472 research outputs found

    Depressive symptomatology and its associated factors in an urban cohort of elderly

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    INTRODUCTION: The process of population aging in Brazil has been fast and intense, increasing the prevalence of chronic diseases and psychological and mental problems, mainly depression, which is associated with functional losses of the aged one. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the association between depressive symptomatology and other indicators of functional capacity, and with mortality after 15 years of follow-up, in an urban cohort of elderly. METHODS: 1667 aged (> 65 years-old) residents in Clementino Village in São Paulo city were studied through a multidimensional evaluation of the functional capacity, as well as the death certificate of the deaths occurred between 1991 (beginning of the study) and April of 2006. In univaried analysis we calculated odds ratio and its significance statistics was evaluated by the reliable interval (95%). The logistic regression was used in the multiple analysis. RESULTS: 21,1% of the elderly were depressed in 1991. In univaried analysis the highest ratios of depressed people were found in the feminine sex, aged older than 80 years-old, illiterates, widowers or bachelors, high level of physical dependence, cognitive deficit, users of more medicines and among those who died in the period of 15 years. In multivaried analysis, controlling by sex and age, physical dependence and the users of more medicines are associated to depression. CONCLUSIONS: The worse levels of disability answer, by an expressive way, to the occurrence of depressive symptomatology between the aged ones.OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação, em uma coorte urbana de idosos, entre sintomatologia depressiva e outros indicadores de capacidade funcional com a mortalidade após 15 anos de seguimento. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados os casos de 1.667 idosos (> 65 anos) residentes em Vila Clementino, na cidade de São Paulo, por meio de uma avaliação multidimensional da capacidade funcional e dos atestados de óbito referentes a mortes ocorridas entre 1991 (início do estudo) e abril de 2006. Na análise univariada foram calculadas as razões de chances e sua significância estatística foi avaliada pelo intervalo de confiança (95%). Na análise múltipla foi empregada a regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Entre os idosos estudados, 21,1% eram deprimidos em 1991. Na análise univariada, as maiores proporções de deprimidos foram observadas entre indivíduos do sexo feminino, com mais de 80 anos, analfabetos, viúvos ou solteiros, com alto nível de dependência física e de déficit cognitivo, usuários de mais medicamentos e entre os que morreram no período de seguimento de 15 anos. Na análise múltipla, controlando-se por sexo e idade, a presença de dependência física e o fato de ser usuário de mais medicamentos foram os principais preditores da ocorrência de depressão. CONCLUSÕES: A ocorrência de sintomatologia depressiva parece estar diretamente relacionada aos níveis de incapacidade física observados entre os idosos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Medicina PreventivaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    The Composite Aortic Wall Graft Technique: An Option for a Short Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

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    for a short coronary artery bypass graft. Clinics. 2009;64(8):815-8. SUMMARY: During coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, the saphenous vein is sutured through its proximal segment to the aorta. Intimal hyperplasia is one of the possible causes of graft occlusion. Notably, blood turbulence can induce wall shear stress that may also play an important role in this process. OBJECTIVE: We propose a new technique for performing proximal anastomosis to avoid CABG failure. METHOD: An 80 kg pig was subjected to open heart surgery. Four stitches were placed in the anterior ascending aorta, which formed a 2 cm by 4 cm patch. This patch was isolated through the application of a tangential clamp that was oriented parallel to the axis of the aorta. After releasing the patch, which was held to the aorta through its cranial end pedicle, the rims were sutured to each other creating a conduit with a length of 4 cm and an internal diameter of 4 mm. The rest of the aortotomy was closed by placing a direct suture between its rims. RESULT: This novel technique created an “in situ ” aortic wall graft that was 4 cm long and characterized as being of uniform 4 mm caliber


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    Abstract: The present study compares the climatological normals for periods of 36 and 34 years (interpolated data) and observed precipitation and air temperature data (2015 and 2016) for four weather stations located within the boundaries of the Itacaiúnas River Watershed (IRW), with the historical data from the Marabá station in the eastern Amazon used as control data. Both the interpolated and observed data were validated with the control data. The quantile technique was used to identify annual precipitation intensity thresholds and seasonal periods. A comparison was made with the precipitation and air temperature data to determine the effects of ENSO events during the period from 1980 to 2016. Our results regarding annual variability showed that the Onça Puma station was the rainiest among the subareas studied. The month of March was characterized as the rainiest month, and July was the least rainy for the watershed area. The influence of ENSO events on air temperature occurred in the early years, from 1980 to 2003, and the stronger events had a greater influence on precipitation in the IRW area. The 2015/16 El Niño may have had a more pronounced effect on the rainfall behavior at the Fazenda Abadia and Sossego stations. In the Salobo station (forest area), there was a delay in precipitation curves related to the occurrence of ENSO events, which may be associated with temporal variations in the dynamics of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interactions

    Eficácia e efetividade do UVC para desinfecção de materiais hospitalares de pacientes com COVID-19

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    Background and Objectives: After the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more effective and efficient means were needed to disinfect hospital materials. The objective of our study is to evaluate the in vitro efficacy and the economic effectiveness of type C ultraviolet (UVC) irradiation for disinfection of materials used in the care of COVID-19 patients. Methods. Four bipartite Cled plates were inoculated with suspensions of 10,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains, exposed to two 18W lamps, placed inside a laminar flow and incubated for quantitative growth assessments. The germicidal equipment was built: the “UVC box” was developed with two 18W lamps for use in materials returned to pharmacy and a “UVC closet” with two 60W lamps for surgical gowns exposure. The economic effectiveness was evaluated by comparing inventory costs with quarantine of materials versus UVC usage costs. Results. Microbiological inactivation in the plates started after 4 minutes with an efficiency close to 100% at 8 minutes. The “UVC box” reduced the time to release the material from 9 days to immediately, generating savings of approximately R68,400,andtheUVCclosetchangedtheuseofsurgicalgownsto0.7/patient,comparedtotheusualof1.5,generatingsavingsofnearly3,000reais/month.ThecostofinstallationandmaintenancewasR 68,400, and the “UVC closet” changed the use of surgical gowns to 0.7/patient, compared to the usual of 1.5, generating savings of nearly 3,000 reais/month. The cost of installation and maintenance was R 1,500. Conclusions. The efficacy and effectiveness of the UVC system was proven, as well as the economy promoted by its installation.Justificación y Objetivos. Despuésdelinicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, se necesitaronmedios más efectivos y eficientes para desinfectar losmaterialeshospitalarios. El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluarlaeficacia in vitroy la efectividad económica de la luz ultravioleta tipo C (UVC) para desinfección de materiales utilizados enlaatención al paciente con COVID-19. Métodos. Cuatro placas partidas Cledfueron inoculadas consuspensiones de 10,000 UFC/mL de cepas de EscherichiacoliyStaphylococcusaureus, expuestas a dos lámparas de 18W, colocadas dentro delflujo laminar e incubadas para evaluacionescuantitativas de crecimiento. Se construyóel equipo germicida: una “caja UVC” con dos lámparas de 18W para materiales de farmacia y un “armario UVC” con dos lámparas de 60W para exponerlas batas. La efectividad económica se evaluó comparando loscostos de inventario conlacuarentena de materiales, versus loscostos de uso de UVC. Resultados. La inactivación microbiológica enlas placas se inició a los 4 minutos con una eficienciacercana al 100% a los 8 minutos. La “caja UVC” redujoeltiempo de liberacióndel material de 9 días a una liberacióninmediata, economizando aproximadamente R68.400yelarmarioUVCcambioˊelusodebatasa0,7/paciente,frentealusohabitualde1,5,economizandoaproximadamente3.000reales/mes.ElcostodeinstalacioˊnymantenimientofueR 68.400 y el “armario UVC” cambióel uso de batas a 0,7/paciente, frente al uso habitual de 1,5, economizando aproximadamente 3.000 reales/mes. El costo de instalación y mantenimientofueR1.500. Conclusiones. La efectividad y eficaciadel sistema UVC fuecomprobada, además de los resultados enlaeconomía por suinstalación.Justificativa e Objetivos: Após o início da pandemia de COVID-19, meios mais efetivos e eficazes foram necessários para desinfetar materiais hospitalares. Este trabalho visa avaliar a eficácia in vitro e a efetividade econômica de luz ultravioleta tipo C (UVC) para desinfecção de materiais usados em pacientes com COVID-19. Métodos: Quatro placas bipartidas de Cled foram inoculadas com suspensões de 10.000 ufc/mL de cepas de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus, expostas a duas lâmpadas de 18W, colocadas dentro de um fluxo laminar e incubadas para avaliações quantitativas de crescimento. O equipamento germicida foi construído: uma “caixa UVC” com duas lâmpadas de 18W para materiais da farmácia e um “armário UVC” com duas lâmpadas 60W para exposição de capotes. A efetividade econômica foi avaliada comparando os custos de estoque, com quarentena de materiais versus custos de uso da UVC. Resultados: A inativação microbiológica nas placas se iniciou a partir de 4 minutos, com eficácia próxima a 100% aos 8 minutos. A “caixa de UVC” reduziu o tempo para liberação do material de 9 dias para imediato, gerando uma economia de aproximadamente R68.400,00,eoarmaˊriodeUVCalterouousodecapotespara0,7/paciente,comparadoaousohabitualde1,5,gerandoumaeconomiade3.000reais/me^s.Ocustodeinstalac\ca~oemanutenc\ca~ofoideR 68.400,00, e o “armário de UVC” alterou o uso de capotes para 0,7/paciente, comparado ao uso habitual de 1,5, gerando uma economia de 3.000 reais/mês. O custo de instalação e manutenção foi de R 1.500,00. Conclusão:Foi comprovada a eficácia e efetividade dos sistemas UVC, além da economia promovida por sua instalação

    Estratégias de promoção à saúde para pacientes com diabetes mellitus na atenção primária à saúde: revisão integrativa

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    O Diabetes Mellitus destaca-se como um dos maiores problemas de saúde em todo o mundo, e neste cenário, as estratégias de Promoção da Saúde na Atenção Primária à Saúde são de extrema importância, pois, tem o intuito de promover e transmitir conhecimentos para a população. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as estratégias para a promoção da saúde ao portador de diabetes mellitus na atenção primária á saúde. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura realizada nas bases de dados Lilacs, Medline e SciELO. Foram incluídos nesta revisão 10 artigos completos publicados no período de 2018 a 2022 com acesso gratuito no idioma português e em outros idiomas com tradução disponível.  Identificamos diferentes estratégias de Promoção da Saúde, tais como: Entrevista Semiestruturada, como forma de investigação; Atividades Grupais, como modalidade de cuidado coletivo e amplitude de cobertura enquanto prática de educação em saúde; e Intervenção Individual, colocando o indivíduo como protagonista do processo de cuidado. Todas as iniciativas geraram impactos positivos na saúde dos portadores de Diabetes Mellitus. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que diferentes estratégias de promoção da saúde causam impactos positivos na situação de saúde das pessoas que convivem com o Diabetes Mellitus por meio de mudanças de comportamento

    Viral contamination during sequential phacoemulsification surgeries in an experimental model

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    Purpose: To determine the incidence of Piry virus contamination among surgical instruments used with disposable accessories for phacoemulsification during sequential surgeries. Methods: An experimental model was created with 4 pigs' eyes that were contaminated with Piry virus and 4 pigs' eyes that were not contaminated. Phacoemulsification was performed on the eyes, alternating between the contaminated and non-contaminated eyes. From one surgery to another, the operating fields, gloves, scalpel, tweezers, needles, syringes, tips and bag collector from the phacoemulsification machine were exchanged; only the hand piece and the irrigation and aspiration systems were maintained. Results: In the collector bag, three samples from the contaminated eyes (3/4) were positive, and two samples from the non-contaminated (2/4) eyes were also positive; at the tip, one sample from the contaminated eyes (1/4) and two samples of the noncontaminated eyes (2/4) yielded positive results. In the irrigation system, one sample from a non-contaminated eye (1/4) was positive, and in the aspiration system, two samples from contaminated eyes (2/4) and two samples from non-contaminated eyes (2/4) were positive. In the gloves, the samples were positive in two samples from the non-contaminated eyes (2/4) and in two samples from the contaminated eyes (2/4). In the scalpel samples, three contaminated eyes (3/4) and none of the non-contaminated eyes (0/4) were positive; finally, two samples from the anterior chambers of the non-contaminated eyes gathered after surgery were positive. Conclusions: In two non-contaminated eyes, the presence of genetic material was detected after phacoemulsification surgery, demonstrating that the transmission of the genetic material of the Piry virus occurred at some point during the surgery on these non-contaminated eyes when the hand piece and irrigation and aspiration systems were reused between surgeries

    Is a Genome a Codeword of an Error-Correcting Code?

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    Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first evidence in this direction