266 research outputs found

    A Factorization Result for Classical and Similitude Groups

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    For most classical and similitude groups, we show that each element can be written as a product of two transformations that preserve or almost preserve the underlying form and whose squares are certain scalar maps. This generalizes work of Wonenburger and Vinroot. As an application, we re-prove and slightly extend a well-known result of Meeglin, Vigneras, and Waldspurger on the existence of automorphisms of p-adic classical groups that take each irreducible smooth representation to its dual

    Infrared images of reflection nebulae and Orion's bar: Fluorescent molecular hydrogen and the 3.3 micron feature

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    Images were obtained of the (fluorescent) molecular hydrogen 1-0 S(1) line, and of the 3.3 micron emission feature, in Orion's Bar and three reflection nebulae. The emission from these species appears to come from the same spatial locations in all sources observed. This suggests that the 3.3 micron feature is excited by the same energetic UV-photons which cause the molecular hydrogen to fluoresce

    Assessment and Choice: An Operant Simulation of Foraging in Patches

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    Pigeons were presented with an operant simulation of two prey patches using concurrent random ratio schedules of reinforcement. An unstable patch offered a higher initial reinforcement probability, which then declined unpredictably to a zero reinforcement probability in each session. A stable patch offered a low but unvarying reinforcement probability. When the reinforcement probability declined to zero in a single step, the birds displayed shorter giving-up times in the unstable patch when the ratio between the initial reinforcement probabilities in the unstable and stable patches was greater and when the combined magnitude of the reinforcement probabilities in the two patches was greater. When the unstable patch declined in two steps, the birds behaved as if their giving-up times were influenced heavily by events encountered during the most recent step of the double-step change. This effect was observed, however, only when the reinforcement probability in that step was .04, not when it was .06. All of these data agree with the predictions of a capture-probability model based on a comparison of the estimated probability of receiving a reinforcer in the current patch with that in alternative patches

    Surface-based versus volume-based fMRI group analysis: a case study

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    International audienceBeing able to detect reliably functional activity in a popula- tion of subjects is crucial in human brain mapping, both for the under- standing of cognitive functions in normal subjects and for the analysis of patient data. The usual approach proceeds by normalizing brain volumes to a common 3D template. However, a large part of the data acquired in fMRI aims at localizing cortical activity, and methods working on the cortical surface may provide better inter-subject registration than the standard procedures that process the data in 3D. Nevertheless, few as- sessments of the performance of surface-based (2D) versus volume-based (3D) procedures have been shown so far, mostly because inter-subject cortical surface maps are not easily obtained. In this paper we present a systematic comparison of 2D versus 3D group-level inference procedures, by using cluster-level and voxel-level statistics assessed by permutation, in random e ects (RFX) and mixed-e ects analyses (MFX). We nd that, using a voxel-level thresholding, and to some extent, cluster-level thresholding, the surface-based approach generally detects more, but smaller active regions than the corresponding volume-based approach for both RFX and MFX procedures, and that surface-based supra-threshold regions are more reproducible by bootstrap

    Modifying executive function and self-regulatory behaviours in developmental dyslexia: cognitive and neural bases of response inhibition

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    Dyslexia is characterised by impaired reading, but socio-emotional problems typically co-occur (1). It is also associated with response inhibition (RI) impairments at the behavioural (2,3) and neural levels as indexed by reduced response-inhibition related P3 amplitude (4). Studies have shown that variability in RI is predictive of the severity of reading and socio-emotional problems in dyslexia (2,5), suggesting that RI may underpin these issues. RI appears modifiable at the behavioural and neural levels with training (6,7). Therefore, RI training may improve RI (behavioural & neural), and reduce reading and socio-emotional problems in dyslexia. No study to date has explored whether RI is modifiable in dyslexia and whether training transfers to reduced symptoms

    Structural analysis of fMRI data revisited: improving the sensitivity and reliability of fMRI group studies.

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    International audienceGroup studies of functional magnetic resonance imaging datasets are usually based on the computation of the mean signal across subjects at each voxel (random effects analyses), assuming that all subjects have been set in the same anatomical space (normalization). Although this approach allows for a correct specificity (rate of false detections), it is not very efficient for three reasons: i) its underlying hypotheses, perfect coregistration of the individual datasets and normality of the measured signal at the group level are frequently violated; ii) the group size is small in general, so that asymptotic approximations on the parameters distributions do not hold; iii) the large size of the images requires some conservative strategies to control the false detection rate, at the risk of increasing the number of false negatives. Given that it is still very challenging to build generative or parametric models of intersubject variability, we rely on a rule based, bottom-up approach: we present a set of procedures that detect structures of interest from each subject's data, then search for correspondences across subjects and outline the most reproducible activation regions in the group studied. This framework enables a strict control on the number of false detections. It is shown here that this analysis demonstrates increased validity and improves both the sensitivity and reliability of group analyses compared with standard methods. Moreover, it directly provides information on the spatial position correspondence or variability of the activated regions across subjects, which is difficult to obtain in standard voxel-based analyses

    Recreational Diving Impacts on Coral Reefs and the Adoption of Environmentally Responsible Practices within the SCUBA Diving Industry

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    Recreational diving on coral reefs is an activity that has experienced rapidly growing levels of popularity and participation. Despite providing economic activity for many developing coastal communities, the potential role of dive impacts in contributing to coral reef damage is a concern at heavily dived locations. Management measures to address this issue increasingly include the introduction of programmes designed to encourage environmentally responsible practices within the dive industry. We examined diver behaviour at several important coral reef dive locations within the Philippines and assessed how diver characteristics and dive operator compliance with an environmentally responsible diving programme, known as the Green Fins approach, affected reef contacts. The role of dive supervision was assessed by recording dive guide interventions underwater, and how this was affected by dive group size. Of the 100 recreational divers followed, 88 % made contact with the reef at least once per dive, with a mean (±SE) contact rate of 0.12 ± 0.01 per min. We found evidence that the ability of dive guides to intervene and correct diver behaviour in the event of a reef contact decreases with larger diver group sizes. Divers from operators with high levels of compliance with the Green Fins programme exhibited significantly lower reef contact rates than those from dive operators with low levels of compliance. The successful implementation of environmentally responsible diving programmes, which focus on influencing dive industry operations, can contribute to the management of human impacts on coral reefs