105 research outputs found

    Experimental method for measuring classical concurrence of generic beam shapes

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    Classical entanglement is a powerful tool which provides a neat numerical estimate for the study of classical correlations. Its experimental investigation, however, has been limited to special cases. Here, we demonstrate that the experimental quantification of the level of classical entanglement can be carried out in more general instances. Our approach enables the extension to arbitrarily shaped transverse modes and hence delivering a suitable quantification tool to describe concisely the modal structure

    Electric dipole moment searches: reexamination of frequency shifts for particles in traps

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    In experiments searching for a nonzero electric dipole moment of trapped particles, frequency shifts correlated with an applied electric field can be interpreted as a false signal. One such effect, referred to as the geometric phase effect, is known to occur in a magnetic field that is nonperfectly homogeneous. The increase in sensitivity of experiments demands improved theoretical description of this effect. In the case of fast particles, like atoms at room temperature and low pressure, the validity of established theories was limited to a cylindrical confinement cell in a uniform gradient with cylindrical symmetry. We develop a more general theory valid for an arbitrary shape of the magnetic field as well as for arbitrary geometry of the confinement cell. Our improved theory is especially relevant for experiments measuring the neutron electric dipole moment with an atomic comagnetometer. In this context, we have reproduced and extended earlier numerical studies of the geometric phase effect induced by localized magnetic impurities

    Geometrical bounds on irreversibility in open quantum systems

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    Clausius inequality has deep implications for reversibility and the arrow of time. Quantum theory is able to extend this result for closed systems by inspecting the trajectory of the density matrix on its manifold. Here we show that this approach can provide an upper and lower bound to the irreversible entropy production for open quantum systems as well. These provide insights on the thermodynamics of the information erasure. Limits of the applicability of our bounds are discussed, and demonstrated in a quantum photonic simulator

    Bridging thermodynamics and metrology in non-equilibrium Quantum Thermometry

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    Single-qubit thermometry presents the simplest tool to measure the temperature of thermal baths with reduced invasivity. At thermal equilibrium, the temperature uncertainty is linked to the heat capacity of the qubit, however the best precision is achieved outside equilibrium condition. Here, we discuss a way to generalize this relation in a non-equilibrium regime, taking into account purely quantum effects such as coherence. We support our findings with an experimental photonic simulation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Information-reality complementarity in photonic weak measurements

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    The emergence of realistic properties is a key problem in understanding the quantum-to-classical transition. In this respect, measurements represent a way to interface quantum systems with the macroscopic world: these can be driven in the weak regime, where a reduced back-action can be imparted by choosing meter states able to extract different amounts of information. Here we explore the implications of such weak measurement for the variation of realistic properties of two-level quantum systems pre- and postmeasurement, and extend our investigations to the case of open systems implementing the measurements

    The half-life of 221^{221}Fr in Si and Au at 4K and at mK temperatures

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    The half-life of the α\alpha decaying nucleus 221^{221}Fr was determined in different environments, i.e. embedded in Si at 4 K, and embedded in Au at 4 K and about 20 mK. No differences in half-life for these different conditions were observed within 0.1%. Furthermore, we quote a new value for the absolute half-life of 221^{221}Fr of t1/2_{1/2} = 286.1(10) s, which is of comparable precision to the most precise value available in literature

    Precision measurements of the 60^{60}Co β\beta-asymmetry parameter in search for tensor currents in weak interactions

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    The β\beta-asymmetry parameter A~\widetilde{A} for the Gamow-Teller decay of 60^{60}Co was measured by polarizing the radioactive nuclei with the brute force low-temperature nuclear-orientation method. The 60^{60}Co activity was cooled down to milliKelvin temperatures in a 3^3He-4^4He dilution refrigerator in an external 13 T magnetic field. The β\beta particles were observed by a 500 μm{\mu}m thick Si PIN diode operating at a temperature of about 10 K in a magnetic field of 0.6 T. Extensive GEANT4 Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to gain control over the systematic effects. Our result, A~=−1.014(12)stat(16)syst\widetilde{A} = -1.014(12)_{stat}(16)_{syst}, is in agreement with the Standard-Model value of −0.987(9)-0.987(9), which includes recoil-order corrections that were addressed for the first time for this isotope. Further, it enables limits to be placed on possible tensor-type charged weak currents as well as other physics beyond the Standard Model

    The entropic cost of quantum generalized measurements

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    Landauer’s principle introduces a symmetry between computational and physical processes: erasure of information, a logically irreversible operation, must be underlain by an irreversible transformation dissipating energy. Monitoring micro- and nano-systems needs to enter into the energetic balance of their control; hence, finding the ultimate limits is instrumental to the development of future thermal machines operating at the quantum level. We report on the experimental investigation of a lower bound to the irreversible entropy associated to generalized quantum measurements on a quantum bit. We adopted a quantum photonics gate to implement a device interpolating from the weakly disturbing to the fully invasive and maximally informative regime. Our experiment prompted us to introduce a bound taking into account both the classical result of the measurement and the outcoming quantum state; unlike previous investigation, our entropic bound is based uniquely on measurable quantities. Our results highlight what insights the information-theoretic approach provides on building blocks of quantum information processors

    Average ground-state energy of finite Fermi systems

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    Semiclassical theories like the Thomas-Fermi and Wigner-Kirkwood methods give a good description of the smooth average part of the total energy of a Fermi gas in some external potential when the chemical potential is varied. However, in systems with a fixed number of particles N, these methods overbind the actual average of the quantum energy as N is varied. We describe a theory that accounts for this effect. Numerical illustrations are discussed for fermions trapped in a harmonic oscillator potential and in a hard wall cavity, and for self-consistent calculations of atomic nuclei. In the latter case, the influence of deformations on the average behavior of the energy is also considered.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    qBounce: Systematic shifts of transition frequencies of gravitational states of ultra-cold neutrons using Ramsey gravity resonance spectroscopy

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    qBounce is using quantum states of ultra-cold neutrons in the gravitational field of the Earth to investigate gravitation in the micrometre range. We present current measurements taken in 2021 at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) to determine energy differences of these states by mechanically induced transitions. This allows a determination of the local acceleration gg using a quantum measurement. The data presented here results in g=9.8120(18)m/s2g=9.8120(18) m/s^2. The classical local value at the experiment is gc=9.8049m/s2g_c=9.8049 m/s^2. We present an analysis of systematic effects that induces shifts of the transition frequency of order 100 mHz. The inferred value for gg at the experiment shows a systematic shift of δg≈3.9σ\delta g\approx3.9\sigma
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