The Construction of Conforming-to-shape Truss Lattice Structures via 3D Sphere Packing


Truss lattices are common in a wide variety of engineering applications, due to their high ratio of strength versus relative density. They are used both as the interior support for other structures, and as structures on their own. Using 3D sphere packing, we propose a set of methods for generating truss lattices that fill the interior of B-rep models, polygonal or (trimmed) NURBS based, of arbitrary shape. Once the packing of the spheres has been established, beams between the centers of adjacent spheres are constructed, as spline based B-rep geometry. We also demonstrate additional capabilities of our methods, including connecting the truss lattice to (a shell of) the B-rep model, as well as constructing a tensor-product trivariate volumetric representation of the truss lattice - an important step towards direct compatibility for analysis.RYC-2017-2264

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