4,363 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang-bangun multimedia pembelajaran berbasis game adventure menggunakan metode problem solving pada materi jaringan komputer, mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran jaringan dasar yang dalam pelaksanaannya menerapkan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis game adventure menggunakan metode problem solving, dan mengetahui signifikan besarnya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah menerapkan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis game adventure. Tahapan pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran ini terdiri dari tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan tahap penilaian. Multimedia pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan kemudian diimplementasikan di SMK BPI Bandung dan data yang diolah diperoleh dari tes yang dilakukan oleh siswa setelah menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran. Sementara untuk data penilaian terhadap multimedia menggunakan kuesioner yang dirancang berdasarkan Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) version 1.5 yang ditujukan kepada ahli materi dan ahli media, juga siswa sebagai pengguna aplikasi multimedia tersebut. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa (1) penilaian multimedia oleh ahli media terhadap multimedia pembelajaran berbasis game adventure menggunakan metode problem solving sebesar 89,57%, termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik, penilaian multimedia oleh ahli materi sebesar 85%, termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik, dan penilaian pengguna terhadap multimedia sebesar 97,69% termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik; (2) multimedia dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dilihat dari adanya peningkatan signifikan nilai dengan hasil th (8,81) > tt (2,42), gain sebesar 0,61 yang termasuk kedalam kategori sedang, dan tanggapan siswa terhadap multimedia sebesar 97,74% termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik.;--- This research aims to design Multimedia Learning adventure game based uses a problem solving method for materials computer networking, to know improving student learning outcomes of the course base networking that is in the implementation implement multimedia learning adventure game based uses a problem solving method. Moreover, it is to know how significant size the improving of student learning outcomes after applying the multimedia learning adventure game based. Multimedia development stages of this learning phase consists of the analysis, design, development, implementation and assessment phase. Multimedia learning that has been developed and then implemented in SMK BPI Bandung and the processed data obtained from tests performed by the students after using multimedia learning. As for the assessment data of multimedia used the questionnaire that was designed based on the Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) version 1.5, which is addressed to subject matter experts and media experts, as well as the students as the multimedia application users. From this study, it was found that (1) the assessment of multimedia by media experts to multimedia learning adventure game based uses a problem solving method at 89.57%, included into the excellent category, multimedia votes by subject matter experts of 85%, including into the excellent category, and assessment of users to multimedia by 97,69% included into excellent category; (2) multimedia can improve student learning significant outcomes if it had been seen from any increase in value with a th (8,81) > tt (2,42), gain of 0.61 included into medium category, and reaction of students to multimedia by 97,74% included into excellent category

    How young children’s play is shaped through common iPad applications: a study of 2 and 4–5 year-olds

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    Digital devices such as iPads are prevalent in children’s play from an early age. How this shapes young children’s play is an area of considerable debate without any clear consensus on how different forms of play are brought into the iPad interaction. In this study, we examined 98 play activities of children in two preschool settings, featuring 2 and 4–5-year-olds, their play with iPads and non-digital artefacts. Three analytical approaches were used: an index built on a digital play framework [Bird, Jo, and Susan Edwards. 2015. “Children Learning to Use Technologies Through Play: A Digital Play Framework.” British Journal of Educational Technology 46 (6): 1149–1160. doi:10.1111/bjet.12191 ], a quantitative description of the index, and a qualitative interaction analysis of children’s play. Results show how play with iPads is characterised as less ludic than play with other artefacts, and diverges from the age-typical norms of play. We discuss what these results might mean for children’s play in contemporary early childhood settings and for children’s learning

    Taxonomy and zoogeography of the mesozoic cytherurid ostracoda from West-Central Argentina

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    The status of thirty four species of the cytheroidean ostracod family Cytheruridae from the NeuquĂ©n Basin, west-central Argentina is reviewed. These species belong to the following nine genera: Eucytherura MĂŒller, ranging in this study from Pliensbachian to Valanginian and represented by fourteen species; Kangarina Coryell and Fields, Aalenian-Bajocian, with a single species; Acrocythere Neale, Hauterivian, one species; Paranotacythere Bassiouni, Berriasian, two species; Procytherura Whatley, Pliensbachian to Hauterivian, twelve species; Cytheropteron Sars, Aalenian-Bajocian, one species: Eocytheropteron Alexander, Hauterivian, one species; Paradoxorhyncha Chapman, Aalenian-Bajocian, one species; and Paracytheridea MĂŒller, Berriasian, one species. Of the three subfamilies of the Cytheruridae, the Cytherurinae, with thirty species are by far the most numerous and abundant throughout the study. The other two subfamilies, the Cytheropterinae are represented by three species and the Paracytherideinae by a single species of the nominative genus. Several of the species are very widely distributed geographically and have, for example, also been recorded from Europe; others indicate close links with South Africa and Australia. The stratigraphical ranges of certain genera have been extended as a result of this study. For example, Kangarina has not previously been recorded below the Cretaceous. The Cytheruridae are clearly the most diverse cytheroidean ostracodes in the Mesozoic of the NeuquĂ©n Basin and are more diverse than all other groups of ostracodes combined. Four new species, Eucytherura tessae, Eucytherura yunga, Procytherura amygdala and Eocytheropteron immodicus are described. Eucytherura guillaumeae nom. nov. for Eucytherura tuberculata Brenner and Oertli and Eucytherura paranuda nom. nov. for Eucytherura nuda (Brand) are proposed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Taxonomy and zoogeography of the mesozoic cytherurid ostracoda from West-Central Argentina

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    The status of thirty four species of the cytheroidean ostracod family Cytheruridae from the NeuquĂ©n Basin, west-central Argentina is reviewed. These species belong to the following nine genera: Eucytherura MĂŒller, ranging in this study from Pliensbachian to Valanginian and represented by fourteen species; Kangarina Coryell and Fields, Aalenian-Bajocian, with a single species; Acrocythere Neale, Hauterivian, one species; Paranotacythere Bassiouni, Berriasian, two species; Procytherura Whatley, Pliensbachian to Hauterivian, twelve species; Cytheropteron Sars, Aalenian-Bajocian, one species: Eocytheropteron Alexander, Hauterivian, one species; Paradoxorhyncha Chapman, Aalenian-Bajocian, one species; and Paracytheridea MĂŒller, Berriasian, one species. Of the three subfamilies of the Cytheruridae, the Cytherurinae, with thirty species are by far the most numerous and abundant throughout the study. The other two subfamilies, the Cytheropterinae are represented by three species and the Paracytherideinae by a single species of the nominative genus. Several of the species are very widely distributed geographically and have, for example, also been recorded from Europe; others indicate close links with South Africa and Australia. The stratigraphical ranges of certain genera have been extended as a result of this study. For example, Kangarina has not previously been recorded below the Cretaceous. The Cytheruridae are clearly the most diverse cytheroidean ostracodes in the Mesozoic of the NeuquĂ©n Basin and are more diverse than all other groups of ostracodes combined. Four new species, Eucytherura tessae, Eucytherura yunga, Procytherura amygdala and Eocytheropteron immodicus are described. Eucytherura guillaumeae nom. nov. for Eucytherura tuberculata Brenner and Oertli and Eucytherura paranuda nom. nov. for Eucytherura nuda (Brand) are proposed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Start Making Sense: Predicting confidence in virtual human interactions using biometric signals

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    This is volume 1 of the Measuring Behavior 2020-21 Conference. Volume 2 will follow when the conference takes place in October 2021. www.measuringbehavior.orgPublisher PD

    User-centred design for civil construction: optimising productivity by reducing safety and health risks associated with the operation and maintenance of on-road vehicles and mobile plant.

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    A range of productivity implications, injury and health risks are associated with the operation and maintenance of road construction equipment. Potential unwanted events giving rise to these risks include: slip, trips and falls from ground or at height; performance of hazardous manual tasks; exposure to heat, chemicals and whole body vibration; vehicle roll overs; and collisions. It may be possible to remove or reduce the risk of these events through improved design of the equipment and wider organisational systems. Design analysis techniques and a risk assessment tool (Design OMAT and EDEEP) were applied in the review of an asphalt job truck. Findings have led to preliminary design considerations for improvement and there are implications for organisational system change

    Active Scholarship: Integrating Research and Writing in the Extensible Classroom

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    The proliferation of digital media has created a need for college instructors to cultivate in students the skills required to navigate and participate effectively within an information- and communication-rich environment. In addition, digital technologies open up new opportunities for integrating research-intensive instruction specifically designed to incorporate information literacy into the core curriculum. This panel will discuss a pedagogical experiment in which we created an “eXtensible” classroom that integrated a number of institutional resources. Our team worked with the instructor of record for an upper-division course to develop a support model that encouraged students to engage in “active scholarship.” Beginning with the kinds of projects and desired learning outcomes provided by the instructor, members of the project provided the organizational and technological infrastructure to incorporate customized research workshops, process work, and peer review. , an online learning management system designed to be an extension of the writing and research-intensive classroom, provided a collaborative space where the instructor, other members of the team, and the students could come together as a community of scholars. A Librarian joined the team to assist students in finding and using research sources. She participated as an embedded resource in the collaborative classroom, both virtually and in class, working closely with students to teach new skills and shape their research projects far beyond the one-shot workshop. Finally, students engaged in writing workshops both in peer teams and through specialized instruction led by an composition expert from the Writing Center
