263 research outputs found

    The Teaching Of Reading In The Primary Grades Of The Denver School Of Chester, Texas

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    For the effective administration of a program of educational, personal, and social adjustment, a planned system of records and reports for the diagnosis of personalities and their difficulties is necessary# The organization for guidance of pupils in the newer school systems usually provides for a cumulative case study record for each child from the kindergarten through grade twelve. This developmental history includes records of school achievement, psychological traits, health problems, vocational aptitudes, organization of this material, and provision for its use have been worked out in such a way as to give continuous, easily accessible, and valuable help to the teacher. An attempt is made to begin recording data that will help this matter of educational adjustment in the lily Island Community. It is not enough to know that the child reads poorly or well and pass him on. The power of a child to extract meaning from the printed page depends at many cases on an number of factors. It is very necessary, as this study reveals, to note limitations as found in; Economic background, Out-of-school experiences, Mental maturity. The children in the lowest economic bracket exhibit the limitations mentioned above and constitute the case studies of the dull and retarded groups. Whether time will accentuate this deficit is another problem


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    Stjecanje bez osnove, uz prouzročivanje štete, poslovodstvo bez naloga, javno obećanje nagrade i vrijednosne papire, ubraja se u izvanugovorne obveznopravne odnose. Za nastanak izvanugovornih odnosa nije potrebno sukladno očitovanje volja dviju osoba već oni nastaju na temelju određenih činjenica (radnja, stanja, svojstava) uz koje pravo veže postanak obveznog odnosa. Pod stjecanjem bez osnove podrazumijevamo izvanugovorni obveznopravni odnos na osnovi kojega je stjecatelj obvezan na povrat ili naknadu vrijednosti onog dijela imovine ili imovinske koristi koje je stekao bez pravom priznate osnove odnosno po osnovi koja se nije ostvarila ili je poslije otpala. Opće pretpostavke nastanka ovog izvanugovornog obveznopravnog odnosa jesu: • povećanje imovine na jednoj strani • umanjenje imovine na drugoj strani • kauzalna povezanost između umanjenja i povećanja • nepostojanje odgovarajuće osnove • činidba zbog koje je došlo do promjene u imovini ne bi smjela biti štetna radnja. Tužba kojom se traži povrat stečenog bez osnove naziva se kondikcija. Postoji nekoliko tipičnih slučajeva stjecanja bez osnove, a to su: 1) plaćanje neduga (condictio indebiti) 2) stjecanje s obzirom na osnovu koja se nije ostvarila (condictio causa dana, causa non secuta) 3) stjecanje po osnovi koja je poslije otpala (condictio ob causam finitam) 4) uporaba stvari na tuđu korist 5) uporaba tuđe stvari u svoju korist 6) izdatak za drugog. Stjecatelj je dužan stečeno bez osnove vratiti. Iznimno, ako povrat stečenog bez osnove nije moguć, stjecatelj je dužan naknaditi vrijednost postignute koristi. Uz povrat stečenoga, također se moraju vratiti i plodovi te platiti zatezne kamate, s time da se u obzir pritom uzima savjesnost odnosno nesavjesnost stjecatelja. U odredbama Zakona o obveznim odnosima koje se odnose na zastaru, nije predviđen poseban rok zastare za kondikcijski zahtjev pa se, prema tome, smatra da vrijedi opći rok za zastaru od pet godina od dana stjecanja bez osnove

    Experiences of New Teachers inInclusive Classrooms in BC

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    Current research states the need for special education training for preservice teachers; however, research examining best practice in special education training is limited due to a focus on preservice teachers and a lack of Canadian research. This phenomenologically informed study explores the experiences of new teachers in inclusive classrooms to gain an understanding of the knowledge and experiences these new teachers need so as to inform future teacher training practices. The participants include seven new teachers who teach in inclusive classrooms across British Columbia. Results indicate that due to the student diversity in their inclusive classrooms, these new teachers collaborated with colleagues, parents, and students to meet the academic, social, and behavioural needs of their students. Based on these new teachers’ experiences, initial recommendations are provided for teacher training institutions. Directions for further research are also discussed

    Creating Faculty-Student Interaction

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    Creating a thriving community is a challenge for any honors program or college, especially for a program in transition like the Honors College at Towson University. The Honors College has approximately nine hundred students out of about sixteen thousand undergraduate students, and within the past three years it has undergone major curricular and structural changes. To keep honors students and faculty connected and invested in their honors experience through this transition period, the Honors College has focused on establishing a tighter bond between faculty and students, one that is unique to the college and recognized by the university as a whole

    Static Torsion Testing and Modeling of a Variable Thickness Hybrid Composite Bull Gear

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    Torsional strength of a variable thickness hybrid gear web was measured by performing static testing on the part in a large torsion test frame. The outer rim of the hybrid gear web was fixed to the bottom of the test frame and loading was applied to the web through a shaft. The test setup included the installation of digital image correlation (DIC) systems to obtain deformation and strain measurements from the surfaces of the hybrid gear web and the mechanical test equipment to ensure reliability of the test. The results indicated that the variable thickness hybrid gear web achieved approximately twice the torsional strength compared to that of previous hybrid gear designs. The DIC analysis showed significantly more straining of the loading shaft than the actual test article. Additionally, the results demonstrated the importance and affect that the metallic, lobed interlock features had on the principal strain and out-of-plane displacement fields. The analysis revealed that the fixed outer rim was in fact rotating and a rigid body motion compensation (RBMC) function was computed to determine the actual rotation of the hub and composite web relative to the outer rim. Modeling simulations were performed for the variable thickness hybrid gear web and correlated well with the RBMC rotational deformation seen in the DIC analysis. In addition to benchmarking the load capacity of the hybrid gear web, measuring its strength is useful information to define the parameters needed for dynamic, endurance, and other testing of the part

    Cultural Strategies in M&As: Investigating Ten Case Studies

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    This article discusses and contrasts the cultural fit, cultural potential, communication, direction, and leadership in the success and failures of mergers and acquisitions. The focus of the article is to determine independent variables that influence the success or failure of a merger or acquisition using existing empirical literature, while comparing and contrasting the information found in ten selected case studies of successful and failed M&As. According to one study cited, eighty-three percent of mergers and acquisitions fail to create their intended value. The ten case studies reveal that communication is a necessity, drastically improving the success of a merger, and a cultural assessment of both fit and potential are important factors for providing direction and guidance for necessary decision making and planning initiatives required by management throughout all stages of a merger or acquisition. The challenge for today’s business schools is to struggle with preparing students to be effective contributors at their next position while simultaneously providing the grounding they need for a lifelong career. This is not a unidimensional problem. Only when businesses demand what they need from the B-schools will they most probably get what they have been wishing for. The lessons from the case studies of failed mergers tell much of the story of this disconnect

    Palaeolimnological evidence for an east-west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean since AD 900

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    During the period of instrumental records, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has strongly influenced inter-annual precipitation variations in the western Mediterranean, while some eastern parts of the basin have shown an anti-phase relationship in precipitation and atmospheric pressure. Here we explore how the NAO and other atmospheric circulation modes operated over the longer timescales of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LIA). High-resolution palaeolimnological evidence from opposite ends of the Mediterranean basin, supplemented by other palaeoclimate data, is used to track shifts in regional hydro-climatic conditions. Multiple geochemical, sedimentological, isotopic and palaeoecological proxies from Estanya and Montcortés lakes in northeast Spain and Nar lake in central Turkey have been cross-correlated at decadal time intervals since AD 900. These dryland lakes capture sensitively changes in precipitation/evaporation (P/E) balance by adjustments in water level and salinity, and are especially valuable for reconstructing variability over decadal-centennial timescales. Iberian lakes show lower water levels and higher salinities during the 11th to 13th centuries synchronous with the MCA and generally more humid conditions during the 'LIA' (15th-19th centuries). This pattern is also clearly evident in tree-ring records from Morocco and from marine cores in the western Mediterranean Sea. In the eastern Mediterranean, palaeoclimatic records from Turkey, Greece and the Levant show generally drier hydro-climatic conditions during the LIA and a wetter phase during the MCA. This implies that a bipolar climate see-saw has operated in the Mediterranean for the last 1100. years. However, while western Mediterranean aridity appears consistent with persistent positive NAO state during the MCA, the pattern is less clear in the eastern Mediterranean. Here the strongest evidence for higher winter season precipitation during the MCA comes from central Turkey in the northeastern sector of the Mediterranean basin. This in turn implies that the LIA/MCA hydro-climatic pattern in the Mediterranean was determined by a combination of different climate modes along with major physical geographical controls, and not by NAO forcing alone, or that the character of the NAO and its teleconnections have been non-stationary. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    Human demography changes in Morocco and environmental imprint during the Holocene

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    The aim of this work is to reconstruct the periods of growth and decline of human populations in Morocco and their potential impacts on the landscape over the past 10,000 years. In order to estimate the trends in the human population size between 10,000 and 3000 years ago, we used a summed probability distribution (SPD) of radiocarbon dates from a wide range of archaeological sites throughout Morocco. Landscape changes were identified and quantified from a dataset of fossil pollen records. Different anthropogenic pollen markers, as well as natural vegetation groups and taxonomic richness were used to analyse the relationship between long-term trends in human population expansion or regression and type of impact on the landscape. The sub-regions of Morocco have different topographies and climates, which have either favoured or prevented the establishment and/or spread of human populations. In order to identify the areas most significantly impacted by humans and the timing of such impacts, we have reconstructed and compared the same past anthropogenic and landscape proxies along with the population trends within the lowlands and mountainous areas. The lowlands were more strongly impacted earlier in the Holocene than the mountainous areas. Anthropogenic markers indicate that farming expanded in the lowlands during the first major expansion of human populations between ca. 7200 and 6700 cal. yr BP at the start of the Neolithic period. In the Atlas and Rif Mountains, anthropogenic impact is not clearly detectable in any of these areas before 4000 cal. BP. </jats:p

    A tale of two lakes: a multi-proxy comparison of Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change in Cappadocia, Turkey

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    Individual palaeoenvironmental records represent a combination of regional-scale (e.g. climatic) and site-specific local factors. Here we compare multiple climate proxies from two nearby maar lake records, assuming that common signals are due to regional-scale forcing. A new core sequence from Nar Lake in Turkey is dated by varves and U–Th to the last 13.8 ka. Markedly dry periods during the Lateglacial stadial, at 4.3–3.7 and at 3.2–2.6 ka BP, are associated with peaks in Mg/dolomite, positive δ18O, elevated diatom-inferred electrical conductivity, an absence of laminated sediments and low Quercus/chenopod ratios. Wet phases occurred during the early–mid Holocene and 1.5–0.6 ka BP, characterized by negative δ18O, calcite precipitation, high Ca/Sr ratios, a high percentage of planktonic diatoms, laminated sediments and high Quercus/chenopod ratios. Comparison with the record from nearby Eski Acıgöl shows good overall correspondence for many proxies, especially for δ18O. Differences are related to basin infilling and lake ontogeny at Eski Acıgöl, which consequently fails to register climatic changes during the last 2 ka, and to increased flux of lithogenic elements into Nar Lake during the last 2.6 ka, not primarily climatic in origin. In attempting to separate a regional signal from site-specific ‘noise’, two lakes may therefore be better than one