143 research outputs found

    Religious free speech and anti-discrimination laws in Australia

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    This thesis addresses the delicate relationship between Religious Free Speech and Australian Anti-discrimination laws. There are an increasing number of conflicts arising between religious and secular speech. Different opinions related to sensitive matters often result in social and legal disputes. Some of these disputes become complaints under Anti-discrimination laws and arguably lead to less freedom of conscience and speech. This thesis focuses on ‘the relationship between Religious Free Speech and Anti-discrimination laws’. This is done though critical analysis of relevant literature, cases and legislation, contextualising them in response to the questions proposed in the research paper

    Fertility, full-time and part-time female employment in Europe

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    This paper aims to analyse the relation between women’s employment patterns, more specifically part-time employment, and fertility trends in European countries, using Eurostat data. It is argued that this approach sheds an innovative light on the debate. The issue of part-time employment is put into perspective in the context of family policies and gender relations. The fertility/employment relationship shows that the overall positive association between fertility and female employment is a consequence of the importance of part-time employment and is not related with full-time employment. Therefore, the change in sign of the fertility employment association after the 1980s could result from the increasing diversification of the labour market

    Avaliação do conhecimento de estudantes de medicina sobre dor em cuidados paliativos / Evaluation of the knowledge of medicine students about pain in palliative care

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    Cuidado paliativo é um cuidado em saúde representando por um conjunto de ações designadas a uma equipe multiprofissional junto a um paciente que possui alguma patologia incurável com o objetivo de controle de sintomas e, consequentemente, a melhoria da qualidade de vida do paciente, de forma contínua. Nesse sentido, foi objetivo deste estudo avaliar o conhecimento dos estudantes internos de medicina de diferentes faculdades brasileiras acerca da dor em cuidados paliativos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra do estudo abrangeu 180 alunos de faculdades de medicina brasileiras que estavam cursando os quatro últimos períodos da faculdade. Á estes alunos, aplicou-se um questionário online utilizando a ferramenta Google Forms. O período de coleta foi entre os meses de agosto a outubro do ano de 2020. Os dados obtidos foram compilados no programa Microsoft Excel e no Programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS - versão 21.0), com realização de dupla digitação e, posteriormente, conferidos eletronicamente. A análise dos dados, por sua vez, foi efetivada ora por meio da estatística descritiva. Ao final, percebeu-se que Diante do clara a necessidade de incentivar a academia médica no ensino do manejo terapêutico da dor, tanto durante a faculdade quanto durante a residência, haja vista sua importância e prevalência, sendo assim necessário haver um enfoque maior na formação acadêmica sobre o assunto

    Programación de enseñanza individualizada para ambiente virtual de aprendizaje: elaboración del contenido registro de enfermería

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe the planning of contents on nursing records for use in a virtual learning environment, based on Individualized Teaching Programming, a didactic resource that uses basic principles of behavioral analysis. METHOD: Final objectives were specified, after defining the intermediary components to achieve each final objective, as well as the preliminary requirements for each intermediary component. At the end of this process, teaching activities were planned and organized in steps the students need to develop. RESULTS: By breaking up the contents into behaviors, seven action categories emerged: impartiality, organization, honesty, objectiveness, coherence, readability and discernment. CONCLUSION: the use of Individualized Teaching Programming as a didactic resource to plan contents on nursing records is feasible to identify the units and modules for the development of a course in a virtual learning environment for nursing professionals.OBJETIVO: Describir la planificación de contenido sobre registro de enfermería, para utilización en ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, con base en la Programación de Enseñanza Individualizada, un recurso didáctico que utiliza principios básicos del análisis del comportamiento. MÉTODO: fueron especificados objetivos finales, definidos los componentes intermediarios para alcanzar cada objetivo terminal, así como requisitos antecedentes para cada componente intermediario. Al final de ese proceso, fueron planeadas y organizadas las actividades de enseñanza en pasos que serán desarrollados por los aprendices. RESULTADOS: Al desmembrar el contenido en comportamientos, siete categorías de acciones emergieron: imparcialidad, organización, honestidad, objetividad, coherencia, legibilidad y discernimiento. CONCLUSIÓN: la utilización de la Programación de Enseñanza Individualizada como recurso didáctico para la planificación de contenido sobre registro de enfermería se mostró viable para el desarrollo del curso en ambiente virtual de aprendizaje para profesionales de enfermería.OBJETIVO: descrever o planejamento de conteúdo sobre registro de enfermagem para utilização em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, fundamentado na Programação de Ensino Individualizado, recurso didático que utiliza princípios básicos da análise do comportamento. MÉTODO: foram especificados objetivos terminais, definidos os componentes intermediários para a consecução de cada objetivo terminal, assim como os requisitos antecedentes para cada componente intermediário. Ao fim desse processo, foram planejadas e organizadas as atividades de ensino em passos a serem desenvolvidos pelos aprendizes. RESULTADOS: ao desmembrar o conteúdo em comportamentos, sete categorias de ações emergiram: imparcialidade, organização, honestidade, objetividade, coerência, legibilidade e discernimento. CONCLUSÃO: a utilização da Programação de Ensino Individualizado, como recurso didático para o planejamento de conteúdo sobre registro de enfermagem, mostrou-se viável para identificar as unidades e módulos para o desenvolvimento do curso em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, para profissionais de enfermagem

    Glauconite-bearing rocks as alternative potassium source for fertilizer by thermal processing with additives / Rochas portadoras de glauconita como fonte alternativa de potássio para fertilizantes por processamento térmico com aditivos

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    Glauconite (K,Na) (Fe,Al,Mg)2 (Si,Al)4 O10 (OH)2 is a green, potassium and iron hydrated phyllosilicate, monoclinic mineral. It is a secondary mineral formed from the alteration of iron-rich micas, such as biotite. It is a potential source of potassium, but still not commercialized due to lack of commercial technology that makes the business viable. The objective of this work was to evaluate the reactivity, in relation to the release of potassium, from a glauconite-containing rock, subjected to thermal alteration, with additives, at two temperatures: 800°C 900°C. The source of glauconite was the Verdete that occurs in Serra da Saudade, in the region of the municipality of Cedro de Abaeté, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The following additives were used:CaSO4.2H2O, CaCO3 and Na2SO4,at the mass ratio with respect to the rock: (1.0: 0.2: 0.3: 0.2). Thermal alteration was performed at 800°C900°C. After thermal alteration, the calcined samples were leached with 20% sulfuric acid (m/m). The final product was a solution containing K2SO4. At the temperature of 800°C, the potassium released reached only 11.2%. Increasing the temperature to 900°C, the extraction incresed to 40%. There was a tendency for increased potassium release at temperatures higher than 900°C. These findings highlight gave the potential forglauconite to be exploited as an alternative source of potassium for the production of fertilizer, by thermal processing with sulfating compounds

    Management of Gastrointestinal Toxicity from Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors have shown anti-tumour activity in cancers such as melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, non-small-cell lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, colorectal cancer, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Though immune checkpoint inhibitors have revolutionized the treatment and prognosis of some advanced malignancies, they are also associated with a significant risk of immune-related adverse events. These adverse events can occur in any organ system, but gastrointestinal side effects are among the most commonly reported, with manifestations ranging from mild diarrhoea to severe colitis, sharing some features with inflammatory bowel disease. Anticipating a greater use of these drugs in the future, gastroenterologists should expect to be increasingly faced with gastrointestinal immune-related adverse events. Knowledge of these toxicities, as well as effective management algorithms, is essential to enable early diagnosis and treatment, decreasing morbidity and mortality. We reviewed the currently available literature on gastrointestinal toxicity induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors, namely the clinical features, diagnosis, and management

    Avaliação do conhecimento de internos de medicina sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento do acidente vascular encefálico / Evaluation of the knowledge of medicine internals about diagnosis and treatment of brain vascular accident

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    O acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é uma doença crônica degenerativa do aparelho circulatório que ocorre devido à interrupção de fluxo sanguíneo para o cérebro. É uma enfermidade que, quando não leva a morte, afeta a qualidade de vida e a funcionalidade, prejudicando a vida social e laboral das pessoas. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se avaliar o conhecimento de internos do curso de medicina de instituições de ensino superior brasileiras acerca do diagnóstico e tratamento do Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa, cuja coleta de dados foi efetiva a partir de um questionário virtual no Google Forms contendo quatorze questões objetivas. Foram incluídos 101 estudantes de medicina que cursavam os quatro últimos períodos da graduação. Os dados foram reunidos entre os meses de setembro e dezembro do ano de 2020. Notou-se que a maioria (70%) dos estudantes obteve informações sobre o tema durante a graduação, assim como afirmou afinidade sobre o assunto (35%), saber diferenciar o tipo isquêmico e hemorrágico (98%) e a hora certa de encaminhar um paciente suspeito para um especialista (66%). No entanto, (80%) possuem dificuldade com o tratamento, consideram a tomografia computadoriza o melhor exame de diagnóstico por imagem (54%) e não sabem iniciam o tratamento do paciente (33%). Os achados implicam na necessidade de melhores abordagens acadêmicas na graduação médica sobre o assunto, pois lacunas de conhecimentos foram relatadas quanto ao diagnóstico e a terapêutica de paciente com suspeita e/ou confirmação de AVE

    An fMRI paradigm based on Williams inhibition test to study the neural substrates of attention and inhibitory control

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    The purpose of this study is to present an fMRI paradigm, based on the Williams inhibition test (WIT), to study attentional and inhibitory control and their neuroanatomical substrates. We present an index of the validity of the proposed paradigm and test whether the experimental task discriminates the behavioral performances of healthy participants from those of individuals with acquired brain injury. Stroop and Simon tests present similarities with WIT, but this latter is more demanding. We analyze the BOLD signal in 10 healthy participants performing the WIT. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the inferior prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the posterior cingulate cortex were defined for specified region of interest analysis. We additionally compare behavioral data (hits, errors, reaction times) of the healthy participants with those of eight acquired brain injury patients. Data were analyzed with GLM-based random effects and Mann-Whitney tests. Results show the involvement of the defined regions and indicate that the WIT is sensitive to brain lesions. This WIT-based block design paradigm can be used as a research methodology for behavioral and neuroimaging studies of the attentional and inhibitory components of executive functions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A rare cecal subepithelial tumor in a Crohn´s Disease patient

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    Appendiceal tumors comprise a variety of histologic types, including appendiceal mucinous neoplasms, which can be grouped as premalignant lesions, tumors of uncertain malignant potential, and malignant lesions. The appendiceal mucinous neoplasms are characterized by mucinous epithelial proliferation with extracellular mucin and pushing tumor margins, commonly an incidental finding during operative exploration. We report the case of a low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm presenting as a subepithelial lesion in Crohn´s Disease patient. The diagnosis was not straightforward, and only surgical resection allowed an accurate diagnosis. Although Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a risk factor for the development of colorectal neoplasms, the absolute risk for appendiceal tumors is uncertain. The frequency of progression to malignancy remains to be determined