121 research outputs found

    Impact of Agriculture on the Selection of Insecticide Resistance in the Malaria Vector Anopheles gambiae : A Multigenerational Study in Controlled Conditions.

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    Resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides is mainly attributed to their adaptation to vector control interventions. Although pesticides used in agriculture have been frequently mentioned as an additional force driving the selection of resistance, only a few studies were dedicated to validate this hypothesis and characterise the underlying mechanisms. While insecticide resistance is rising dramatically in Africa, deciphering how agriculture affects resistance is crucial for improving resistance management strategies. In this context, the multigenerational effect of agricultural pollutants on the selection of insecticide resistance was examined in Anopheles gambiae. An urban Tanzanian An. gambiae population displaying a low resistance level was used as a parental strain for a selection experiment across 20 generations. At each generation larvae were selected with a mixture containing pesticides and herbicides classically used in agriculture in Africa. The resistance levels of adults to deltamethrin, DDT and bendiocarb were compared between the selected and non-selected strains across the selection process together with the frequency of kdr mutations. A microarray approach was used for pinpointing transcription level variations selected by the agricultural pesticide mixture at the adult stage. A gradual increase of adult resistance to all insecticides was observed across the selection process. The frequency of the L1014S kdr mutation rose from 1.6% to 12.5% after 20 generations of selection. Microarray analysis identified 90 transcripts over-transcribed in the selected strain as compared to the parental and the non-selected strains. Genes encoding cuticle proteins, detoxification enzymes, proteins linked to neurotransmitter activity and transcription regulators were mainly affected. RT-qPCR transcription profiling of candidate genes across multiple generations supported their link with insecticide resistance. This study confirms the potency of agriculture in selecting for insecticide resistance in malaria vectors. We demonstrated that the recurrent exposure of larvae to agricultural pollutants can select for resistance mechanisms to vector control insecticides at the adult stage. Our data suggest that in addition to selected target-site resistance mutations, agricultural pollutants may also favor cuticle, metabolic and synaptic transmission-based resistance mechanisms. These results emphasize the need for integrated resistance management strategies taking into account agriculture activities

    Transcriptome response to pollutants and insecticides in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti using next-generation sequencing technology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The control of mosquitoes transmitting infectious diseases relies mainly on the use of chemical insecticides. However, mosquito control programs are now threatened by the emergence of insecticide resistance. Hitherto, most research efforts have been focused on elucidating the molecular basis of inherited resistance. Less attention has been paid to the short-term response of mosquitoes to insecticides and pollutants which could have a significant impact on insecticide efficacy. Here, a combination of LongSAGE and Solexa sequencing was used to perform a deep transcriptome analysis of larvae of the dengue vector <it>Aedes aegypti </it>exposed for 48 h to sub-lethal doses of three chemical insecticides and three anthropogenic pollutants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty millions 20 bp cDNA tags were sequenced, mapped to the mosquito genome and clustered, representing 6850 known genes and 4868 additional clusters not located within predicted genes. Mosquitoes exposed to insecticides or anthropogenic pollutants showed considerable modifications of their transcriptome. Genes encoding cuticular proteins, transporters, and enzymes involved in the mitochondrial respiratory chain and detoxification processes were particularly affected. Genes and molecular mechanisms potentially involved in xenobiotic response and insecticide tolerance were identified.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The method used in the present study appears as a powerful approach for investigating fine transcriptome variations in genome-sequenced organisms and can provide useful informations for the detection of novel transcripts. At the biological level, despite low concentrations and no apparent phenotypic effects, the significant impact of these xenobiotics on mosquito transcriptomes raise important questions about the 'hidden impact' of anthropogenic pollutants on ecosystems and consequences on vector control.</p

    Investigation of mechanisms of bendiocarb resistance in Anopheles gambiae populations from the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon

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    BACKGROUND Resistance to the carbamate insecticide bendiocarb is emerging in Anopheles gambiae populations from the city of Yaoundé in Cameroon. However, the molecular basis of this resistance remains uncharacterized. The present study objective is to investigate mechanisms promoting resistance to bendiocarb in An. gambiae populations from Yaoundé. METHODS The level of susceptibility of An. gambiae s.l. to bendiocarb 0.1 % was assessed from 2010 to 2013 using bioassays. Mosquitoes resistant to bendiocarb, unexposed and susceptible mosquitoes were screened for the presence of the Ace-1(R) mutation using TaqMan assays. Microarray analyses were performed to assess the pattern of genes differentially expressed between resistant, unexposed and susceptible. RESULTS Bendiocarb resistance was more prevalent in mosquitoes originating from cultivated sites compared to those from polluted and unpolluted sites. Both An. gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii were found to display resistance to bendiocarb. No G119S mutation was detected suggesting that resistance was mainly metabolic. Microarray analysis revealed the over-expression of several cytochrome P450 s genes including cyp6z3, cyp6z1, cyp12f2, cyp6m3 and cyp6p4. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis supported the detoxification role of cytochrome P450 s with several GO terms associated with P450 activity significantly enriched in resistant samples. Other detoxification genes included UDP-glucosyl transferases, glutathione-S transferases and ABC transporters. CONCLUSION The study highlights the probable implication of metabolic mechanisms in bendiocarb resistance in An. gambiae populations from Yaoundé and stresses the need for further studies leading to functional validation of detoxification genes involved in this resistance

    Advances in Extracellular Vesicle Research Over the Past Decade: Source and Isolation Method are Connected with Cargo and Function

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    The evolution of extracellular vesicle (EV) research has introduced nanotechnology into biomedical cell communication science while recognizing what is formerly considered cell "dust" as constituting an entirely new universe of cell signaling particles. To display the global EV research landscape, a systematic review of 20 364 original research articles selected from all 40 684 EV-related records identified in PubMed 2013-2022 is performed. Machine-learning is used to categorize the high-dimensional data and further dissected significant associations between EV source, isolation method, cargo, and function. Unexpected correlations between these four categories indicate prevalent experimental strategies based on cargo connectivity with function of interest being associated with certain EV sources or isolation strategies. Conceptually relevant association of size-based EV isolation with protein cargo and uptake function will guide strategic conclusions enhancing future EV research and product development. Based on this study, an open-source database is built to facilitate further analysis with conventional or AI tools to identify additional causative associations of interest.A total of 20 364 original extracellular vesicle (EV) research articles for the decade 2013-2022 are analyzed for the presence or absence of 36 selected parameters in the four categories EV source, isolation, cargo, and function. The results are displayed in machine-learning-based 2D landscapes and further dissected by correlation analysis to identify conceptually relevant associations and draw strategic conclusions. imag

    Exploring the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti: a case study in Martinique Island (French West Indies)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The yellow fever mosquito <it>Aedes aegypti </it>is a major vector of dengue and hemorrhagic fevers, causing up to 100 million dengue infections every year. As there is still no medicine and efficient vaccine available, vector control largely based on insecticide treatments remains the only method to reduce dengue virus transmission. Unfortunately, vector control programs are facing operational challenges with mosquitoes becoming resistant to commonly used insecticides. Resistance of <it>Ae. aegypti </it>to chemical insecticides has been reported worldwide and the underlying molecular mechanisms, including the identification of enzymes involved in insecticide detoxification are not completely understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The present paper investigates the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in a population of <it>Ae. aegypti </it>collected in Martinique (French West Indies). Bioassays with insecticides on adults and larvae revealed high levels of resistance to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides. Molecular screening for common insecticide target-site mutations showed a high frequency (71%) of the sodium channel 'knock down resistance' (<it>kdr</it>) mutation. Exposing mosquitoes to detoxification enzymes inhibitors prior to bioassays induced a significant increased susceptibility of mosquitoes to insecticides, revealing the presence of metabolic-based resistance mechanisms. This trend was biochemically confirmed by significant elevated activities of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, glutathione S-transferases and carboxylesterases at both larval and adult stages. Utilization of the microarray <it>Aedes Detox Chip </it>containing probes for all members of detoxification and other insecticide resistance-related enzymes revealed the significant constitutive over-transcription of multiple detoxification genes at both larval and adult stages. The over-transcription of detoxification genes in the resistant strain was confirmed by using real-time quantitative RT-PCR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that the high level of insecticide resistance found in <it>Ae. aegypti </it>mosquitoes from Martinique island is the consequence of both target-site and metabolic based resistance mechanisms. Insecticide resistance levels and associated mechanisms are discussed in relation with the environmental context of Martinique Island. These finding have important implications for dengue vector control in Martinique and emphasizes the need to develop new tools and strategies for maintaining an effective control of <it>Aedes </it>mosquito populations worldwide.</p

    Gene Amplification, ABC Transporters and Cytochrome P450s: Unraveling the Molecular Basis of Pyrethroid Resistance in the Dengue Vector, Aedes aegypti

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    Dengue is the most rapidly spreading arboviral infection of humans and each year there are 50–100 million cases of dengue fever. There is no vaccine or drug to prevent dengue infection so control of the mosquitoes that transmit this virus is the only option to reduce transmission. Removing mosquito habitats close to human homes can be effective but in reality most dengue control programmes rely on a small number of chemical insecticides. Therefore, when the mosquito vectors develop resistance to the available insecticides, dengue control is jeopardized. In this study we examined the causes of resistance to the insecticide class most commonly used in mosquito control, the pyrethroids. We found that a group of genes, which have been implicated in detoxifying these insecticides in other populations of dengue vectors, were highly over expressed in both these Caribbean populations and we investigated the molecular basis of this increased expression. The next steps, which will be a considerable challenge, are to utilize this information to develop effective means of restoring insecticide susceptibility in dengue vectors

    Gene-environment interactions in mosquitoes and their impact on insecticide resistances

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    Les moustiques génèrent une nuisance importante et sont notamment contrôlés grâce à des traitements insecticides. Aujourd'hui, les gîtes où se développent leurs larves sont souvent pollués par des xénobiotiques environnementaux (hydrocarbures, herbicides, pesticides, toxines naturelles…). Jusqu'à présent, l'impact de ces xénobiotiques sur la capacité des larves de moustiques à résister aux insecticides chimiques reste méconnu. Cette thèse vise à étudier la réponse des larves de d'Aedes aegypti aux xénobiotiques environnementaux et leur impact sur leur tolérance et résistance aux insecticides chimiques. Une première étude, sur le court terme, montre que des larves exposées pendant 24h à divers xénobiotiques deviennent plus tolérantes à vis à vis de différents insecticides chimiques (Poupardin et al. 2008). Des études biochimiques et transcriptomiques suggèrent que l'induction de certaines familles d'enzymes (e.g. P450s et GSTs) par ces xénobiotiques peut être liée à l'augmentation de tolérance des larves vis-à-vis de l'insecticide. Dans le but de mieux caractériser le profil transcriptionnel des précédents gènes candidats, des expérimentations complémentaires ont été faites à différents niveaux (Poupardin et al., 2010). Cette étude a montré que de nombreux gènes étaient préférentiellement transcrits dans des tissus fortement impliqués dans la détoxication de composés exogènes, essentiellement des CYP6. Elle révèle aussi que la transcription de ces P450s varie beaucoup au cours des différents stades de développement et qu'ils étaient induits à des faibles de doses de polluants avec un pic d'induction après 48 et 72 heures d'exposition. Ces études mettent en évidence le rôle potentiel des gènes de détoxication dans la réponse à l'exposition à des xénobiotiques et dans l'augmentation de tolérance aux insecticides chimiques. Concernant l'étude sur le long terme de l'impact des polluants sur la résistance des moustiques aux insecticides, la question est de savoir si les polluants trouvés dans l'environnement influencent la sélection de la résistance aux insecticides et si oui, favorisent-ils la sélection de gènes en particulier? Pour répondre à ces questions, trois souches d'Aedes aegypti ont été sélectionnées à la perméthrine. Ces souches sont exposées ou non à différents polluants avant sélection. Après 10 générations de sélection, des bioessais montrent une résistance de ces 3 souches vis-à-vis de la perméthrine. Aucune différence significative de niveau de résistance n'est observée entre les trois souches sélectionnées pour le moment. Pour identifier les gènes différentiellement transcrits dans ces souches, la puce "Agilent Aedes chip" développée par l'école de médecine tropicale de Liverpool (LSTM) et contenant 14200 transcrits a été utilisée. Les microarrays ont révélé que la présence de polluants ou insecticides résiduels pouvait affecter la sélection des mécanismes de résistance aux insecticides chimiques, notamment par la sélection de gènes particuliers codant pour des enzymes de détoxication (Poupardin et al, en préparation). D'une manière globale, cette thèse permettra de mieux comprendre l'impact de l'environnement chimique sur la résistance des moustiques aux insecticides et fournira de nouvelles pistes afin d'optimiser les traitements insecticides utilisés en démoustication.Mosquitoes have a major impact on public health due to their capacity to transmit human diseases such as viruses (dengue, yellow-fever, west-Nile, chikungunya…) and parasites (malaria, filariasis…). To control them, insecticides have been heavily used since the 1950's leading to the emergence of insecticide resistance. Today, wetlands where mosquito larvae develop are frequently contaminated by environmental xenobiotics (e.g. residual insecticides, agrochemicals, pollutants and plant allelochemicals) and little is known about the impact of these molecules on the capacity of mosquitoes to resist insecticides. The aim of my thesis is to study the response of mosquito larvae to xenobiotic exposures and the impact of these molecules on the tolerance (single generation) and resistance (multiple generations) of mosquitoes to chemical insecticides. A first ‘short term' study revealed that mosquito larvae exposed for few hours to sub-lethal doses of various xenobiotics become more tolerant to several chemical insecticides (Poupardin et al., 2008, Riaz et al., 2009) and that this increased tolerance is linked with an increase of detoxification enzyme activities. Thanks to the “Aedes detox chip” developed in LSTM, we showed that several detoxification genes, especially P450s, were induced by various xenobiotics which could explain the increased tolerance of mosquito larvae to insecticides. In order to better characterize these genes, their transcription profiles were studied at different life stages and in various organs (Poupardin et al., 2010). We demonstrated that several of these P450s are preferentially transcribed in gastric caeca, midgut and malpighian tubules, known to play an important role in xenobiotic metabolism. Moreover, we found that the transcription levels of these genes vary according to life stages. Finally, several genes were induced by environmental doses of xenobiotics with a maximum induction peak at 48-72h after exposure. Overall, these studies evidenced of the potential role of mosquito detoxification genes to respond to xenobiotic exposure and to affect their tolerance to chemical insecticides. The other aim of my thesis was to understand the ‘long term' (across several generations) impact of xenobiotics on the selection of insecticide resistance mechanisms in mosquitoes. In other words, ‘Do pollutants affect the selection of insecticides resistance mechanism by insecticides treatments' and if yes, ‘are particular genes favoured?' To answer these questions, three strains of the mosquito Aedes aegypti were selected with the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin. Before the selection process, larvae were exposed or not to sub-lethal dose of various pollutants. After 11 generations of selection, the three strains showed elevated resistance to permethrin compared to the susceptible strain. To identify the genes differentially transcribed in these resistant strains, we used the new ‘Agilent Aedes chip' representing more than 14,200 transcripts developed by the LSTM. Microarray results showed that the presence pollutants or residual insecticide can affect the selection of insecticide resistance mechanisms by favouring the selection of particular genes such as those encoding for detoxification enzymes (Poupardin et al., in prep). Globally, this research work will provide a better understanding of the impact of environmental factors on insecticide resistances in mosquitoes and will provide new ways to optimize the control of vectors with insecticides

    Interactions gènes-environnement chez les moustiques et leur impact sur la résistance aux insecticides

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    Mosquitoes have a major impact on public health due to their capacity to transmit human diseases such as viruses (dengue, yellow-fever, west-Nile, chikungunya…) and parasites (malaria, filariasis…). To control them, insecticides have been heavily used since the 1950's leading to the emergence of insecticide resistance. Today, wetlands where mosquito larvae develop are frequently contaminated by environmental xenobiotics (e.g. residual insecticides, agrochemicals, pollutants and plant allelochemicals) and little is known about the impact of these molecules on the capacity of mosquitoes to resist insecticides. The aim of my thesis is to study the response of mosquito larvae to xenobiotic exposures and the impact of these molecules on the tolerance (single generation) and resistance (multiple generations) of mosquitoes to chemical insecticides. A first ‘short term' study revealed that mosquito larvae exposed for few hours to sub-lethal doses of various xenobiotics become more tolerant to several chemical insecticides (Poupardin et al., 2008, Riaz et al., 2009) and that this increased tolerance is linked with an increase of detoxification enzyme activities. Thanks to the “Aedes detox chip” developed in LSTM, we showed that several detoxification genes, especially P450s, were induced by various xenobiotics which could explain the increased tolerance of mosquito larvae to insecticides. In order to better characterize these genes, their transcription profiles were studied at different life stages and in various organs (Poupardin et al., 2010). We demonstrated that several of these P450s are preferentially transcribed in gastric caeca, midgut and malpighian tubules, known to play an important role in xenobiotic metabolism. Moreover, we found that the transcription levels of these genes vary according to life stages. Finally, several genes were induced by environmental doses of xenobiotics with a maximum induction peak at 48-72h after exposure. Overall, these studies evidenced of the potential role of mosquito detoxification genes to respond to xenobiotic exposure and to affect their tolerance to chemical insecticides. The other aim of my thesis was to understand the ‘long term' (across several generations) impact of xenobiotics on the selection of insecticide resistance mechanisms in mosquitoes. In other words, ‘Do pollutants affect the selection of insecticides resistance mechanism by insecticides treatments' and if yes, ‘are particular genes favoured?' To answer these questions, three strains of the mosquito Aedes aegypti were selected with the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin. Before the selection process, larvae were exposed or not to sub-lethal dose of various pollutants. After 11 generations of selection, the three strains showed elevated resistance to permethrin compared to the susceptible strain. To identify the genes differentially transcribed in these resistant strains, we used the new ‘Agilent Aedes chip' representing more than 14,200 transcripts developed by the LSTM. Microarray results showed that the presence pollutants or residual insecticide can affect the selection of insecticide resistance mechanisms by favouring the selection of particular genes such as those encoding for detoxification enzymes (Poupardin et al., in prep). Globally, this research work will provide a better understanding of the impact of environmental factors on insecticide resistances in mosquitoes and will provide new ways to optimize the control of vectors with insecticides.Les moustiques génèrent une nuisance importante et sont notamment contrôlés grâce à des traitements insecticides. Aujourd'hui, les gîtes où se développent leurs larves sont souvent pollués par des xénobiotiques environnementaux (hydrocarbures, herbicides, pesticides, toxines naturelles…). Jusqu'à présent, l'impact de ces xénobiotiques sur la capacité des larves de moustiques à résister aux insecticides chimiques reste méconnu. Cette thèse vise à étudier la réponse des larves de d'Aedes aegypti aux xénobiotiques environnementaux et leur impact sur leur tolérance et résistance aux insecticides chimiques. Une première étude, sur le court terme, montre que des larves exposées pendant 24h à divers xénobiotiques deviennent plus tolérantes à vis à vis de différents insecticides chimiques (Poupardin et al. 2008). Des études biochimiques et transcriptomiques suggèrent que l'induction de certaines familles d'enzymes (e.g. P450s et GSTs) par ces xénobiotiques peut être liée à l'augmentation de tolérance des larves vis-à-vis de l'insecticide. Dans le but de mieux caractériser le profil transcriptionnel des précédents gènes candidats, des expérimentations complémentaires ont été faites à différents niveaux (Poupardin et al., 2010). Cette étude a montré que de nombreux gènes étaient préférentiellement transcrits dans des tissus fortement impliqués dans la détoxication de composés exogènes, essentiellement des CYP6. Elle révèle aussi que la transcription de ces P450s varie beaucoup au cours des différents stades de développement et qu'ils étaient induits à des faibles de doses de polluants avec un pic d'induction après 48 et 72 heures d'exposition. Ces études mettent en évidence le rôle potentiel des gènes de détoxication dans la réponse à l'exposition à des xénobiotiques et dans l'augmentation de tolérance aux insecticides chimiques. Concernant l'étude sur le long terme de l'impact des polluants sur la résistance des moustiques aux insecticides, la question est de savoir si les polluants trouvés dans l'environnement influencent la sélection de la résistance aux insecticides et si oui, favorisent-ils la sélection de gènes en particulier? Pour répondre à ces questions, trois souches d'Aedes aegypti ont été sélectionnées à la perméthrine. Ces souches sont exposées ou non à différents polluants avant sélection. Après 10 générations de sélection, des bioessais montrent une résistance de ces 3 souches vis-à-vis de la perméthrine. Aucune différence significative de niveau de résistance n'est observée entre les trois souches sélectionnées pour le moment. Pour identifier les gènes différentiellement transcrits dans ces souches, la puce "Agilent Aedes chip" développée par l'école de médecine tropicale de Liverpool (LSTM) et contenant 14200 transcrits a été utilisée. Les microarrays ont révélé que la présence de polluants ou insecticides résiduels pouvait affecter la sélection des mécanismes de résistance aux insecticides chimiques, notamment par la sélection de gènes particuliers codant pour des enzymes de détoxication (Poupardin et al, en préparation). D'une manière globale, cette thèse permettra de mieux comprendre l'impact de l'environnement chimique sur la résistance des moustiques aux insecticides et fournira de nouvelles pistes afin d'optimiser les traitements insecticides utilisés en démoustication

    Interactions gènes-environnement chez les moustiques et leur impact sur la résistance aux insecticides

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    Les moustiques génèrent une nuisance importante et sont notamment contrôlés grâce à des traitements insecticides. Aujourd'hui, les gîtes où se développent leurs larves sont souvent pollués par des xénobiotiques environnementaux (hydrocarbures, herbicides, pesticides, toxines naturelles ). Jusqu'à présent, l'impact de ces xénobiotiques sur la capacité des larves de moustiques à résister aux insecticides chimiques reste méconnu. Cette thèse vise à étudier la réponse des larves de d'Aedes aegypti aux xénobiotiques environnementaux et leur impact sur leur tolérance et résistance aux insecticides chimiques. Une première étude, sur le court terme, montre que des larves exposées pendant 24h à divers xénobiotiques deviennent plus tolérantes à vis à vis de différents insecticides chimiques (Poupardin et al. 2008). Des études biochimiques et transcriptomiques suggèrent que l'induction de certaines familles d'enzymes (e.g. P450s et GSTs) par ces xénobiotiques peut être liée à l'augmentation de tolérance des larves vis-à-vis de l'insecticide. Dans le but de mieux caractériser le profil transcriptionnel des précédents gènes candidats, des expérimentations complémentaires ont été faites à différents niveaux (Poupardin et al., 2010). Cette étude a montré que de nombreux gènes étaient préférentiellement transcrits dans des tissus fortement impliqués dans la détoxication de composés exogènes, essentiellement des CYP6. Elle révèle aussi que la transcription de ces P450s varie beaucoup au cours des différents stades de développement et qu'ils étaient induits à des faibles de doses de polluants avec un pic d'induction après 48 et 72 heures d'exposition. Ces études mettent en évidence le rôle potentiel des gènes de détoxication dans la réponse à l'exposition à des xénobiotiques et dans l'augmentation de tolérance aux insecticides chimiques. Concernant l'étude sur le long terme de l'impact des polluants sur la résistance des moustiques aux insecticides, la question est de savoir si les polluants trouvés dans l'environnement influencent la sélection de la résistance aux insecticides et si oui, favorisent-ils la sélection de gènes en particulier? Pour répondre à ces questions, trois souches d'Aedes aegypti ont été sélectionnées à la perméthrine. Ces souches sont exposées ou non à différents polluants avant sélection. Après 10 générations de sélection, des bioessais montrent une résistance de ces 3 souches vis-à-vis de la perméthrine. Aucune différence significative de niveau de résistance n'est observée entre les trois souches sélectionnées pour le moment. Pour identifier les gènes différentiellement transcrits dans ces souches, la puce "Agilent Aedes chip" développée par l'école de médecine tropicale de Liverpool (LSTM) et contenant 14200 transcrits a été utilisée. Les microarrays ont révélé que la présence de polluants ou insecticides résiduels pouvait affecter la sélection des mécanismes de résistance aux insecticides chimiques, notamment par la sélection de gènes particuliers codant pour des enzymes de détoxication (Poupardin et al, en préparation). D'une manière globale, cette thèse permettra de mieux comprendre l'impact de l'environnement chimique sur la résistance des moustiques aux insecticides et fournira de nouvelles pistes afin d'optimiser les traitements insecticides utilisés en démoustication.Mosquitoes have a major impact on public health due to their capacity to transmit human diseases such as viruses (dengue, yellow-fever, west-Nile, chikungunya ) and parasites (malaria, filariasis ). To control them, insecticides have been heavily used since the 1950's leading to the emergence of insecticide resistance. Today, wetlands where mosquito larvae develop are frequently contaminated by environmental xenobiotics (e.g. residual insecticides, agrochemicals, pollutants and plant allelochemicals) and little is known about the impact of these molecules on the capacity of mosquitoes to resist insecticides. The aim of my thesis is to study the response of mosquito larvae to xenobiotic exposures and the impact of these molecules on the tolerance (single generation) and resistance (multiple generations) of mosquitoes to chemical insecticides. A first short term' study revealed that mosquito larvae exposed for few hours to sub-lethal doses of various xenobiotics become more tolerant to several chemical insecticides (Poupardin et al., 2008, Riaz et al., 2009) and that this increased tolerance is linked with an increase of detoxification enzyme activities. Thanks to the Aedes detox chip developed in LSTM, we showed that several detoxification genes, especially P450s, were induced by various xenobiotics which could explain the increased tolerance of mosquito larvae to insecticides. In order to better characterize these genes, their transcription profiles were studied at different life stages and in various organs (Poupardin et al., 2010). We demonstrated that several of these P450s are preferentially transcribed in gastric caeca, midgut and malpighian tubules, known to play an important role in xenobiotic metabolism. Moreover, we found that the transcription levels of these genes vary according to life stages. Finally, several genes were induced by environmental doses of xenobiotics with a maximum induction peak at 48-72h after exposure. Overall, these studies evidenced of the potential role of mosquito detoxification genes to respond to xenobiotic exposure and to affect their tolerance to chemical insecticides. The other aim of my thesis was to understand the long term' (across several generations) impact of xenobiotics on the selection of insecticide resistance mechanisms in mosquitoes. In other words, Do pollutants affect the selection of insecticides resistance mechanism by insecticides treatments' and if yes, are particular genes favoured?' To answer these questions, three strains of the mosquito Aedes aegypti were selected with the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin. Before the selection process, larvae were exposed or not to sub-lethal dose of various pollutants. After 11 generations of selection, the three strains showed elevated resistance to permethrin compared to the susceptible strain. To identify the genes differentially transcribed in these resistant strains, we used the new Agilent Aedes chip' representing more than 14,200 transcripts developed by the LSTM. Microarray results showed that the presence pollutants or residual insecticide can affect the selection of insecticide resistance mechanisms by favouring the selection of particular genes such as those encoding for detoxification enzymes (Poupardin et al., in prep). Globally, this research work will provide a better understanding of the impact of environmental factors on insecticide resistances in mosquitoes and will provide new ways to optimize the control of vectors with insecticides.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF