2,561 research outputs found

    Satisfaction with the Care Received and the Childbirth and Puerperium Experience in Christian and Muslim Pregnant Women

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    Over the last three decades, there has been an increase in the population as a result of the migratory flow due to the arrival of migrants to Spain, including young women of childbearing age and with reproductive capacity. This phenomenon has made childbirth assistance an extremely important priority in recent years. The aim of this study was to assess the satisfaction and experience during childbirth and the postpartum period in pregnant women according to their religion after assistance in a tertiary hospital. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 242 women using the validated Spanish version of the Mackey Childbirth Satisfaction Rating Scale (MCSRS) to measure satisfaction with the childbirth experience during the months of January to April 2021. Statistically significant differences were found in the domains of birth satisfaction (p < 0.01), satisfaction with the obstetrician (p < 0.01), and perception of pain during labour (p < 0.01). The Christian group of women scored higher in these three domains as compared to the Muslim group. The rate of breastfeeding at birth was 5.26 times higher among the Muslim group compared to the Christian group (p = 0.02). The experience of childbirth and the puerperium significantly influenced the levels of satisfaction of pregnant women with the process of childbirth in a different way according to the religious culture of the patient

    Evidence of thermal transport anisotropy in stable glasses of vapour deposited organic molecules

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    Vapour-deposited organic glasses are currently in use in many optoelectronic devices. Their operation temperature is limited by the glass transition temperature of the organic layers and thermal management strategies become increasingly important to improve the lifetime of the device. Here we report the unusual finding that molecular orientation heavily influences heat flow propagation in glassy films of small molecule organic semiconductors. The thermal conductivity of vapour-deposited thin-film semiconductor glasses is anisotropic and controlled by the deposition temperature. We compare our data with extensive molecular dynamics simulations to disentangle the role of density and molecular orientation on heat propagation. Simulations do support the view that thermal transport along the backbone of the organic molecule is strongly preferred with respect to the perpendicular direction. This is due to the anisotropy of the molecular interaction strength that limit the transport of atomic vibrations. This approach could be used in future developments to implement small molecule glassy films in thermoelectric or other organic electronic devices.Comment: main manuscript: 17 pages and 7 figures; supplementary material: 6 pages and 7 figure

    Reconstrucción de productos hematopoyéticos criopreservados : control de calidad, estabilidad osmótica y lavado de DMSO /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa logística de un Trasplante de Progenitores Hematopoyéticos (TPH) incluye en la mayoría de casos (TPH autólogo y de Sangre de Cordón Umbilical (SCU)), una etapa de criopreservación a temperaturas de -196ºC. Las técnicas de congelación más extendidas utilizan DMSO como crioprotector para optimizar la viabilidad y funcionalidad de las células reduciendo la proporción de agua congelada y la deshidratación intracelular durante el proceso de congelación. La presencia del crioprotector hace que las suspensiones celulares descongeladas sean hipertónicas y como las células responden importando y exportando agua frente a un cambio de osmolaridad, el retorno a condiciones isotónicas puede resultar en la superación de los límites mecánicos de las membranas plasmáticas por una entrada masiva de agua al citoplasma (choque osmótico). Este fenómeno es de especial importancia durante la reconstitución y manipulación de células descongeladas debido a que la membrana celular es un conjunto de lípidos y proteínas organizados que por debajo de los 20ºC pierde fluidez, limitando su resistencia y por tanto su capacidad de respuesta osmótica. En 1978, el profesor John Goldman95 publicó las primeras evidencias del fenómeno de choque osmótico sobre la reducción de capacidad clonogénica en médula ósea (MO) descongelada. Sin embargo, este trabajo no ha tenido una gran repercusión en los protocolos de criopreservación seguramente porque el número de Células Progenitoras Hematopoyéticas (CPH) en MO y en Aféresis (CPH-A) está por encima del umbral mínimo definido para uso clínico. Esta situación cambia en el momento que la SCU se define como fuente de células progenitoras debido a su limitada proporción en estos productos. Así, en 1995 el Dr. Pablo Rubinstein139 reabre el debate de la relevancia del choque osmótico en productos hematopoyéticos descongelados e introduce la estabilidad osmótica previa a la infusión para reducir el efecto del cambio brusco de osmolaridad durante el retorno a condiciones isotónicas. Para la práctica diaria de un laboratorio de procesamiento celular, y por extensión para el equipo clínico de trasplante, el choque osmótico afecta a los controles de calidad del descongelado si estos incluyen manipulaciones que impliquen cambios bruscos de osmolaridad. En este sentido, un caso muy llamativo es el de la citometría de flujo (CMF), no en vano, casi ningún laboratorio realiza este tipo de análisis en muestras descongeladas debido seguramente a la falta de correlación con los datos precongelación. Más alarmante es el hecho de que la infusión directa de los inóculos descongelados pueda ser también una fuente de choque osmótico que comprometa la viabilidad celular resultando, en el caso de TPH con dosis límite de CPH, determinante para el éxito de la recuperación hematopoyética. En este ámbito se ha desarrollado el trabajo experimental de esta Tesis Doctoral que proporciona evidencias, cuantifica el efecto del choque osmótico en los controles de calidad de productos hematopoyéticos descongelados, propone un método de CMF para su análisis y valida dos sistemas automáticos aptos para la clínica que rinden productos estabilizados osmóticamente, listos para trasplante y sin pérdida celular ni de viabilidad significativas.Current logistics of Hemopoetic Progenitor Cells Transplant (HPT) usually includes (Autologous HPT and Umbilical Cord Blood Cells (UCB) Transplant) a cryopreservation step at temperatures of -196ºC. Dimethyl sulfoxide, the most used cryoprotector raises cellular viability and function both by reducing frozen water proportion as well as intracellular dehydration during the freezing process of cells. Presence of cryoprotector makes thawed cellular suspension hypertonic and as cells respond importing and exporting water from their cytoplasm in front of changes of osmolarity, the return to isotonic conditions may surpass the mechanical limits of plasmatic membranes by means of a massive entry of water into the cytoplasm (osmotic shock).This is specially important during the reconstitution and manipulation of thawed cells because cell membrane is a set of organized lipids and proteins that below of 20ºC loose fluidity thus limiting resistance and so capacity of response in front of an osmotic shock. In 1978, first evidences about the reduced clonogenicity in thawed cells from Bone Marrow (BM) were published by professor John Goldman. However, these results have not had great repercussion on cryopreservation protocols possibly because the huge number of progenitor cells in BM and Apheresis (HPC-A). This situation changes when UCB is defined as a suitable source of progenitor cells due to the limited number of cells in these products. In this regard, Dr. Pablo Rubinstein reopens in 1995 the debate about the relevance of osmotic shock in thawed progenitor cells grafts. In that work, osmotic stability before infusion was introduced to reduce deleterious effect of sudden changes in osmolarity during the return to isotonic conditions. Considering Cell Processing laboratories current practices, osmotic shock concerns quality controls of thawed cells when sudden changes in osmolarity are included in these techniques. It is specially relevant when Flow Cytometry is considered because almost no laboratory uses this technique to analyze thawed samples because of the lack of correlation with pre freeze data. In addition, direct infusion of thawed grafts could be a source of osmotic shock altering cells viability which, in case of limiting number of progenitor cells in the graft, could affect hemopoètic recovery of the transplanted patient. In this field has been developed the experimental of the present Doctoral Thesis which provides evidences and quantify the effect of the osmotic shock in quality controls of thawed hemopoetic grafts as well as proposes a method of Flow Cytometry to analyze them. Finally, in this work two automatic systems available for the clinic were validated to wash DMSO and producing osmotically stabilized products without significant looses of viability and progenitor cells

    A poesía de Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño

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    [Resumen] La tesis que bajo el titulo a poesía de Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño, leida en la facultade de humanidades da Universidade da Coruña, el dia 22 de octubre de 1993, responde a la siguiente línea investigadora: a través de ocho capítulos estructurados en dos partes - o autor e o contexto literario y unha lectura da poética aquiliniana - tratamos de situar la obra de este autor lucense en las coordenadas vitales, poéticas y sociales de su época. Nos centramos en la biografía mínima que nos permitiera entender ciertas actitudes y comportamientos del autor frente a la sociedad literaria. A continuación pasamos revista al contexto literario poniendo de manifiesto las principales direcciones literarias del momento. Despules nos ocupamos de la lectura individual de cada poemario - Señarda (1930), Corazón ao vento (1933), Comaros verdes (1947), De dia a dia (1960), Lanza de soleda (1961) y nenias (1961) - respondiendo a una propuesta tematico-estilistica que desenvolvimos bajo estos epígrafes: recepción de la obra por sus coetáneos y fortuna literaria posterior, diseño editorial, lectura temática e intertextualidades, el sistema expresivo y los símbolos configurativos de su mundo poético. La obra de Aquilino Iglesia Alvariño (1909-1961) representa un ejemplo claro dentro de la literatura gallega de sabia conjunción entre tradición y modernidad, pasado y presente, sabiendo aprovechar las enseñanzas de la literatura greco-latina, no sin por eso dejar de dar respuesta a una serie de preocupaciones e interrogantes de hombre del siglo XX

    Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. (Orchidaceae) en la ciudad de Madrid

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    Se da a conocer la presencia de esta orquídea poco citada, en la urbe madrileña. Se muestran fotografías tomadas en el lugar del hallazgo

    Uso de innovaciones tecnológicas en las instalaciones de TV satelital : caso DirecTV.

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    La presente Tesis, aborda como temática principal, que el uso de innovaciones tecnológicas representa una ventaja competitiva en las empresas de servicio en general, y en la empresa bajo estudio en particular (DirecTV)

    Spectroscopic study of the HII regions in the NGC 1232 galaxy

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    NGC 1232 is a face-on spiral galaxy that serves as an excellent laboratory for the study of star formation due to its proximity. Recent studies have revealed interesting features about this galaxy: X-ray observations suggest that it recently collided with a dwarf galaxy, however, no apparent remnant is observed. Here we search for evidence of this collision. We used long-slit optical spectra in two different positions obtained with the Goodman spectrograph at the SOAR telescope. We detected 18 HII regions in the north-south direction and 22 HII regions in the east-west direction and a background galaxy, NGC 1232B, for which we present the first redshift measurement and spectral analysis. We used the stellar population fitting technique to study the underlying stellar population and to subtract it from the spectra to measure the emission lines. The emission lines were used to determine the extinction, electron density, chemical abundance, and the star-formation rate gradient of NGC 1232. As is common in spiral galaxies, we found a stellar population gradient with older populations at the central regions and younger ones towards the outskirts, along with a negative oxygen abundance gradient of -0.16 dex/re. Due to the difficulty of measuring important emission lines, the number of objects for the abundance gradient is small, but there is a hint that this galaxy has a broken gradient profile, with a drop towards the center. If the collision caused any disturbance in the galaxy, we believe it would be small and hard to detect with a limited number of objects. From all the other measurements, we found no deviations from a typical spiral galaxy and no significant difference between different directions in the galaxy. The stellar population and emission line analysis of NGC 1232B suggest that it is a starburst galaxy.Comment: 18 pages and 16 figures + 14 pages with 14 figures in the appendix. Accepted for publication on A&

    Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for Advanced Knee Osteoarthritis : A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded Clinical Trial

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    Altres ajuts: Financial support for this study was received in the form of a competitive grant from the Ministry of Health, Social Policy, and Equality of Spain.Intra-articular injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat symptoms of knee osteoarthritis (OA) have been successfully used in young patients and in the early stages of disease. No previous studies have analyzed outcomes of PRP injections during the late stages. PRP reduces pain and leads to a more effective and lasting functional recovery than corticosteroid with local anesthetic. Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 2. A total of 75 patients with symptomatic knee OA (Kellgren-Lawrence grade 3 to 4) were enrolled in this study between August 2013 and July 2014. Patients were randomized to treatment either with a single leukocyte-reduced PRP or corticosteroid intra-articular injection. The primary variable was visual analog scale assessment at 1 month. Secondary outcomes were the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and Short Form-36 (SF-36) at 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment. Patient satisfaction at final follow-up was assessed. Both groups were homogeneous and comparable in baseline characteristics. All variables improved in both groups. Statistical differences between groups were not found for the majority of the outcome variables, although the magnitude of improvements tended to be greater in the PRP group. Quality-of-life differences between values at 3 and 6 months versus baseline increased significantly more in the study group (P =.05 and.03, respectively), and so did general health perception differences at 6 months (P =.018). A single PRP intra-articular injection is effective for relieving pain and improving activities of daily living and quality of life in late-stage knee OA. For patients with late-stage knee OA who are 67 years or older, 1 intra-articular injection of PRP has similar results to 1 shot of corticosteroid

    Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

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    Background: COVID-19 has caused a series of economic, social, personal, and occupational consequences that may affect the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs), with the consequent risk of developing suicidal ideation and behaviors. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the main risk factors that may predispose HCWs to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A systematic review of studies published between January 2020 and August 2022 was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines in the following electronic databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, and PsycINFO. Methodological quality was assessed using the critical appraisal tools for non-randomized studies of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). The followed protocol is listed in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) with code CRD42022340732.ResultsA total of 34 studies were included in this review. There are a number of underlying factors such as higher rates of depression, anxiety, pre-pandemic lifetime mental disorders or previous lifetime suicide attempt, living alone, having problems with alcohol and/or other drugs, etc. that favor the emergence of suicidal tendencies and ideation in times of COVID-19. Similarly, the pandemic may have precipitated a series of factors such as economic concerns, assessing one's working conditions as poor, having family members or friends infected, changes in services or functions, and feeling discriminated against or stigmatized by society. Other factors such as age, sex, or type of healthcare worker show differences between studies. Conclusion: Organizations should ensure the adoption of strategies and programmes for early detection of suicides as well as increased attention to the mental health of professions with a high workload.Universidad de Huelva/CBU