1,963 research outputs found

    Creativity and innovation in ceramic industry and tile companies. Case of study. TAU Cerámica, S.L.U.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2018-2019Currently, there are many ceramic companies in the market, since over the years new companies have been introduced in the sector, making the differentiation of the product by itself more and more complex. This situation means that small companies have to survive with respect to large companies, because these last have a lot more resources to obtain a competitive advantage. Usually, the competitive advantages that are obtained are made through creativity and innovation, since they are relevant aspects to be able to have an advantage in differentiation to be able to compete with the rest of the existing companies. This situation is reflected in the province of Castellon, which takes over 93% of the ceramic sector, there are a large number of companies that develop their activity in a small area that we will call cluster and study later. It is important for studying the ceramics sector because over the years it has had to introduce a several innovations in companies in order to supply the market demands. So, this work will be developed as follows: Chapter 2 will present a theorical framework, where we will talk about creativity and innovation in the ceramic sector. The influences and the strategies that will be carried out to implement them, as well as the concept of Cluster and its importance within the sector. Chapter 3 will describe the concept of the ceramic sector, as well as its production process by studying the two types of ceramics, ending with a current and future analysis of the sector. As well as, an analysis of a case in the company TAU Cerámica that belongs to Pamesa Business Group, being this one, the largest group at sectorial level. Chapter 4 will describe the concept and introduction of Inkjet technology within the sector, as well as the advantages, importance e implementation and therefore the changes and results that occurred when introduced in companies. Chapter 5 will set out the final conclusions and limitations, as well as future research that can be carried out in the future

    Improving the Computational Efficiency in Symmetrical Numeric Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    Models are used in science and engineering for experimentation, analysis, diagnosis or design. In some cases, they can be considered as numeric constraint satisfaction problems (NCSP). Many models are symmetrical NCSP. The consideration of symmetries ensures that NCSP-solver will find solutions if they exist on a smaller search space. Our work proposes a strategy to perform it. We transform the symmetrical NCSP into a newNCSP by means of addition of symmetry-breaking constraints before the search begins. The specification of a library of possible symmetries for numeric constraints allows an easy choice of these new constraints. The summarized results of the studied cases show the suitability of the symmetry-breaking constraints to improve the solving process of certain types of symmetrical NCSP. Their possible speedup facilitates the application of modelling and solving larger and more realistic problems.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DIP2003-0666-02-

    Innovación social, ¿un nuevo paso dentro de la responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector textil? = Social innovation, a new step in corporate social responsibility in the textile industry?

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    En los últimos años, cada vez se hacen más notorias las teorías y opiniones que sugieren que las empresas deben ampliar su fin único de maximización del beneficio para ampliarlo hacia otras acciones que colaboren con la aportación de valor a las comunidades y a la preservación del medio ambiente. Es por ello que cada vez más compañías deciden incorporar a su modelo de negocio acciones relacionadas con la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). Pero, en un mundo en el que la contaminación de los espacios naturales no ha dejado de aumentar, sumado a un agravio de las diferencias de las clases sociales, ha hecho que las empresas se vean obligadas a buscar nuevas formas de luchar contra dichas injusticias, creándose así la innovación social. En este contexto, el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centrará en contextualizar las acciones en materia de RSC y de innovación social que realizan dos grandes empresas del sector textil (Adidas y PUMA), estudiando además si este tipo de acciones son utilizadas como promociones en marketing y publicidad o si, por el contrario, son una mera estrategia de marketing social a través de la cual no esperan obtener ningún beneficio sino simplemente ayudar a la sociedad y al medio ambiente consiguiendo así mejorar su imagen de marc

    New strategies for finding multiplicative decompositions of probability trees

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    Probability trees are a powerful data structure for representing probabilistic potentials. However, their complexity can become intractable if they represent a probability distribution over a large set of variables. In this paper, we study the problem of decomposing a probability tree as a product of smaller trees, with the aim of being able to handle bigger probabilistic potentials. We propose exact and approximate approaches and evaluate their behaviour through an extensive set of experiments

    Visitas a las páginas de una web docente universitaria

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    El trabajo estudia las visitas recibidas durante un año y medio por las diferentes páginas de una web utilizada como herramienta complementaria para la docencia de una materia en una universidad presencial. Encuentra que dicho número es mayor, aunque de mThe paper studies the visits received over a year and a half by different web-sites used as complementary tools for the teaching of a non-distance university course. The number of visits is greater, although not significantly, to sites containing theoret

    Article Mindfulness Abilities Are Associated with Anxiety Levels, Emotional Intelligence, and Perceived Self-Efficacy

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    This study examined the relationship between anxiety, emotional intelligence, perceived self-efficacy, and mindfulness abilities. A total of 205 Spanish university students were assessed for mindfulness (Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory-14), state-trait anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), emotional intelligence (Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24), and general perceived self-efficacy (General Self- Efficacy Scale). The Student’s t-test was used to evaluate the possible differences between sexes for the study variables. Multiple regression analyses were conducted for each sex independently to evaluate the relationship between mindfulness and the other psychological variables, using mindfulness dimensions as a dependent variable. The results showed significant differences between females and males in mindfulness dimensions of self-control (p < 0.001) and acceptance (p = 0.012), and state (p = 0.005) and trait anxiety (p < 0.001). Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that the models for the relationship between mindfulness dimensions (attention, self-control, acceptance, and self-perception) and the other variables differed between females and males. Our results suggest that anxiety, emotional intelligence, and general perceived self-efficacy may be related to mindfulness abilities among a sample of Spanish university students. These findings could inform the development of targeted intervention programs to improve these psycho-emotional abilities

    Mindfulness en Educación Infantil, propuesta de intervención: La importancia de la atención plena desde edades tempranas

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    Este trabajo surge del interés por conocer los beneficios del mindfulness en el ámbitoeducativo. Es un trabajo basado en la atención plena y en cómo regular las emociones.Parte de un estudio inicial, donde se recogen muchos de los beneficios de estanovedosa técnica en el ámbito educativo y pequeñas pinceladas del ámbito sanitario.Asimismo, se recogen programas que surgen para desarrollar la consciencia plena enalumnos y docentes, a nivel nacional e internacional.La información adquirida se complementa con una propuesta de intervención. Endicha propuesta se pretende aumentar la capacidad de autorregular las emociones,permitiendo un mayor bienestar, una mejor salud y fomentando la inteligenciaemocional, aprendiendo a vivir en el aquí y en el ahora.La intervención se divide en dos momentos del día dentro de un aula de educacióninfantil: la llegada al colegio y la vuelta del recreo. Se diseñó pensando que eran losmomentos con menor nivel de concentración de la jornada. Por tanto, queda dividida endos actividades al comienzo de la mañana y doce sesiones a la vuelta del recreo, con laintención de que queden establecidas en la rutina para el resto del curso escolar y en lavida del alumno como una técnica positiva en su día a día. <br /

    Evaluación de la educación emocional en docentes de Educación Infantil

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    A lo largo del presente documento, se realiza un trabajo de investigación que nace del interés sobre la educación emocional, en concreto, en docentes de la etapa de Educación Infantil de la comunidad de Aragón. Está enfocado, principalmente, en los métodos de evaluación destinados a las emociones que existen para valorar este aspecto. Por ello, el objetivo principal es llevar a cabo una evaluación respecto a la educación emocional en docentes. Con ésto, lo que se pretende es comprobar que los docentes de educación infantil tengan los niveles adecuados de conocimiento, identificación y gestión de las emociones propias y de los demás, independientemente del entorno y del suceso. Hay que mencionar, además, que se adjunta una compilación de diferentes herramientas y técnicas que ayudan a mejorar el bienestar emocional. Dicha investigación, seguirá una metodología mixta, en la que aparecen tanto el método cualitativo, con una batería de preguntas, como el cuantitativo, usando el test TMMS-4. Estos instrumentos ayudarán a obtener los datos necesarios para su análisis y comprobar que se han logrado los objetivos. Al final de este trabajo, se llega a la deducción de que los profesores y profesoras de la muestra tienen los niveles adecuados de salud emocional que entran dentro de lo esperado para este estudio. Esto es positivo, ya que el bienestar emocional tiene gran repercusión en la manera de expresar los pensamientos y sentimientos, además de actuar según las circunstancias, ya sea de forma positiva o negativa. <br /

    Deep eutectic solvents as a green tool for the extraction of bioactive phenolic compounds from avocado peels

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    The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/molecules27196646/s1, Figure S1: Example of a chromatogram of some identified com pounds at 280 nm from the studied avocado peel extracts; Table S1: Pearson’s correlation coefficients for the total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and antioxidant capacity (FRAP and AAT) of different extracts from avocado peel. Significant correlations are marked in bold.Avocado peels are the main agro-industrial residue generated during the avocado processing, being a rich source of bioactive compounds like phenolic compounds. The growing demand for more sustainable processes requires the development of new and effective methods for extracting bioactive compounds from industrial waste. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are a new sustainable alternative to toxic organic solvents due to their non-toxicity and biocompatibility. In this study, five selected DESs were applied for the extraction of bioactive phenolic compounds from avocado peels. The extraction efficiency was evaluated by measuring the total phenolics and flavonoids content. The best extraction results were obtained with choline chloride-acetic acid and -lactic acid (92.03 ± 2.11 mg GAE/g DAP in TPC and 186.01 ± 3.27 mg RE/g DAP); however, all tested DESs show better extraction efficiency than ethanol. All the obtained NADES extracts have high antioxidant activity (FRAP: 72.5–121.1 mg TE/g; TAC: 90.0–126.1 mg AAE/g). The synthesized DESs and avocado peels DES extracts had activity against all tested bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida), and the extracts prepared with choline chloride-acetic acid and -lactic acid have the highest antibacterial activity against all microorganisms. These results, coupled with the non-toxic, biodegradable, low-cost, and environmentally friendly characteristics of DESs, provide strong evidence that DESs represent an effective alternative to organic solvents for the recovery of phenolic bioactive compounds from agro-industrial wastes.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020. B. Gullón would like to express its gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Uni versities for financial support (grant reference RYC2018-026177-I). Authors are grateful to MINECO (Spain) for the financial support of this work in the framework of the project “Cutting-edge strategies for a sustainable biorefinery based on valorization of invasive species” with reference PID2019- 110031RB-I00 and to Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Xunta de Galicia) through the contract ED431C 2017/62-GRC to Competitive Reference Group BV1, programs partially funded by FEDER.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio