189 research outputs found

    Mental Health and COVID-19 at Whittier

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    These oral histories were taken from three Whittier College students who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic in varying ways. Generally speaking they experienced heightened feelings of anxiety/social anxiety, and apathy due to lock downs, the possibility of getting sick, not being able to interact with close friends and family

    The Origin of Ina: Evidence for Inflated Lava Flows on the Moon

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    Ina is an enigmatic volcanic feature on the Moon known for its irregularly shaped mounds, the origin of which has been debated since the Apollo Missions. Three main units are observed on the floor of the depression (2.9 km across, < or =64 m deep) located at the summit of a low-shield volcano: irregularly shaped mounds up to 20 m tall, a lower unit 1 to 5 m in relief that surrounds the mounds, and blocky material. Analyses of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera images and topography show that features in Ina are morphologically similar to terrestrial inflated lava flows. Comparison of these unusual lunar mounds and possible terrestrial analogs leads us to hypothesize that features in Ina were formed through lava flow inflation processes. While the source of the lava remains unclear, this new model suggests that as the mounds inflated, breakouts along their margins served as sources for surface flows that created the lower morphologic unit. Over time, mass wasting of both morphologic units has exposed fresh surfaces observed in the blocky unit. Ina is different than the terrestrial analogs presented in this study in that the lunar features formed within a depression, no vent sources are observed, and no cracks are observed on the mounds. However, lava flow inflation processes explain many of the morphologic relationships observed in Ina and are proposed to be analogous with inflated lava flows on Earth

    Ricci-flat Metrics with U(1) Action and the Dirichlet Boundary-value Problem in Riemannian Quantum Gravity and Isoperimetric Inequalities

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    The Dirichlet boundary-value problem and isoperimetric inequalities for positive definite regular solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations are studied in arbitrary dimensions for the class of metrics with boundaries admitting a U(1) action. We show that in the case of non-trivial bundles Taub-Bolt infillings are double-valued whereas Taub-Nut and Eguchi-Hanson infillings are unique. In the case of trivial bundles, there are two Schwarzschild infillings in arbitrary dimensions. The condition of whether a particular type of filling in is possible can be expressed as a limitation on squashing through a functional dependence on dimension in each case. The case of the Eguchi-Hanson metric is solved in arbitrary dimension. The Taub-Nut and the Taub-Bolt are solved in four dimensions and methods for arbitrary dimension are delineated. For the case of Schwarzschild, analytic formulae for the two infilling black hole masses in arbitrary dimension have been obtained. This should facilitate the study of black hole dynamics/thermodynamics in higher dimensions. We found that all infilling solutions are convex. Thus convexity of the boundary does not guarantee uniqueness of the infilling. Isoperimetric inequalities involving the volume of the boundary and the volume of the infilling solutions are then investigated. In particular, the analogues of Minkowski's celebrated inequality in flat space are found and discussed providing insight into the geometric nature of these Ricci-flat spaces.Comment: 40 pages, 3 figure

    Geometry and topology of two kinds of extreme Reissner-Nordstro¨\ddot{o}m-anti-de Sitter black holes

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    Different geometrical and topological properties have been shown for two kinds of extreme Reissner-Nordstro¨\ddot{o}m-anti-de Sitter black holes. The relationship between the geometrical properties and the intrinsic thermodynamical properties has been made explicit.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 4 figure

    Thermodynamics of (3+1)-dimensional black holes with toroidal or higher genus horizons

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    We examine counterparts of the Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-de Sitter black hole spacetimes in which the two-sphere has been replaced by a surface Sigma of constant negative or zero curvature. When horizons exist, the spacetimes are black holes with an asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter infinity, but the infinity topology differs from that in the asymptotically Minkowski case, and the horizon topology is not S^2. Maximal analytic extensions of the solutions are given. The local Hawking temperature is found. When Sigma is closed, we derive the first law of thermodynamics using a Brown-York type quasilocal energy at a finite boundary, and we identify the entropy as one quarter of the horizon area, independent of the horizon topology. The heat capacities with constant charge and constant electrostatic potential are shown to be positive definite. With the boundary pushed to infinity, we consider thermodynamical ensembles that fix the renormalized temperature and either the charge or the electrostatic potential at infinity. Both ensembles turn out to be thermodynamically stable, and dominated by a unique classical solution.Comment: 25 pages, REVTeX v3.1, contains 5 LaTeX figures. (Typos corrected, references and minor comments added. To be published in Phys. Rev. D.

    Establishing a core outcome set for peritoneal dialysis : report of the SONG-PD (standardized outcomes in nephrology-peritoneal dialysis) consensus workshop

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    Outcomes reported in randomized controlled trials in peritoneal dialysis (PD) are diverse, are measured inconsistently, and may not be important to patients, families, and clinicians. The Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Peritoneal Dialysis (SONG-PD) initiative aims to establish a core outcome set for trials in PD based on the shared priorities of all stakeholders. We convened an international SONG-PD stakeholder consensus workshop in May 2018 in Vancouver, Canada. Nineteen patients/caregivers and 51 health professionals attended. Participants discussed core outcome domains and implementation in trials in PD. Four themes relating to the formation of core outcome domains were identified: life participation as a main goal of PD, impact of fatigue, empowerment for preparation and planning, and separation of contributing factors from core factors. Considerations for implementation were identified: standardizing patient-reported outcomes, requiring a validated and feasible measure, simplicity of binary outcomes, responsiveness to interventions, and using positive terminology. All stakeholders supported inclusion of PD-related infection, cardiovascular disease, mortality, technique survival, and life participation as the core outcome domains for PD

    SN 2022oqm: A Multi-peaked Calcium-rich Transient from a White Dwarf Binary Progenitor System

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    We present the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2022oqm, a nearby multi-peaked hydrogen- and helium-weak calcium-rich transient (CaRT). SN 2022oqm was detected 19.9 kpc from its host galaxy, the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 5875. Extensive spectroscopic coverage reveals a hot (T >= 40,000 K) continuum and carbon features observed ~1 day after discovery, SN Ic-like photospheric-phase spectra, and strong forbidden calcium emission starting 38 days after discovery. SN 2022oqm has a relatively high peak luminosity (MB = -17 mag) for CaRTs, making it an outlier in the population. We determine that three power sources are necessary to explain SN 2022oqm's light curve, with each power source corresponding to a distinct peak in its light curve. The first peak of the light curve is powered by an expanding blackbody with a power law luminosity, consistent with shock cooling by circumstellar material. Subsequent peaks are powered by a double radioactive decay model, consistent with two separate sources of photons diffusing through an optically thick ejecta. From the optical light curve, we derive an ejecta mass and 56Ni mass of ~0.89 solar masses and ~0.09 solar masses, respectively. Detailed spectroscopic modeling reveals ejecta that is dominated by intermediate-mass elements, with signs that Fe-peak elements have been well-mixed. We discuss several physical origins for SN 2022oqm and favor a white dwarf progenitor model. The inferred ejecta mass points to a surprisingly massive white dwarf, challenging models of CaRT progenitors.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, Submitted to Ap

    The role of substrate characteristics in producing anomalously young crater retention ages in volcanic deposits on the Moon:Morphology, topography, subresolution roughness and mode of emplacement of the Sosigenes lunar irregular mare patch

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    Lunar irregular mare patches (IMPs) comprise dozens of small, distinctive, and enigmatic lunar mare features. Characterized by their irregular shapes, well-preserved state of relief, apparent optical immaturity, and few superposed impact craters, IMPs are interpreted to have been formed or modified geologically very recently (<~ 100 Ma; Braden et al. 2014). However, their apparent relatively recent formation/modification dates and emplacement mechanisms are debated. We focus in detail on one of the major IMPs, Sosigenes, located in western Mare Tranquillitatis, and dated by Braden et al. (2014) at ~ 18 Ma. The Sosigenes IMP occurs on the floor of an elongate pit crater interpreted to represent the surface manifestation of magmatic dike propagation from the lunar mantle during the mare basalt emplacement era billions of years ago. The floor of the pit crater is characterized by three morphologic units typical of several other IMPs, i.e., (1) bulbous mounds 5– 10 m higher than the adjacent floor units, with unusually young crater retention ages, meters thick regolith, and slightly smaller subresolution roughness than typical mature lunar regolith; (2) a lower hummocky unit mantled by a very thin regolith and significantly smaller subresolution roughness; and (3) a lower blocky unit composed of fresh boulder fields with individual meter-scale boulders and rough subresolution surface texture. Using new volcanological interpretations for the ascent and eruption of magma in dikes, and dike degassing and extrusion behavior in the final stages of dike closure, we interpret the three units to be related to the late-stage behavior of an ancient dike emplacement event. Following the initial dike emplacement and collapse of the pit crater, the floor of the pit crater was flooded by the latest-stage magma. The low rise rate of the magma in the terminal stages of the dike emplacement event favored flooding of the pit crater floor to form a lava lake, and CO gas bubble coalescence initiated a strombolian phase disrupting the cooling lava lake surface. This phase produced a very rough and highly porous (with both vesicularity and macroporosity) lava lake surface as the lake surface cooled. In the terminal stage of the eruption, dike closure with no addition of magma from depth caused the last magma reaching shallow levels to produce viscous magmatic foam due to H2 O gas exsolution. This magmatic foam was extruded through cracks in the lava lake crust to produce the bulbous mounds. We interpret all of these activities to have taken place in the terminal stages of the dike emplacement event billions of years ago. We attribute the unusual physical properties of the mounds and floor units (anomalously young ages, unusual morphology, relative immaturity, and blockiness) to be due to the unusual physical properties of the substrate produced during the waning stages of a dike emplacement event in a pit crater. The unique physical properties of the mounds (magmatic foams) and hummocky units (small vesicles and large void space) altered the nature of subsequent impact cratering, regolith development, and landscape evolution, inhibiting the typical formation and evolution of superposed impact craters, and maintaining the morphologic crispness and optical immaturity. Accounting for the effects of the reduced diameter of craters formed in magmatic foams results in a shift of the crater size– frequency distribution age from < 100 Myr to billions of years, contemporaneous with the surrounding ancient mare basalts. We conclude that extremely young mare basalt eruptions, and resulting modification of lunar thermal evolution models to account for the apparent young ages of the IMPs, are not required. We suggest that other IMP occurrences, both those associated with pit craters atop dikes and those linked to fissure eruptions in the lunar maria, may have had similar ancient origins

    The Science Performance of JWST as Characterized in Commissioning

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    This paper characterizes the actual science performance of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), as determined from the six month commissioning period. We summarize the performance of the spacecraft, telescope, science instruments, and ground system, with an emphasis on differences from pre-launch expectations. Commissioning has made clear that JWST is fully capable of achieving the discoveries for which it was built. Moreover, almost across the board, the science performance of JWST is better than expected; in most cases, JWST will go deeper faster than expected. The telescope and instrument suite have demonstrated the sensitivity, stability, image quality, and spectral range that are necessary to transform our understanding of the cosmos through observations spanning from near-earth asteroids to the most distant galaxies.Comment: 5th version as accepted to PASP; 31 pages, 18 figures; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1538-3873/acb29