2,613 research outputs found

    Description of double beta decay within continuum-QRPA

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    A method to calculate the nuclear double beta decay (2νββ2\nu\beta\beta- and 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-) amplitudes within the continuum random phase approximation (cQRPA) is formulated. Calculations of the ββ\beta\beta transition amplitudes within the cQRPA are performed for ^{76}Ge, ^{100}Mo and ^{130}Te. A rather simple nuclear Hamiltonian consisting of phenomenological mean field and zero-range residual particle-hole and particle-particle interaction is used. The calculated M^{2\nu} are almost not affected when the single-particle continuum is taken into account. At the same time, a regular suppression of the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-amplitude is found that can be associated with additional ground state correlations due to collective states in the continuum. It is expected that future inclusion of the nucleon pairing in the single-particle continuum will somewhat compensate the suppression.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, published versio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dua hal, yaitu 1. Bagaimana partisipasi politik masyarakat dalam pemilihan kepala desa (PILKADES) desa Unone 2. Faktor apa yang mempengaruhi tingginya partisipasi politik masyarakat dalam pemilihan kepala desa (PILKADES) didesa Unone. Untuk dapat mengetahui kedua rumusan masalahan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomonologi. Subjek penelitian yang dipilih secara purposive sompling dengan memilih tiga kategori informan. yaitu partisipasi politik masyarakat desa Unone dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan kepala desa tahun 2019 dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingginya partisipasi politik masyarakat dalam pemilihan kepala desa Unone. Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Unone Kecamatan Bukal Kabupaten Buol yang terbagi dalam epat Dusun yaitu Dusun Butu, Dusun Syakuyati, Dusun Hibrida dan Dusun Tabone. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masyarakat Desa Unone yang terdaftar dalam DPT bisah dikatakan 90% telah memberikan hak suara. yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor rekan jejak calon kepala desa, dan keluarga

    Evaluation of the mean intensity of the P-odd mixing of nuclear compound states

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    A temperature version of the shell-optical-model approach for describing the low-energy compound-to-compound transitions induced by external single-particle fields is given. The approach is applied to evaluate the mean intensity of the P-odd mixing of nuclear compound states. Unified description for the mixing and electromagnetic transitions allows one to evaluate the mean intensity without the use of free parameters. The valence-mechanism contribution to the mentioned intensity is also evaluated. Calculation results are compared with the data deduced from cross sections of relevant neutron-induced reactions.Comment: LaTeX, 10 page

    Biochemical Effects of Exercise on a Fasciocutaneous Flap in a Rat Model.

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    Importance: An overwhelming amount of data suggest that cardiovascular exercise has a positive effect on the mind and body, although the precise mechanism is not always clear. Objective: To assess the clinical and biochemical effects of voluntary cardiovascular exercise on pedicled flaps in a rodent model. Design, Setting, and Participants: Eighteen adult Sprague-Dawley male rats were randomized into a resting animal group (RAG) (n=9) and an exercise animal group (EAG) (n=9) for 14 days (July 23, 2013, through July 30, 2013). A pedicled transposition flap was performed on the ventral surface of the rat, and biopsy specimens were taken from the proximal, middle, and distal portions on postoperative days 0, 2, 5, and 9. Flap survival was analyzed planimetrically, and biopsy specimens were analyzed by hematoxylin-eosin-stained microscopy and immunoblotting. The housing, exercise, surgery, and analysis of the rats were conducted at a single basic science research laboratory at the tertiary care center campus of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Exposures: The rats were caged for 14 days or housed in a cage connected to an exercise wheel and pedometer. Main Outcomes and Measures: Study measures were gross and micrographic necrosis and expression of proteins within cell survival and apoptosis pathways. Results: A total of 18 rats were studied, 9 in the RAG and 9 in the EAG. the mean (SEM) amount of necrosis in flaps was 41.3% (3%) in the RAG rats and 10.5% (3.5%) in the EAG rats (P \u3c .001). Immunoblotting revealed increased Caspase-9 activity resulting in poly-(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase 1 cleavage in the RAG vs the EAG, as well as lower phosphorylated protein kinase B (also known as Akt), signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, and total B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2 protein levels. Throughout the postoperative period, the cumulative vascular endothelial growth factor A levels of the EAG flaps were significantly higher than those of the RAG flaps (2.30 vs 1.25 fold induction [FI], P = .002), with differences of 2.76 vs 1.54 FI in the proximal segment, 2.40 vs 1.20 FI in the middle segment, and 1.90 vs 0.79 FI in the distal segment. A similar response was noted when comparing phosphorylated Akt, with cumulative mean (SEM) p-Akt expression levels of 0.62 (0.04) for RAG and 1.98 (0.09) for EAG (P = .002 between the 2 groups). Conclusions and Relevance: Voluntary preoperative exercise improves survival in pedicled fasciocutaneous flaps; the EAG rats had less necrosis, decreased apoptotic markers, and increased amounts of vascular endothelial growth factor A and prosurvival proteins. These results have implications to increase flap survival in other mammal populations, such as humans. Level of Evidence: 3

    The Construction of Conforming-to-shape Truss Lattice Structures via 3D Sphere Packing

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    Truss lattices are common in a wide variety of engineering applications, due to their high ratio of strength versus relative density. They are used both as the interior support for other structures, and as structures on their own. Using 3D sphere packing, we propose a set of methods for generating truss lattices that fill the interior of B-rep models, polygonal or (trimmed) NURBS based, of arbitrary shape. Once the packing of the spheres has been established, beams between the centers of adjacent spheres are constructed, as spline based B-rep geometry. We also demonstrate additional capabilities of our methods, including connecting the truss lattice to (a shell of) the B-rep model, as well as constructing a tensor-product trivariate volumetric representation of the truss lattice - an important step towards direct compatibility for analysis.RYC-2017-2264

    Infrared nano-spectroscopy and imaging of collective superfluid excitations in conventional and high-temperature superconductors

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    We investigate near-field infrared spectroscopy and superfluid polariton imaging experiments on conventional and unconventional superconductors. Our modeling shows that near-field spectroscopy can measure the magnitude of the superconducting energy gap in Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-like superconductors with nanoscale spatial resolution. We demonstrate how the same technique can measure the c-axis plasma frequency, and thus the c-axis superfluid density, of layered unconventional superconductors with a similar spatial resolution. Our modeling also shows that near-field techniques can image superfluid surface mode interference patterns near physical and electronic boundaries. We describe how these images can be used to extract the collective mode dispersion of anisotropic superconductors with sub-diffractional spatial resolution.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Numerical studies of variable-range hopping in one-dimensional systems

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    Hopping transport in a one-dimensional system is studied numerically. A fast algorithm is devised to find the lowest-resistance path at arbitrary electric field. Probability distribution functions of individual resistances on the path and the net resistance are calculated and fitted to compact analytic formulas. Qualitative differences between statistics of resistance fluctuations in Ohmic and non-Ohmic regimes are elucidated. The results are compared with prior theoretical and experimental work on the subject.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Published versio

    Surface Tension Gradient as Additional Driving Force for Grain Boundary Diffusion. Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Cases

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    Classic Fisher model of grain-boundary diffusion with leakage into bulk is generalized by consideration of the surface-tension change along the grain boundary.Класична Фішерова модель для зерномежової дифузії з відсмоктуванням в об’єм зерен узагальнено з урахуванням зміни поверхневого натягу вздовж межі зерна.Классическая модель Фишера для зернограничной диффузии с отсосом в объём зёрен обобщена с учётом изменения поверхностного натяжения вдоль границы зерна