515 research outputs found

    Editorial: Death and the Afterlife

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    Questions concerning death and the afterlife are amongst the most perennial in philosophy and theology. Traditionally, the afterlife was the answer that many religions offered in response to the mystery with which death presents us. This answer has metaphysical, anthropological, and ethical implications in that it appeals to a transcendent justification to ground our understanding of human nature, the concepts of justice and moral obligation, as well as more general propositions pertaining to the nature of reality. In recent years, with the advances in science, which have helped us to better understand the processes surrounding death and the developments in our thinking about personal identity, which have influenced how we construe the possibility of an afterlife, the more traditional conceptions of what we might expect after death have come under pressure

    Web Application of Internet Shop

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    Tato práce se zabývá vytvořením internetového obchodu, zaměřeného na prodej hudebních nosičů. Celý systém je rozdělen do dvou částí - na část zákaznickou a administrátorskou. Cílem bylo vytvořit zajímavý, bezpečný a přehledný webový obchod. Zároveň byl kladen důraz na jednoduchou správu celého systému. Aplikace byla naprogramována za použití technologií XHTML, PHP a MySQL.This work deals with the creation of an internet shop specialized in selling music media. The whole system is separated into two parts - the customer part and the administration part. The goal was to create an interesting, safe and transparent e-shop. At the same time, the emphasis was put on the simple management of the whole system. The application was programmed by using technologies of XHTML, PHP and MySQL.

    Situs inversus abdominalis and duodenal atresia

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    Fewer than 20 patients born with situs inversus and duodenal atresia have been reported in the literature. We present a patient with this condition. A newborn baby presented shortly after birth with persistent bilious vomiting. An abdominal radiograph showed a right-sided stomach bubble and a second bubble on the left - typical of duodenal atresia but with mirror image configuration. Laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis of situs inversus abdominalis, which was also demonstrated by contrast studies and ultrasound. Duodenoduodenostomy was performed and the patient discharged on day 8 postoperatively. Situs inversus is associated with other congenital malformations including splenic malformations, left-sided liver and cardiac abnormalities; it is rarely associated with duodenal atresia. Duodenal obstruction in the presence of situs inversus has been described, including obstruction due to a web, stenosis, pre-duodenal portal vein and complete atresia. The patient presented in this paper had a duodenal web in the second part of the duodenum. Before undertaking surgery it is important to establish the presence of associated gastrointestinal and cardiac abnormalities

    Visualizing aerosol-particle injection for diffractive-imaging experiments

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    Delivering sub-micrometer particles to an intense x-ray focus is a crucial aspect of single-particle diffractive-imaging experiments at x-ray free-electron lasers. Enabling direct visualization of sub-micrometer aerosol particle streams without interfering with the operation of the particle injector can greatly improve the overall efficiency of single-particle imaging experiments by reducing the amount of time and sample consumed during measurements. We have developed in-situ non-destructive imaging diagnostics to aid real-time particle injector optimization and x-ray/particle-beam alignment, based on laser illumination schemes and fast imaging detectors. Our diagnostics are constructed to provide a non-invasive rapid feedback on injector performance during measurements, and have been demonstrated during diffraction measurements at the FLASH free-electron laser.Comment: 15 page

    Situs inversus abdominalis and duodenal atresia. A case report and review of the literature

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    Fewer than 20 patients born with situs inversus and duodenal atresia have been reported in the literature. We present a patient with this condition. A newborn baby presented shortly after birth with persistent bilious vomiting. An abdominal radiograph showed a right-sided stomach bubble and a second bubble on the left - typical of duodenal atresia but with mirror image configuration. Laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis of situs inversus abdominalis, which was also demonstrated by contrast studies and ultrasound. Duodenoduodenostomy was performed and the patient discharged on day 8 postoperatively. Situs inversus is associated with other congenital malformations including splenic malformations, left-sided liver and cardiac abnormalities; it is rarely associated with duodenal atresia. Duodenal obstruction in the presence of situs inversus has been described, including obstruction due to a web, stenosis, pre-duodenal portal vein and complete atresia. The patient presented in this paper had a duodenal web in the second part of the duodenum. Before undertaking surgery it is important to establish the presence of associated gastrointestinal and cardiac abnormalities

    Sportunterricht im Internet. Ethnographische Perspektiven auf ein neues Forschungsfeld

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    Der Beitrag greift die international formulierten Forderungen nach einer Forschung zum »Sportunterricht im Internet« auf, die über die Frage »what works?« hinausgeht und das Ziel verfolgt, dieses komplexe Feld in seinen politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Dimensionen differenziert und kritisch zu analysieren (z.B. Williamson et al., 2021). Das Forschungsprojekt InterSpU widmet sich dieser Aufgabe aus einem kulturwissenschaftlichen Theoriehintergrund. Es untersucht, wie in Online-Foren, Social-Media-Kanälen und auf Webseiten über Themen, Situationen, Ereignisse, Akteur*innen oder Inhalte des Sportunterrichts gesprochen, sie dargestellt, inszeniert, gelikt, geteilt oder vermittelt werden. Dabei geht das Projekt davon aus, dass sich durch diese internetbasierten Praktiken und Diskurse spezifische Lernkulturen des Sportunterrichts herausbilden. (DIPF/Orig.

    „Oh Shit, die Uhr” – Zur körperlichen Dynamik des Self-Tracker-Werdens

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    Unter dem Schlagwort „Körper-Öffnungen“ haben die Organisatoren dieser Sektionsveranstaltung dazu aufgerufen, gesellschaftliche Öffnungs- und Schließungsdynamiken mit Blick auf körperliche Vollzüge zu untersuchen und danach zu fragen, wie Körper und ihre Grenzen geformt, verhandelt, organisiert, geöffnet, durchdrungen, verschlossen, verschoben etc. werden. In dieser Fragerichtung widmen wir uns dem gesellschaftlich zunehmend populären Phänomen der digitalen Selbstvermessung. Anhand von empirischen Einblicken in eine aktuell laufende Studie zu Prozessen des Self-Tracker-Werdens möchten wir zum einen in Verbindung mit digitaler Kleintechnik erzeugte gegenwärtige Körper-Öffnungen beschreiben und zum anderen daraus resultierende theoretische Konsequenzen diskutieren. Nach einer Vorbemerkung zur theoretischen Perspektive (Kap. 1) führen wir das Phänomen Self-Tracking ein und skizzieren, wie sich dieses im Horizont der Frage nach Körper-Öffnungen zum Gegenstand machen lässt (Kap. 2). Im nächsten Schritt beschreiben wir typische Phasen des Self-Tracker-Werdens (Kap. 3). Davon ausgehend lässt sich der von uns bemühte praxeologische Theorie-Körper für Fragestellungen öffnen (Kap. 4)

    Videopodcasts in der Hochschullehre – Angehende Lehrkräfte und praktische Mediengestaltung

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    Neue Inhaltsbereiche in die Ausbildung von SportlehrerInnen integrieren? Daniel Rohde und Martin Stern stellen ein universitäres Lehrveranstaltungsformat vor, in dessen Rahmen angehende Lehrkräfte digitale Videopodcasts erstellen und skizzieren bildungstheoretische und mediendidaktische Anknüpfungspunkte

    "Quatschen oder turnen". Reflexion und Reflexivität als Provokation und Identitätsfrage im Fach Sport

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    Der Beitrag stellt Reflexion und Reflexivität in den Fokus einer Fachkulturforschung Sport. Bezugnehmend auf sportdidaktische Kontroversen über Reflexion und Reflexivität in Schule und Unterricht verschieben wir den Blick zur empirischen Rekonstruktion von konkreten Reflexionspraktiken in der professions-, unterrichts- und lernkulturellen Praxis – als drei Dimensionen einer Fachkultur Sport. Wir skizzieren zunächst theoretische Eckpfeiler sowie bestehende Forschung, präsentieren dann eigene Befunde in Form empirischer Schlaglichter und formulieren schließlich Perspektiven für eine Fachkulturforschung als Reflexivitätsforschung. (DIPF/Orig.

    Integrated nutrient transport modelling with respect to the implementation of the European WFD: The Weiße Elster Case Study, Germany

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    The goal of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is to protect and enhance the status of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. To reach this objective an integrated methodology for the implementation of the WFD is essential. The methodology presented was developed within an interdisciplinary research project on the highly polluted 4th order Weiße Elster River basin, a large subcatchment of the Saale basin (Germany), which is part of the UNESCO-IHP HELP program. The project focuses on nutrient management in order to achieve a good ecological status of surface waters. The paper focuses on an integrated modelling of nitrogen transport and comprises combined terrestrial and in-stream transport processes. The mitigation of diffuse and point sources pollution is thereby essential to meet the environmental objectives. Land-use scenarios on both organic farming systems and best management practices were analysed and compared with different strategies to reduce point source. The results show that the possible reduction of nitrogen inputs from point sources is much lower compared to the reduction of diffuse inputs from agricultural land use. The results on in-stream nitrogen transformation show that different morphological factors influence the nitrogen retention considerably. The potential of management measures to reduce nitrogen loads by river restoration measures seems to be limited. This is caused by infrastructural facilities that restrict attaining a natural state of river morphology.Keywords: river basin management, nutrient transport, river restoration, SWAT, WAS