2,504 research outputs found

    High Risk Human Papillomavirus in a Group of Portuguese Women

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    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the etiological agent for cervical cancer and genital warts. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women and the high risk HPV (HR-HPV), namely HPV 16 and 18 are responsible for the most of the cases. The objective was to analyze the HR-HPV frequency in a group of women referred for HR-HPV testing. Clinical samples from 3117 women were perform by Cobas® HPV test (Roche Molecular Systems, CA, USA), this assay detected HPV 16 and HPV 18 and ‘Other HR-HPV’ (-31,-33,-35,-39,-45,-51,-52,-56,-58,-59,-66 and 68). Positive samples for ‘Other HR-HPV’ were sequenced for genotyping using MY09/11 primer´s. HR-HPV frequency was 20.8% (649/3117). Among the positive samples, ‘Other HR-HPV’ was the most common (72.8%; 473/649). HPV 16 and 18 were detected only in 22.8% (148/649) and 7.4% (48/649) of the cases, respectively. 7.4% (48/649) of the positive women were infected with more than one HPV (34 with ‘Other HR-HPV’ + HPV 16; 8 with ‘Other HR-HPV’ + HPV 18; 5 with ‘Other HR-HPV’ + HPV 16 + HPV 18 and 1 with HPV 16 + HPV 18). Sequencing of ‘Other HR-HPV’ is ongoing and preliminary results shown the majority frequency for HPV 31 (11.7%) followed by HPV 56 (9.1%) and 8.9% for the HPV 66. The HR-HPV frequency is high (20.8%), 30.4 % of these women were infected with HPV 16 or HPV 18 which is a high frequency. This study reveals the importance of the implementation of screening programs, and the use of HPV detection.N/

    Matrix fraction descriptions in convolutional coding

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    Doutoramento em MatemáticaOs objectos de estudo desta tese são os códigos convolucionais sobre um corpo, constituídos por sequências com suporte compacto à esquerda. Aplicando a abordagem comportamental à teoria dos sistemas, é obtida uma nova definição de código convolucional baseada em propriedades estruturais do próprio código. Os codificadores e os formadores de síndrome de um código convolucional são, respectivamente, as representações de imagem e as representações de núcleo do código. As suas estruturas e propriedades são estudadas, utilizando representações matriciais fraccionárias (RMF's). Seguidamente, são analisados os codificadores e formadores de síndrome minimais de um código convolucional, sendo apresentada uma parametrização simples das suas RMF's. Mostra-se também como obter todos os codificadores minimais de um código convolucional por aplicação de realimentação estática do estado e précompensação. De modo análogo, obtêm-se todos os formadores de síndrome minimais utilizando injecção da saída e pós-compensação. Finalmente, estudam-se os codificadores desacoplados de um código convolucional, que estão directamente ligados à sua decomposição. Apresenta-se um algoritmo para determinação de um codificador desacoplado maximal, que permitirá obter a decomposição máxima do código. Quando se restringe a análise dos codificadores desacoplados aos minimais, obtém-se um codificador canónico desacoplado e parametriza-se, utilizando RMF's, todos os codificadores minimais que apresentam grau máximo de desacoplamento.The objects of study of this thesis are the convolutional codes over a field, constituted by left compact sequences. To define a convolutional code we consider the behavioral approach to systems theory, and present a new definition of convolutional code, taking into account its structural properties. Matrix Fractions Descriptions (MFD’s) are used as a tool for investigating the structure of the encoders and the syndrome formers of a convolutional code, which are, respectively, the image and the kernel representations of the code. Next, we concentrate on the study of the minimal encoders and syndrome formers, and obtain a simple parametrization of their MFD’s. We also show that static feedback and precompensation allow to obtain all minimal encoders of the code. The same is done for the minimal syndrome formers, using output injection and postcompensation. Finally, we analyse the decoupled encoders of a convolutional code, which are associated with code decomposition. We provide an algorithm to determine a maximally decoupled encoder, and, consequently, the finest decomposition of the code. Restricting to minimal decoupled encoders, we first obtain a canonical decoupled one, and parametrize, via MFD’s, all minimal decoupled encoders realizing the finest decomposition of the code

    Controlo de qualidade em materiais têxteis, couros e elastómeros

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    O presente estágio curricular decorreu nas Oficinas Gerais de Fardamento e Equipamento (O.G.F.E.), mais concretamente no departamento de Controlo de qualidade e desenvolvimento. (C.Q.D.), no período de Outubro de 2008 a Abril de 2009. Este teve como objectivo principal a realização de ensaios, de natureza estrutural e comportamental, que permitissem a análise de conformidade a materiais têxteis, couros e elastómeros que irão ser utilizados na produção de fardamento e equipamento a serem usados maioritariamente pelo Exército Português. Deste modo, este laboratório subdivide-se em duas vertentes. A primeira pretende descrever alguns aspectos acerca da indústria têxtil e de curtumes, considerados relevantes para a compreensão global de todo o trabalho elaborado ao longo do período de estágio. A segunda vertente pretende descrever o trabalho experimental desenvolvido para estudar a garantia de qualidade das diferentes amostras recebidas pelo C.Q.D.

    Alligatoring: An investigation into paint failure and loss of image integrity in 19th century oil paintings

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    "Alligatoring" or "Bitumen cracking" are terms used to describe extreme paint defects found in 19th century oil paintings. This paint failure in the form of severely disfiguring cracking and surface distor- tions often results in a loss of image integrity. This problem has been associated with the use of as- phalt/bitumen paint, with no clear understanding of the materials and mechanisms which contribute to the phenomenon. This thesis investigates this phenomenon from a multi-disciplinary approach that aims to con- tribute knowledge to the study of oil painting suffering from alligatoring. Part 1 focuses on the perception of the problem through a literature survey, and introduces the 19th century painting used in the case study. A thorough review of the literature showed the existing bias created by the perceived connection between appearance and cause, resulting in an association of paint film defects in brown paint with the use of asphalt/bitumen. Because of this, the overall focus of previous research has been the detection of asphalt, considering it in isolation and as the primary factor in the paint defect. This singular view has had significant implications in the study and analyses of paintings with alligatoring. It inhibited wider investigations and overlooked other materials present in the paintings that may be acting in combination or be more predominant in the deterioration mech- anism. The visual and chemical study of the oil painting O Cardeal D. Henrique recebendo a notícia da morte de D. Sebastião, by Marciano Henriques da Silva (1831-1873), painted in Rome in 1861, which exibits extreme alligatoring, offered specific challenges due to its complex and highly disrupted paint layer stratigraphy coupled with the uncertainty introduced by analytical detection limits. For that rea- son, a multi-analytical approach was carried out using Optical Microscopy, micro Raman Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, X-ray Fluorescence, micro Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy, Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Microscopy, Pyrolysis-Tetramethylammonium Hy- droxide-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrome- try. This research indicates that the deterioration of the painting might be related to the oil binder which has a high degree of oxidation, rich in polar fatty acids and diacids, combined with a lack of the xiv pigments that are capable of stabilizing the paint. The presence of the translucent lead azelate layer above the ground underlines the complexity of the paint layering, materials present, and possible mechanisms for degradation. Part 2 reports on new research carried out using the British colourman Winsor & Newton's 19th- century Archive Database to analyse their production records for “Bitumen” brown for oil tube paints. While there are a substantial number of published recipes in 19th century artist’s manuals for the use of asphalt/bitumen brown, for the first time W&N’s records offer a unique source of detailed infor- mation on the commercially prepared product which differs substantially in ingredients used and method of preparation. The critical analysis of W&N's production records for "Bitumen" revealed that their formulation became standardised in the 1850s and that their product was prepared in two sep- arate steps at two separate locations. Despite standarisation of the ingredients this research revealed that the company still found it necessary to make adjustments for each production run in order to achieve a uniform product. A production record from 1858 was selected and reconstructed, using where possible, histori- cally appropriate materials. W&N’s formulation for bitumen brown oil paint involved a complex mix- ture of ingredients, some of which were other proprietary products sold by the company (these were reconstructed individually using their production records and included drying oil, double mastic var- nish, lead acetate, purple lake and the gelled painter's Medium, megilp). The reconstructions were analysed using thermally assisted methylation with tetrame- thylammonium hydroxide, and pyrolysis comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and compared with the starting material, Trinidad Lake asphalt, to determine how detectable this asphalt is after heat processing in lead treated linseed oil. Results show that asphalt markers identified in the Trinidad Lake asphalt disappear in the first stage of reconstructing W&N's "Bitumen" oil paint. This important finding offers an explanation for the paucity of analytical evidence in previous attempts to identify asphalt/bitumen in paintings where this material was believed to have been used. In addition to clarifying the analytical results obtained from the investigation of the painting, O Cardeal D. Henrique…, the reference samples produced from the W&N reconstruction illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of organic analysis of highly processed complex mixtures."Alligatoring" ou "Bitumen cracking" são termos utilizados para descrever defeitos extremos encon- trados em pinturas a óleo do século XIX. Esta patologia sob a forma de fissuras e distorções severas da superfície pictórica resulta frequentemente numa perda de integridade da imagem. Este problema tem sido associado à utilização de tintas de asfalto/betume, sem no entanto existir uma compreensão clara dos materiais e mecanismos que contribuem para este fenómeno. Esta tese investiga este fenómeno a partir de uma abordagem multidisciplinar que visa contri- buir para o conhecimento de pinturas a óleo afetadas por este defeito extremo. A parte 1 centra-se na perceção que existe sobre este problema através de uma pesquisa bibli- ográfica, e introduz a pintura do século XIX utilizada como caso de estudo. A revisão rigorosa da lite- ratura revelou o preconceito existente criado pela perceção da ligação entre a aparência e a causa, resultando numa associação de defeitos em filmes de tinta castanha com a utilização de tintas de as- falto/betume. Devido a isto, o foco geral de estudos anteriores foi a deteção do asfalto, considerando- o isoladamente e como a principal causa nos defeitos de tinta. Esta visão simplista tem tido implicações significativas no estudo e análise de pinturas com “alligatoring” (efeito de pele de crocodilo), inibindo investigações mais abrangentes e subvalorizando outros materiais presentes nas pinturas que podem estar a atuar em combinação ou ser mais predominantes no mecanismo de deterioração. O estudo visual e químico da pintura a óleo O Cardeal D. Henrique recebendo a notícia da morte de D. Sebastião, de Marciano Henriques da Silva (1831-1873), pintado em Roma em 1861, que exibe “alligatoring” extremo, ofereceu desafios específicos devido à sua estratigrafia complexa e muito alte- rada, aliada à incerteza introduzida pelos limites de deteção analítica. Por essa razão, foi realizada uma abordagem multi-analítica utilizando Microscopia Óptica, Micro-espectroscopia de Raman, Microsco- pia Electrónica de Varrimento com Espectrometria Dispersiva de Raios-X, Micro-espectrometria por Fluorescência de Raios X Dispersiva de Energias, Micro-espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Trans- formada de Fourier, Espectroscopia Raman com Transformada de Fourier, Espectroscopia de Infraver- melho com Transformada de Fourier por Reflexão Total Atenuada acoplada a Microscopia Óptica, Pi- rólise-Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massa com derivatização usando Hidróxido de Tetrametilamónio e Espectrometria de Massa de iões secundários. Esta investigação indica que a deterioração da pintura pode estar relacionada com o aglutinante de óleo altamente hidrolisado, rico em ácidos gordos polares e diácidos, combinado com a falta de pigmentos capazes de estabilizar a tinta. A presença da camada translúcida de azelato de chumbo sobre a camada de preparação sublinha a complexidade da estratigrafia, dos materiais presentes, e dos possíveis mecanismos de degradação. A Parte 2 descreve a analise dos registos de produção de "Betume" castanho para tintas em tubos de óleo do arquivo e base de dados do século XIX da Winsor & Newton (fabricante de materiais para artistas britânico). Embora exista um número substancial de receitas de tintas castanhas de as- falto/betume publicadas em manuais para artistas do século XIX, os registos da W&N são uma fonte de informação detalhada e única sobre o produto preparado comercialmente que difere substancial- mente nos ingredientes utilizados e no método de preparação. A análise crítica dos registos de produ- ção da W&N para "Betume" revelou que a sua formulação foi normalizada na década de 1850 e que era preparado em duas etapas distintas e em dois locais distintos. Apesar da padronização dos ingre- dientes, esta investigação revelou que a empresa comsiderava necessário fazer ajustes em cada etapa de produção, a fim de obter um produto uniforme. Um registo de produção de 1858 foi selecionado e reconstruído, utilizando, sempre que possí- vel, materiais historicamente apropriados. A formulação da W&N para a tinta castanha de betume a óleo envolveu uma mistura complexa de ingredientes, alguns dos quais eram produtos produzidos e vendidos pela W&N. Estes foram reconstruídos individualmente, utilizando os seus próprios registos de produção, e incluíram óleo de secagem, verniz mástique duplo, acetato de chumbo, pigmento laca roxo, e o gel tixotrópico Megilp). As reconstruções foram analisadas utilizando Pirólise-Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espec- trometria de Massa com derivatização usando Hidróxido de Tetrametilamónio, e Pirólise por Croma- tografia Gasosa Bidimensional acoplada à Espectrometria de Massa. As reconstruções foram compa- radas com a materia prima utilizada, o asfalto do Lago Trinidad, para determinar o grau de deteção deste asfalto após o processamento térmico em óleo de linhaça tratado com chumbo. Os resultados mostram que os marcadores asfálticos identificados no asfalto do Lago de Trinidad desaparecem na primeira fase da reconstrução da tinta a óleo "Betume" da W&N. Esta descoberta importante oferece uma explicação para a escassez de provas analíticas em tentativas anteriores de identificação do asfalto/betume em pinturas em que se acreditava ter sido utilizado este material. Para além de clarificar os resultados analíticos obtidos a partir da investigação da pintura O Cardeal D. Henrique..., as amostras de referência produzidas a partir da reconstrução da W&N ilustram os pontos fortes e fracos da análise orgânica de misturas complexas altamente proces- sadas

    The perception of health professionals of the information system of continuous care

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    Rocha, R., & Malta, P. (2018). The perception of health professionals of the information system of continuous care. In CENTERIS 2018 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2018 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2018 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2018 (Vol. 138, pp. 286-293). (Procedia Computer Science; Vol. 138). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.041Health organizations seek to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in a more agile and functional way, to contribute to the support of professionals of the area and to users: this way, it is possible to guarantee the quality and sustainability of Information Systems (IS). IS that needs to adapt and restructure, given the exponential development of ICT in response to the increased need for Health Care. It is necessary to align the current realities of the business processes in Health, namely in Integrated Continued Care Services, and the technologies in use, so that information becomes available at the time and place of decision-making situations. So, this research is determined to study the Integrated Continued Care Information System, from the health professionals point of view. The main objective is to understand if employees comprehend the platform and know how to use it. Also, to understand their degree of satisfaction, the degree of information system appropriation, the main differences and similarities in its use among the different health professionals. In the end, a proposal for the IS improvement is made. This study was carried out in two phases: first in the Health Center Group of Lisbon and Oeiras and after at Egas Moniz Hospital. The first phase is characterized by gathering information on the informatic application. The second phase is based on a descriptive exploratory study using questionnaires. The results of this study may be useful for improving Integrated Continued Care Information System, as well as increasing user satisfaction. This study allows to understand the health professionals needs regarding Integrated Continued Care Information System and its necessary improvements, namely the need to involve healthcare professionals as part of the strategy, implementation and promotion of care.publishersversionpublishe

    Structure to function studies in UDP-glucose dehydrogenases and nitroreductases

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    The thesis is divided into two parts corresponding to structural studies on two different proteins. The first part concerns the study of two UDP-glucose dehydrogenases (UGDs) from Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 and Burkholderia cepacia IST 408, both involved in exopolysaccharide production. Their relevance arises because some of these bacterial exopolysaccharides are valuable as established biotechnological products, the former case, whilst others are highly problematic, when used by pathogens in biofilm formation over biological surfaces, as the latter case, namely in the human lungs. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge regarding UGDs structural properties, which can potentiate either the design of activity enhancers to respond to the increased demand of useful biofilms, or the design of inhibitors of biofilm production, in order to fight invading pathogens present in several infections. The thesis reports the production and crystallisation of both proteins, the determination of initial phases by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) in S. elodea crystals using a seleno-methionine isoform, and phasing of B. cepacia crystals by molecular replacement (MR) using the S. elodea model, as well as the refinement, structural analysis and comparison between the several UGDs structures available during this work.(...