204 research outputs found

    Evaluación global de la recuperación de edificios. Fase 1: Base de datos en soporte ARCGIS.

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    La elevada prioridad que hoy día ha adquirido la sostenibilidad ambiental ha intensificado el conflictivo debate demolición vs recuperación de edificios. La recuperación ofrece claros beneficios más allá de contribuir a las sostenibilidad del medio ambiente: reducción de los tiempos de ejecución, protección de comunidades existentes y frenar la expansión de los núcleos urbanos. Sin embargo, la recuperación no siempre es la solución más económica, es posible que se opte por la demolición. En base a esto, el modelo que se propone permitirá evaluar la viabilidad de la renovación del edificio frente a su demolición, a través de una visión global: ambiental, económica y social. Para la obtención de dicho modelo, la primera fase del proyecto consiste en conocer el mercado de edificios que actualmente son susceptibles de sufrir rehabilitación debido a su mal estado de conservación en Sevilla. El objeto de este estudio previo no es otro que el de identificar edificios reales de los que obtener indicadores que permitan generar un procedimiento innovador para evaluar e integrar todos los impactos. El objetivo es diseñar un modelo de decisión que permita la evaluación social, técnica, económica y ambiental de la recuperación de edificios o su demolición. El proceso de identificación de este mercado de edificios ha consistido, en primer lugar establecer rangos de edad que permiten tener a los edificios divididos según su antigüedad. A continuación se agrega la información constructiva general de la edificación como superficies, uso, nº plantas, etc., así como fotografías que permiten comprobar el estado de conservación en el que se encuentra. Obtenida toda la información, el siguiente paso de esta fase consiste en volcarla en el programa de procesamiento geoespacial ArcMAP. La funcionalidad de dicho programa permite una fácil, efectiva y clara introducción, manipulación y visualización de la información mencionada, de manera que, en la vista de datos del programa, con tan solo dirigirse a la parcela de interés se puede obtener la información constructiva de esta, así como una visualización fotográfica de su estado de conservación. El programa facilita la visualización de zonas, calles o barrios, más susceptibles de políticas de rehabilitación global

    Luces y sombras del análisis de expresión génica utilizando microarrays. Un ejemplo en cerdo ibérico

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104La tecnología de los microarrays de expresión es la herramienta ideal para el estudio de patrones de expresión de miles de genes de forma simultánea. Sin embargo existe gran variabilidad de resultados atribuible a los aspectos técnicos y de análisis estadístico. En este trabajo presentamos algunos de los problemas surgidos en el estudio de las diferencias de expresión en hígado de cerdos ibéricos para los tratamientos sexo y alimentación empleando microarrays de Affymetrix. Los datos de expresión normalizados fueron analizados siguiendo dos aproximaciones de la metodología de los modelos mixtos. Para ambos tratamientos las diferencias de expresión detectadas fueron dependientes del modelo de análisis y solo un pequeño número de genes diferencialmente expresados fueron coincidentes en ambas estrategias estadísticas. Algunas de estas diferencias de expresión fueron validadas por PCR cuantitativa. Además identificamos errores de diseño y falta de anotación de las sondas del array. Los resultados de este estudio nos han permitido detectar diferencias de expresión de algunos genes de interés, pero también remarcan la necesidad de realizar estudios complementarios que confirmen las diferencias de expresión reveladas a través de la tecnología de los microarraysLights and darkness of gene expression analysis using microarrays: an example in Iberian pigs Expression microarray technology is the ideal tool for the study of thousands of gene expression patterns simultaneously. However there is a great variability of results attributed to technical and statistical analysis aspects. In this work we present several of the arisen problems of a differential expression study in liver of Iberian pigs under the treatments sex and feeding level using Affymetrix microarray. Normalized expression data were analyzed following two approaches of the mixed model methodology. In both treatments the detected differential expressions were dependent of the statistical model and just a small number of genes were coincident between both statistical strategies. Some of the expression differences were confirmed by quantitative PCR. Besides, we have identified design mistakes and missing annotation of the array probes. The results of this study have allowed us to detect differential expression of interesting genes, but it pointed out the necessity of carrying out complementary studies in order to confirm the differential expressions revealed using microarrays technology

    Authoring and dynamic generation of adaptive e-courses

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-27834-4_93Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July 26-30, 2004.Adaptive hypermedia constitutes a pretty rich resource for developing web-based courses. With the aim of dynamically generating adaptive e-courses, we have developed the TANGOW system which, starting from the course components and their adaptation capabilities (specified independently and out of the adaptation engine), generates different courses for students with different profiles, supporting several adaptation strategies. An integral part of any adaptive hypermedia system is the set of authoring tools to specify the course components and their adaptation capabilities. Without adequate tool support, authors may feel that it is “not worth the effort” to add adaptation to their courses. However, the development of this type of tools is not an easy task. The main goal of our authoring and visualization tools is to provide a simple interface to create such courses. This demo would demonstrate i) the dynamic generation of tailored e-courses that include individual and collaborative activities and ii) the use of authoring tools for the creation of such courses

    Spermatozoa recovery and post-thawing quality of brown bear ejaculates is affected for centrifugation regimes

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    P. 77–84Sperm cryopreservation protocols for brown bear (Ursus arctos) require the centrifugation of semen samples to increase sperm concentration and to clean urine in contaminated samples. We evaluated the effect of centrifugation regimes (time and relative centrifugal force—RCF) on the quantity of sperm recovered and the quality of post-thawed sperm. Thirteen brown bears were electroejaculated. The ejaculates were diluted 1:1 in Tris–citric acid–glucose (TCG) extender and centrifuged with different RCF/time combinations: 600×g, 1,200×g and 2,400×g, for 3, 6 or 12 min. After centrifugation, spermatozoa were diluted in TES–Tris–fructose extender with egg yolk and glycerol (final glycerol concentration of 8%) and frozen in 0.25-mL straws. In the post-thawed semen, motility was assessed by CASA, and acrosomal status (PNA-FITC), viability (SYBR-14 with propidium iodide) and chromatin status (SCSA) were determined by flow cytometry. The longest centrifugation time (12 min) significantly decreased some motility parameters. Sperm recovery significantly decreased in brown bear at 600×g. Our results suggest that brown bear spermatozoa are more sensitive to long centrifugation times than to high RCF. Centrifugation regimes showed no effects on the post-thawing chromatin status. We recommend preparing the brown bear semen for freezing by centrifugation 1,200×g or 2,400×g for 6 min, after electroejaculation and dilution 1:1 in TCG extender, since these procedures increase the spermatozoa recovery without harmful effects on the post-thawed quality of brown bear spermatozoa.S

    Gender differences in GPs' strategies for coping with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic in Catalonia: A cross-sectional study

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has increased stress levels in GPs, who have resorted to different coping strategies to deal with this crisis. Gender differences in coping styles may be contributing factors in the development of psychological distress.To identify differences by gender and by stress level in coping strategies of GPs during the Covid-19 pandemic.A cross-sectional, web-based survey conducted with GPs in Catalonia (Spain), in June-July 2021. via the institution's email distribution list, all GPs members of the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine were invited to complete a survey assessing sociodemographic, health and work-related characteristics, experienced stress (Stress scale of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales-DASS 21) and the frequency of use of a range of coping strategies (Brief-COPE) classified as problem-focused, emotion-focused and avoidant strategies, some of which are adaptive and others maladaptive. We compared the scores of each strategy by gender and stress level using Student's t-test.Of 4739 members, 522 GPs participated in the study (response rate 11%; 79.1% women; mean age = 46.9?years, SD?=?10.5). Of these, 41.9% reported moderate-severe stress levels. The most common coping strategies were acceptance, active coping, planning, positive reframing and venting. More frequently than men, women resorted to emotional and instrumental support, venting, distraction and self-blame, whereas men used acceptance and humour more commonly than women. Moderate-severe stress levels were associated with non-adaptive coping, with increased use of avoidance strategies, self-blame, religion and venting, and decreased use of positive reframing and acceptance.The most common coping strategies were adaptive and differed by gender. However, highly stressful situations caused maladaptive strategies to emerge

    Evaluation of the qualitative and quantitative effectiveness of three media of centrifugation (Maxifreeze, Cushion Fluid Equine, and PureSperm 100) in preparation of fresh or frozen-thawed brown bear spermatozoa

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    P. 1119-1128Centrifugation is a crucial procedure in sperm cryopreservation protocols of brown bear (Ursus arctos), because the semen must be processed to increase sperm concentration and/or clean urine-contaminated samples. The efficacy of three media for centrifugation (Maxifreeze [IMV technologies, L'Aigle, France], Cushion Fluid Equine (Minitübe, Tiefenbach, Germany), and PureSperm [Nidacon, Gothenburg, Sweden]) on the quality of bear spermatozoa was evaluated. In experiment one, two cushioned media used for protecting against mechanical stress during centrifugation were analyzed. In experiment two, a density gradient based on PureSperm was assessed in relation to the maximum retrieval and the quality of fresh spermatozoa, and the freezability of the spermatozoa selected in this density gradient was studied in experiment three. Finally, the selection of frozen-thawed sperm using PureSperm was analyzed in experiment four. Our results indicate that the use of dense isotonic cushion solutions (Maxifreeze, Cushion Fluid Equine) in centrifugation did not improve the quality of recovered spermatozoa compared with standard centrifugation. However, a density gradient prepared with PureSperm improved the quality of spermatozoa in fresh semen and frozen-thawed semen, but the spermatozoa selected from the fresh sample with this density gradient did not show a better resistance to freezing with this density gradient in comparison with the control sample.S

    Effect of basic factors of extender composition on post-thawing quality of brown bear electroejaculated spermatozoa

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    P. 643-651The improvement of freezing extenders is critical when defining sperm cryopreservation protocols for wild species, in order to create germplasm banks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of additives (Equex Paste and EDTA) supplementation, egg-yolk (10 and 20%) and glycerol (4 and 8%) concentrations and extender osmolality (300 and 320 mOsm/kg) on the post-thawing quality of brown bear semen. Semen was obtained from 20 adult males by electroejaculation, and centrifugated individually (600 × g for 6 min). The pellets were diluted 1:1 in the corresponding extender TTF (TES-Tris-Fructose with the aforementioned variants) and cooled to 5 °C. Then, it was diluted down to 100 × 106 spz/mL, loaded in 0.25 mL straws and frozen at −20°C/min. After thawing (in water at 65 °C for 6s), the semen samples were assessed for motility (CASA), viability (SYBR-14 with propidium iodide), acrosomal status (PNA-FITC with propidium iodide) and mitochondrial activity (JC-1). Extender supplementation with additives rendered significantly higher results for these sperm parameters. Comparing the two percentages of egg yolk, 20% egg yolk showed the highest motility results, percentages of viable spermatozoa and viable spermatozoa with intact acrosome. No differences were detected among samples frozen using 4 or 8% glycerol. For extender osmolality, 300 mOsm/kg showed higher values of VAP, VCL, VSL, and ALH than 320 mOsm/kg. Based on the best performance of sperm motility, viability and acrosome status, we conclude that the most suitable extender to cryopreserve brown bear spermatozoa was TTF adjusted to 300 mOsm/kg, supplemented with 20% egg yolk, 4–8% glycerol, and the additives 1% Equex paste and 2% EDTA.S

    Calidad de vida y percepción de apoyo social en personas con HIV en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Introducción. En estudios llevados a cabo en países desarrollados se ha establecido que las personas con HIV/sida refieren tener una menos calidad de vida y menor apoyo social. Objetivo. Explorar la asociación entre la percepción del apoyo social afectivo o de personas de confianza y cada dimensión de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en personas con HIV/sida en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en personas con HIV/sida seleccionadas por conveniencia, en el marco de un programa de atención en una red hospitalaria de Bogotá. Se utilizaron los cuestionarios de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud SF36 y el cuestionario genérico de apoyo social funcional Duke-UNC-11. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión lineal en el análisis. Resultados. Se evidenció una relación directa entre la dimensión del bienestar emocional de la calidad de vida, el apoyo social afectivo (ß=7,36; IC95% 1,04-13,68) y el de personas de confianza (ß=11,63; IC95% 5,30-17,96), así como entre las dimensiones de la función física, el desempeño emocional y el dolor corporal y la percepción del apoyo social de tipo afectivo, y entre el apoyo social de personas de confianza y las dimensiones de la vitalidad y la función social. Se encontró una relación inversa entre los promedios de los puntajes de las dimensiones de desempeño emocional, desempeño físico y salud general y la percepción del apoyo social de tipo afectivo con la primera dimensión y el de personas de confianza con las dos últimas. Conclusiones. Los sujetos con una mejor percepción del apoyo social reportaron una mejor calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, lo cual puede servir de base para la planeación, el diseño y la implementación de planes de atención médica que incorporen variables clínicas, paraclínicas y del entorno del paciente

    Effects on brown bear (Ursus arctos) spermatozoa freezability of different extender and dilution ratios used for pre-freezing centrifugation

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    P. 259–266The objective of this study was to determine how the extender and dilution ratio used during centrifugation affect bear spermatozoa quality before and after freezing–thawing. Semen was collected from 15 brown bears by electroejaculation. In experiment 1, semen was divided into five aliquots and diluted using one of the following extenders: Tris-citric-glucose (TCG), Tris-citric-glucose-3% BSA, Tris-citric-glucose-1% egg yolk or CaninePro. In experiment 2, semen was divided into five aliquots and diluted 1:1, 1:4, 1:8 or 1:16 (semen:extender) with Tris-citric-glucose. In both experiments, one aliquot was left undiluted and it was used as a control. All the aliquots were centrifuged at 600×g for 6 min and frozen. Samples were analysed by post-thawing for motility (CASA) and, by flow cytometry, for viability (YO-PRO-1), acrosomal status (PNA-FITC/PI) and mitochondrial status (JC-1). CaninePro rendered the highest motility with respect to the undiluted control (total motility, 53.1% vs. 38.5%, P < 0.001), and CaninePro and TCG significantly increased the percentage of viable and acrosome-intact spermatozoa (43.2 and 43.4, respectively, vs. 39.4, P < 0.05). In experiment 2, dilution 1:4 yielded the highest value of total motility (78.8 vs. 67.2, P < 0.05) and proportion of spermatozoa with intact membrane and acrosome (64.5 vs. 54.4, P < 0.01). In general, diluting 1:4 or 1:8 brown bear semen prior to centrifugation improved the motility and acrosome status of the thawed spermatozoa

    Quality of life and perceived social support in people with HIV in Bogotá, Colombia

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    Introducción. En estudios llevados a cabo en países desarrollados se ha establecido que las personas con HIV/sida refieren tener una menos calidad de vida y menor apoyo social. Objetivo. Explorar la asociación entre la percepción del apoyo social afectivo o de personas de confianza y cada dimensión de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en personas con HIV/sida en Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en personas con HIV/sida seleccionadas por conveniencia, en el marco de un programa de atención en una red hospitalaria de Bogotá. Se utilizaron los cuestionarios de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud SF36 y el cuestionario genérico de apoyo social funcional Duke-UNC-11. Se utilizaron modelos de regresión lineal en el análisis. Resultados. Se evidenció una relación directa entre la dimensión del bienestar emocional de la calidad de vida, el apoyo social afectivo (ß=7,36; IC95% 1,04-13,68) y el de personas de confianza (ß=11,63; IC95% 5,30-17,96), así como entre las dimensiones de la función física, el desempeño emocional y el dolor corporal y la percepción del apoyo social de tipo afectivo, y entre el apoyo social de personas de confianza y las dimensiones de la vitalidad y la función social. Se encontró una relación inversa entre los promedios de los puntajes de las dimensiones de desempeño emocional, desempeño físico y salud general y la percepción del apoyo social de tipo afectivo con la primera dimensión y el de personas de confianza con las dos últimas. Conclusiones. Los sujetos con una mejor percepción del apoyo social reportaron una mejor calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, lo cual puede servir de base para la planeación, el diseño y la implementación de planes de atención médica que incorporen variables clínicas, paraclínicas y del entorno del paciente.Introduction: People living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries tend to have a lower quality of life and less social support compared with those in developed countries. Objective: To explore the association between affective social support or social support generating confidence and each dimension of the quality of life related to health among people with HIV/AIDS from Bogotá Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of people living with HIV/AIDS using convenience sampling of a care program in a hospital network in Bogotá. The quality of life questionnaire SF36 and the generic social support questionnaire Duke-UNC-11 were used, along with linear regression models for the analyses. Results: There was a direct relationship between the emotional well-being dimension of quality of life and the social support systems of affectivity (ß =7.36;95% CI: 1.04; 13.68) and those generating confidence (ß =11.63;95% CI: 5.30; 17.96). There was a correlation between the dimensions of physical function, emotional performance, pain, and perceived affective social support. Likewise, we detected relations between the perception of social support generating confidence and the dimensions of vitality and social function. Contrarily, we found an inverse relationship between the averages of the dimension of emotional performance and the perceived affective social support, as well as between the dimension of physical performance and general health with social support generating confidence