7,066 research outputs found

    Second Nature Geography and Regional Income Disparities in Colombia

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    In this paper, we derive and estimate a New Economic Geography model for the Colombian departments.2 We first derive an econometric specification relating wages to a distance weighted sum of the volumes of economic activities of the surrounding locations. Them, we test our econometric specification with data for Colombian departments in the period 1975-2000. The empirical results confirm the theoretical predictions of our model, showing that second nature geography factors (access to consumer markets) are a key variable in explaining the spatial distribution of wages in Colombia.New Economic Geography, Spatial Structure of Wages, Market Access

    The internet: strategy and boundaries of the firm

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    Many advantages have been ascribed to the Internet. Although it lacks the necessary elements to be regarded as a strategic resource, the Internet seems to be a useful tool to provide support for business strategies.In this work we discuss how the Internet can be used to support the development of capabilities and define firm boundaries. Using a sample of Spanish firms, empirically analysed, we find positive relationships between the use of the Internet and product differentiation, as well as the introduction of organizational changes. In addition, we present evidence that the Internet reduces both internal coordination costs and transaction costs as a result of the positive relationships found between the use of the Internet, the degree of vertical integration and the establishment of technological agreements with suppliers and customers

    Materiales didácticos para una intervención interdisciplinar desde los ámbitos formal y no formal: un análisis tras su implementación

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    En este artículo se presentan las reflexiones extraídas a raíz de la planificación, implementación y evaluación de un proyecto de materiales didácticos elaborados en un municipio gallego (As Pontes de García Rodríguez-A Coruña). El proyecto recoge una proThe aim of this article is to present the reflections extracted as a result of the planning, introduction, and assessemt of a project on teaching materials drawn up in a Galician council (As Pontes de García Rodríguez -La Coruña). This project shows a pr

    La representación de la Pasión de Ulldecona a lo largo del tiempo

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    En número dedicado a: Tarragona, comarcas del Baix Ebre y Montsi

    Las pallozas del valle de Ancares y las del Cebrero

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    En número dedicado a: Lug

    GÓMEZ CAPUZ, Juan (2005): La inmigración léxica [Reseña]

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    [Resumen] Reseña de Gómez Capuz, Juan (2005): La inmigración léxica, Madrid, Arco/Libros, Col. Cuadernos de Lengua Española

    Relación de la Cantiga nº 193 con dos milagros de la época

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    La búsqueda de efectos humorísticos, irónicos y paródicos a través de los anglicismos

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    Many studies have dealt with anglicisms in Spanish since it became a noticeable linguistic phenomenon at the end of the 1960s. In the beginning, most books and articles focused on analysing anglicisms used to designate new objects and concepts, or criticising those regarded as ‘useless intruders’ by linguists with a purist approach. Forty years later this purist tradition no longer exists and new aspects of anglicisms such as their presence in syntax or their expressive uses have attracted the attention of scholars. In this paper, we analyse a corpus of anglicisms and pseudoanglicisms found in television and radio humorous programmes in Spain where they are exploited in expressive comic messages to catch the public’s eye

    Intersección de la matemática educativa y las ciencias sociales: el caso de los seguros de vida

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    La enseñanza de la Economía implica un problema pedagógico didáctico: ¿Qué y cuánta Matemática resulta imprescindible en las teorías económicas? Una respuesta exige una profunda reflexión sobre la formación matemática de los profesores de Economía y de investigaciones en Educación Matemática. Este trabajo muestra, de manera didáctica, la medición de la incertidumbre que involucran los seguros de vida. El asegurador determina el precio de la cobertura que brinda un seguro por medio de las Tablas de Mortalidad, estudiadas por la Matemática Actuarial. Este tema evidencia la intersección de problemas económicos y poblacionales, utilizando conceptos matemáticos aplicables a la Educación Matemática en Economía