410 research outputs found

    Strategy Management Using SWOT Analysis on Patient Satisfaction Rate in Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital

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    Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital is a class A teaching hospital which is a DIY and South Central Java referral hospital. This hospital still has a disadvantage in terms of patient satisfaction, where it has not met the standards set by national standards ≥85% and the target of medium-term hospitals in 2017 is 90% but the achievement of Dr Sardjito General Hospital is 81.66%. Deficiencies in terms of these services can be a weakness and even a threat to Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. Therefore, to analyze these problems using a strategy using the SWOT analysis method. The method used is descriptive. The type of data used secondary data, namely from records or company documentation and scientific publications. Obtained a total FSI score of 3.35 means greater strength than weakness. The total FSE score of 3.65 means that the opportunity was greater than the threat. The strategy that can be used based on the SWOT analysis is strength and opportunit

    Relevansi Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi Antropologi dengan Kebutuhan Mengajar Guru SMA

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    Materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang diajarkan di SMA senantiasa mengalami Perubahan. Sementara kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES tidak banyak mengalami Perubahan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis membahas bagaimana relevansi antara Kurikulum Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES dengan kebutuhan mengajar bagi guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi SMA Negeri di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat kasus, pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara tertutup dan terbuka, dan analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi FIS UNNES, masih relevan dengan materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang diajarakan di SMA. Saran yang diajukan adalah: perlu diselenggarakan penataran-penataran/diklat-diklat peningkatan penguasaan materi pembelajaran Sosiologi dan Antropologi bagi guru-guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi yang bukan berlatar belakang Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Pengangkatan CPNS Guru Sosiologi dan Antropologi perlu diprioritaskan dari lulusan Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi. Pengembangan kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi tetap mengacu pada relevansinya dengan kebutuhan di lapangan.Sociology and Anthropology instructional materials taught in high school are constantly changing, though the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology FIS Unnes does not change much. In this study, the author discusses the relevance of the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology of Education Unnes FIS to the needs of teaching for teachers of Sociology and Anthropology Senior high school in Central Java. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach using descriptive methods. Based on the results of the study it is concluded that the curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology Unnes FIS is still relevant to the needs of Sociology and Anthropology classes at the high school. The suggestions are: to be held refresher courses for teachers, upgrading courses for miss match teachers. The selection of teachers of Sociology and Anthropology should be prioritized from the alumni of sociology and anthropology department and the development of Educational Studies Program curriculum of Sociology and Anthropology should refer to the relevance and needs on the ground

    Implementasi Program “Santun Lansia” Puskesmas Kabupaten Sleman

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    Background: The elderly courtship program is a manifestation of the concern of the Sleman District Government to the elderly people who need special services because of their old physical structure, where the elderly have the same right to continuously improve their health so that they remain capable and active in the development, productive socially and economically. Method: The type of this research is descriptive by analyzing data of elderly program. The elderly data is obtained from the coverage report of puskesmas services, laws and regulations related to this issue and criteria of elderly mannered programs. Results: the elderly polite program is the government policy of Sleman Regency seen from the program facilities owned to the number of visits of elderly patients who receive health services. The total number of elderly in Sleman regency is 105.955 people. Primary Health Center (Puskesmas) visitors with strata I as many as 9,892 people, 2 Puskesmas with strata II amounted to 62,579. Primary Health Center (Puskesmas) with strata III amounted to 9,192 people and primary health center strata IV not yet exist in Sleman Regency. Conclusion: The elderly decentralized program refers to government policies that are set forth in laws and regulations. Continuous evaluation is required to improve the infrastructure and services of puskesmas in order for the elderly to obtain the same comfort as the general patient

    Triage Process in Emergency Departments: an Indonesian Study

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    Background: Triage process has rapidly developed in some countries in the last three decades in order to respond to the demand for emergency services by growing population and emergency health needs. However, this development does not appear to match in Indonesian hospitals. The triage process in Indonesia remains obscure.Purpose: This study aimed to describe triage process in Indonesia from a range of different perspectives.Methods: The research design of this study was descriptive qualitative using semistructured interviews of 12 policy makers or persons responsible from 5 different organizations which informed triage practice in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using a three step content analysis.Results: The result produced 3 themes. First, four steps of triage process ranging from receiving to prioritizing were reported as the triaging procedures in Indonesia which were almost similar to the International literature except for a re-triage step. Second,primary and secondary triage processes were also applied in all emergency departments in Indonesia. Last, no prolonged waiting time in Indonesia could be assumed whether the triage process was effective and efficient or it was only a quick process of sorting to rapidly increase the number of patients in the treatment rooms. Out of the themes, the result also indicated that the involvement of nurses in health policy development inIndonesia needed supportConclusion: Triage process in Indonesia still needs improvements. Patient\u27s re-triage and evaluating secondary triage should be given more frameworks in the future. An effective and efficient triage process in Indonesia will best manage the number of patients in the treatment rooms and therefore further observational researches on patterns and trends are needed. Moreover, including the role of nurses as policy makers in the curriculum of nursing undergraduate and post-graduate degrees would give nurses the evidence to seek out policy making positions in the futur

    Orang Madura: suatu Tinjauan Antropologis

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    Ecologically, Madura Island has dry ecotype in a tropical weather, limy land, low rainfall, and low soil productivity. This condition contributes to shaping Maduraneses\u27 unique characters, not only in social relations but also moral economy. The Madura habitation pattern of tanean lanjang is a form of social unit creating self-confident individuals and community relations based on individualistic spirit. Ecological limitations makes Maduraneses trust not land ethics but labour ethics. The individualistic and self-confident characters result in Madura\u27s social and moral economic relations with simple, hardworking, deligent, thrifty, and religious individuals

    The Effect of Guided Independent Reading on the Motivation, Vocabulary Knowledge, and Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade Eight Students of SMPN 1 Bantarsari-Cilacap

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    This research aims to: (1) describe the effect of guided independent reading (GIR) as a part of extensive reading; (2) compare the effectiveness between GIR and conventional learning; and (3) compare the effectiveness between GIR variation 1 and 2 on motivation, vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability. The research was quasi-experimental using two experimental groups and one control group. The population was 254 students of grade VIII of SMPN 1 Bantarsari-Cilacap, which consisted of seven classes. A sample of three classes was established randomly. There were four variables involved, i.e. GIR as the independent variable, the students’ motivation, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension ability as the dependent variable. The data were collected through a non-test technique for students’ motivation by using the likert scale and a test of vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability. The data were analyzed using : (1) the one sample t-test carried out to investigate the effect of GIR in each dependent variable; (2) the multivariate analysis involving the Helmert Contrast carried out to investigate the difference in the effectiveness of GIR as well as the conventional technique on three dependent variables simultaneously; (3) the post-hoc test involving the Tukey carried out to analyze which one was more effective between GIR and conventional technique in students’ motivation, vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability. The results of the study show that: (1) GIR has a significant effect on all dependent variables,as indicated by tcounted ≥ t(0,05;n-1), (2) GIR is more effective than the control group in improving all dependent variables, as indicated by p < 0.05 except GIR variation 1 in reading comprehension ability has an equal effect with a conventional technique, as indicated by p > 0.05, (3) there is no difference in the effectiveness of GIR variation 1 and 2 in terms of improving students’ motivation, vocabulary knowledge, and reading comprehension skills, as indicated by p < 0.05


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    Urban waterfronts as complex bioregions by nature and also socio-economical hubs by their history provide a real challenge for planning institutions in capturing and responding to the trends and dynamic of the development. In the perspective of being competitive, cities are exercising urban practises to attract investment and resources by rediscovering urban tradition and culture fundamental to build attractive urban identity. Tertiary industry including urban tourism is being developed in attractive and strategic places by revitalizing the city centre and the waterfronts.Understanding the challenge and key issues of urban waterfront redevelopment is crucial in the planning for sustainable future for the waterfront. This article descripts the challenge and issues found in the urban waterfront redevelopment; the problems that are integrally linked with the history of planning of the surrounding urban region, and the opportunity abound to be addressed as integral character of the city’s future growth. The approach to sustainable urban waterfront redevelopment differs from locale to locale, but the study cases show some challenge and key issues in the urban waterfront redevelopment are quite similar.Four cases of urban waterfront redevelopment plan located in Toronto Central Waterfront, Dalian Waterfront, Zanzibar’s Stone Town and Jakarta’s Waterfront are compared to understand the scope of the planning sector, the challenge characteristic to urban waterfront redevelopment, and the approach used in planning toward sustainable waterfront design. The objective of the case review is to find good examples of theory implementation : what are the destination of the future waterfronts, the planning approach and institutional and sectoral cooperations. The reason for choosing the cases is based on the difference of geographical location and culture, the difference approach and the possible difference of waterfront characteristic.  Zanzibar and Jakarta are located in developing countries and the two cases present a characteristic challenge; tackling urban problems including urban poverty as one of the main goals. Toronto and Dalian’s location in more developed world (Canada and China), provided some insight of difference and similarities with those in developing countries.The result shows that urban waterfront is indeed challenging environment where urban planning is constantly challenged by three pillar sectors; the economy, social and ecology. The evidence from case studies shows that major challenge found in the urban waterfront redevelopment should be addressed sustainably, requiring multi-sectoral and multi-scale institutional approach. Key issues and challenge in addressing urban waterfronts redevelopment include economic diversity, social identity, shifting land use made possible by urban policy, reconciling conflict of interests, local institutional capacity and the planning system and delivery mechanism implemented.Keywords : urban waterfront, sustainability, urban redevelopment, sustainable spatial plannin
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