171 research outputs found


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    La diabetes mellitus gestacional se define como cualquier grado de intolerancia a la glucosa que se reconoce por primera vez durante el embarazo, se considera la endocrinopatía más frecuente del embarazo. En la población global aproximadamente de 6 a 7% de los embarazos se complican por diabetes, de los cuales 88 a 90% son casos de diabetes gestacional. Los embarazos con diabetes gestacional tienen un riesgo aumentado de resultados adversos. Comparar la frecuencia de los resultados perinatales adversos en pacientes con diabetes gestacional versus pacientes no diabéticas, atendidas en el Centro Médico ISSEMyM Ecatepec. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, comparativo y transversal. Se revisaron 100 expedientes clínicos de pacientes con diabetes mellitus gestacional y 100 de pacientes sin diabetes mellitus gestacional atendidas en el Centro Médico ISSEMyM Ecatepec en un periodo de dos años. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva. Para las variables cualitativas se utilizaron medidas de frecuencia expresadas en porcentajes y como medida de asociación se usaron tablas de contingencia y se calculó riesgo relativo con intervalos de confianza de 95%. Los resultados perinatales adversos que se evaluaron fueron más frecuentes en el grupo de pacientes con diabetes gestacional, 48 pacientes presentaron al menos un resultado perinatal adverso. En comparación, el grupo de pacientes sin diabetes gestacional, 35 pacientes presentaron al menos un resultado perinatal adverso. Los resultados adversos que se presentaron con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de las pacientes diabéticas fueron parto por cesárea, ingreso del recién nacido a la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales y parto prematuro. Aunque no se encontró significancia estadística, los resultados perinatales adversos fueron más frecuentes en el grupo de pacientes con diabetes gestacional.UAEM, la autora

    Aplicación de la terminación anticipada y la reducción de la carga procesal en los delitos de hurto, Ayacucho - 2021

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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación fue determinar de qué manera la aplicación de la terminación anticipada incide en la reducción de la carga procesal en los delitos de hurto, Ayacucho - 2021, concordante con el problema general de investigación, el cual es: ¿De qué manera la aplicación de la terminación anticipada incide en la reducción de la carga procesal en los delitos de hurto, Ayacucho - 2021?; la hipótesis general es: La aplicación de la terminación anticipada incide significativamente en la reducción de la carga procesal en los delitos de hurto, Ayacucho - 2021. El resultado más importante, el objetivo del Proceso Especial de Terminación Anticipada es acelerar el tiempo necesario para llevar a cabo el procedimiento legal en comparación con el procedimiento ordinario. El fundamento del proceso se basa en el principio de economía procesal y se logra a través del acuerdo entre el acusado y el fiscal. Este acuerdo incluye la pena, la indemnización civil y otros efectos secundarios. Es recomendable que el fiscal realice una imputación correcta para que los acuerdos alcanzados con el acusado no sean rechazados por el juez de investigación preparatoria debido a una mala clasificación de los hechos

    The use of blogs as a pedagogical strategy to develop descriptive paragraph writing.

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    Esta es una tesis donde los autores se centraron en el desarrollo de los estudiantes de escritura párrafo descriptivo mediante el uso de blogs como herramienta de aprendizaje. El estudio se desarrolló durante cuatro meses con los estudiantes de noveno grado en una escuela secundaria pública. Ellos desarrollaron una serie de actividades en el aula, así como en el blog. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes sienten la motivación cuando se trabaja con esta herramienta virtual, y la escritura párrafo descriptivo mejorado desde que reconocidos y aplicados en su estructura.This is a thesis where the authors focused on the development of student‟s descriptive paragraph writing by using Blogs as a learning tool. The study was developed over four months with students of ninth grade in a public high school. They developed a sequence of activities in the classroom as well as in the blog. The findings indicate that the students feel motivation when working with this virtual tool, and the descriptive paragraph writing improved since they recognized and applied its structure

    An in-depth analysis of a TTO's objectives alignment within the university strategy: An ANP-based approach

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    [EN] This paper presents the application of the Analytic Network Process for the analysis of the contribution of the third mission action plans to the research transfer policies set by the University Governing Body. The model is applied to the case study of the Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). The paper develops a rigorous decision-making tool that helps TTO managers analyse the effectiveness of TTO activities and their degree of alignment with the institution¿s objectives. This work considers TTO managers¿ qualitative information and value judgments about the activities performed.This work has been funded by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia PAID-06-2011/2042. The translation of this paper has been funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Aragonés-Beltrán, P.; Poveda Bautista, R.; Jiménez-Sáez, F. (2017). An in-depth analysis of a TTO's objectives alignment within the university strategy: An ANP-based approach. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 44:19-43. doi:10.1016/j.jengtecman.2017.03.002S19434

    Calidad del cuidado de enfermería y satisfacción del paciente adulto hospitalizado. Hospital MINSA II-1 Ilo 2019

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    En la actualidad la satisfacción del paciente ha venido adquiriendo notable importancia en las instituciones que brindan servicios de salud considerando que superar las expectativas del usuario está condicionada por la calidad de las atenciones que recibe. En tal sentido el cuidado que brinda la enfermera es significativo e influyente en la salud del paciente y para garantizar una calidad óptima y aceptable se requiere de la aplicación de conocimientos científicos y técnicos, habilidades y destrezas, la humanización de los cuidados y una relación interpersonal con calidez, sensibilidad y empatía. El propósito de la presente investigación es asociar la calidad del cuidado de enfermería y satisfacción del paciente adulto hospitalizado. Hospital MINSA II-1 Ilo 2019. El estudio es de tipo no experimental, transversal y el diseño fue asecuenciado de asociación. La población de estudio está conformada por 100 pacientes adultos hospitalizados en los servicios de medicina y cirugía. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica encuesta a través de una entrevista. Se utilizó dos cuestionarios validados para evaluar la calidad del cuidado y la satisfacción del paciente. En los resultados se evidencia que el nivel de calidad del cuidado de enfermería guarda relación directa con la satisfacción del paciente adulto hospitalizado. Se concluyó que existe una relación significativa entre la calidad del cuidado de enfermería y satisfacción del paciente adulto hospitalizado (p=0.00).Tesi

    Management Indicators for the Organisational Sustainability of Associative Productive Ventures

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    [EN] Associative enterprises linked to the social economy continue to be an important economic alternative for small producers, generating decent work opportunities for people excluded from the formal labour market and contributing to sustainable development. The social and economic importance of this type of initiative has prompted several scientific publications on its success factors, leaving a gap in its practicality, raising the question: How can success factors of associative productive ventures be integrated into management indicators that promote their organisational sustainability? The aim is to define and prioritise management indicators that promote associative productive ventures through the analysis of key success factors. This study was carried out using a combination of BSC management methodology and AHP multicriteria decision making, based on a bibliographic review of success factors and the criteria of experts including managers of consolidated production associations in Quito-Ecuador. The results show that the indicators of participatory leadership, technical training and labour integration are the most relevant in the consolidation of associative productive ventures, prompting the conclusion that the prioritisation and integration of business and social management indicators would boost the organisational sustainability of associative ventures.This research was funded by Central University of Ecuador, grant number R-006-2019.Guananga, LA.; Poveda Bautista, R.; García-Melón, M. (2023). Management Indicators for the Organisational Sustainability of Associative Productive Ventures. Sustainability. 15(23). https://doi.org/10.3390/su152316166152

    El docente y la innovación curricular

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    Curricular innovation and professor are two broad fields of study in education, however, in this research was specifically analyzed the problems faced in Cotopaxi province, in Pujilí, Angamarca neighborhood, at "Chone” Educational Institution belonging to zone 3 district 05D04, the problem is centered on how to combine this theoretical proposal with the current rural scholastic situation, especially in the fulfillment of the teacher contents domain with each area of study. The research objectives established the scientific basis for teaching and curricular innovation in order to improve the relationship between learning standards. The methodology applied in this research is descriptive with a quantitative approach and the instrument was a questionnaire with closed-ended questions, in which data collected through surveys and interviews to get teaching overview work and conduct a thorough data analysis. The teacher considered as an independent variable: the teaching work, the professionalism, its ability as a mediator, the quality standards, while the dependent variable was analyzed the teaching and learning processes, the curriculum structure and content, the didactic methods, the evaluation criteria, teamwork and interaction in the classroom. This is a research oriented to education and to have as beneficiaries to the school institution, it can be established that this research has a socio-educational contribution to determine how the educational curriculum is integrated into the teaching innovation and the current Ecuadorian educational system. This research becomes a technical resource, because it can be applied to different institutions. This research was feasible because the institution opened the doors to make known how academic activities are developed, from the perspective of one's own needs. This research was possible because it had information obtained in the process and in the study period. Finally, this research was necessary because the current analysis of curricular innovation in Ecuador is an issue that must be addressed and emphasized in a timely manner.La innovación curricular y el docente son dos campos amplios en el estudio de la educación, sin embargo en este proyecto se analizó en específico la problemática de la provincia de Cotopaxi en la ciudad de Pujilí, parroquia Angamarca, en la Unidad Educativa "Chone" perteneciente a la zona número 3 del distrito 05D04, donde el problema se centra en como compaginar esta propuesta teórica con la situación escolástica rural actual, en especial en el cumplimiento del dominio de los contenidos del docente con cada área de estudio. Como objetivos de la investigación se estableció la fundamentación científica referentes al docente y la innovación curricular para mejorar la relación de los estándares de aprendizaje. La metodología que se aplicó en esta investigación es descriptiva con un enfoque cuantitativo donde el instrumento fue un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas, en esta se realizó la toma de datos por medio de encuestas y entrevista para tener una visión general de la labor docente y realizar un análisis minucioso de datos. Se consideró al docente como variable independiente: la labor docente, el profesionalismo, su habilidad como mediador, los estándares de calidad, mientras que de la variable dependiente se analizó: los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, estructura y contenido del curriculum, los métodos didácticos, criterios de evaluación, trabajo en equipo e interacción en el aula. Al ser un proyecto orientado a la educación y tener como beneficiarios a una institución escolar se puede establecer que este proyecto tiene un aporte socio educativo y determinar como el currículo educativo se integra a la innovación docente y al sistema ecuatoriano educativo actual. A su vez esta investigación se convierte en un recurso con técnico, debido a que esta investigación se puede aplicar a diferentes instituciones. Este proyecto fue factible ya que la institución abrió las puertas para dar a conocer cómo se desarrollan las actividades académicas, desde la perspectiva de las necesidades de la propia. Fue posible al contar los investigadores con información obtenida en el proceso de investigación y en el periodo de estudio. Por ultimo esta investigación fue necesaria ya que el análisis actual de innovación curricular en el Ecuador es un tema que debe tratarse y ser enfatizado de manera oportun

    Errors Using Observational Methods for Ergonomics Assessment in Real Practice

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    [EN] Objective: The degree in which practitioners use the observational methods for musculoskeletal disorder risks assessment correctly was evaluated. Background: Ergonomics assessment is a key issue for the prevention and reduction of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in workplaces. Observational assessment methods appear to be better matched to the needs of practitioners than direct measurement methods, and for this reason, they are the most widely used techniques in real work situations. Despite the simplicity of observational methods, those responsible for assessing risks using these techniques should have some experience and know-how in order to be able to use them correctly. Method: We analyzed 442 risk assessments of actual jobs carried out by 290 professionals from 20 countries to determine their reliability. Results: The results show that approximately 30% of the assessments performed by practitioners had errors. In 13% of the assessments, the errors were severe and completely invalidated the results of the evaluation. Conclusion: Despite the simplicity of observational method, approximately 1 out of 3 assessments conducted by practitioners in actual work situations do not adequately evaluate the level of potential musculoskeletal disorder risks. Application: This study reveals a problem that suggests greater effort is needed to ensure that practitioners possess better knowledge of the techniques used to assess work-related musculoskeletal disorder risks and that laws and regulations should be stricter as regards qualifications and skills required by professionals.This work was supported by the Programa estatal de investigacion, desarrollo e innovacion orientada a los retos de la sociedad of the government of Spain under Grant DPI2016-79042-R.Diego-Mas, JA.; Alcaide Marzal, J.; Poveda Bautista, R. (2017). Errors Using Observational Methods for Ergonomics Assessment in Real Practice. Human Factors The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 59(8):1173-1187. https://doi.org/10.1177/00187208177234961173118759

    Effects of Using Immersive Media on the Effectiveness of Training to Prevent Ergonomics Risks

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    [EN] In this work, the effects of using immersive media such as virtual reality on the performance of training programs to avoid ergonomics risks are analyzed. The advance of technology has made it possible to use low-cost portable devices able to generate highly immersive experiences in training programs. The effects of using this kind of device in training programs have been studied in several fields such as industrial security, medicine and surgery, rehabilitation, or construction. However, there is very little research on the effects of using immersive media in training workers to avoid ergonomics risk factors. In this study, we compare the effects of using traditional and immersive media in a training program to avoid three common ergonomics risk factors in industrial environments. Our results showed that using immersive media increases the participant's engagement during the training. In the same way, the learning contents are perceived as more interesting and useful and are better remembered over time, leading to an increased perception of the ergonomics risks among workers. However, we found that little training was finally transferred to the workplace three months after the training session.This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, grant number DPI2016-79042-R.Diego-Mas, JA.; Alcaide-Marzal, J.; Poveda Bautista, R. (2020). Effects of Using Immersive Media on the Effectiveness of Training to Prevent Ergonomics Risks. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 17(7):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17072592S118177Perruccio, A. V., Yip, C., Badley, E. M., & Power, J. D. (2017). Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Neglected Group at Public Health and Epidemiology Meetings? American Journal of Public Health, 107(10), 1584-1585. doi:10.2105/ajph.2017.303990Merkesdal, S., Ruof, J., Huelsemann, J. L., Mittendorf, T., Handelmann, S., Mau, W., & Zeidler, H. (2005). Indirect cost assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Comparison of data from the health economic patient questionnaire HEQ-RA and insurance claims data. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 53(2), 234-240. doi:10.1002/art.21080Gignac, M. A. M., Cao, X., Lacaille, D., Anis, A. H., & Badley, E. M. (2008). Arthritis-related work transitions: A prospective analysis of reported productivity losses, work changes, and leaving the labor force. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 59(12), 1805-1813. doi:10.1002/art.24085Daniels, K., Gedikli, C., Watson, D., Semkina, A., & Vaughn, O. (2017). Job design, employment practices and well-being: a systematic review of intervention studies. Ergonomics, 60(9), 1177-1196. doi:10.1080/00140139.2017.1303085Burgess-Limerick, R. (2018). Participatory ergonomics: Evidence and implementation lessons. Applied Ergonomics, 68, 289-293. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2017.12.009King, P. M., Fisher, J. C., & Garg, A. 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The effect of manual handling training on achieving training transfer, employee’s behaviour change and subsequent reduction of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review. Ergonomics, 57(1), 93-107. doi:10.1080/00140139.2013.862307Yu, W., Yu, I. T. S., Wang, X., Li, Z., Wan, S., Qiu, H., … Sun, T. (2012). Effectiveness of participatory training for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders: a randomized controlled trial. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 86(4), 431-440. doi:10.1007/s00420-012-0775-3Hoe, V. C., Urquhart, D. M., Kelsall, H. L., Zamri, E. N., & Sim, M. R. (2018). Ergonomic interventions for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb and neck among office workers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018(10). doi:10.1002/14651858.cd008570.pub3Hoe, V. C., Urquhart, D. M., Kelsall, H. L., & Sim, M. R. (2012). 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Physical and Cognitive Effects of Virtual Reality Integrated Training. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 53(5), 558-572. doi:10.1177/0018720811413389Berg, L. P., & Vance, J. M. (2016). Industry use of virtual reality in product design and manufacturing: a survey. Virtual Reality, 21(1), 1-17. doi:10.1007/s10055-016-0293-9Mahmood, T., Scaffidi, M. A., Khan, R., & Grover, S. C. (2018). Virtual reality simulation in endoscopy training: Current evidence and future directions. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 24(48), 5439-5445. doi:10.3748/wjg.v24.i48.5439Wong, M. A. M. E., Chue, S., Jong, M., Benny, H. W. K., & Zary, N. (2018). Clinical instructors’ perceptions of virtual reality in health professionals’ cardiopulmonary resuscitation education. SAGE Open Medicine, 6, 205031211879960. doi:10.1177/2050312118799602Farra, S. L., Miller, E. T., & Hodgson, E. (2015). Virtual reality disaster training: Translation to practice. 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    Using the strategic relative alignment index for the selection of portfolio projects application to a public Venezuelan Power Corporation

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    In this paper a new approach that uses the alignment of projects with corporate strategic objectives to prioritize project portfolio in an efficient and reliable way is presented. For this purpose, corporate strategic objectives will be used as prioritization criteria to obtain the Relative Alignment Index (RAI) of each project which indicates how close or far each project is from the strategic objectives of the company. The approach presented uses the Analytic Network Process. This technique allows considering the influences among all the elements within the network, that means, the strategic objectives, and specially the projects within a portfolio. The proposed RAI index helps to select the best strategically aligned projects for the organization. The proposed RAI index and its form of evaluation have not previously been considered in the project portfolio literature until now. The research methodology for the development of RAI is based on a combination of a synthesis of the literature across the diverse fields of project management, project alignment, multicriteria decision methods and a parallel analysis of an industrial case study. The use of the proposed RAI index is demonstrated using a rigorous methodology with acceptable complexity which seeks to assist managers of the National Electricity Corporation of Venezuela, recently founded and composed by 13 merging old companies, both public and private, in their yearly resources' assignment on their projects portfolio. The aim being to determine a projects 'ranking based on their degree of alignment to corporate strategy and on the judgments of a group of experts, such as the management board. The new corporation assumed the challenge of setting strategic directions (Mission, Vision, Values, Strategic objectives, Plans, Programs, etc.) common to all merging companies. This approach with multi-stakeholders support allows managers to strategically allocate resources to each project in a consensual way.García-Melón, M.; Poveda Bautista, R.; Del Valle, JL. (2015). Using the strategic relative alignment index for the selection of portfolio projects application to a public Venezuelan Power Corporation. International Journal of Production Economics. 170:54-66. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.08.023S546617