27 research outputs found

    Accessibility Variability Model: The UTPL MOOC Case Study

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    Several approaches to define Variability Models (VM) of non-functional requirements or quality attributes have been proposed. However, these approaches have focused on specific quality attributes rather than more general non-functional aspects established by standards such as ISO/IEC 25010 for software evaluation and quality. Thus, developing specific software products by selecting features and at the same time measuring the level of compliance with a standard/ guideline is a challenge. In this work, we present the definition of an accessibility VM based on the web content accessibility guides (WCAG) 2.1 W3C recommendation, to obtain a quantitative measure to improve or construct specific SPL products that require to be accessibility-aware. This paper is specially focused on illustrating the experience of measuring the accessibility in a software product line (SPL) in order to check if it is viable measuring products and recommending improvements in terms of features before addressing the construction of accessibility-aware products. The adoption of the VM accessibility has been putted into practice through a pilot case study, the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) initiative of the Universidad T茅cnica Particular de Loja. The conduction of this pilot case study has allowed us to illustrate how it is possible to model and measure the accessibility in SPL using accessibility VM, as well as to recommend accessibility configuration improvements for the construction of new or updated MOOC platforms.Ministerio de Econom铆a, Industria y Competitividad TIN2016- 79726-C2-1-RMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades RTI2018-101204-B-C22Agencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n TIN2017-90644-RED

    Restructuraci贸n de la log铆stica integral en la importaci贸n de materia prima para la elaboraci贸n de desodorante corporal "sutton" desde Estados Unidos

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    Comercio ExteriorEste proyecto de tesis pretende investigar y aportar informaci贸n sobre la log铆stica en el proceso de importaci贸n de materias primas para la elaboraci贸n de desodorantes corporales; la restructuraci贸n de los costos involucrados, obteniendo mejores precios, logrando ventajas competitivas y traslad谩ndose esta eficiencia al consumidor final, consiguiendo mayor demanda y aportando con la matriz productiva en el pa铆s.This thesis project aims to investigate and provide information on logistics in the process of importing raw materials for the development of personal deodorants materials; restructuring costs involved, obtaining better prices, achieving competitive advantages and moving this efficiency to the final consumer, getting increased demand and contributing to the production model in the country

    Puntos cr铆ticos de control en el manejo de inventarios en el hospital Luis Vernaza, Guayaquil.

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    Administraci贸nDebido a la importancia en el control de las existencias y el manejo de los inventarios propiamente dicho es necesario considerar realizar una revisi贸n de la situaci贸n en la que se encuentra la administraci贸n vigente de los almacenes de suministros lo que permitir谩 determinar estrategias y planes de acci贸n en pro de mejorar los niveles de atenci贸n tanto a usuarios internos y por consiguiente a los clientes que para este caso son los pacientes que asisten a la unidad hospitalariaBecause of the importance in controlling inventory and proper management of inventory it is necessary to consider a review of the situation in which the current management of supply depots which will determine strategies and action plans is towards improving service levels to both internal users and therefore to customers in this case are the patients attending the hospital uni


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    THE EXCEPTIONALITY OF PREVENTIVE DETENTION. DOCTRINAL ELEMENTS AND THEIR APPLICABILITY IN ECUADORIAN JUSTICE   RESUMEN La salvaguarda de los derechos de las personas constituye uno de los ejes principales del derecho. En este sentido, la correcta implementaci贸n de la prisi贸n preventiva constituye un tema de novedad y permanente discusi贸n por parte de los iuspenalistas. Nuestro objetivo ser谩 el analizar el car谩cter de la excepcionalidad de la prisi贸n preventiva y su tratamiento doctrinal y en la normativa ecuatoriana. Se utiliza un estudio descriptivo, empleando m茅todos te贸ricos como el hist贸rico l贸gico, el exeg茅tico, el anal铆tico sint茅tico y del nivel emp铆rico el an谩lisis de documentos. Los resultados se asocian a la constante preocupaci贸n de las ciencias jur铆dicas en el cumplimiento de las disposiciones que no violenten los derechos humanos de las personas procesadas. PALABRAS CLAVE: Prisi贸n preventiva; derechos humanos; excepcionabilidad. ABSTRACT The safeguarding of the rights of the people constitutes one of the main axes of the law. In this sense, the correct implementation of the preventive prison constitutes a subject of novelty and permanent discussion on the part of the iuspenalistas. Our objective will be to analyze the character of the exceptional nature of pretrial detention and its doctrinal treatment and in Ecuadorian law. A descriptive study is used, using theoretical methods such as the logical historical, the exegetical, the synthetic analytical and the empirical level the analysis of documents. The results are associated with the constant concern of the legal sciences in complying with the provisions that do not violate the human rights of the persons prosecuted. KEYWORDS: Preventive prison; human rights; exceptionality. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR脕FICAS Amuchategui, I; Villasana, I. (2002). Diccionario Jur铆dico Tem谩tico de derecho Penal. Volumen 1. Oxford University Press. M茅xico DF, p. 154. Bovino, A. (2006). El encarcelamiento preventivo en los tratados de derechos humanos. Editorial Astreal. Buenos Aires, p. 446. Cabanellas, G. (2008). Diccionario Enciclop茅dico de Derecho Usual. Tomo VI. Editorial Heliasta. Buenos Aires, p. 420. Carnelutti, F. (2002). C贸mo se hace un Proceso, trad. Santiago Sent铆s Melendo y Marino Ayerra Redin. Editorial Legis. Bogot谩, p. 202. C贸digo Procesal Penal Modelo para Iberoam茅rica. (1998).Editorial Hamurabi, Argentina. Disponible en: http://biblioteca.cejamericas.org/bitstream/handle/2015/4215/textocodigoprocesalpenal.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. Cueva, L. (2008). Valoraci贸n Jur铆dica de la Prueba Penal. Tomo I. Ediciones Cueva Carri贸n. Quito, p. 284. Cumbre Judicial Iberoamericana. (2012). Carta iberoamericana de los derechos de las v铆ctimas. Argentina. Disponible en: https://ministeriopublico.poder-judicial.go.cr/documentos/victimas_y_testigos/Carta-Iberoamerica-de-Derechos-de-las-Victimas.pdf. Dom铆nguez, D. (1996). Prisi贸n Preventiva. Revista Juris editorial. Rosario, p. 4. Garc铆a Falcon铆, J. (2002). La Prisi贸n Preventiva en el Nuevo C贸digo de Procedimiento Penal y las otras Medidas Cautelares. Ediciones Rodin, 2002. Quito, p. 88. Monagas, O. (2007). Privaci贸n Judicial Privativa de Libertad. Jornadas Derecho Procesal Penal. Editorial Universidad Cat贸lica Andr茅s Bello. Caracas, p. 49. ONU. (1976). Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Pol铆ticos. Disponible en: https://www.ohchr.org/sp/professionalinterest/pages/ccpr.aspx. ONU. (1985). Resoluci贸n 40/34. Declaraci贸n sobre los Principios Fundamentales de Justicia para las V铆ctimas de Delitos y del Abuso del Poder. Disponible en: https://www.ohchr.org/sp/professionalinterest/pages/victimsofcrimeandabuseofpower.aspx. Rep煤blica del Ecuador. (1993).C贸digo de Procedimiento Penal. (1993). Ley 134. Registro Oficial 511.Estado: Derogado. Disponible en: Rep煤blica del Ecuador. (1998). Constituci贸n del Ecuador. Decreto Legislativo No. 000. RO/ 1 de 11 de Agosto de 1998. Registro Oficial 437. Disponible en: http://www.wipo.int/edocs/lexdocs/laws/es/ec/ec016es.pdf. Rep煤blica del Ecuador. (2002). Programa de protecci贸n a testigos y v铆ctimas. Decreto Ejecutivo 3112, Registro Oficial 671.Disponible en: http://www.oas.org/juridico/spanish/mesicic2_ecu_anexo38.pdf. Rep煤blica del Ecuador. (2008). Constituci贸n del Ecuador. Quito: Asamblea Constituyente. Disponible en: http:// www.asambleanacional.gov.ec/documentos/constitu颅cion_de_bolsillo.pdf. Rep煤blica del Ecuador. (2014). C贸digo Org谩nico Integral Penal. Registro Oficial No. 180 del 10 de febrero del 2014. Disponible en: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CEDAW/Shared%20Documents/ECU/INT_CEDAW_ARL_ECU_18950_S.pdf. Sentencia Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. (1997). Sentencia de fondo). Disponible en: http://www.corteidh.or.cr/pa铆s.ctm?id-Pa铆s=10. Ter谩n, M. (2009). La Prisi贸n Preventiva. Asamblea Nacional constituyente. Quito. Disponible en:http://enj.org/portal/biblioteca/penal/la_prueba_proceso_penal/7.pdf. Von Henting, H. (1971). La Pena. Editorial Espasa-Calpe. Madrid, p. 23. World Prison Brief. (2014). Poblaci贸n en prisi贸n preventiva / preventiva: tendencia en Ecuador. Disponible en: http://www.prisonstudies.org/country/ecuador. Zavaleta, A. (1954), La Prisi贸n Preventiva y la Libertad Provisoria. Editorial Depalma S.A.C.I. Bunos Aires, p. 140.  &nbsp

    On the Differential Analysis of Enterprise Valuation Methods as a Guideline for Unlisted Companies Assessment (II): Applying Machine-Learning Techniques for Unbiased Enterprise Value Assessment

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    The search for an unbiased company valuation method to reduce uncertainty, whether or not it is automatic, has been a relevant topic in social sciences and business development for decades. Many methods have been described in the literature, but consensus has not been reached. In the companion paper we aimed to review the assessment capabilities of traditional company valuation model, based on company鈥檚 intrinsic value using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF). In this paper, we capitalized on the potential of exogenous information combined with Machine Learning (ML) techniques. To do so, we performed an extensive analysis to evaluate the predictive capabilities with up to 18 different ML techniques. Endogenous variables (features) related to value creation (DCF) were proved to be crucial elements for the models, while the incorporation of exogenous, industry/country specific ones, incrementally improves the ML performance. Bagging Trees, Supported Vector Machine Regression, Gaussian Process Regression methods consistently provided the best results. We concluded that an unbiased model can be created based on endogenous and exogenous information to build a reference framework, to price and benchmark Enterprise Value for valuation and credit risk assessment

    Programa de prevenci贸n de lavado de dinero y activos para empresas dedicadas a la fabricaci贸n de productos derivados de papel, cart贸n, ubicadas en la zona metropolitana de San Salvador.

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    El lavado de dinero y activos constituye un delito que ha manifestado un crecimiento significativo en el transcurso de los a帽os, a tal grado que actualmente cualquier entidad puede ser sujeta a este tipo de actividades de origen il铆cito, por lo cual es necesario el cumplimiento efectivo de la ley que sanciona dicho delito. En la situaci贸n econ贸mica actual de El Salvador, toda entidad se encuentran ante la necesidad de obtenci贸n de liquidez, inversi贸n y financiamiento para la realizaci贸n de su actividades y muchas de las veces no se efect煤a un estudio del cliente, proveedor, acreedor e inversionistas de los cuales se desconoce el origen de los recursos; ante este suceso la industria de papel y cart贸n no se encuentra exenta de ser un medio para el cometimiento de contrabando de materias primas, transferencias fraccionadas de dinero y cualquier acci贸n que lleve consigo una intenci贸n de legitimar dinero o bienes obtenidos de manera il铆cita. Debido a lo anterior las entidades deben reportar a la Unidad de Investigaci贸n Financiera las transacciones en efectivo y otros medios realizadas con sus usuarios, informar transacciones consideradas de car谩cter sospechoso, establecer pol铆ticas de debida diligencia para efectos de identificaci贸n de clientes, proveedores y empleados, implementar programas de capacitaci贸n al personal en materia de prevenci贸n de lavado de dinero y activos, as铆 como tambi茅n establecer mecanismos de auditor铆a interna y una oficial铆a de cumplimiento que eval煤e y verifique la La implementaci贸n, ejecuci贸n y verificaci贸n de las obligaciones establecidas en la presente ley, requiere del apoyo del profesional de contadur铆a p煤blica, quien deber谩 dise帽ar y ejecutar actividades que permitan verificar y evaluar el cumplimiento en lo referente a los elementos del programa de prevenci贸n de lavado de dinero y activos. La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 por medio del m茅todo hipot茅tico deductivo, utilizando las t茅cnicas de la encuesta y entrevista, as铆 como los instrumentos del cuestionario y el guion de entrevista, los cuales se dirigieron a profesionales que ejercen como oficial de cumplimiento o persona designada en industrias de papel y cart贸n ubicadas en la zona metropolitana de San Salvador; permitiendo conocer y analizar la problem谩tica a partir de la informaci贸n obtenida. El resultado muestra el incumplimiento de lo establecido en la ley por parte de las entidades sujetas a estudio, lo tanto genera una deficiencia en cuanto a pol铆ticas, procedimientos y controles internos enfocados en la prevenci贸n de lavado de dinero y activos. Finalmente, se recomienda la implementaci贸n y aplicaci贸n de un programa de prevenci贸n de lavado de dinero y activos con su respectivo manual, en el cual se examinen pol铆ticas, procedimientos y control interno, as铆 como la capacitaci贸n del personal, oficial铆a de cumplimiento y mecanismos de auditor铆a interna que verifiquen los procedimientos que van relacionados a dicha tem谩tica, con el objeto de dar cumplimiento a lo establecido en dicha ley. ejecuci贸n de los requerimientos legales

    Herramientas digitales y aprendizaje de matem谩ticas en estudiantes de una instituci贸n educativa de Ecuador

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    The purpose of this article is to define the incidence of digital tools in the learning of mathematics in students of an Ecuadorian educational institution. The study was carried out using a quantitative method. The type of study given was correlational, descriptive. A census sample of 20 students was selected using a correlational model. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, of which the first covers the digital tools and the second the learning of mathematics. For data analysis, the Pearson r statistical test was used, which helps to determine the effect between both variables and confirm the hypothesis. The results showed the incidence of digital tools in 40 percent in the same way as learning mathematics. They also established that there is a clear correlation between both variables.s.El prop贸sito de este art铆culo es definir la incidencia las herramientas digitales en el aprendizaje de las matem谩ticas en estudiantes de una instituci贸n educativa ecuatoriana. El estudio se llev贸 a cabo utilizando un m茅todo cuantitativo. El tipo de estudio dado fue correlacional, descriptivo. Se seleccion贸 una muestra censal de 20 estudiantes utilizando un modelo correlacional. El instrumento para la recolecci贸n de datos fue un cuestionario, de los cuales el primero enfrasca las herramientas digitales y el segundo el aprendizaje de las matem谩ticas. Para el an谩lisis de los datos se utiliz贸 la prueba estad铆stica r de Pearson, que ayuda a determinar el efecto entre ambas variables y confirmar la hip贸tesis. Los resultados mostraron la incidencia de las herramientas digitales en un 40 por ciento de igual forma que el aprendizaje de las matem谩ticas. Tambi茅n establecieron que existe una clara correlaci贸n entre ambas variables

    Genome-Wide Differentiation of Various Melon Horticultural Groups for Use in GWAS for Fruit Firmness and Construction of a High Resolution Genetic Map

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    Ajuts: Funding support is provided by Gus R. Douglass Institute (Evans Allen Project to Nimmakayala) and USDA-NIFA (2010-02247 and 2012-02511).Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a phenotypically diverse eudicot diploid (2n = 2x = 24) has climacteric and non-climacteric morphotypes and show wide variation for fruit firmness, an important trait for transportation and shelf life. We generated 13,789 SNP markers using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and anchored them to chromosomes to understand genome-wide fixation indices (Fst) between various melon morphotypes and genomewide linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay. The FST between accessions of cantalupensis and inodorus was 0.23. The FST between cantalupensis and various agrestis accessions was in a range of 0.19-0.53 and between inodorus and agrestis accessions was in a range of 0.21-0.59 indicating sporadic to wide ranging introgression. The EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm was used for estimation of 1436 haplotypes. Average genome-wide LD decay for the melon genome was noted to be 9.27 Kb. In the current research, we focused on the genome-wide divergence underlying diverse melon horticultural groups. A high-resolution genetic map with 7153 loci was constructed. Genome-wide segregation distortion and recombination rate across various chromosomes were characterized. Melon has climacteric and non-climacteric morphotypes and wide variation for fruit firmness, a very important trait for transportation and shelf life. Various levels of QTLs were identified with high to moderate stringency and linked to fruit firmness using both genome-wide association study (GWAS) and biparental mapping. Gene annotation revealed some of the SNPs are located in 尾-D-xylosidase, glyoxysomal malate synthase, chloroplastic anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase, and histidine kinase, the genes that were previously characterized for fruit ripening and softening in other crops

    Approach to environmental education from the teaching-learning processes

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    At present, the processes which promote a conscious acquisition of the real causes and damages to the environment continue to be insufficient to preserve and to change the critical situation of the environment. On the basis of a brief analysis of the current environmental situation, in this work, it is intended to approach the still insufficient impact of environmental education or education for sustainable development. For that it is necessary to transform the present economical model and consumption lifestyle for the achievement of a real sustainable development.聽 In this sense, It is stated the need of interpreting education as a process in all its dimensions and within it, the importance of including environmental education as a transverse content. Finally some actions are proposed which may contribute to attitude formations socially committed with environment in future citizens

    Approach to environmental education from the teaching-learning processes

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    At present, the processes which promote a conscious acquisition of the real causes and damages to the environment continue to be insufficient to preserve and to change the critical situation of the environment. On the basis of a brief analysis of the current environmental situation, in this work, it is intended to approach the still insufficient impact of environmental education or education for sustainable development. For that it is necessary to transform the present economical model and consumption lifestyle for the achievement of a real sustainable development.聽 In this sense, It is stated the need of interpreting education as a process in all its dimensions and within it, the importance of including environmental education as a transverse content. Finally some actions are proposed which may contribute to attitude formations socially committed with environment in future citizens