6,094 research outputs found

    Regeneració de l'espai públic : nova centralitat a Valldoreix

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    El projecte és una regeneració dels voltants de la plaça de l’estació a Valldoreix. Consisteix en una xarxa d’intervencions puntuals que reformulen la mobilitat, donen continuïtat als programes actuals existents, i milloren les infraestructures i la qualitat ambiental dels espais. El desenvolupament del conjunt està molt lligat a la situació del nostre context actual, tant econòmic, social i medi ambiental, però que posa en qüestió el lloc i la posició de programes actuals i planejats, fent que l’estratègia d’actuació hagi de ser global per a tot el municipi i apostant per l’autosuficiència. Amb una baixa inversió inicial, mitjançant operacions mínimes de fàcil construcció, es fa que s’activi i es millori el barri. Per exemple, amb estructures de lloguer temporal que permeten la prova-error, programes que tinguin un retorn econòmic, o elements prefabricats i de fàcil muntatge. També es pren la consciència d’aprofitar al màxim les preexistències, afegint, transformant i utilitzant-les el màxim possible

    Un nuevo instrumento para el estudio experimental del dolor: el MECADOL-1

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    Como parte de un trabajo de curso sobre el análisis del dolor producido en condiciones de laboratorio y para responder a la pregunta de si las expectativas influyen en la reacción al dolor, se construyó un instrumento elicitador de dolor: el Mecadol-1. Se tienen en cuenta los requisitos generales exigidos a los elicitadores de dolor en el laboratorio y se discuten los que adicionalmente exigía nuestra formulación. Se describe finalmente el Mecadol-1, sus componentes y su funcionamiento combinado, así como algunas mejoras a introducir.As part of an academic year work directed to analize provoked pain in laboratory conditions and to answer the question whether the spectatives have their infuence on pain reaction, a pain eliciting instrument was made: the Mecadol-1. General requests demanded to experimental pain elicitors were kept in mind and the ones additionaly demanded by our formulation are discussed. Finally, the Mecadol-1, his components and his combined functiening are described, as well as some improvements to introduce

    Desafíos laborales en América Latina después de dos décadas de reformas estructurales. Bolivia, Paraguay y Perú 1997-2008

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    El volumen reune diversos trabajos sobre los mercados laborales en los tres países durante la década comprendida entre 1997 y 2008. En los tres casos se hacen análisis globales de la situación laboral de cada país así como análisis particualres de las áreas rurales y las áreas urbanas. Lo que se encuentra es que los mercados laborales no se habrían tornado todo lo dinámico que se esperaba fueran después de las reformas estructurales. Sin embargo es importante mencionar que estas reformas tuvieron diferentes características y diferentes períodos de maduración.mercados laborales; reformas estructurales; Bolivia; Paarguay; Peru

    Banús Reset: Reactivación urbana en el área metropolitana de Barcelona

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 7: Redes sociofísicas en el planeamiento urbano / Urban social and physical networks“Banús Reset” es una propuesta para la revitalización urbana de un pequeño barrio de la periferia de Barcelona, en la ciudad de Cerdanyola del Vallès. Esta iniciativa, de carácter interdisciplinar y transversal, nace de un análisis estructural y multidimensional del propio sector habitacional, con el objetivo principal de transformar radical y positivamente la realidad urbana, con muy pocos recursos humanos y materiales. En esta propuesta, los vecinos y vecinas, no son únicamente los protagonistas, sino que son los principales beneficiados. Y los arquitectos, entendiendo la propia arquitectura y el urbanismo como un fenómeno interactivo (Lynch 1960), conscientes de la situación actual de crisis (económica, social, ambiental, etc.) y ejerciendo la responsabilidad que la profesión requiere, intentan diagnosticar un ecosistema urbano concreto para restaurar su equilibrio mental, físico y social (Muntañola 2009)

    TEM techniques for the development of ULSI technology

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    In the last decade transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has become one of the most powerful tools for the structural characterization of crystalline materials. Especially in the field of microelectronics development and production, the information obtained by this analytical tool has been of vital importance for the improvement of the different processing steps. With the reduction of the dimensions of the devices TEM is the only technique that can give information with enough spatial resolution. In this work applications of transmission electron microscopy for the study of processing steps of ULSI technology will be presented. In the first chapter special emphasize is given to the theoretical background of transmission e Some details about Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Spreading Resistance Probe (SRP) are also given, as they will be used for cross-correlation in the following chapters. In semiconducting research and production the processes for the fabrication of devices are restricted to a small volume of the starting material. Only the areas close to the surface, about 5 μm deep, are used for the operation of the devices. Both for plan view and cross-section TEM investigation of integrated circuits special specimen preparation techniques had to be developed. These techniques are described in full detail in chapter two. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the application of TEM for the characterization of two processing steps that are required for the fabrication of ULSI devices. Chapter 3 presents a structural study of the geometry and the defect generation in the substrate for one of the most important aspects of the process: the device isolation. In it modifications of the LOCOS process will be given, which try to solve the specific problems of LOCOS when applied to submicron devices. In chapter 4 the delineation of shallow junctions is treated. The dopant profiles have to be well characterized and analytical teehniques have to be used which have a high spatial resolution and a high sensitivity for dopant concentration. Especially the determination of two-dimensional dopant profiles poses severe problems. Special TEM techniques will be presented, which allow to determine the lateral dopant spread below implantation masks. Especially promising is the applieation of in-situ electron irradiation in a high voltage transmission electron microscope (HVEM) to this topic. It will be shown that the formation of extended defects in preferential areas of the specimens, induced by the high energy electrons, is dependent on the dopant concentration. Correlation with SIMS or SRP will allow to determine this doping level in a quite accurate way. Finally in chapter 5 the most relevant conclusions of this work will be presented. Further research on the treated topicswill be suggested

    TEM techniques for the development of ULSI technology

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    [eng] In the last decade transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has become one of the most powerful tools for the structural characterization of crystalline materials. Especially in the field of microelectronics development and production, the information obtained by this analytical tool has been of vital importance for the improvement of the different processing steps. With the reduction of the dimensions of the devices TEM is the only technique that can give information with enough spatial resolution. In this work applications of transmission electron microscopy for the study of processing steps of ULSI technology will be presented. In the first chapter special emphasize is given to the theoretical background of transmission e Some details about Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) and Spreading Resistance Probe (SRP) are also given, as they will be used for cross-correlation in the following chapters. In semiconducting research and production the processes for the fabrication of devices are restricted to a small volume of the starting material. Only the areas close to the surface, about 5 μm deep, are used for the operation of the devices. Both for plan view and cross-section TEM investigation of integrated circuits special specimen preparation techniques had to be developed. These techniques are described in full detail in chapter two. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the application of TEM for the characterization of two processing steps that are required for the fabrication of ULSI devices. Chapter 3 presents a structural study of the geometry and the defect generation in the substrate for one of the most important aspects of the process: the device isolation. In it modifications of the LOCOS process will be given, which try to solve the specific problems of LOCOS when applied to submicron devices. In chapter 4 the delineation of shallow junctions is treated. The dopant profiles have to be well characterized and analytical teehniques have to be used which have a high spatial resolution and a high sensitivity for dopant concentration. Especially the determination of two-dimensional dopant profiles poses severe problems. Special TEM techniques will be presented, which allow to determine the lateral dopant spread below implantation masks. Especially promising is the applieation of in-situ electron irradiation in a high voltage transmission electron microscope (HVEM) to this topic. It will be shown that the formation of extended defects in preferential areas of the specimens, induced by the high energy electrons, is dependent on the dopant concentration. Correlation with SIMS or SRP will allow to determine this doping level in a quite accurate way. Finally in chapter 5 the most relevant conclusions of this work will be presented. Further research on the treated topicswill be suggested

    Electrical properties of individual tin oxide nanowires contacted to platinum electrodes

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    A simple and useful experimental alternative to field-effect transistors for measuring electrical properties free electron concentration nd, electrical mobility , and conductivity in individual nanowires has been developed. A combined model involving thermionic emission and tunneling through interface states is proposed to describe the electrical conduction through the platinum-nanowire contacts, fabricated by focused ion beam techniques. Current-voltage I-V plots of single nanowires measured in both two- and four-probe configurations revealed high contact resistances and rectifying characteristics. The observed electrical behavior was modeled using an equivalent circuit constituted by a resistance placed between two back-to-back Schottky barriers, arising from the metal-semiconductor-metal M-S-M junctions. Temperature-dependent I-V measurements revealed effective Schottky barrier heights up to BE= 0.4 eV

    To find or not to find a first “significant” job

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    In this paper we look at school-to-work transitions in Spain. We distinguish between significant and non-significant jobs and show that educational investment enhances access to a first significant job compared to a non-significant one. We also find strong differences between men and women: education attainment provides a clearer differentiating device for women than for men, whatever field of education females choose. These results are tested and confirmed by a multinomial probit model of the probability of achieving both significant and non-significant jobs and by a discrete time duration model of the probability of achieving a significant job.School-to-work transition, job search, youth labour market