1,036 research outputs found

    A Machine learning approach to POS tagging

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    We have applied inductive learning of statistical decision trees and relaxation labelling to the Natural Language Processing (NLP) task of morphosyntactic disambiguation (Part Of Speech Tagging). The learning process is supervised and obtains a language model oriented to resolve POS ambiguities. This model consists of a set of statistical decision trees expressing distribution of tags and words in some relevant contexts. The acquired language models are complete enough to be directly used as sets of POS disambiguation rules, and include more complex contextual information than simple collections of n-grams usually used in statistical taggers. We have implemented a quite simple and fast tagger that has been tested and evaluated on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) corpus with a remarkable accuracy. However, better results can be obtained by translating the trees into rules to feed a flexible relaxation labelling based tagger. In this direction we describe a tagger which is able to use information of any kind (n-grams, automatically acquired constraints, linguistically motivated manually written constraints, etc.), and in particular to incorporate the machine learned decision trees. Simultaneously, we address the problem of tagging when only small training material is available, which is crucial in any process of constructing, from scratch, an annotated corpus. We show that quite high accuracy can be achieved with our system in this situation.Postprint (published version

    Kernel arquitecture for CAD/CAM in shipbuilding enviroments

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    The capabilities of complex software products such as CAD/CAM systems are strongly supported by basic information technologies related with data management, visualization, communication, geometry modeling and others related with the development process. These basic information technologies are involved in a continuous evolution process, but over recent years this evolution has been dramatic. The main reason for this has been that new hardware capabilities (including graphic cards) are available at very low cost, but also a contributing factor has been the evolution of the prices of basic software. To take advantage of these new features, the existing CAD/CAM systems must undergo a complete and drastic redesign. This process is complicated but strategic for the future evolution of a system. There are several examples in the market of how a bad decision has lead to a cul-de-sac (both technically and commercially). This paper describes what the authors consider are the basic architectural components of a kernel for a CAD/CAM system oriented to shipbuilding. The proposed solution is a combination of in-house developed frameworks together with commercial products that are accepted as standard components. The proportion of in-house frameworks within this combination of products is a key factor, especially when considering CAD/CAM systems oriented to shipbuilding. General-purpose CAD/CAM systems are mainly oriented to the mechanical CAD market. For this reason several basic products exist devoted to geometry modelling in this context. But these basic products are not well suited to deal with the very specific geometry modelling requirements of a CAD/CAM system oriented to shipbuilding. The complexity of the ship model, the different model requirements through its short and changing life cycle and the many different disciplines involved in the process are reasons for this inadequacy. Apart from these basic frameworks, specific shipbuilding frameworks are also required. This second layer is built over the basic technology components mentioned above. This paper describes in detail the technological frameworks which have been used to develop the latest FORAN version.Postprint (published version

    Study for the computational resolution of potential flows and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.

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    The aim of this project is to develop a CFD software using C++ which must be capable of solvingthe incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The approach taken in its development is didactic,meaning that it is out of this project’s scope to make any important innovation but rather to learnthe inner workings of a CFD code in order to gain insight on the matter.This project has been developed in steps, starting with the basic solving algorithm and continuingby adding complexity on top of that, hence allowing to solve the errors as they appear, while theprogram is still simple.As the project’s approach is didactic, every bit of the coding is original and has been tailored towork in conjunction with every subroutine included.The end result will be compared to experimental results or results obtained from other codes whichhave been validated in order to assess the credibility of the results given by this software

    Study of orbital propagator 42 for missions based on constelations of nanosatellite

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    This project is part of a bigger project called Plathon and consists of the study, application and adaptation of NASA’s orbital simulator 42 to the Plathon project. For this purpose, the program has been studied with several test simulations in order to better understand its inner workings and to test the possibilities and limitations of the simulator. After that, a series of modifications and standalone codes, using Matlab, have been implemented to better fit the simulator into the project and to allow for better post-processing of the obtained data. On top of that, the integration of the simulator with the Plathon project will also be discussed

    The role played by interdependences in ERP implementations : an empirical analysis of critical factors that minimize elapsed time.

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    We analyzed the role played by different module types that influence the time spent on an ERP implementation. By using the concept of interdependences together with organizational integration theory, we distinguished between business-support and value-chain modules and affirmed that their respective implementation times would differ. We also highlighted the existence of time-savings and facilitator mechanisms that could reduce the total elapsed time for an ERP implementation with these module types. We found empirical support for our hypotheses by using data from 141 organizations and using econometric duration models. Through contextual, organizational, and project specific controls, our results lead us to the conclusion that value-chain modules take longer than business-support modules to implement. Furthermore, we found empirical evidence of time-savings and facilitator mechanisms in the ERP implementation process.ERP implementation; Elapsed time; Interdependences; Organizational integration; Facilitator mechanisms; Time savings; Duration models;

    Cortázar a la recerca de Parker: un apropament literari, musical i didàctic vers El perseguidor

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    Johnny Carter pul·lula pel París de meitat dels cinquanta. El jazz es omnipresent per tot arreu així com al llarg del conte on Charlie Parker (alter ego metafísic de Johnny Carter) anirà traient una voluntat descarnada i oculta de l'autor: parafrasejar a sobre el paper al seu col·lega i trompetista Boris Vian i considerar-se ell mateix com a complice de les anades i tornades del saxofonista ara musicals adés actitudinals vers aquells que l'envolten.Johnny Carter walking for the Paris of the fifties. The jazz is present all over as well as along the tale where Charlie Parker (alter ego metaphysical of Johnny Carter) will go taking out a will sincere and unseen of the author: imitating to on the role to his colleague and trumpetist Boris Vian and consider he same as a accomplice of the gone and returns of the now musical saxophonist as attitude as those that surround him

    Comunitats d'algues bentòniques al litoral català

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    Feminidad y educación: la anarquía de un encuentro

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    A partir d'una reelaborada idea de feminitat i d'educació, l'autor d'aquest article proposa una comprensió de l'acció educativa molt suggerent

    L'Origen de la formació d'adults a Catalunya (1874-1936) : l'associacionisme com a trama educativa = The origin of adult teaching in Catalunya (1874-1936) : associationism as an educational network

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    El text proposa un exercici històric circumscrit en el moviment associatiu popular català, variat i complex, entre 1874 i 1936. Dinàmica cultural que fonamenta i origina una primera trama educativa del que avui anomenem formació d'adults.The text proposes a historical exercise which focuses on Catalan popular associationism (community involvement through associations) between 1874 and 1936. A cultural dynamic that is the basis and origin of a first educational framework for what we know of today as adult education.El texto propone un ejercicio histórico circunscrito en el movimiento asociativo popular catalán, variado y complejo, entre 1874 y 1936. Dinámica cultural que fundamenta y origina una primera trama educativa de lo que hoy conocemos como formación de adultos