27 research outputs found

    Microbial Biocatalysis within Us: The Underexplored Xenobiotic Biotransformation Potential of the Urinary Tract Microbiota

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    Enzymatic biotransformation of xenobiotics by the human microbiota mediates diet-drug-microbe-host interactions and affects human health. Most research on xenobiotics has focused on the gut microbiota while neglecting other body sites, yet over two-thirds of pharmaceuticals are primarily excreted in urine. As a result, the urinary microbiota is exposed to many xenobiotics in much higher concentrations than in the gut. Microbial xenobiotic biocatalysis in the bladder has implications for urinary tract infections and the emergence of antibiotic resistance. However, we have limited knowledge of biotransformations catalyzed by the urinary microbiota. In this perspective, we investigated differences in physicochemical conditions and microbial community composition between the gut and urinary tract. We used a comparative enzyme class mining approach to profile the distribution of xenobiotic-transforming enzyme homologs in genomes of urinary bacteria. Our analysis revealed a discontinuous distribution of enzyme classes even among closely related organisms. We detected diverse amidase homologs involved in pharmaceutical and dietary additive biotransformation pathways, pinpointing microbial candidates to validate for their involvement in xenobiotic transformations in urine. Overall, we highlight the biocatalytic potential of urinary tract bacteria as a lens to study how the human microbiota may respond and adapt to xenobiotic inputs

    Microbial dynamics in soils of the Damma glacier forefield show succession in the functional genetic potential

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    Glacier retreat is a visible consequence of climate change worldwide. Although taxonomic change of the soil microbiomes in glacier forefields have been widely documented, how microbial genetic potential changes along succession is little known. Here, we used shotgun metagenomics to analyse whether the soil microbial genetic potential differed between four stages of soil development (SSD) sampled along three transects in the Damma glacier forefield (Switzerland). The SSDs were characterized by an increasing vegetation cover, from barren soil, to biological soil crust, to sparsely vegetated soil and finally to vegetated soil. Results suggested that SSD significantly influenced microbial genetic potential, with the lowest functional diversity surprisingly occurring in the vegetated soils. Overall, carbohydrate metabolism and secondary metabolite biosynthesis genes overrepresented in vegetated soils, which could be partly attributed to plant-soil feedbacks. For C degradation, glycoside hydrolase genes enriched in vegetated soils, while auxiliary activity and carbohydrate esterases genes overrepresented in barren soils, suggested high labile C degradation potential in vegetated, and high recalcitrant C degradation potential in barren soils. For N-cycling, organic N degradation and synthesis genes dominated along succession, and gene families involved in nitrification were overrepresented in barren soils. Our study provides new insights into how the microbial genetic potential changes during soil formation along the Damma glacier forefield

    Biosynthetic potential of the global ocean microbiome

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    8 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04862-3.-- This Article is contribution number 130 of Tara OceansNatural microbial communities are phylogenetically and metabolically diverse. In addition to underexplored organismal groups1, this diversity encompasses a rich discovery potential for ecologically and biotechnologically relevant enzymes and biochemical compounds2,3. However, studying this diversity to identify genomic pathways for the synthesis of such compounds4 and assigning them to their respective hosts remains challenging. The biosynthetic potential of microorganisms in the open ocean remains largely uncharted owing to limitations in the analysis of genome-resolved data at the global scale. Here we investigated the diversity and novelty of biosynthetic gene clusters in the ocean by integrating around 10,000 microbial genomes from cultivated and single cells with more than 25,000 newly reconstructed draft genomes from more than 1,000 seawater samples. These efforts revealed approximately 40,000 putative mostly new biosynthetic gene clusters, several of which were found in previously unsuspected phylogenetic groups. Among these groups, we identified a lineage rich in biosynthetic gene clusters (‘Candidatus Eudoremicrobiaceae’) that belongs to an uncultivated bacterial phylum and includes some of the most biosynthetically diverse microorganisms in this environment. From these, we characterized the phospeptin and pythonamide pathways, revealing cases of unusual bioactive compound structure and enzymology, respectively. Together, this research demonstrates how microbiomics-driven strategies can enable the investigation of previously undescribed enzymes and natural products in underexplored microbial groups and environmentsThis work was supported by funding from the ETH and the Helmut Horten Foundation; the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through project grants 205321_184955 to S.S., 205320_185077 to J.P. and the NCCR Microbiomes (51NF40_180575) to S.S.; by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (https://doi.org/10.37807/GBMF9204) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101000392 (MARBLES) to J.P.; by an ETH research grant ETH-21 18-2 to J.P.; and by the Peter and Traudl Engelhorn Foundation and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 897571 to C.C.F. S.L.R. was supported by an ETH Zurich postdoctoral fellowship 20-1 FEL-07. M.L., L.M.C. and G.Z. were supported by EMBL Core Funding and the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, project no. 395357507, SFB 1371 to G.Z.). M.B.S. was supported by the NSF grant OCE#1829831. C.B. was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement Diatomic, no. 835067). S.G.A. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PID2020-116489RB-I00). M.K. and H.M. were funded by the SNSF grant 407540_167331 as part of the Swiss National Research Programme 75 ‘Big Data’. M.K., H.M. and A.K. are also partially funded by ETH core funding (to G. Rätsch)With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    MIBiG 3.0 : a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters

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    With an ever-increasing amount of (meta)genomic data being deposited in sequence databases, (meta)genome mining for natural product biosynthetic pathways occupies a critical role in the discovery of novel pharmaceutical drugs, crop protection agents and biomaterials. The genes that encode these pathways are often organised into biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). In 2015, we defined the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG): a standardised data format that describes the minimally required information to uniquely characterise a BGC. We simultaneously constructed an accompanying online database of BGCs, which has since been widely used by the community as a reference dataset for BGCs and was expanded to 2021 entries in 2019 (MIBiG 2.0). Here, we describe MIBiG 3.0, a database update comprising large-scale validation and re-annotation of existing entries and 661 new entries. Particular attention was paid to the annotation of compound structures and biological activities, as well as protein domain selectivities. Together, these new features keep the database up-to-date, and will provide new opportunities for the scientific community to use its freely available data, e.g. for the training of new machine learning models to predict sequence-structure-function relationships for diverse natural products. MIBiG 3.0 is accessible online at https://mibig.secondarymetabolites.org/

    ÉCLAIRE - Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosytems - second periodic report 01/04/2013 to 30/09/2014

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    A roadmap for metagenomic enzyme discovery

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    Metagenomics has yielded massive amounts of sequencing data offering a glimpse into the biosynthetic potential of the uncultivated microbial majority. While genome-resolved information about microbial communities from nearly every environment on earth is now available, the ability to accurately predict biocatalytic functions directly from sequencing data remains challenging. Compared to primary metabolic pathways, enzymes involved in secondary metabolism often catalyze specialized reactions with diverse substrates, making these pathways rich resources for the discovery of new enzymology. To date, functional insights gained from studies on environmental DNA (eDNA) have largely relied on PCR- or activity-based screening of eDNA fragments cloned in fosmid or cosmid libraries. As an alternative, shotgun metagenomics holds underexplored potential for the discovery of new enzymes directly from eDNA by avoiding common biases introduced through PCR- or activity-guided functional metagenomics workflows. However, inferring new enzyme functions directly from eDNA is similar to searching for a ‘needle in a haystack’ without direct links between genotype and phenotype. The goal of this review is to provide a roadmap to navigate shotgun metagenomic sequencing data and identify new candidate biosynthetic enzymes. We cover both computational and experimental strategies to mine metagenomes and explore protein sequence space with a spotlight on natural product biosynthesis. Specifically, we compare in silico methods for enzyme discovery including phylogenetics, sequence similarity networks, genomic context, 3D structure-based approaches, and machine learning techniques. We also discuss various experimental strategies to test computational predictions including heterologous expression and screening. Finally, we provide an outlook for future directions in the field with an emphasis on meta-omics, single-cell genomics, cell-free expression systems, and sequence-independent methods.ISSN:0265-0568ISSN:0265-0568ISSN:1460-475

    In Vivo Assay Reveals Microbial OleA Thiolases Initiating Hydrocarbon and β-Lactone Biosynthesis

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    Microbially produced β-lactones are found in antibiotic, antitumor, and antiobesity drugs. Long-chain olefinic membrane hydrocarbons have potential utility as fuels and specialty chemicals. The metabolic pathway to both end products share bacterial enzymes denoted as OleA, OleC, and OleD that transform acyl-CoA cellular intermediates into β-lactones. Bacteria producing membrane hydrocarbons via the Ole pathway additionally express a β-lactone decarboxylase, OleB. Both β-lactone and olefin biosynthesis pathways are initiated by OleA enzymes that define the overall structure of the final product. There is currently very limited information on OleA enzymes apart from the single representative from Xanthomonas campestris. In this study, bioinformatic analysis identified hundreds of new, putative OleA proteins, 74 proteins were screened via a rapid whole-cell method, leading to the identification of 25 stably expressed OleA proteins representing seven bacteria phyla.OleA, a member of the thiolase superfamily, is known to catalyze the Claisen condensation of long-chain acyl coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) substrates, initiating metabolic pathways in bacteria for the production of membrane lipids and β-lactone natural products. OleA homologs are found in diverse bacterial phyla, but to date, only one homodimeric OleA has been successfully purified to homogeneity and characterized in vitro. A major impediment for the identification of new OleA enzymes has been protein instability and time-consuming in vitro assays. Here, we developed a bioinformatic pipeline to identify OleA homologs and a new rapid assay to screen OleA enzyme activity in vivo and map their taxonomic diversity. The screen is based on the discovery that OleA displayed surprisingly high rates of p-nitrophenyl ester hydrolysis, an activity not shared by other thiolases, including FabH. The high rates allowed activity to be determined in vitro and with heterologously expressed OleA in vivo via the release of the yellow p-nitrophenol product. Seventy-four putative oleA genes identified in the genomes of diverse bacteria were heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, and 25 showed activity with p-nitrophenyl esters. The OleA proteins tested were encoded in variable genomic contexts from seven different phyla and are predicted to function in distinct membrane lipid and β-lactone natural product metabolic pathways. This study highlights the diversity of unstudied OleA proteins and presents a rapid method for their identification and characterization

    Microbial storage and its implications for soil ecology

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    Organisms throughout the tree of life accumulate chemical resources, in particular forms or compartments, to secure their availability for future use. Here we review microbial storage and its ecological significance by assembling several rich but disconnected lines of research in microbiology, biogeochemistry, and the ecology of macroscopic organisms. Evidence is drawn from various systems, but we pay particular attention to soils, where microorganisms play crucial roles in global element cycles. An assembly of genus-level data demonstrates the likely prevalence of storage traits in soil. We provide a theoretical basis for microbial storage ecology by distinguishing a spectrum of storage strategies ranging from surplus storage (storage of abundant resources that are not immediately required) to reserve storage (storage of limited resources at the cost of other metabolic functions). This distinction highlights that microorganisms can invest in storage at times of surplus and under conditions of scarcity. We then align storage with trait-based microbial life-history strategies, leading to the hypothesis that ruderal species, which are adapted to disturbance, rely less on storage than microorganisms adapted to stress or high competition. We explore the implications of storage for soil biogeochemistry, microbial biomass, and element transformations and present a process-based model of intracellular carbon storage. Our model indicates that storage can mitigate against stoichiometric imbalances, thereby enhancing biomass growth and resource-use efficiency in the face of unbalanced resources. Given the central roles of microbes in biogeochemical cycles, we propose that microbial storage may be influential on macroscopic scales, from carbon cycling to ecosystem stability