academic performance or alcohol consumption habits, among other issues. Teachers are very important actors in observing and guiding the evolution of their students, and should therefore have the appropriate knowledge and tools to gain insight into the complex social relationships that exist in their classes. The use of social network analysis (SNA) techniques may be helpful in order to study and monitor the evolution of these social networks. This study tries to understand how teachers perceive SNA metrics from an intuitive point of view. Using this information, useful tools could be created that allow teachers to use SNA techniques to improve their understanding of student relationships. A number of interviews with different teachers were held in secondary schools in Spain, allowing SNA concepts to be related to the everyday terms used by the teachers to characterize their students. Results from the study have an impact on questionnaire design for gathering data from students in order to perform an SNA analysis and on the design of software applications that can help teachers to understand the results of this analysis.S

    Calmodulin Supports TRPA1 Channel Association with Opioid Receptors and Glutamate NMDA Receptors in the Nervous Tissue

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    Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/1422-006 7/22/1/229/s1, Figure S1: TRPA1 association with MORs in spinal cord in HINT1-/- and 1R-/- mice. Figure S2: The HINT1 protein or 1R does not support the MOR association with the Nt or Ct regions of TRPA1 channels. Figure S3: CaM mediates the TRPA1 Ct association with MOR in the absence of Ca2+. Figure S4: Pharmacological modulation of TRPA1 associations with MORs and glutamate NMDARs. Figure S5: Formalin-induced inflammatory pain alters TRPA1 associations with MORs and NMDARs. Figure S6: TRPA1 associations with opioid receptors and NMDARs in the CCI model of neuropathic pain.We would like to thank Gabriela de Alba and María José López for their excellent technical assistanceTransient receptor potential ankyrin member 1 (TRPA1) belongs to the family of thermo TRP cation channels that detect harmful temperatures, acids and numerous chemical pollutants. TRPA1 is expressed in nervous tissue, where it participates in the genesis of nociceptive signals in response to noxious stimuli and mediates mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia associated with different neuropathies. The glutamate N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), which plays a relevant role in allodynia to mechanical stimuli, is connected via histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1 (HINT1) and type 1 sigma receptor (σ1R) to mu-opioid receptors (MORs), which mediate the most potent pain relief. Notably, neuropathic pain causes a reduction in MOR antinociceptive efficacy, which can be reversed by blocking spinal NMDARs and TRPA1 channels. Thus, we studied whether TRPA1 channels form complexes with MORs and NMDARs that may be implicated in the aforementioned nociceptive signals. Our data suggest that TRPA1 channels functionally associate with MORs, delta opioid receptors and NMDARs in the dorsal root ganglia, the spinal cord and brain areas. These associations were altered in response to pharmacological interventions and the induction of inflammatory and also neuropathic pain. The MOR-TRPA1 and NMDAR-TRPA1 associations do not require HINT1 or σ1R but appear to be mediated by calcium-activated calmodulin. Thus, TRPA1 channels may associate with NMDARs to promote ascending acute and chronic pain signals and to control MOR antinociception.MICINN Plan Nacional I+D+i RT 2018-093677B-100University of Granada PPJIB2019.11MECD FPU 15/02356 FPU16/0321

    La divulgación de información no financiera en España.

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    Después de más o menos tres décadas de andadura (Rodríguez Ariza, 2003), la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en España encuentra en la recién publicada Ley 11/2018 en materia de información no financiera un importante impulso. Los que durante este tiempo han estado intentando normalizar la información sobre aspectos que van más allá de los meramente financieros, como son los de carácter social y medioambiental, ven con satisfacción la entrada en vigor de esta nueva Ley, que obliga (esta obligatoriedad es uno de los puntos controvertidos) a las grandes empresas a elaborar un nuevo estado de información corporativa. Por ende, se abren nuevas expectativas puesto que, como suele ocurrir, lo que empieza para las grandes empresas irá extendiéndose con el tiempo a pequeñas y medianas, las cuales, además, pueden elaborar este tipo de información desde ya, como una buena práctica.2019-2

    Synthesis and Characterization of -Titanium Phosphate/Propylamine Intercalation Compounds Containing Transition-Metal Ions

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    Polycrystalline intercalated TiMxH2-nx(PO4)2·yC3H7NH2·wH2O compounds with transition metal (TM) ions (Mn+ = Co2+, Ni2+, Fe3+ or Cr3+) have been prepared by means of an indirect route and characterised using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, chemical and thermal analysis, X-ray absorption and magnetic measurements. These novel pillared layered materials, which were obtained from the monoclinic (P21/c space group) alpha-Ti(HPO4)2·H2O phase, lose its crystallinity after intercalation. However, all the TM ions are octahedrally surrounded by 6 oxygen atoms, although the X-ray absorption spectra evidence a clear dependence on the temperature. Surprisingly, all the materials behave as paramagnetic down to 1.5 K, but they exhibit different colors, which means that they are optically active (Co2+: violet; Ni2+: pale green; Fe3+: yellow; Cr3+: dark green)