277 research outputs found

    NMR spectroscopy and antioxidant activity of flavanones and flavones isolated from Chromolaena tacotana (Klatt) R.M. King & H. Rob.

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    Chromolaena tacotana is considered as a source of flavonoids. Here we examined the content and antioxidant properties of flavones and flavanones from the leaves of the plant. Four flavonoids, including (Cta) 5, 4' dihydroxy-7-methoxy flavanone, (Ctb) 3,5,3'-trihydroxy-7,4'-dimethoxyflavone; (Ctc), 3,4'-dihydroxy -5,7-dimethoxyflavanone; and (Ctd) 4'-hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxyflavanone, were isolated from leaves extracts, were identified by their NMR spectroscopic data, and then free radical scavenging activities of the flavonoids were assessed against DPPH. The antioxidant activity for the flavanone Ctb was the highest even compared to that of quercetin, with IC50 of 6.27 μg/mL and 8.67 μg/mL respectively. The flavanones Cta, Ctc and Ctd presented a lowest activity against free radicals as expected according to their molecular substituents and the position within the structure. Data obtained from this study support the ethnomedicinal use of the leaves of C. tacotana for an antioxidant purpose

    Differences in the Same OMI/MLS Aura Tropospheric Ozone Data Set Published Before and After January 2013

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    On the website "NASA Goddard Homepage for Tropospheric Ozone", global data of tropospheric ozone obtained from observations of OMI and MLS Aura satellite instruments, are reported. In mid-2013, the data was covering the period between October 2004 and January 2013. Subsequently, in early 2014, the time series was extended until December 2013. At present time, the published series has been extended to December 2014. Analysing this new series, we observed that the data already published to January 2013 had been replaced; not only the missing months of 2013 were added but all the values published since 2004 were recalculated. We present the detected differences in the comparison between common data to both time series (the original, before January 2013, and the new one, currently published on the website). These differences are important considering that they represent the result of the same satellite observation and should be considered when comparing results before/after January 2013, especially when adopting a certain confidence level in the spectral analysis of these data to intraseasonal scale. A warn of caution is suggested in the use of these observations and intercomparison with other values of these and other instruments, because of possible recurrent problems of instrumental calibration.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Análisis multiescala de las comunidades de coral hermatípico del Pacífico Central Mexicano

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    The Mexican Central Pacific is located in a zone of oceanographic transition between two biogeographic provinces with particular conditions that affect the associated fauna. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variation of hermatypic coral assemblages in this region and to determine their relationship with the heterogeneity of the benthonic habitat and spatial variables. A total of 156 transects were carried out at 41 sites in the years 2010 and 2011. The sampling effort returned 96.7% of the coral richness expected for the area, with a total of 15 species recorded. The results showed that richness, diversity and cover of corals varied only at the site and state scales. However, the composition and coverage of all coral species, as well as the benthonic habitat structure, differed significantly across the study scales (i.e. sites, zones and states). Canonical redundancy analysis showed that variation in the richness, diversity and assemblages of corals was explained by the cover of live corals, articulated calcareous algae, sandy substrate, sponges and fleshy macroalgae. This study suggests that local scale (i.e. site) variation in the coral assemblages of the Mexican Central Pacific is the result of the heterogeneity of the benthonic habitat, while geomorphological and oceanographic characteristics play a greater role at regional scale.El Pacífico Central Mexicano se localiza en una zona de transición oceanográfica entre dos provincias biogeográficas con condiciones ambientales particulares que afectan la fauna asociada. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la variación de las comunidades de coral hermatípico de esta región y determinar su relación con la heterogeneidad del hábitat bentónico y variables espaciales. Se realizaron 156 transectos en 41 sitios en los años 2010 y 2011. El esfuerzo de muestreo representó el 96.7% de la riqueza de coral esperada para el área, con un total de 15 especies registradas. Los resultados mostraron que la riqueza, diversidad y cobertura de corales variaron sólo en las escalas de sitio y de estado. En cambio, la composición y cobertura de todas las especies de coral, así como la estructura del hábitat bentónico, fueron significativamente diferentes en todas las escalas estudiadas (i.e. sitio, zona y estado). Los análisis de redundancia canónica mostraron que la variación de la riqueza, diversidad y de las comunidades de corales eran explicadas por la cobertura de coral vivo, algas calcáreas articuladas, sustrato arenoso, esponjas y macroalgas carnosas. Este trabajo sugiere que la variación de las comunidades de coral en el Pacífico Central Mexicano a escala local (i.e. sitio) se debe a la heterogeneidad del hábitat bentónico, mientras que a escala regional, las características geomorfológicas y oceanográficas desempeñan un papel más importante

    Herbert C. Kelman and Peace Psychology

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    En este artículo se revisa la vida y obra de Herbert Kelman (1927-2022), uno de los psicólogos sociales más influyentes del siglo XX y del presente siglo. Sus teorías han tenido un impacto favorable en la resolución de conflictos internacionales, a partir de la base de evidencia experimental y de su intervención en diversos eventos internacionales en el medio oriente y otras partes del mundo. Además, fue uno de los principales promotores de la psicología de la paz y publicó una amplia diversidad de artículos, capítulos de libro y libros con una favorable recepción en el campo de la psicología social. También fue presidente de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología (SIP) entre 1976 y 1979, con un despliegue de funciones que son objeto de nuestro análisis. Por todo ello, Kelman es un autor, cuya obra merece ser revisada y analizada con motivo de su reciente fallecimiento, para dar continuidad a sus ideas y sus aportes en el campo de la resolución de conflictos.This article reviews the life and work of Herbert Kelman (1927-2022), one of the most influential social psychologists of the 20th century and of the present century. His theories have had a favorable impact on the resolution of international conflicts, based on experimental evidence and his intervention in various international events in the Middle East and other parts of the world. In addition, he was one of the leading promoters of the psychology of peace and published a wide variety of a well-received articles, book chapters, and books in the field of social psychology. He also was president of the Interamerican Society of Psychology (ISP) between 1976 and 1979, with a display of functions that are the object of our analysis. For all these reasons, Kelman is an author, whose work deserves to be reviewed and analyzed on the occasion of his recent death, to give continuity to his ideas and his contributions in the field of conflict resolution.Fil: Arias Gallegos, Walter L.. Universidad Catolica de San Pablo; PerúFil: Klappenbach, Hugo Alberto Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Psicologia. Instituto de Ciencias Computacionales, Cognitivas, Psicológicas y Sociales.; ArgentinaFil: Ardila, Rubén. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: López López, Wilson. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; ColombiaFil: Caycho Rodríguez, Tomás. Universidad Cientifica del Sur

    Vagal afferents contribute to sympathoexcitation-driven metabolic dysfunctions

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    Multiple crosstalk between peripheral organs and the nervous system are required to maintain physiological and metabolic homeostasis. Using Vav3-deficient mice as a model for chronic sympathoexcitation-associated disorders, we report here that afferent fibers of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve are needed for the development of the peripheral sympathoexcitation, tachycardia, tachypnea, insulin resistance, liver steatosis and adipose tissue thermogenesis present in those mice. This neuronal pathway contributes to proper activity of the rostral ventrolateral medulla, a sympathoregulatory brainstem center hyperactive in Vav3−/− mice. Vagal afferent inputs are also required for the development of additional pathophysiological conditions associated with deregulated rostral ventrolateral medulla activity. By contrast, they are dispensable for other peripheral sympathoexcitation-associated disorders sparing metabolic alterations in liver.X R B is supported by grants from the Castilla-León Government (CSI252P18, CLC-2017-01), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MSIU) (SAF2015-64556-R), Worldwide Cancer Research (14-1248), the Ramón Areces Foundation, and the Spanish Association against Cancer (GC16173472GARC). X R B’s institution is supported by the Programa de Apoyo a Planes Estratégicos de Investigación de Estructuras de Investigación de Excelencia of the Ministry of Education of the Castilla-León Government (CLC-2017-01). S R-F and L F L-M contracts have been supported by funding from the MISIU (BES-2013-063573) and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (L F L-M, FPU13/02923), respectively. Both Spanish and Castilla-León government-associated funding is partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund

    Myeloid p38 activation maintains macrophage-liver crosstalk and BAT thermogenesis through IL-12-FGF21 axis.

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    Obesity features excessive fat accumulation in several body tissues and induces a state of chronic low-grade inflammation that contributes to the development of diabetes, steatosis, and insulin resistance. Recent research has shown that this chronic inflammation is crucially dependent on p38 pathway activity in macrophages, suggesting p38 inhibition as a possible treatment for obesity comorbidities. Nevertheless, we report here that lack of p38 activation in myeloid cells worsens high-fat diet-induced obesity, diabetes, and steatosis. Deficient p38 activation increases macrophage IL-12 production, leading to inhibition of hepatic FGF21 and reduction of thermogenesis in the brown fat. The implication of FGF21 in the phenotype was confirmed by its specific deletion in hepatocytes. We also found that IL-12 correlates with liver damage in human biopsies, indicating the translational potential of our results. Our findings suggest that myeloid p38 has a dual role in inflammation and that drugs targeting IL-12 might improve the homeostatic regulation of energy balance in response to metabolic stress.S

    Mitofusin 2 in POMC neurons connects ER stress with leptin resistance and energy imbalance

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    Mitofusin 2 (MFN2) plays critical roles in both mitochondrial fusion and the establishment of mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) interactions. Hypothalamic ER stress has emerged as a causative factor for the development of leptin resistance, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we show that mitochondria-ER contacts in anorexigenic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the hypothalamus are decreased in diet-induced obesity. POMC-specific ablation of Mfn2 resulted in loss of mitochondria-ER contacts, defective POMC processing, ER stress-induced leptin resistance, hyperphagia, reduced energy expenditure, and obesity. Pharmacological relieve of hypothalamic ER stress reversed these metabolic alterations. Our data establish MFN2 in POMC neurons as an essential regulator of systemic energy balance by fine-tuning the mitochondrial-ER axis homeostasis and function. This previously unrecognized role for MFN2 argues for a crucial involvement in mediating ER stress-induced leptin resistance

    Flipped learning y otras metodologías (TICs) en tiempos del COVID 19

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    El presente proyecto de innovación “Flipped learning (FL), otras metodologías y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en tiempos del COVID 19” ha aplicado de forma sistemática y planificada las metodología FL y se implementan el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) para la mejora de la docencia en todos los escenarios docentes:presencial, no presencial, o combinada. Mejorando la competencia digital de los docentes implicados, y la aplicación a la innovación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Sex-related differences of fatty acid-binding protein 4 and leptin levels in atrial fibrillation

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    Aims: Adiposity plays a key role in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation (AF). Our aim was to study the sex differences in adipokines levels according to AF burden. Methods and results: Two independent cohorts of patients were studied: (i) consecutive patients with AF undergoing catheter ablation (n = 217) and (ii) a control group (n = 105). (i) Adipokines, oxidative stress, indirect autonomic markers, and leucocytes mRNA levels were analysed; (ii) correlation between biomarkers was explored with heatmaps and Kendall correlation coefficients; and (iii) logistic regression and random forest model were used to determine predictors of AF recurrence after ablation. Our results showed that: (i) fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) and leptin levels were higher in women than in men in both cohorts (P < 0.01). In women, FABP4 levels were higher on AF cohort (20 ± 14 control, 29 ± 18 paroxysmal AF and 31 ± 17 ng/mL persistent AF; P < 0.01). In men, leptin levels were lower on AF cohort (22 ± 15 control, 13 ± 16 paroxysmal AF and 13 ± 11 ng/mL persistent AF; P < 0.01). (ii) In female with paroxysmal AF, there was a lower acetylcholinesterase and higher carbonic anhydrase levels with respect to men (P < 0.05). (iii) Adipokines have an important role on discriminate AF recurrence after ablation. In persistent AF, FABP4 was the best predictor of recurrence after ablation (1.067, 95% confidence interval 1-1.14; P = 0.046). Conclusion: The major finding of the present study is the sex-based differences of FABP4 and leptin levels according to AF burden. These adipokines are associated with oxidative stress, inflammatory and autonomic indirect markers, indicating that they may play a role in AF perpetuation.This study was supported by projects (PI16/01282 and PI18/01584) integrated in the Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2016–2019 and cofounded by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). J.N.L.-C. and M.R.-M. were a recipient of a Sociedade Galega de Cardioloxía (SOGACAR) research grant. D.d.G.-C. was a recipient of a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación grant from the Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities (IJCI-2016-29393). CIBER Cardiovascular (CB16/11/00403 to V.Ll.-C. and D.d.G.-C.) is a project from Carlos III Health Institute.Peer reviewe