38 research outputs found

    Міжконфесійний діалог як складова культурно- цивілізаційних відносин

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    AbstractLarge potentials for CO2 storage were demonstrated in previous studies in Brazil. This study aims to estimate the CO2 storage capacity in the Campos Basin's oil fields, Southeast Brazil, in order to provide refined values to support CCS planning in the country. The results, based on field/reservoir level data show that there is a large potential for CO2 storage (ca. 950Mt) in the 17 assessed oil fields in the basin, and 75% of this storage capacity is found in sandstone reservoirs


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    O sequestro geológico de CO2 é uma das tecnologias mais promissoras para a mitigação de mudanças climáticas, tendo por objetivo a redução de gases de efeito estufa através da captura de CO2 (um dos principais gases de efeito estufa) de fontes emissoras estacionárias e armazená-lo em reservatórios geológicos adequados. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar como um Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) possibilitou a análise técnica-espacial para a identificação bem como a avaliação de áreas potenciais para armazenamento geológico de CO2 no Brasil. A elaboração de um SIG para este fim possibilitou o desenvolvimento de produtos que permitem uma análise ampla da situação atual do Brasil no que se refere a todas as etapas envolvidas no sequestro geológico de CO2. Este trabalho está inserido no Projeto CARBMAP, desenvolvido pelo Centro de Excelência em Pesquisa sobre Armazenamento de Carbono (CEPAC) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

    Territorial development and National School Feeding Program in rural territories of litoral and Campos de Cima da Serra rural territories, in Rio Grande do Sul

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    A política de Desenvolvimento Territorial tem como um dos seus objetivos o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar presente nos Territórios Rurais reconhecidos pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário. O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) vai ao encontro desta política ao exigir a obrigatoriedade da aquisição de, no mínimo 30%, de alimentos provenientes de agricultores familiares na Alimentação Escolar dos municípios, priorizando-se agricultores locais, seguidos de agricultores do território rural. Por estes avanços serem recentes, o papel do PNAE como agente fortalecedor desta política ainda não está bem elucidado. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a execução do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar a partir de indicadores educacionais, de recursos, de produção e de abastecimento das escolas, analisando as potencialidades e limitações do programa na dinamização do desenvolvimento dos Territórios Rurais Campos de Cima da Serra e Litoral, no Rio Grande do Sul. Para tal, foi realizado levantamento de dados em plataformas do OBSSAN-RS, do FNDE, referentes ao Censo Agropecuário, de 2006, e Censo Escolar, de 2014, respectivamente. Também foram realizadas entrevistas com Nutricionistas responsáveis pela Alimentação Escolar em 43,2% dos 37 municípios pertencentes aos Territórios Rurais. Observou-se que a compra de alimentos da agricultura familiar pelo PNAE é realizada em todos os municípios analisados, entretanto ele não é priorizado pelos gestores municipais como estratégia para o fortalecimento do desenvolvimento territorial.The Territorial Development Policy has as one of its objectives the strengthening of family farming present in Rural Areas recognized by the Ministry of Agrarian Development. The National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) meets this policy by requiring the compulsory acquisition of at least 30% of food from family farmers in the School Feeding municipalities, giving priority to local farmers, followed by farmers in the territory rural. For these are recent advances, the role of PNAE as strengthening agent of this policy is not well elucidated. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of the National School Feeding Programme from educational indicators, resources, production and supply of schools, analyzing the potential and limitations of the program in boosting the development of Rural Areas dos Campos de Cima da Serra and Litoral, in Rio Grande do Sul. To do this, it performed data collection platforms such as the RSOBSSAN, the ENDF, for the Agricultural Census, 2006, and School Census, 2014, respectively. Interviews were also conducted with nutritionists responsible for School Feeding in 43.2% of the 37 municipalities belonging to the Rural Areas. There was buying food from family farms by PNAE is held in all municipalities analyzed, though he is not prioritized by municipal managers as a strategy for strengthening the territorial development

    Degradation of a transgressive coastal Dunefield by pines plantation and strategies for recuperation (Lagoa Do Peixe National Park, Southern Brazil)

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    The transgressive dunefield of the Lagoa de Peixe Natural Park was modified drastically due to intensive pine plantation and the leeward development of the associated degraded areas. The present study analyzed the disturbances in the dunefield of the Lagoa do Peixe Natural Park due to pine tree plantation and the impact of the subsequent deforestation program conducted in the region. Aerial photographs, satellite images, and DGPS topographic data collected over a 70-year-long period were retrieved, analyzed, and compared, which allowed the observation of the geomorphological evolution of the dunefield. In addition, a profile of GPR on the inlet (during a period with the channel closed) was analyzed. In 1948, the surface of the sand barrier was occupied by high transverse dunes and low barchan dunes. Pine tree plantation on the inner side fixed the transgressive dunes and, consequently, avoided the filling of the shallow lagoon, although degraded areas were generated on the lee side of the pines. Simultaneous pine plantations in the backshore avoided the aeolian sediment input to the dunefield, generating a large interdune area along with the development of a few parabolic dunes, which resulted in cannibalization of the transgressive dunes. In 2001, pine trees occupied 15.03% of the total area analyzed in the present study, while the degraded area accounted for 10.81% of the total area. Progressive deforestation was performed (ring bound technique for tree gradual death), maintaining three lines of pines in contact with the dunes, to promote autochthonous vegetation growth, thereby preventing the filling of the adjacent lagoon with aeolian sediments. By the year 2018, the pine tree plantation area reduced to 3.25%, the dunefield area was 79.03%, and the extension of the degraded areas had increased and reached 17.71% of the total area. The pine tree plantation and the deforestation for conservation purposes are the main factors explaining the degradation of the dunefield during the period between 1948 and 2018, while regional climatic oscillations contributed as the secondary factor. Although internationally controversial, the present case study demonstrates that the removal of this exotic vegetation, through dune vegetation recovery programs, is often unsuccessful and may generate more degraded areas. However, in the case presented here, it was essential to remove the forest to ensure the dune field geodynamics and, therefore, the base (biotope) of the natural system (maintenance of the lagoon and the dunefield)

    Evolutionary stage, anthropogenic activities and evolution of the Itapeva dunefield (Torres-RS, Brazil)

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    Transgressive coastal dunefields dominate the southern coast of Brazil, and few studies are investigating the factors driving their historical changes. The aim of this study is to investigate spatio-temporal changes over the last 60 years in the Itapeva coastal transgressive dunefield (northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul state) and also the factors influencing these changes. The dunefield is analyzed via various methods including (i) spatial and temporal analyses of the dunefield utilizing aerial photography, satellite imagery and Geographic Information System, (ii) climatic analysis from 1961 to present and (iii) sand drift calculations. The results show a significant decrease in the mobile dunes area since 1953, an increase in vegetation cover, and an increase in urbanization area. While anthropogenic factors have influenced the dunefield (e.g. sediment removal and urbanization development), results of this study show that an increase in rainfall and decrease in average wind velocity are also responsible for the main spatial changes, vegetation colonization and stabilization processes in the Itapeva dunefield. The dunefield has also evolved into a new stage where deflation basin development and enlargement has encouraged vegetation colonization and expansio


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    Mapas sobre a vulnerabilidade natural à perda de solo são importantes produtos cartográficos de análise ambiental e servem como subsídio aos planos de gestão e ordenamento territorial. Este trabalho apresenta a análise integrada dos elementos do meio físico e do uso e ocupação do solo realizada na região do Morro do Osso e adjacências, município de Porto Alegre/ RS, com o objetivo de mapear a vulnerabilidade natural à perda de solo através da aplicação de técnicas de geoprocessamento em ambiente de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas e do conceito de Ecodinâmica. Os resultados obtidos mostram que na área de estudo não há predominância de processos morfogenéticos sobre os processos pedogenéticos, com 99,9% da área classificada, ao menos, segundo a classe .Medianamente Estável/Vulnerável. aos processos erosivos. A estabilidade do terreno se deve a fatores como o subtrato rochoso e a ampla presença de cobertura vegetal. Dados de campo comprovam a estabilidade da área aos processos erosivos, os quais se restringem a áreas de pisoteio devido ao tráfego humano (trilhas)

    Gestão integrada de unidade de conservação costeira - parque estadual de itapeva, torres-rs, Brasil

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    The National System of Conservation Units was created in order to preserve fragile environments that need to be protected in Brazilian territory. In Torres municipality, located in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul state (RS), there are beaches with singular scenic attractivity in southern Brazilian coast, due to their natural characteristics, and five conservation areas/units. The Itapeva State Park (Parque Estadual de Itapeva – PEVA, in Portuguese), where this study was conducted, was created in 2002, in order to protect dune fields, swamps and native vegetation in the RS coastal zone. However, anthropic pressure and its consequences continues until today. In this study a diagnosis of the environmental impacts in the north limit of the PEVA conservation unit was carried out, as well as the local community characterization and its relationship with the environment in which they live, and a survey of existent management actions in the city was conducted, in order to subsidize the conservation unit management. The methods used were interviews, field observations and analysis of documents