436 research outputs found

    IntroducciĂłn a Museos y EducaciĂłn

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    La ictiofauna arqueolĂłgica de Na Guardis (Mallorca)

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    ¡Hola! Me llamo Arminda... ¿y tú? A global communication project for Gran Canaria’s Archaeological Heritage

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    The opening of the Museum and Archaeological Park of Cueva Pintada (Gáldar, Gran Canaria) was the culmination of the recovery of one of the most remarkable sites of the pre-Hispanic culture in the Canary Islands (Spain). A great part of the exhibition revolves around the figure of Arminda, a historical character that lived in the site during the late 15th Century. This character has also become the main figure in the different activities designed for children and families, such as tales, puppet shows, workshops, etc., in which this Canarian girl plays a central role. The project exposed in this paper is the work of an interdisciplinary team that has transformed Arminda into a loyal ally to transmit the contents linked to the pre-Hispanic period in Gran Canaria and especially to create a motivating environment for the public, able to transform the museum into a space for sharing, thinking and enjoying History

    Social capital and knowledge in interorganizational networks: Their joint effect on innovation

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    This research analyzes the effects of interorganizational links on innovation using a comprehensive framework that integrates three research streams: social capital, knowledge based view and innovation. Using data from 143 R&D and/or marketing departments of innovative manufacturing and service companies, our results show that while knowledge complexity, per se, exerts a clear influence on the degree of innovations radicalness, the effect of knowledge tacitness appears only when it is combined with social capital. Similarly, the mere existence of strong cooperation agreements (relational social capital) does not guarantee more radical innovations. It is only when this social capital is combined with tacit knowledge that it really produces more innovative products. We also find that such radical products have an important impact on firm performance.: Innovation; radicalness; social capital; knowledge complexity; knowledge tacitness; firm performance

    Do best and worst innovative companies differ in terms of intellectual capital, knowledge and radicalness?

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    This paper differentiates “best innovative companies” from “worst innovative companies” and it takes into account three separate bodies of literature— intellectual capital, knowledge-based view, and innovation literatures. Based on a sample of 181 firms which belong to manufacturing and services industries, our findings show that best innovative performers companies (considering both financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success) present systematically higher scores for all dimensions of intellectual capital: human, organizational and social capital) than worst innovation performers. Knowledge exchange and combination seems to be characteristic of most successful innovators, but no differences in systemic, tacit, complex and not observable knowledge have been found for these companies. Finally, regarding radicalness, firms with more innovation success provide new products or services that incorporates a new technology and new customer benefits (uniqueness), while firms with less innovation success laughs new products or services which are unfamiliar or difficult to understand by customers.Mobile-shopping

    Do best and worst innovative companies differ in terms of intellectual capital, knowledge and radicalness?

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    This paper differentiates “best innovative companies” from “worst innovative companies” and it takes into account three separate bodies of literature— intellectual capital, knowledge-based view, and innovation literatures. Based on a sample of 181 firms which belong to manufacturing and services industries, our findings show that best innovative performers companies (considering both financial and non-financial dimensions of innovation success) present systematically higher scores for all dimensions of intellectual capital: human, organizational and social capital) than worst innovation performers. Knowledge exchange and combination seems to be characteristic of most successful innovators, but no differences in systemic, tacit, complex and not observable knowledge have been found for these companies. Finally, regarding radicalness, firms with more innovation success provide new products or services that incorporates a new technology and new customer benefits (uniqueness), while firms with less innovation success laughs new products or services which are unfamiliar or difficult to understand by customers.Mobile-shopping

    Limitación al acceso en el empleo público del régimen laboral especial de la Contratación Administrativa de Servicios por vínculos de consanguinidad o afinidad, en aplicación de los impedimentos regulados por la Ley de Contrataciones con el Estado

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    El presente trabajo de investigación versa sobre el criterio de la Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil en su calidad de ente rector del Sistema Administrativo de Gestión de Recursos Humanos del Estado, establecido a través de sus informes técnicos, para aplicar los impedimentos para ser proveedor del Estado establecidos en el artículo 11° de la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado, los cuales son extensivos al cónyuge, conviviente o a sus parientes hasta el segundo grado de consanguinidad y segundo de afinidad de las autoridades señaladas en el citado artículo, a los servidores que se encuentran bajo el Régimen Especial de Contratación Administrativa de Servicios, determinando que de configurarse este supuesto, es decir, de encontrarse comprendidos en los impedimentos del artículo 11° de la Ley de Contrataciones con el Estado, las entidades públicas deben proceder a su inmediato despido. Considero que no existe una justificación constitucional razonable para limitar el ejercicio del derecho al trabajo, así como el acceso y permanencia en el empleo público por criterios basados en lazos de consanguinidad o afinidad con persona alguna; y que no podrían aplicarse impedimentos previstos en normas de una contratación pública de bienes y servicios, a un régimen de carácter laboral como el que constituye el régimen laboral de Contratación Administrativa de Servicios, siendo aplicables a este los impedimentos que regulan el servicio civil. Por ello para reforzar mi planteamiento recorro a las distintas fuentes del derecho, la normativa, la jurisprudencia y la doctrina.This research work deals with the criteria of the National Civil Service Authority in its capacity as the governing body of the Administrative System for the Management of Human Resources of the State, established through its technical reports, to apply the impediments to be a provider of the State established in Article 11 of the State Contracting Law, which are extended to the spouse, partner or their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity of the authorities indicated in the aforementioned article, to the servers who are under the Special Regime for Administrative Contracting of Services, determining that if this assumption is configured, that is, if they are included in the impediments of article 11 of the Law of Contracting with the State, public entities must proceed to their immediate dismissal. I believe that there is no reasonable constitutional justification for limiting the exercise of the right to work, as well as access and permanence in public employment by criteria based on ties of consanguinity or affinity with any person; and that impediments provided for in the norms of a public procurement of goods and services could not be applied to a labor regime such as that constituted by the labor regime of Administrative Contracting of Services, the impediments that regulate the civil service being applicable to this. Therefore, to reinforce my approach, I go to the different sources of law, regulations, jurisprudence and doctrine.Trabajo académic

    SegmentaciĂłn y exclusiĂłn educativa en Chile: el caso de los jĂłvenes primera generaciĂłn en educaciĂłn superior

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    La ponencia analiza a estudiantes “Primera Generación” y sus elecciones profesionales. Los principales hallazgos informan la existencia de atributos y comportamientos diferenciales respecto del alumno “Continuista”, dando cuenta de la persistencia de procesos de exclusión y segregación que se manifiestan en una elección profesional fuertemente condicionada por el habitus que reproduce desigualdades y limita las aspiraciones a un conjunto restringido de opciones. Este escenario pone en cuestión el real ejercicio de la opción vocacional así como la mayor democratización e inclusión de un sistema de educación superior masificado y diversificado.Eje 4: Balances y perspectivas sobre las políticas públicas en la región. Sus impactos en la desigualdad, la construcción de derechos y constitución de sujetos.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Oportunidades y retos en el abordaje de la violencia de género en el medio laboral: un contexto de oportunidad para la prevención

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    La violencia de género (VG) constituye un importante problema de salud pública y de derechos humanos, y desde hace más de 20 años se considera su abordaje desde diferentes sectores una prioridad internacional. El sector salud y los/las profesionales sanitarios tienen un papel clave en la detección y el abordaje de la VG por las oportunidades de contacto y actuación que generan las propias consecuencias que tiene este problema para la salud de las mujeres afectadas (elevada mortalidad y efectos a nivel físico y psicológico) y otras víctimas colaterales (hijos/as, familiares y otros allegados). En España, desde finales de 2004, disponemos de legislación específica y protocolos de actuación sanitaria desarrollados a nivel nacional y por las comunidades autónomas para homogeneizar actuaciones sanitarias y facilitar la detección y manejo de los casos de violencia
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