697 research outputs found

    Network perspective of histamine related diseases

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    Histamine is the most pleiotropic biogenic amine. Produced and stored by a limited set of cells—histaminergic neurons, enterochromaffin-like cells, and mast cells—it broadcasts intercellular communication signals to a wide variety of cell types through its tissue-specific receptors. The many molecular interactions of these receptors and other mediators result in complex cellular networks whose alteration result in disease. Therefore, complex diseases map to modules of these cellular networks in the diseasomes. In this communication, we survey the histamine cellular networks to map the histamine diseasome, presenting a network view of the pleiotropy of histamine and its role in several complex diseases.A.A. Moya is a CIBERER fellow. The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)]. This communication has the support of a travel grant "Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech"

    Movilidad cotidiana por motivos laborales en Andalucía. Estudio de caso: el Subbético cordobés

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    La distancia-tiempo actúa como factor determinante en las pautas de movilidad obligada de la población ocupada. Junto al factor tiempo, los medios de desplazamiento ejercen un papel fundamental en la configuración de los patrones de movilidad de la población en España. Así, la oportunidad de acceso a un determinado medio, por tanto, resulta determinante en la configuración de trayectos y combinaciones diarias para acceder al lugar de trabajo desde el municipio de residencia. En este sentido, los microdatos del Censo de Población de 2001 (INE) permiten tejer una compleja malla de relaciones multiterritoriales que configuran la red de espacios vividos de la población, a partir de vectores de desplazamiento en los que la movilidad de cada individuo, en combinación con la del resto, muestra patrones espaciales que permiten establecer nodos, áreas de influencia y cuencas de empleo e ir desde el microdato hasta la integración de la red de desplazamientos a nivel naciona

    Journal author rights and self-archiving: the case of Spanish journals

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    Contiene 10 figuras y una tablaOpen access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. The lack of clarity of publisher permissions for archiving in OA repositories affects the adoption of the green OA route. This paper explores editorial policies and elf-archiving conditions in 1,615 Spanish scholarly journals. 48% are published by university and research institutions, 25% by associations/societies, and 17% by commercial publishers; social sciences and humanities (SSH)accounted for 67% of the journals (44.5% and 22.5%, respectively) followed by health sciences (20%); 71% offered gratis access immediately after publication, and 11% after an embargo; 31% provided some mention of author rights. Self-archiving was specifi cally allowed by 65% of the journals; 52% were classified as ROMEO-blue, 12% as green and 15% as white, and 21% could not be classifi ed; 21%, mostly in SSH, used some type of Creative Commons license.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto coordinado refs. CSO2011-29503-C02-01 CSO2011-29503-C02-02.Peer reviewe

    Author Rights vs Self-Archiving in Spanish Scientific Journals

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    The paper analyzes publishers" copyright policies and self-archiving conditions of Spanish scientific journals. Data are extracted from the directory DULCINEA that contains information of 1318 Spanish journals, of which 775 (61%) allow some form of self-archiving to be about 60% of the post-print version and allowing them 87% of the deposit of the version of record. In 72% of journals the deposit can be performed immediately after publication and in 16% after article acceptance. 72% of the journals are freely available without charge to the user this figure raises up to 86% if free access after an embargo is considered. Only 18% of the journals use Creative Commons licenses. The adoption of different open access journals model in Spain is favorable, however there is still a high percentage of journals (39%) that do not provide any information about authors and publishers rights and that difficult or inhibits reuse of published articles

    Measuring inappropriate sexual behavior among university students: using the randomized response technique to enhance self-reporting

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    This article analyzes the efficacy of the randomized response technique (RRT) in achieving honest self-reporting about sexual behavior, compared with traditional survey techniques. A complex survey was conducted of 1,246 university students in Spain, who were asked sensitive quantitative questions about their sexual behavior, either via the RRT (n = 754) or by direct questioning (DQ) (n = 492). The RRT estimates of the number of times that the students were unable to restrain their inappropriate sexual behavior were significantly higher than the DQ estimates, among both male and female students. The results obtained suggest that the RRT method elicits higher values of self-stigmatizing reports of sexual experiences by increasing privacy in the data collection process. The RRT is shown to be a useful method for investigating sexual behavior

    Application of randomized response techniques for investigating cannabis use by Spanish university students

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    Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in developed countries, and has a significant impact on mental and physical health in the general population. Although the evaluation of levels of substance use is difficult, a method such as the randomized response technique (RRT), which includes both a personal component and an assurance of confidentiality, provides a combination which can achieve a considerable degree of accuracy. Various RRT surveys have been conducted to measure the prevalence of drug use, but to date no studies have been made of the effectiveness of this approach in surveys with respect to quantitative variables related to drug use. This paper describes a probabilistic, stratified sample of 1146 university students asking sensitive quantitative questions about cannabis use in Spanish universities, conducted using the RRT. On comparing the results of the direct question (DQ) survey and those of the randomized response (RR) survey, we find that the number of cannabis cigarettes consumed during the past year (DQ: 3, RR: 17 aproximately), and the number of days when consumption took place (DQ: 1, RR: 7) are much higher with RRT. The advantages of RRT, reported previously and corroborated in our study, make it a useful method for investigating cannabis use.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteConsejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Emple

    Representaciones sociales presentes en la cesión voluntaria de un hijo/a en adopción como una alternativa a mujeres en conflicto con su embarazo

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    Tesis (Trabajador Social)La presente investigación está orientada a conocer las representaciones sociales que existen respecto a mujeres que vivencian una situación de conflicto con su embarazo y que a su vez evidencian intención de ceder a su hijo/a en adopción. Dichas representaciones sociales fueron construidas a partir del discurso que manifestaron actores sociales que se encuentran involucrados en la atención y orientación de mujeres en conflicto con su embarazo. Para lograr responder al objetivo de la investigación se invitó a participar a profesionales que se desempeñan en instituciones que intervienen en la atención de dichas mujeres (Hospital Padre Hurtado, Clínica Alemana y Fundación Chilena de la Adopción). Desde un punto de vista metodológico, se utilizó como base la investigación cualitativa y la entrevista como método de recolección de datos, puesto que ello permite conocer en profundidad el punto de vista y las percepciones que los entrevistados tienen respecto a la problemática tratada. A partir de los resultados obtenidos a través de esta investigación, quedó en evidencia que la cesión en adopción y el conflicto con el embarazo son temáticas difíciles de tratar y de discutir a pesar de los avances – débiles y escasos – que ha tenido Chile en cuanto a las políticas públicas que buscan hacer frente a la problemática tratada en esta investigación. Además queda en evidencia que los actores involucrados en la atención de madres en conflicto con su embarazo mantienen y dan a conocer públicamente un discurso comprensivo frente a la situación de conflicto experimentada por dichas mujeres, pero en su relato se pueden identificar fuertes contradicciones que dan cuenta que su discurso más bien se encuentra teñido e influenciado por la cultura patriarcal, tradicional y conservadora que se encuentra arraigada en Chile.This research is oriented to know the social representations that exist about women who experience a conflict situation during pregnancy and at the same time they think about making an adoption plan. These social representations were constructed based on the discourse manifested by social actors involved in orientation and service of women with conflict with their pregnancy. In order to answer the aim of this research, professionals working for institutions that take part of the attention of these women were invited to participate. From a methodological point of view, the basis used was the qualitative research and the interview as the method of gathering datum (non-numerical data); given that this permit to know in depth the point of view and the perceptions that the interviewees have regarding the addressed issue. Based on the results obtained through this research, it was proved that making an adoption plan and having a pregnancy conflict are difficult topics to deal with and talk about despite of the progress (weak and limited) that Chile has had regarding public policy that look for to face the issue addressed in this research. In addition, it was proved that the social actors involved in the attention of mothers with pregnancy conflict, publish and maintain a comprehensive discourse about the conflict situation experienced by women, but in their accounts, contradictions can be identified that prove that their discourse is rather influenced by the patriarchal, traditional and conservative culture that is rooted in Chile

    The situation of open access institutional repositories in Spain: 2009 report

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    Introduction. The DRIVER I project drew up a detailed report of European repositories based on data gathered in a survey in which Spain's participation was very low. This created a highly distorted image of the implementation of repositories in Spain. This study aims to analyse the current state of Spanish open-access institutional repositories and to describe their characteristics. Method. The data were gathered through a Web survey. The questionnaire was based on that used by DRIVER I: coverage; technical infrastructure and technical issues; institutional policies; services created; and stimulators and inhibitors for establishing, filling and maintaining their digital institutional repositories. Analysis. Data were tabulated and analysed systematically according responses obtained from the questionnaire and grouped by coverage. Results. Responses were obtained from 38 of the 104 institutions contacted, which had 29 institutional repositories. This represents 78.3% of the Spanish repositories according to the BuscaRepositorios directory. Spanish repositories contained mainly full-text materials (journal articles and doctoral theses) together with metadata. The software most used was DSpace, followed by EPrints. The metadata standard most used was Dublin Core. Spanish repositories offered more usage statistics and fewer author-oriented services than the European average. The priorities for the future development of the repositories are the need for clear policies on access to scientific production based on public funding and the need for quality control indicators. Conclusions.This is the first detailed study of Spanish institutional repositories. The key stimulants for establishing, filling and maintaining were, in order of importance, the increase of visibility and citation, the interest of decision-makers, simplicity of use and search services. On the other hand the main inhibitors identified were the absence of policies, the lack of integration with other national and international systems and the lack of awareness efforts among academia

    Características y visibilidad de las revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud en bases de datos

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    Se describen las características de 207 revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud activas en 2014 y su visibilidad en seis bases de datos biomédicas y multidisciplinares. Scopus e Ibecs son las bases de datos que mayor número de revistas cubren, y Medline y WoS las que menos. La disciplina mejor representada es medicina, seguida de psicología, enfermería y farmacia. Se observa la práctica ausencia de revistas editadas exclusivamente en papel, la existencia de revistas publicadas en inglés, el aumento de versiones bilingües español-inglés y el acceso gratuito a los contenidos. El artículo incorpora el censo de revistas, que puede servir de referencia para los investigadores para seleccionar la revista dónde publicar, para los editores de revistas de ciencias de la salud, y para documentalistas que gestionan bases de datos o que asesoran a otros profesionales en las tareas mencionadas. The main features of 207 Spanish health sciences journals active in 2014, and their visibility in six biomedical and multidisciplinary databases are described. Of these databases, Scopus and Ibecs provide the best coverage of these journals, and Medline and WoS the worst. The discipline best represented is medicine, followed by psychology, nursing and pharmacy. Among the observed characteristics, there were an absence of journals published exclusively on paper and the presence of journals published in English or bilingual Spanish-English and with open access. The article includes the journal list, which can be a reference tool for researchers selecting target journals for publication, for publishers in the health sciences areas and for information scientists for use in their database management tasks or in advising other professional

    Indirect questioning methods for sensitive survey questions: Modelling criminal behaviours among a prison population

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    Information such as the prevalence and frequency of criminal behaviour is difficult to estimate using standard survey techniques because of the tendency of respondents to withhold or misrepresent information. Social desirability bias is a significant threat to the validity of self-reported data, especially when supplied by persons such as sexual offenders or those convicted of theft or substance abuse. The randomized response approach is an alternative to the standard interview method and offers great potential for researchers in the field of criminal justice. By means of a survey of 792 prison inmates, incorporating both indirect and direct response techniques, we investigate if the prison population also has problems recognizing their participation in criminal acts such as theft, illicit drug use, violence against property, reckless driving and arson. Our research findings suggest that self-reported criminal behaviour among a prison population is affected by social desirability bias and that the behaviour considered is significantly associated with the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The results also demonstrate the inadequacy of traditional, yet widely used, direct questioning methods, and the great potential for indirect questioning techniques to advance policy formation and evaluation in the field of criminal behaviour.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spai