11 research outputs found

    A novel-type luciferin from Siberian luminous earthworm Fridericia heliota : structure elucidation by spectral studies and total synthesis

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (2014): 5566–5568, doi:10.1002/anie.201400529.We report structure elucidation and synthesis of the luciferin from the recently discovered luminous earthworm Fridericia heliota. This luciferin represents a key component of a novel ATP-dependent bioluminescence system. The UV, fluorescence, NMR and HRMS spectral studies were performed on 5 mkg of the isolated substance, and gave four isomeric structures, conforming with spectral data. These isomers were chemically synthesized and one of them was found to produce light in the reaction with a protein extract from Fridericia. The novel luciferin was found to have an unusual deeply modified peptidic nature, implying an unprecedented mechanism of action.We acknowledge support from the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation “Measures to attract leading scientists to Russian educational institutions” (grant no. 11. G34.31.0058), the programs MCB RAS, President of the Russian Federation “Leading science school” (grant 3951.2012.4) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 14-03-01015). B.M.S. was supported by a stipend from the Program of the President of the Russian Federation.2015-04-1

    The personnel motivation as a factor, which increase the efficiency of a business production

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    „Personāla motivācija kā uzņēmuma darbības efektivitātes paaugstināšanas faktors” A.Rodionova. Darba vadītājs pasniedzējs Viesturs Brālis. Darbā izskatāmā problēma - darbinieku mainība darbaspēka deficīta apstākļos. Darba mērķis ir personāla stimulēšanas sistēmas uzlabošanas ceļu izstrādāšana mūsdienīgajos apstākļos uz amata – klientu apkalpošanas speciālists AS „Parex banka” piemēra. Tika iegūta informācija par darba tirgu Latvijā, analizēta AS „Parex banka” personāla vadīšanas koncepcija un piedāvāti darbinieku noturēšanas pasākumi. Darbs sastāv no 69.lpp., 3.tabulām un 10.attēliemThe degree work on a theme „The personnel motivation as a factor, which increase the efficiency of a business production” A.Rodionova. The head of the degree work is professor Viesturs Brālis. The degree work is about a problem – personnel rotation in a situation of high labour deficit. The purpose of the given work is personnel stimulation system developing in a present-day for Parex bank appointment - klient service expert example. The result is: an information of the Latvia labour trade, Parex bank personnel managing conception analysis and proposal of the personnel restraining measures. Work includes: 69 pages, 3 tables and 10 figures

    La langue carélienne : modifications terminologiques. Langue ou dialecte ?

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    Il s’agit ici de porter l’attention sur une certaine ambiguïté terminologique concernant la langue carélienne appartenant à la branche fennique de la famille des langues ouraliennes. Nous évoquons les problèmes de la répartition géographique et de la division dialectale de la langue carélienne. De nos jours, il n’y a pas d’unanimité sur le fait de savoir si la langue est divisée en parlers ou dialectes et quel est l’ensemble des plus petites unités linguistiques qui font partie de ces sous-systèmes.Il existe une certaine cacophonie sur la définition des types de dialecte de la langue carélienne non seulement dans les sources linguistiques mais aussi dans les documents normatifs.Nous avons également comparé les différentes traditions linguistiques russes et finlandaises.La question de l’autodénomination et l’auto-identification ethnique des Caréliens dans la situation actuelle a été également abordée. Le groupe ethnogéographique des Caréliens se divise quoi qu’il en soit en groupes ethnolocaux plus petits, les membres desquels possèdent une claire conscience des frontières d’habitat et de parler propre.Задача данной статьи — привлечь внимание к терминологической неопределенности в отношении карельского языка, принадлежащего к финской ветви уральской языковой семьи. Мы рассмотрим проблемы географического распределения и диалектного членения карельского языка. В настоящее время нет единого мнения по поводу деления языка на говоры, диалекты и еще более маленькие языковые единицы этих подсистем.Существует определенная разноголосица при определении диалектных разновидностей карельского языка не только в лингвистических источниках, но и в нормативных документах.Мы также показали в статье основное отличие отечественной и финляндской лингвистических традиций.Вопрос о самоназванием и этнической самоидентификации карелвнынешнейситуациитожебылрассмотрен.Этногеографическая группа карелов делится на более мелкие этнолокальные группы, члены которых обладают ясным осознанием границ расселения и собственным простонародным наречием

    The Open Corpus of the Veps and Karelian Languages: Overview and Applications

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    Abstract. A growing priority in the study of Baltic-Finnic languages of the Republic of Karelia has been the methods and tools of corpus linguistics. Since 2016, linguists, mathematicians, and programmers at the Karelian Research Centre have been working with the Open Corpus of the Veps and Karelian Languages (VepKar), which is an extension of the Veps Corpus created in 2009. The VepKar corpus comprises texts in Karelian and Veps, multifunctional dictionaries linked to them, and software with an advanced system of search using various criteria of the texts (language, genre, etc.) and numerous linguistic categories (lexical and grammatical search in texts was implemented thanks to the generator of word forms that we created earlier). A corpus of 3000 texts was compiled, texts were uploaded and marked up, the system for classifying texts into languages, dialects, types and genres was introduced, and the word-form generator was created. Future plans include developing a speech module for working with audio recordings and a syntactic tagging module using morphological analysis outputs. Owing to continuous functional advancements in the corpus manager and ongoing VepKar enrichment with new material and text markup, users can handle a wide range of scientific and applied tasks. In creating the universal national VepKar corpus, its developers and managers strive to preserve and exhibit as fully as possible the state of the Veps and Karelian languages in the 1

    Insights into the late Holocene vegetation history of the East European forest-steppe: case study Sudzha (Kursk region, Russia)

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    Today, the East European forest-steppe is an agricultural landscape with very few remains of its former natural vegetation. The history of the transformation from natural vegetation to a human-made landscape in the area of Sudzha (Kursk region, Russia) is studied here. We compare the off-site pollen record Sudzha with three on-site pollen records obtained from the archaeological site Kurilovka-2. The sediment core Sudzha covering the last 2,500 years was taken from an oxbow lake in an area with archaeological sites of the early Slavonic period (3rd–8th centuries ce). The Sudzha pollen record indicates dominance of broadleaf forests and meadow steppes in the area from 2,500 to 200 cal year bp with two major settlement phases one between ~ 2,000 and 1,600 cal year bp (~ 50 bce to 350 ce) and the other between 1,100 and 600 cal year bp (850 and 1350 ce) followed by a total deforestation and transformation to an agricultural landscape over the last 200–300 years. Similar changes in the last 300–400 years are indicated by the three on-site pollen records. It is noteworthy, however, that the record Sudzha does not provide an intensive signal of human impact during the 5th–8th centuries ce. This points to a quite restricted spatial influence of the Early Slavonic settlements on the vegetation, leading to a relatively low contribution of palynological anthropogenic indicators to the regional pollen rain signal

    Contenu et perception de la notion de « langue de migrants » en France et en Russie

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    Une réflexion est menée ici sur le contenu sémantique des notions utilisées pour désigner la langue propre aux migrants. Plusieurs termes sont en effet en concurrence pour nommer la même réalité. L’objectif est d’essayer de comprendre le métalangage employé afin de le rendre plus accessible. Il est procédé à une analyse comparée du contenu notionnel attaché aux langues parlées par les migrants en français et en russe. La recherche est centrée en trois étapes sur le contenu morphologique et sémantique des notions employées~: collecter, trier et tester les combinaisons de variables. L’analyse linguistique des notions fait l’objet de trois approches~: morphologique, syntaxique et sémantique, les modifications morpho-syntaxiques et morpho-sémantiques ont des conséquences sémantiques sur la notion.Plus limité, le lexique russe est analysé en deux temps~: recensement et comparaison de l’utilisation des notions dans les deux langues. Le champ lexical et sémantique russe paraît plus précis et l’usage des préfixes plus fréquent (langue d’immigration/langue d’émigration).Cette analyse sert à comprendre une vision différente de l’approche sociolinguistique de ces langues